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An integral model of a nonstationary vertical convective jet is suggested that involves a universal equation of the propagation of the upper boundary of a convective front depending on the power of the point heat source. A class of selfsimilar solutions is considered; they correspond to the heat sources whose power changes instantly and also according to the power and exponential laws. Analytical and numerical solutions of the selfsimilar equations are constructed. Numerical calculations are compared with the wellknown experimental data on the profiles of the vertical velocity and temperature on the jet axis.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation of the process of selfpropagating hightemperature synthesis in twodimensional systems, the physical prototypes of which are thin films, has been performed. The emphasis has been on consideration of the heterogeneity of the system and randomness in the spatial arrangement of its different components. It has been found that taking into account the randomness factor, all other things being the same, leads to a substantial change in the basic characteristics of both the combustion process (for example, of the wave velocity) and the end product of synthesis. It has been demonstrated that, first, the critical level of external heat loss decreases significantly as compared to the case of a uniform distribution of the reagents and, second, this characteristic undergoes an abrupt increase in the vicinity of the reagent concentration corresponding to the percolation threshold for the lattice used in simulation. A qualitative comparison of the simulation results with experimental works has been carried out.  相似文献   


A method is presented whereby the electric and magnetic fields within a rectangular coaxial transmission line (TEM cell) can easily be obtained. The analysis is based on the variational technique in the space domain combined with the Green's function method. Numerical data are presented for the characteristic impedance and for the field distributions within the cell. The results calculated by the present method are found to be in good agreement with those in open literature.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation of the vortex structure of threedimensional laminar flow in a rectangular trench of square cross section has been carried out on the basis of the finitevolume solution of steadystate Navier–Stokes equations.  相似文献   

The shape memory effect of crystallizing polymer materials is simulated. The polymer is considered to be an inhomogeneous medium with a moving boundary (temperaturedependent phase composition). Using a model based on the frozen strain hypothesis, the temperature dependences of stresses under isometric heating and cooling have been obtained. On the basis of the known data on the influence of irradiation on the thermomechanical characteristics the dependences of thermorelaxation and thermoshrinkage stresses on the absorbed dose for highdensity polyethylene have been found.  相似文献   

A model of a random field of the momenta of impact forces acting on a plane surface treated with a waterdrop jet has been developed. Based on the calculation and experimental data, it is shown that the action of individual drops is statistically independent in time and coordinates.  相似文献   


A computation algorithm for the techno‐economic evaluation and sensitivity analysis of an air‐preheated energy recovery system is presented. Through the study, we find that different equipment designs of the same project affect the benefit of the recovery system remarkably. It is therefore necessary to consider technical and economic factors simultaneously to obtain a reasonable evaluation result for an energy recovery project. The sensitivity study shows that the annual operating hours is the primary factor in the profitability of an energy recovery system; thus, the reliability of the recovery system should be considered as the investment decision is made. In brief, this article offers the concepts of economic optimization for an energy recovery system.  相似文献   


In this paper, we present a news‐on‐demand system that consists of 1) a news database, 2) a news search engine, and 3) a news editor. All multimedia data are stored in the news database. Through the system, readers not only can browse multimedia news in the database, but also can query the relevant news with a specified predicate. Also, to help journalists to edit their electronic news, we also design the news editor. It helps journalists to edit their news homepages, even if they are not experts in HTML programming.  相似文献   


The seismic behavior of lifeline systems is predominately controlled by the ground displacement/strain characteristics. This study investigates the wave propagation effect and the ground displacements and ground strains from the latest strong‐motion array data recorded at the Public Work Research Institute (PWRI) of Japan by using finite element method. Usually, the buried pipeline almost moves with the surrounding soil during seismic shaking. In this respect, the investigation of ground displacement characteristics can be used for further application to seismic design of buried pipelines.  相似文献   

Results of an experimental investigation of highfrequency acoustic excitation of turbulent jets for different intensities of the acoustic field are presented. It is shown that upon reaching a certain limiting level of excitation at high frequencies, the sign of the effect changes, i.e., at this level, highfrequency excitation leads to generation of turbulence in the jet rather than its suppression. Hence it follows that the highfrequency acoustic effect that suppresses turbulence is most efficient within an optimum range of frequencies and at an optimum level of excitation.  相似文献   


The circuitry was constructed by standard commercial 0.35 μm CMOS fabrication processes and consists of a low noise amplifier (LNA) and a low voltage mixer that down‐converts S band RF signals into the IF band. The LNA is designed with the consideration of non‐quasi‐static channel resistance to accomplish the input matching both for gain and noise. A single‐ended Gilbert cell mixer is designed with LC tanks in order to achieve a low voltage scheme. Then the inter‐stage matching between the LNA and the mixer was accomplished by using a single integrated capacitor to save chip area.  相似文献   


Conventional set‐associative caches, with higher associativity, provide lower miss rates. However, they suffer from longer hit access time and larger energy dissipation. Based on the consideration of different program localities, programs should have their own appropriate associativity of caches. In this paper, we propose a set‐associative cache that can provide flexibilities to adjust its associativity according to different program behaviors, which means that the proposed cache scheme can be adjusted from an n‐way set‐associative cache to a direct‐mapped cache. By use of this cache architecture, power consumption can be lowered when an n‐way set‐associative cache configures the cache with lower associativity (less than n) due to only enabling fewer subarrays of the tag memory and data memory. However, the performance is still maintained at the same level as in a conventional set‐associative cache or direct‐mapped cache. Adjustable‐way set‐associative caches can also be applied to multiprocessor systems to reduce the average, overall system, energy dissipation.  相似文献   

The effect of decrease in the temperature of an absorbing gas in a volume occupied by the beam of a continuously operated laser with decrease in the beam diameter has been investigated experimentally for the case of constant radiation power. Based on theoretical evaluations it has been inferred that the intensification of photoabsorption convection is the reason for the temperature decrease. It has been shown that an optimum diameter of the beam exists for which (for a given radiation power) the temperature of the absorbing gas attains its maximum (accordingly the maximum is attained by the yield of the reaction of thermal decomposition of the gas in the case of its pyrolysis). When the diameter is optimum the heat loss from the beam volume by heat conduction is equal to the heat loss by photoabsorption convection. It has been inferred that in constructing an adequate theoretical model of laserinduced chemical vapor deposition it is necessary to take into account the convection.  相似文献   

The results of the calculation of temperature by the finitedifference method can be verified and the value of the remaining error can be estimated by the conjugate problem with a moderate expenditure of computer resources.  相似文献   


Developed at National Chiao Tung University, TAIWAN iTS‐1 is the first smart car with active safety systems and comfortable autonomous driving in Taiwan. An adaptive vision‐based lane detection algorithm was proposed to help the lateral control unit to keep the car in its lane safely. It also carries a DSP system to generate warning signals for unintentional roadway departures. A laser radar measures the distance between the preceding car and TAIWAN iTS‐1. With this information, the longitudinal control unit performs intelligent cruise control and stop‐and‐go functions. The remote control function is realized on TAIWAN iTS‐1 for safety testing and military applications. Unlike most smart car studies, this paper considers not only driving safety demands but also non‐driving security. An active mobile surveillance system will inform the car owner when the car is illegally broken into, anytime and anywhere. For drivers and passengers, the perception of comfort is achieved by intelligent vehicle dynamic control. All functions integrated into TAIWAN iTS‐1 have been tested repeatedly on National Highway 3 and Expressway 68 in the Hsinchu area and the system's robustness has been successfully demonstrated in these real‐road experiments.  相似文献   

A study is made of the influence of the internal heat source on the factors of intensity of the stresses at the tip of an arbitrarily oriented edge cut in a homogeneous halfplane.  相似文献   

Nonlinear phenomena in thermophysical and chemicaltechnology processes are considered in the context of nonlinearity, instability, nonuniqueness, nonstationarity, and irreversibility. The perturbation frequency (phase)toamplitude ratio is the governing parameter of the nonlinear interaction of perturbations that are described by the proposed general nonlinear parabolic equation. The nonlinearity of this ratio characterizes turbulence, while its linearity characterizes selforganization. It is shown that chaotic conditions can be selforganized under the action of white noise, which favors the system getting into the domain of attraction of a stable node. The mechanism of the occurrence of turbulence is substantiated.  相似文献   

We consider the possibility of enhancement of a magnetic field created in a conducting medium on penetration into it of a highvelocity striker moving across the magneticinduction lines. For the case of a perfectly conducting target, an estimate is obtained for the rate of increase of the field intensity in the region of contact with the head part of the striker. A dimensionless parameter is introduced that characterizes the relationship between the rates of generation and diffusion of the field on penetration into a material of finite conductivity. Based on a model that takes into account the force action of a compressed field, the special features of the flow that arises on penetration of a highvelocity cumulative jet into a perfectly conducting target with a transverse magnetic field are analyzed.  相似文献   

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