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In this paper, we study asymptotic stability properties of risk-sensitive filters with respect to their initial conditions. In particular, we consider a linear time-invariant systems with initial conditions that are not necessarily Gaussian. We show that in the case of Gaussian initial conditions, the optimal risk-sensitive filter asymptotically converges to a suboptimal filter initialized with an incorrect covariance matrix for the initial state vector in the mean square sense provided the incorrect initializing value for the covariance matrix results in a risk-sensitive filter that is asymptotically stable, that is, results in a solution for a Riccati equation that is asymptotically stabilizing. For non-Gaussian initial conditions, we derive the expression for the risk-sensitive filter in terms of a finite number of parameters. Under a boundedness assumption satisfied by the fourth order absolute moment of the initial state variable and a slow growth condition satisfied by a certain Radon-Nikodym derivative, we show that a suboptimal risk-sensitive filter initialized with Gaussian initial conditions asymptotically approaches the optimal risk-sensitive filter for non-Gaussian initial conditions in the mean square sense. Some examples are also given to substantiate our claims.  相似文献   

We investigate the efficiency of inseparability criteria in detecting the entanglement properties of two-mode non-Gaussian states of the electromagnetic field. We focus our study on the relevant class of two-mode squeezed number states. These states combine the entangling capability of two-mode squeezers with the non-Gaussian character (nonclassicality) of number states. They allow for some exact analytical treatments, and include as a particular case the two-mode Gaussian squeezed vacuum. We show that the generalized PPT criterion recently proposed by Shchukin and Vogel, based on higher order statistical moments, is very efficient in detecting the entanglement for this class of non-Gaussian states.  相似文献   

We propose an approach with displaced states that can be used for rotations of coherent states. Our approach is based on representation of arbitrary one-mode pure state in free-travelling fields, in particular superposition of coherent states (SCSs), in terms of displaced number states with arbitrary amplitude of displacement. Optical scheme is developed for construction of displacing Hadamard gate for the coherent states. It is based on alternation of single photon additions and displacement operators (in general case, N-singe photon additions and N ? 1-displacements are required) with seed coherent state to generate both even and odd displaced squeezed SCSs regardless of number of used photon additions. The optical scheme is sensitive to the seed coherent state provided that other parameters of the scheme are invariable. Output states approximate with high fidelity either even squeezed SCS or odd SCS shifted relative each other by some value. It enables to construct local rotations for coherent states, in particular, Hadamard gate being mainframe element for quantum computation with coherent states. The effects deteriorating quality of output states are considered.  相似文献   

《Journal of Process Control》2014,24(9):1425-1443
Two attractive features of Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) are: (1) use of deterministically chosen points (called sigma points), and (2) only a linear dependence of the number of sigma points on the number of states. However, an implicit assumption in UKF is that the prior conditional state probability density and the state and measurement noise densities are Gaussian. To avoid the restrictive Gaussianity assumption, Gaussian Sum-UKF (GS-UKF) has been proposed in literature that approximates all the underlying densities using a sum of Gaussians. However, the number of sigma points required in this approach is significantly higher than in UKF, thereby making GS-UKF computationally intensive. In this work, we propose an alternate approach, labeled Unscented Gaussian Sum Filter (UGSF), for state estimation of nonlinear dynamical systems, corrupted by Gaussian state and measurement noises. Our approach uses a Sum of Gaussians to approximate the non-Gaussian prior density. A key feature of this approximation is that it is based on the same number of sigma points as used in UKF, thereby resulting in similar computational complexity as UKF. We implement the proposed approach on two nonlinear state estimation case studies and demonstrate its utility by comparing its performance with UKF and GS-UKF.  相似文献   

In this work, we present a quantum key distribution protocol using continuous-variable non-Gaussian states, homodyne detection and post-selection. The employed signal states are the photon added then subtracted coherent states (PASCS) in which one photon is added and subsequently one photon is subtracted from the field. We analyze the performance of our protocol, compared with a coherent state-based protocol, for two different attacks that could be carried out by the eavesdropper (Eve). We calculate the secret key rate transmission in a lossy line for a superior channel (beam-splitter) attack, and we show that we may increase the secret key generation rate by using the non-Gaussian PASCS rather than coherent states. We also consider the simultaneous quadrature measurement (intercept-resend) attack, and we show that the efficiency of Eve’s attack is substantially reduced if PASCS are used as signal states.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the problem of risk-sensitive filtering for continuous-time stochastic linear Gaussian time-invariant systems. In particular, we address the problem of forgetting of initial conditions. Our results show that suboptimal risk-sensitive filters initialized with arbitrary Gaussian initial conditions asymptotically approach the optimal risk-sensitive filter for a linear Gaussian system with Gaussian but unknown initial conditions in the mean square sense at an exponential rate, provided the arbitrary initial covariance matrix results in a stabilizing solution of the (H-like) Riccati equation associated with the risk-sensitive problem. More importantly, in the case of non-Gaussian initial conditions, a suboptimal risk-sensitive filter asymptotically approaches the optimal risk-sensitive filter in the mean square sense under a boundedness condition satisfied by the fourth order absolute moment of the initial non-Gaussian density and a slow growth condition satisfied by a certain Radon–Nikodym derivative.  相似文献   

基于非Gaussian噪声线性定常控制系统,通过控制滤波器输出残差或状态估计误差的条件概率密度函数形状来建立有效的滤波设计算法,创建滤波器输出残差或状态估计误差的条件概率密度函数的统一表现形式。利用复合概率密度函数的关系对残差或状态估计误差的条件概率密度函数的近似来实现非高斯残差的高斯化或相应的熵最小化。  相似文献   

In this survey, we present single-photon states of electromagnetic fields, discuss discrete measurements of a single-photon field, show how a linear quantum system responds to a single-photon input, investigate how a coherent feedback network can be used to manipulate the temporal pulse shape of a single-photon state, present single-photon filter and master equations, and finally discuss the generation of Schr?dinger cat states by means of photon addition and subtraction.  相似文献   

Simulation smoothing involves drawing state variables (or innovations) in discrete time state-space models from their conditional distribution given parameters and observations. Gaussian simulation smoothing is of particular interest, not only for the direct analysis of Gaussian linear models, but also for the indirect analysis of more general models. Several methods for Gaussian simulation smoothing exist, most of which are based on the Kalman filter. Since states in Gaussian linear state-space models are Gaussian Markov random fields, it is also possible to apply the Cholesky Factor Algorithm (CFA) to draw states. This algorithm takes advantage of the band diagonal structure of the Hessian matrix of the log density to make efficient draws. We show how to exploit the special structure of state-space models to draw latent states even more efficiently. We analyse the computational efficiency of Kalman-filter-based methods, the CFA, and our new method using counts of operations and computational experiments. We show that for many important cases, our method is most efficient. Gains are particularly large for cases where the dimension of observed variables is large or where one makes repeated draws of states for the same parameter values. We apply our method to a multivariate Poisson model with time-varying intensities, which we use to analyse financial market transaction count data.  相似文献   

The Kalman filter algorithm gives an analytical expression for the point estimates of the state estimates, which is the mean of their posterior distribution. Conventional Bayesian state estimators have been developed under the assumption that the mean of the posterior of the states is the ‘best estimate’. While this may hold true in cases where the posterior can be adequately approximated as a Gaussian distribution, in general it may not hold true when the posterior is non-Gaussian. The posterior distribution, however, contains far more information about the states, regardless of its Gaussian or non-Gaussian nature. In this study, the information contained in the posterior distribution is explored and extracted to come up with meaningful estimates of the states. The need for combining Bayesian state estimation with extracting information from the distribution is demonstrated in this work.  相似文献   

We introduce transformation matrix connecting sets of the displaced states with different displacement amplitudes. Arbitrary pure one-mode state can be represented in new basis of the displaced number (Fock) states (\(\alpha \)-representation) by multiplying the transposed transformation matrix on a column vector of initial state. Analytical expressions of the \(\alpha \)-representation of superposition of vacuum and single photon and two-mode squeezed vacuum are obtained. On the basis of the developed mathematical formalism, we consider the mechanism of interaction between qubits which is based on their displaced properties. Superposed coherent states deterministically displace target state on equal modulo but opposite on sign values. Registration of the single photon in auxiliary mode (probabilistic operation) results in constructive interference and gives birth to entangled hybrid state corresponding to outcome of elementary quantum gates. The method requires minimal number of resource and works in realistic scenario.  相似文献   

A separable input state consisting of an $n$ -photon Fock state and a coherent state propagating through coupled waveguides is investigated in detail. We obtained the analytical solutions for the state vector evolution, the wavefunction or probability distribution in the quadrature space and the $P$ -function in the phase space. It is proved that the propagating states may evolve into quantum vortex states even for coupled lossy waveguides by appropriately selecting the propagation time. Based on the analytical $P$ -function in phase space and the relative linear entropy for the propagating state, it is found that the propagating state may be entangled and non-classical. Specially, in absence of loss, the degree of entanglement only depends on the photon number $n$ of the input Fock state but is independent of the displacement parameter $\alpha $ associated with the input coherent state. Moreover, for coupled lossy waveguides the entanglement evolution can exhibit new features.  相似文献   

We consider a controlled quantum system whose finite dimensional state is governed by a discrete-time nonlinear Markov process. In open-loop, the measurements are assumed to be quantum non-demolition (QND). The eigenstates of the measured observable are thus the open-loop stationary states: they are used to construct a closed-loop supermartingale playing the role of a strict control Lyapunov function. The parameters of this supermartingale are calculated by inverting a Metzler matrix that characterizes the impact of the control input on the Kraus operators defining the Markov process. The resulting state feedback scheme, taking into account a known constant delay, provides the almost sure convergence to the target state. This convergence is ensured even in the case where the filter equation results from imperfect measurements corrupted by random errors with conditional probabilities given as a left stochastic matrix. Closed-loop simulations corroborated by experimental data illustrate the interest of such nonlinear feedback scheme for the photon box, a cavity quantum electrodynamics system.  相似文献   

Experimental data is subject to uncertainty as every measurement apparatus is inaccurate at some level. However, the design of most computer vision and pattern recognition techniques (e.g., Hough transform) overlooks this fact and treats intensities, locations and directions as precise values. In order to take imprecisions into account, entries are often resampled to create input datasets where the uncertainty of each original entry is characterized by as many exact elements as necessary. Clear disadvantages of the sampling-based approach are the natural processing penalty imposed by a larger dataset and the difficulty of estimating the minimum number of required samples. We present an improved voting scheme for the General Framework for Subspace Detection (hence to its particular case: the Hough transform) that allows processing both exact and uncertain data. Our approach is based on an analytical derivation of the propagation of Gaussian uncertainty from the input data into the distribution of votes in an auxiliary parameter space. In this parameter space, the uncertainty is also described by Gaussian distributions. In turn, the votes are mapped to the actual parameter space as non-Gaussian distributions. Our results show that resulting accumulators have smoother distributions of votes and are in accordance with the ones obtained using the conventional sampling process, thus safely replacing them with significant performance gains.  相似文献   

The quantum Fisher information for a two-mode, Gaussian product state in an interferometer subject to photon loss is studied. We obtain the quantum Cramer–Rao bound on the achievable precision in phase estimation using such states. The scaling of the measurement precision with the mean photon number is compared to the shot noise-limited scaling for dual squeezed vacuum states and dual squeezed, displaced vacuum states.  相似文献   

We derive the realignment entanglement criterion for non-Gaussian states prepared by two mode symmetric Gaussian states undergoing phase damping. The entanglement detecting ability is compared with that of second moment criterion and Fock space criterion of positive partial transpose. New non-Gaussian entangled states are detected.  相似文献   

Markov states have been defined for tripartite quantum systems. In this paper, we generalize the definition of the Markov states to arbitrary multipartite case and find the general structure of an important subset of them, which we will call strong Markov states. In addition, we focus on an important property of the Markov states: If the initial state of the whole system–environment is a Markov state, then each localized dynamics of the whole system–environment reduces to a localized subdynamics of the system. This provides us a necessary condition for entanglement revival in an open quantum system: Entanglement revival can occur only when the system–environment state is not a Markov state. To illustrate (a part of) our results, we consider the case that the environment is modeled as classical. In this case, though the correlation between the system and the environment remains classical during the evolution, the change of the state of the system–environment, from its initial Markov state to a state which is not a Markov one, leads to the entanglement revival in the system. This shows that the non-Markovianity of a state is not equivalent to the existence of non-classical correlation in it, in general.  相似文献   

全球卫星导航系统(Global navigation satellite system, GNSS)信号的多径估计问题实际上是条件线性状态空间模型下的状态估计问题. 根据高斯和理论提出了适用于非高斯噪声环境的扩展切片高斯混合滤波(Extension of sliced Gaussian mixture filter, ESGMF)算法. 该算法将非高斯噪声的状态概率密度函数(Probability density function, PDF)表示为高斯和的形式,将ESGMF通过一组并行的切片高斯混合滤波器(Sliced Gaussian mixture filter, SGMF)来实现.同时, 在ESGMF算法中利用粒子滤波(Particle filter, PF)中重采样的思想对成指数增加的状态预测PDF的高斯混合个体进行约简, 以提高贝叶斯推理的效率.该算法可以获得非高斯噪声下状态PDF的迭代解析表达式. 最后, 将ESGMF应用于GPS多径参数估计, 仿真结果表明, ESGMF算法的估计精度优于基于PF和扩展卡尔曼滤波(Extended Kalman filter, EKF)的算法.  相似文献   

Whereas optimal prediction of Gaussian sequences requires the employment of a linear filter with consistently identifiable parameters and with Gaussian white noise input, the optimal predictor of non-Gaussian sequences is n nonlinear filter, having an independent noise input. Since the latter cannot be identified directly without prior knowledge of the non-linearity, the optimal linear predictor is usually identified where a non-Gaussian white noise input is considered and which is fully optimal only when that input turns out to be independent in all moments. However, if the non-Gaussian sequence is the outcome of a Gaussian sequence passed through a zero memory non-linearity or through non-linear measurement elements, a transformation of the non-Gaussian sequence into a Gaussian one is possible, such that optimal non-linear prediction may be approximated to any required degree, as is shown by the analysis of the present work. Furthermore, the parameters of that predictor may be consistently identified in the absence of any parameter information.  相似文献   

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