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利用D-H法建立坐标系、Matlab软件求解正逆方程和插值法处理关节变量来研究服务机器人手臂5个关节空间的轨迹规划问题,实验表明,这种轨迹规划方法是准确和可行的。通过对该方法分析,指出其实现轨迹规划的一般步骤和优缺点,最后展望该轨迹规划法的研究发展方向。  相似文献   

针对机械臂在教学实验方面的应用相对欠缺这个问题,介绍了一种实验用多自由度机械臂计算机控制系统。系统由上下位机两级组成,下位机实现关节电机伺服控制、机械臂运行参数自动检测及与上位机的通信。上位机通过视频图像识别技术来规划运动路径,下传命令至下位机,实现自动循迹、工作状态实时显示、指定颜色或形状物体自动抓取等功能。实验结果表明,该系统达到了预期功能。  相似文献   

为妥善解决智能制造机器人系统工作效率低、协作能力差的问题,提出基于一主多从的多手臂自适应协同控制方法。通过分析多臂机器人系统结构明确运动关节、驱动关节及姿态调节装置间的关系,并在惯性坐标系中获取机器人系统线动量和角动量,从而构建雅可比矩阵多手臂运动学方程式。基于此,引入分布式理念简化机器人系统通信链路的冗余性,通过一主多从技术构建多手臂自适应协同控制器,实现其在工业制造中的灵活运用。实验表明:在不同工业制造流程中,应用本文方法后,多臂机器人能够精准完成多条手臂协同抓取工作,证明该方法可以为智能制造的进一步发展提供理论指导。  相似文献   

To precisely implement the force control of robot manipulators in an unknown environment, a control strategy based on fuzzy prediction of the reference trajectory in the impedance model is developed. The force tracking experiments are executed in an open-architecture control system with different tracking velocities, different desired forces, different contact stiffnesses and different surface figurations. The corresponding force control results are compared and analyzed. The influences of unknown parameters of the environment on the contact force are analyzed based on experimental data, and the tunings of predictive scale factors are illustrated. The experimental results show that the desired trajectory in the impedance model is predicted exactly and rapidly in the cases that the contact surface is unknown, the contact stiffness changes, and the fuzzy force control algorithm has high adaptability to the unknown environment. Translated from Journal of Northeastern University (Natural Science), 2005, 26(8): 766–769 [译自: 东北大学学报 (自然科学版)]  相似文献   

为了降低服务机器人的开发周期与成本,基于模块化设计方法,对服务机器人的机械结构进行了模块化划分,并对传动结构布局、传动实现、身体稳固性、模块化结构设计等内容进行了详细阐述。样机组装及实验结果表明,基于模块化设计方法的服务机器人产品开发周期短,其性能达到了设计要求。  相似文献   

分析了仿壁虎机器人机构,建立机器人单腿的运动学模型,并通过代数法求逆解.静态标定三维力传感器并计算分析了传感器解耦矩阵,设计了力信号放大和滤波电路.建立足端黏附材料的弹簧模型,采用增量式关节运动方式,设计了足端三维力反馈控制算法.在Quanser的半实物仿真平台上验证了三维力反馈控制算法.实验表明仿壁虎机器人对足端三维力控制性能良好,三维力反馈控制算法可行,为具有力感知的仿壁虎机器人实现爬壁运动奠定了实验基础.  相似文献   

Most of the existing screw drive in-pipe robots cannot actively adjust the maximum traction capacity, which limits the adaptability to the wide range of variable environment resistance, especially in curved pipes. In order to solve this problem, a screw drive in-pipe robot based on adaptive linkage mechanism is proposed. The differential property of the adaptive linkage mechanism allows the robot to move without motion interference in the straight and varied curved pipes by adjusting inclining angles of rollers self-adaptively. The maximum traction capacity of the robot can be changed by actively adjusting the inclining angles of rollers. In order to improve the adaptability to the variable resistance, a torque control method based on the fuzzy controller is proposed. For the variable environment resistance, the proposed control method can not only ensure enough traction force, but also limit the output torque in a feasible region. In the simulations, the robot with the proposed control method is compared to the robot with fixed inclining angles of rollers. The results show that the combination of the torque control method and the proposed robot achieves the better adaptability to the variable resistance in the straight and curved pipes.  相似文献   

In this paper, a compliance control strategy for robot manipulators that employs a self-adjusting stiffness function is proposed. Based on the contact force, each entry of the diagonal stiffness matrix corresponding to a task coordinate in the operational space is adaptively adjusted during contact along the corresponding axis. The proposed method can be used for both the unconstrained and constrained motions without any switching mechanism which often causes undesirable instability and/or vibrational motion of the end-effector. The experimental results involving a two-link direct drive manipulator interacting with an unknown environment demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Hogan提出的阻抗控制算法由于必须要求机器人准确的动力学方程,在实际工程背景中很难应用.本文针对其弊端,研究了自适应阻抗控制算法.以平面机械手为控制对象,使用以上两种控制方法对其加以控制,从而详细分析比较了两种算法的性能优劣.最后,针对阻抗控制算法在实际运用中阻抗参数的调整原则一直是比较困难的问题,本文通过仿真实验总结了调参规律.  相似文献   

针对固高工业机器人末端主动柔顺控制实现问题,改进并设计了力/位混合控制系统.采用PC+PCI总线采集控制卡的结构,给出了相应的硬件及软件实现方法.实验表明该系统具有良好的稳定性和动态性能.  相似文献   

为研究一种高速度、高精度的二自由度冗余驱动并联机器人自适应控制系统,通过建立运动学模型,基于神经内分泌甲状腺激素调节原理,设计了一种带长环、超短环结构的神经内分泌智能控制器,对机器人系统进行控制,并给出了其控制算法。仿真分析结果表明,运动学模型简单有效,使机器人运动过程中各个关节运动稳定、连续且平滑;相对于传统PID控制算法,神经内分泌智能控制算法具有较好的快速响应性、稳定性、鲁棒性、自适应性和抗干扰能力。该方法为机器人的复杂控制提出了一种新思路。  相似文献   

本文设计了一种基于规则库的高压线路除冰机器人的专家系统,探讨了其基本结构组成,重点阐述了知识库和推理机的实现方法;通过试验验证了本专家系统的可行性及实用性。  相似文献   

The problem of controller design for nonlinear multi-channel dynamical plants is discussed. Trajectory motion tracking control for a multilink manipulator is treated as an example of the proposed design methodology. A distinctive feature of the discussed approach to calculate controller parameters is that two-time-scale motions are artificially forced in a closed-loop system where stability of the fast mode is provided by selection of the controller parameters while the induced slow mode correspond to the reference model of desired nonlinear plant behavior. Simulation results for a two-link manipulator robot manipulator tracking control system are presented..  相似文献   

In many applications involving a robot in contact with a surface it is important to control the interaction between the manipulator and its environment, usually by employing force sensors. However, sometimes it is desirable to remove them due to a variety of reasons, e.g. high costs, noisy measurements and a narrow bandwidth. To overcome these drawbacks, in this work it is proposed as a velocity/force observer based on the Generalized Proportional Integral (GPI) technique. Joint velocities and contact forces are estimated with only position measurements and then used in a force/position control scheme. Ultimate boundedness of the observation errors is formally proven and an arbitrarily small ultimate bound is then achieved. Simulation results are used to validate the proposed approach.  相似文献   

The determination of the direct kinematics of a parallel mechanism is a difficult problem but must be solved for practical application. This paper presents the efficient formulation of the direct kinematics and the Jacobian of a double parallel robot arm for velocity control. The robot arm consists of two parallel mechanisms, and a central axis that generates positional and orientational motions independently. Given a set of lengths for the linear actuators, the direct kinematics computes the position and orientation of the end-effector, and the Jacobian transforms the velocities of the end-effector to those of the linear actuators. The developed formulation is implemented in a real-time control setting and its efficiency is demonstrated. Department of Control and Instrumentation Engr.  相似文献   

Parallel robots with SCARA(selective compliance assembly robot arm) motions are utilized widely in the field of high speed pick-and-place manipulation. Error modeling for these robots generally simplifies the parallelogram structures included by the robots as a link. As the established error model fails to reflect the error feature of the parallelogram structures, the effect of accuracy design and kinematic calibration based on the error model come to be undermined. An error modeling methodology is proposed to establish an error model of parallel robots with parallelogram structures. The error model can embody the geometric errors of all joints, including the joints of parallelogram structures. Thus it can contain more exhaustively the factors that reduce the accuracy of the robot. Based on the error model and some sensitivity indices defined in the sense of statistics, sensitivity analysis is carried out. Accordingly, some atlases are depicted to express each geometric error’s influence on the moving platform’s pose errors. From these atlases, the geometric errors that have greater impact on the accuracy of the moving platform are identified, and some sensitive areas where the pose errors of the moving platform are extremely sensitive to the geometric errors are also figured out. By taking into account the error factors which are generally neglected in all existing modeling methods, the proposed modeling method can thoroughly disclose the process of error transmission and enhance the efficacy of accuracy design and calibration.  相似文献   

基于CPG理论的六足机器人多足协调运动控制方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
模仿生物CPG(Central Pattern Generator)控制机器人的运动是近年来提出的新方法。文章利用基于振动理论的CPG神经元模型,建立了CPG神经振荡网络,并由两个先导神经元控制两组这样的网络振荡,从而控制机器人的节律性行走中的多足协调运动。根据六足机器人的关节运动顺序,选取合适的连接矩阵,得出了合适的控制曲线,得到解决了六足机器人的多足协调运动和行走问题的方法。  相似文献   

针对巡检机器人运行中对线路障碍物的自主定位与识别,分析了巡检机器人自主运行中对障碍物信息感知的精度和实时性要求,提出了一种用于线路障碍物定位与识别的多传感器集成结构,并介绍了各个阶段的障碍物定位与识别算法.实验表明该方法可以实现机器人稳定自主行驶、可靠定位与识别障碍物,满足各阶段机器人对障碍物信息感知的精度和实时性要求...  相似文献   

运用冗余度机器人运动学逆解的一种局部优化算法-梯度投影算法,针对冗余度机器人与环境的接触力建立控制的目标函数,以及机器人末端轨迹和速度极限的约束函数,并结合ADAMS和MATLAB对平面三自由度机器人进行仿真,结果表明此方法的合理性和有效性,为冗余度机器人力控制提供了一种有效的方法.  相似文献   

电磁力平衡传感器因温度变化引起的示值漂移误差达-40.3 mg∕℃,远不能满足分辨力为0.1 mg及以上的电子分析天平计量性能要求。详细分析了温度对脉冲电流工作模式下电磁力平衡传感器输出误差的影响,根据传感器结构特征及散热方式,设计了一个PT1000高精度温度检测模块,利用等幅正、负脉冲且脉宽可调时动圈发热改变但平衡状态不变的特点,提出一种基于脉宽调制器(PWM)镜像脉冲的电磁力平衡传感器温度控制方法。该方法消除了因不同质量物体加载动圈发热不恒定引起的传感器输出误差,根据外界环境温度引起的传感器温度变化量,同步进地调节镜像脉冲的2个死区时间,实时改变动圈发热功率,维持传感器温度稳定。实验研究表明,采用上述研究方法后,电磁力平衡传感器漂移减小至3.1×10-6 g∕℃,有效降低了天平温度漂移补偿算法的难度。  相似文献   

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