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研究铝冷轧乳化液润滑性能,分析水基乳化液体积分数对黏度、钢铝之间的摩擦因数、冷轧铝表面质量、成膜能力的影响。结果表明:乳化液体积分数较低时摩擦因数不稳定,表面黏铝严重;乳化液体积分数越高,黏度越大,膜厚越大;摩擦副相对速度达到某个临界值后,乳化液形成的膜厚随着时间而减小,在低速条件下,冷轧铝润滑与离水展着性有关;冷轧铝板上下表面质量的差异是由于供油方式不同,导致油吸附在摩擦副上的量不同,成膜能力不同,因此上、下表面质量不同。  相似文献   

选用合适的基础油与油性剂、抗氧剂、极压抗磨剂和防锈剂等功能添加剂,利用亲油亲水平衡体系调节乳化油的乳化状态制备不同颗粒度分布的冷轧乳化液; 通过MS-10A杠杆式摩擦试验机考察颗粒度与乳化液极压、抗磨性能的关系; 借助实验用四辊可逆冷轧机组,对比分析不同颗粒度分布的乳化液润滑下轧后的板面质量。实验结果表明,乳化液的颗粒度分布与其稳定性和润滑性能存在一定的对应关系;在一定体积平均粒径范围内,随着颗粒度的增大有利于提高乳化液的抗磨减摩性能,改善冷轧成品板面质量。  相似文献   

冷轧钢板轧制乳化液的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了用于冷轧钢板轧制的水基型轧制液的性能要求,根据使用要求制定了产品的性能指标,并讨论了各种性能指标的测试方法.通过对基础油和添加剂进行选择和复配,研制出一种具有优异的抗磨、抗泡、防锈和防腐蚀性能的水基型轧制液.该轧制液由精制矿物油与表面活性剂、抗磨剂、油性剂、抗氧剂和防锈防腐剂等添加剂调和而成,在钢板轧制过程中能起到冷却、润滑和清洗作用,与目前国内使用最多的荷兰奎克公司N428和N460等系列产品水平相当.  相似文献   

应用CFD工具FLUENT建立冷轧过程乳化液内部压强及轧板所受压力求解分析模型,计算分析冷轧过程乳化液进口速度对乳化液内部压强及轧板所受压力的影响。模拟结果表明,乳化液内部压强随着乳化液进口速度的加大而增加,轧板所受压力也随之增加。通过对比生产现场的轧制力数据,得到乳化液的最优进口速度。通过分析不同油水混合比例乳化液的离水展着性,得到最优的油水混合比例,使得冷轧润滑效果最好,进而实现最优的板面质量。  相似文献   

介绍铝板带热轧制乳化液的特性和作用。  相似文献   

本文论述了铝冷轧油基础的主要性能和组成,还论述了常用基础油的类型特点及其适用范围。  相似文献   

为研究冷轧铝工作区的混合润滑特性,基于平均流量理论建立考虑表面粗糙度的冷轧铝工作区混合润滑模型,并通过相关文献的数据验证模型的正确性.在不同轧制速度、润滑油黏度以及前后张应力条件下对整个工作区内的润滑特性进行分析,研究轧制工艺参数对油膜厚度、接触面积比以及应力分布的影响.仿真结果表明:随着轧制速度的提高,轧制压力有一定...  相似文献   

在水基金属加工液中,乳化液结合了油基的润滑性和水溶液冷却性的特点,是目前用量最大且较为理想的金属加工液。微乳液、合成液虽然有使用寿命长、清洗性好等特点,但由于其不含或含少量的油,不能形成很好的油膜,故润滑性能较差。而且实践证明,在提高工件表面光洁度及保护刀具等方面,乳化液性能均较微乳液、合成液高,这些特点正是乳化液大量使用的原因。但是,乳化液使用寿命较短,一方面跟本身体系及配方中对原材料的选用有关,另一方  相似文献   

采用四球摩擦试验机分别考察亚磷酸二正丁酯(T304)、磷酸三甲酚酯(T306)和硫代磷酸三苯酯(T309)3种磷系极压剂在基础油中的摩擦学性能,通过铜板带冷轧制实验研究其在乳化液中的润滑作用效果。结果表明,3种含磷添加剂均使基础油的摩擦学性能得到一定程度地提高,其中T304具有优异的承载能力和抗磨减摩性能,其最佳添加量为0.5%~1.5%(质量分数),T306和T309效果较差,且限于中高或中低载荷下工作;T304较T306和T309具有更优异的润滑性能,在轧制过程中有效改善轧制过程特征参数和提高轧件质量,可作为铜板带轧制液高性能的极压抗磨剂。  相似文献   

介绍乳化液在冷带钢轧制中的工作机理,分析乳化液中的添加剂在冷轧过程中所起到的作用,探讨乳化液主要理化指标与冷轧带钢产品质量间的关系,指出通过调整乳化液理化指标来保证冷轧带钢产品质量的具体方法。  相似文献   

Reich, et al. ( 1 Reich, R., Panseri, N. and Bohaychich, J. 2001. “The Effects of Lubricant Starvation in Cold Rolling of Aluminum Metal When Using on Oil-in-Water Emulsion,”. Lubrication Engineering, 57: 1518.  [Google Scholar] ) reported that the rolling force for the cold rolling of aluminum increased when starvation occurred in the oil-in-water (O/W) emulsion used as the rolling fluid. They reported that the starvation occurrence was dependent on the emulsion concentration and the size of the oil droplets, but the thickness of a starved lubricant film was independent of the rolling speed. However, from their experimental results, the cause of the increase of the rolling force and the quantitative inlet oil film thickness at the entrance between the roll and the workpiece for the O/W emulsions cannot be understood. In this study, the aluminum rolling experiments using O/W emulsions with different concentrations were carried out in order to reproduce the increase of the rolling force. Experiments were carried out using a laboratory mill with two high rolls. The workpiece material was an aluminum A1050-H. Commercial rolling oil was used as base oil for the aluminum emulsion. The rolling force was measured during the rolling and the appearance of the workpiece after rolling was taken. Moreover, the effect of the surface roughness of the rolls on the increase of the rolling force was investigated. The increase of the rolling force was reproduced in the aluminum rolling with the O/W emulsion using the laboratory rolling mill. It was observed that the increase of the rolling force occurred after the oil starvation, and it depended on the oil starvation, the oil film thickness, the surface roughness of the roll, the rolling speed, and the reduction in thickness.  相似文献   

通过计算分析与轧制实验,探讨了名材冷轧变形区油膜形成机理及影响因素结果表明:流劝动力学成膜机理主要依赖于润滑剂粘度和轧制速度,特别是润滑剂粘度较氏时,轧制速度必须达到一定值,否则无法形成有效的油膜,而机械夹带作为低粘,低速条件下变形区主要成膜机理,其膜厚度依赖于轧辊与轧件粗糙度和夹带系数m,0.1〈m〈0.5,且随润滑剂粘度提高而增大。  相似文献   

The manufacturing of stainless steel with higher brightness is improved using emulsion oil. However, in cold rolling of stainless steel with emulsion oil, it is well known that the surface brightness irregularity on the sheet surface after rolling occurs when the rolling speed is higher. It is estimated from the experimental results that the cause of the surface brightness irregularity is due to the degree of starvation in the emulsion rolling. The rolling experiments of the stainless steel with oil-in-water emulsion were carried out at various rolling speeds. The inlet oil film thickness was estimated using the evaluating system. In cold sheet rolling of stainless steel with emulsion oil, the surface brightness irregularity occurred at a rolling speed of 0.6 m/s with emulsion concentrations of 3, 5, and 10%. The experimental results showed that the surface brightness irregularity at cold coil rolling with emulsion of stainless steel occurred under a degree of starvation value of 0.16.  相似文献   

本文介绍了所研制的高洁净性冷轧硅钢用高洁净性轧制油的配方,理化性能及工业试验的结果。  相似文献   

How hydrodynamic and boundary lubrication affect a lubricant's film strength when cold rolling aluminum was studied using a laboratory mill. The film strength of the lubricant was determined by increasing the amount of reduction until a rapid rise in load and temperature produced a herringbone pattern on the surface of the metal. The hydrodynamic lubrication was changed by increasing the viscosity of the base oil or by increasing the rolling speed. The boundary lubrication was changed by increasing the concentration of the additives or by changing the type of additives. The results of the test showed that either increasing the amount of the hydrodynamic lubrication or increasing the amount of the boundary lubrication were effective ways to increase the film strength of the lubricant; however, the effectiveness of each decreased as the calculated film thickness of the lubricant increased. It is proposed that this can be explained by the decrease in contact area between the work roll asperities and the surface of the sheet as the thickness of the lubricant film increases.  相似文献   

钢板轧制润滑剂   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍了钢板轧制油的作用和西方离轧制油的润滑机理,评述了国产轧制油存在的主要问题,提出了研制和开发新型轧制油的看法与建议。  相似文献   

小模数渐开线花键冷滚轧技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
详细阐述了滚轧工艺的选择、同步调整和滚轧设计等三要素。  相似文献   

冷辗扩技术在新时期的发展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
随着现代工业技术水平的不断提高,对无缝环件的性能要求越来越高,特别是满足各种使用要求的高性能轴承的需求,其中冷辗扩技术就是制造高质量无缝环件的先进制造技术之一,但还存在许多问题,文章对国内外冷辗扩技术的研究开发情况作了总体概述。  相似文献   

本文通过实验测定了HCR水系金属冷冲压润滑剂的各项性能参数,并详细论述了该助剂的各项性能,实验结果表明该助剂具有良好的油膜强度和摩擦系数,具有润滑、同油漆系合、对焊接无任何影响等综合性能。  相似文献   

高效率、高可靠性的通讯对冷连轧过程控制系统至关重要。为此,自主研发了分布式进程通讯系统,采用进程通讯中间件解决进程间通讯问题,同时基于TCP/IP公共协议采用Socket通讯,实现各子系统之间的通讯,并在Windows操作系统环境下成功地搭建了分布式进程通讯网络。该通讯设计能够完成各进程模块的实时通讯、支持分布式部署、保证容错性和健壮性、便于扩展功能的实现,目前已成功应用于1750mm冷连轧过程控制系统中且运行稳定。仿真实验表明,该通讯设计能有效地降低网络的丢包率。实践证明,该系统性能优越、可靠性强且简单易用,完全满足了现场过程控制系统的动态数据交互需求,适合于工业生产实践。  相似文献   

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