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The nuclear power plant is suitable for base-load operation, while the pumped-storage unit mainly gives play to capacity benefit in the electric power system; hence, the integrated development and hybrid operation mode of the two can better meet the needs of the electric power system. This article first presents an analysis of the necessity and superiority of such mode, then explains its meaning and analyzes the working routes. Finally, it proposes the business modes as follows: low price pumping water electricity plus nuclear power in the near term; nuclear power shifted to pumped storage power participating in market competition in the middle term; and, in the long term, nuclear power shifted to pumped storage power as primary and serving as an electric power system when needed.  相似文献   

For many decades, like many developed countries, Turkey has controlled her electricity sector as a state-owned monopoly. However, faced with rapid electricity demand growth, Turkey started to consider nuclear option. The present paper aims at evaluating both the present status of nuclear power in general and its implications for Turkish energy market in particular. After examining existing nuclear power technology and providing a brief overview of nuclear power economics; it focuses on the repercussions of nuclear power for Turkish energy market. The paper concludes that, in the short run, it may be considered to keep nuclear power within Turkish energy mix because it is an important carbon-free source of power that can potentially make a significant contribution to both Turkey's future electricity supply and efforts to strengthen Turkey's security of supply. However, in the long term, nuclear power should be retained in Turkey only if it has a lower cost than competing technologies.  相似文献   

This paper provides an econometric analysis of nuclear reactor construction costs in France and the United States based on overnight costs data. We build a simultaneous system of equations for overnight costs and construction time (lead-time) to control for endogeneity, using change in expected electricity demand as instrument. We argue that the construction of nuclear reactors can benefit from standardization gains through two channels. First, short term coordination benefits can arise when the diversity of nuclear reactors' designs under construction is low. Second, long term benefits can occur due to learning spillovers from past constructions of similar reactors. We find that construction costs benefit directly from learning spillovers but that these spillovers are only significant for nuclear models built by the same Architect–Engineer. In addition, we show that the standardization of nuclear reactors under construction has an indirect and positive effect on construction costs through a reduction in lead-time, the latter being one of the main drivers of construction costs. Conversely, we also explore the possibility of learning by searching and find that, contrary to other energy technologies, innovation leads to construction costs increases.  相似文献   

崔磊 《中外能源》2011,(9):27-33
美国国内在是否利用核能发电这个问题上一直存在争议,拥核派和反核派的分歧主要是在核电成本是否高、核能是否安全以及核能是否属于清洁能源等方面。受日本核危机影响,美国核能辩论的重点转向核能安全,主要围绕核电站抵御自然灾害的能力、核废料储存、是否应该新建核电站以及延长现有核电站运营期限等问题展开。由于历次重大核事故后,新建核电站成本势必上升,加之美国各州新建核电站积极性不高,国际大环境也不利于拥核派,同时核能面临化石能源和可再生能源的激烈竞争,因此短期内美国核能开发步伐势必会放慢。但是从长期看,核能仍将是美国能源战略的重点之一,究其原因,发展核能是美国能源安全与经济发展的需要,也是应对气候变化的需要,另外,拥核派的积极游说和公关行动、反核派内部立场出现分化以及日本核危机的长期影响有限等也都是其原因之一。我国是世界上在建核反应堆数量最多的国家,但是围绕核能的公开辩论却很少,这不利于我国核能的开发。核能的辩论过程,也是核能知识普及的过程,只有对核能有深入全面的认识,才能减少对核能非理性的恐惧。我国绝不能因为一次核事故而改变战略方向,而应在吸取教训的基础上,在保证绝对安全的前提下,继续发展核能。  相似文献   

Historical rates of capital investment in nuclear plant construction were used as a guide to estimate the potential rate of future capacity introduction. The total linear rate of capital expenditure over the entire period of historical construction from 1964 to 1990 was determined to equal $11.5 billion/yr, and that for the period of peak construction from 1973 to 1985 was computed as $17.9 billion/yr, all in 2004$. These values were used with a variety of current capital cost estimates for nuclear construction to obtain several scenarios for possible future nuclear capacity additions. These values were used to obtain the effect of projected nuclear generating capacity on GHG emissions assuming nuclear would directly replace coal-fired generation. It was concluded that actual reductions in emissions would not be experienced until 2038, yet growth in emissions from electrical production would be slowed through that period. Due to the significant time to introduce large-scale changes in the utility sector, nuclear energy cannot have a dramatic short-term effect on emissions. Nuclear power, however, can have a major positive longer term impact, particularly under more favorable cost and investment conditions.  相似文献   

2011年中国核电发展状况、未来趋势及政策建议   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
肖新建 《中国能源》2012,34(2):18-23,47
2011年我国核电行业获得较快发展,核电装机及发电量显著增加,各机组总体运行稳定,核电设备国产化大步前进、装备制造能力及建设安装能力快速提升。我国实验快堆实现并网运行,先进核电技术获得突破。尽管存在日本福岛311核事故影响,我国核电发展暂时减缓。由于我们进行了认真的总结、反思及采取相应措施,总体上有利于我国核电行业的长期健康发展,未来我国核电发展预期前景依然光明。  相似文献   

2011年北京时间3月11日,日本东北部宫城县以东太平洋海域发生里氏9级特大地震并引发海啸.分析了此次地震、海啸及核泄漏对全球能源的影响:民众反对发展核电站的声音将可能更多,各国政府在核电利用问题上更为谨慎与保守.中短期内核电将较难实现大幅增长.短期而言,对核电有效替代的仍是化石能源,能源需求增长将进一步加大全球一次能源价格的上涨压力.长期而言,发达国家的替代选择更倾向于可再生能源,这种转换有助于较快地实现全球低碳转型.指出此次地震对中国油气供应影响不大.提出中国迫切需要建立较为灵活的能源安全预警防范机制,以适应由于能源供应短缺带来的种种问题.  相似文献   

Nuclear energy, which was once considered as the fuel of future and was abandoned after Chernobyl accident, has emerged recently in developed and developing countries as an option to combat climate change, to secure supply and to achieve sustainable development. Turkey, a developing country where most of the electricity is produced from fossil fuels and which has energy security problems, has adopted a new legislation giving financial incentives for nuclear power plant construction, along with a tender in 2008. However, the tender ended in a stalemate after the Council of State’s decision in November 2009. An evaluation of Turkey’s nuclear policy in light of South Korea’s nuclear experience gives us an explanation as to why Turkey failed in the last tender. Basically it was due to lack of a long term nuclear energy policy that comprehends social, economical, technical and political aspects of nuclear energy. Thus, it is argued that Turkey can benefit from nuclear energy if it formulates a comprehensive nuclear energy plan clearly interwoven with its economic development plans, establishes a proper legal framework and has domestic industry participation in nuclear technology development.  相似文献   

从减排、能源结构调整、环境保护角度分析核电在我国能源结构和我国科技体系中的定位及核电发展的必要性,根据我国运行核电厂的实际情况和自主设计的先进核电厂特性说明核电的安全性,同时根据运行核电厂放射性排放数据论述核电厂对环境和公众不造成任何有害的影响,并对核燃料循环、核废物对策和处理措施进行了论述。预测核电中长期发展情景,通过评估核电及配套核燃料产业能力,以及装备及相关行业发展情况,表明我国工业基础能够支撑核电的规模化发展;并反过来,核电将促进相关行业大发展,提高其技术水平,高科技含量,发展成高端产业,有利于我国经济转型。  相似文献   

Recent years have witnessed an increasing interest in hydrogen production using nuclear energy. A number of countries are actively exploring the option of nuclear hydrogen production and have established concrete roadmaps for near and far term achievements. This paper presents a summary of information presented at some IAEA technical meetings on status of nuclear hydrogen production including ongoing related R&D activities in Member States. The paper highlights, in addition, the IAEA hydrogen economic evaluation programme (HEEP) which has recently been developed under agreement and in collaboration with the BHABHA Atomic Research Centre (BARC). HEEP software can be used to perform the economics of the most promising processes for hydrogen production. Current processes considered in HEEP are: high and low temperature electrolysis, thermo-chemical processes including S-I process, conventional electrolysis and steam reforming. HEEP software is also suitable for comparative between nuclear and fossil energy sources, and for solely hydrogen production or cogeneration with electricity. The HEEP modelling includes various aspects of hydrogen economy including storage, transport, and distribution with options to eliminate or include specific details as required by the users.  相似文献   

Faced with the prospect of an ‘energy gap’ in the medium term future, the planners of Western Europe have tended to think in terms of nuclear power as the only practicable source capable of meeting demand. This paper strongly contests that view, pointing out that the development of an energy economy based on oil and gas supplies indigenous to Western Europe is likely to be 2–3 times cheaper than the nuclear option. Since a relatively simple analysis points to a strong cost differential in favour of the oil and gas option, the author argues that the situation should be examined in a more refined and sophisticated way, to see if that conclusion is valid. The unthinking acceptance of the nuclear future could prove very expensive for Europe.  相似文献   

The challenges in developing technology for the capture and storage of CO2 from coal, oil and gas power generation, as well as those associated with the storage of nuclear waste, are widely regarded as solvable. According to proponents of clean coal, oil and gas technologies, as well as the proponents of nuclear technology, it is only a matter of time and resources to find a solution to their waste problems. Similarly, the Australian Government argues that our main efforts need to be concentrated on clean coal technologies, as well as considering the nuclear option. However, when it comes to the challenges associated with renewable energy technologies, like intermittency of wind generated grid power, storage of electricity from renewable energy and so on, there seems to be an attitude amongst Australian energy planners that these challenges represent insurmountable technical and financial problems, and will, at least in the short to medium term, prevent them from becoming a viable alternative to coal, oil, gas and uranium based energy technologies.  相似文献   

Currently, hydrogen may be stored as a compressed gas or as cryogenic liquid. Neither method appears to be practical for many applications in which hydrogen use would otherwise be attractive. For example, gaseous storage of stationary fuel is not feasible because of the large volume or weight of the storage vessels. Liquid hydrogen could be used extensively but the liquefaction process is relatively expensive. The hydrogen can be stored for a long term with a high separation factor, like solid metal hydride. Using hydride-forming metals and intermetallic compounds, for example, recovery, purification and storage of heavy isotopes in a tritium-containing system, can solve many problems arising in the nuclear fuel cycle. This paper presents a comparative study about hydrogen sorption obtained from a cryogenic distillation process, on two titanium structures: powder and sponge. Also presented is the characterization, by X-ray diffraction, of two structures, before and after the sorption process.  相似文献   

郑洪弢  孟勐 《中国能源》2011,33(6):14-17,27
2011年3月,日本东北部太平洋海域发生大地震和海啸,导致日本大批发电机组受损,引发福岛核泄漏事故,对世界和我国液化天然气(LNG)产业的发展产生了深远的影响。短期来看,多家日本电力公司大量采购LNG弥补电力缺口,短期和现货LNG市场趋紧,价格上涨;长期来看,福岛核泄漏事故对世界各国的核电规划与发展造成影响,世界LNG潜在需求增加,长期LNG资源的价格博弈愈加激烈。LNG作为我国天然气供应的重要组成部分,对调整我国能源消费结构、实现我国碳减排目标、保障我国沿海地区天然气安全稳定供应意义重大。当前世界LNG市场形势复杂多变,建议继续密切跟踪国内外形势变化,及时调整资源合作与开发策略,实现我国液化天然气产业的可持续发展。  相似文献   


According to current knowledge and understanding, nuclear fusion can be developed to a sustainable energy technology. Fuel is abundant and key points for fusion power production and alpha particle heating have already been demonstrated. The next step device, international thermonuclear experimental reactor (ITER), is designed to demonstrate net fusion power production and to address most of the technological issues on the way to a power reactor. There is, however, a series of materials problems related to the plasma facing components and to the structural materials which cannot be fully addressed by ITER. These developments are covered by long term development of radiation resistant low activation materials, heat sink materials, plasma facing protection materials as well as functional tritium barrier materials.

A brief survey of the current status of materials development for plasma facing applications is given in the present paper. To provide materials which can sustain the severe loading conditions in a fusion environment is a key issue in developing fusion as an economic energy technology without long lived radioactive waste.  相似文献   

王俊  陈柳钦 《中外能源》2012,17(5):25-31
能源作为日本震后经济社会发展的中长期政策大纲《日本再生基本战略》的主要支柱之一,日本能源政策的走向尤为值得关注.从短期看,日本将加大核能监管,继续扩大核电制造出口,完全弃核是不可能的;从长期看,日本会逐步降低核能在能源结构中的比例.由于核电的关停,造成日本电力供应不足,进而导致对火力发电政策的支持力度增强,未来对化石能源的依赖局面仍将持续.同时,由于核能政策的调整,一方面使得节能及提高能源使用效率成为新的支柱,另一方面可再生能源将成为重要的发展方向.近10年来,日本可再生能源占能源结构的比例一直没什么变化,约为10%,这与日本政府支持核能战略的政策导向不无关系.日本当前发展可再生能源的主要障碍是缺乏政府的长期政策扶持,其次是开发难度大、发电成本高、系统稳定性低.日本目前需要解决的课题包括全量购买制度等相关政策的导入,大幅度降低成本和解决稳定性关键技术,有效解决可再生能源利用的地域化差异等.总的来看,日本新的能源政策基本是围绕减少对核电的依赖和应对全球气候变暖来制定的.  相似文献   

本文概述核能对保障我国能源安全从而促进国民经济可持续发展的重要作用,指出我国的压水堆核电技术从第二代向第三代发展,总体上可以说是“今天”核电产业的技术升级工程。快堆及其燃料闭合循环可以充分利用铀资源和实现核废物的最少化,从而保证核裂变能的可持续发展。作者强调,我国核能科技的发展战略不仅要重视“今天”的核电产业的技术升级,更应着眼于“明天”的核能产业的技术开发。尽快启动我国快堆核能系统的技术开发具有极其重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

The volumetric heat source in a nuclear fuel element, may vary with time and/or with space for an uncontrolled operating condition. The time required to attain the melting point of the cladding material was determined considering two trial variations of the source term, one with time only and the other with time and space as well. A general analytical solution for this transient heat transfer problem with variable source that can take care of any functional variations of source is presented. The dependence of the time required for melting of the cladding material with other parameters, e.g., Biot number, source strength, etc. are also investigated.  相似文献   

Japan has not settled on a coherent long‐term electricity strategy for its post‐Fukushima reality. In this analysis, a stochastic electricity sector simulation model is formulated and used to evaluate alternative strategies prescribing different generation mixes for 2050. The generation mix evolves deterministically, demand is endogenous, and social cost of carbon is randomly sampled. The model treats fossil fuel prices and advanced technology cost dynamics stochastically. Monte Carlo simulation produces a distribution of net present social cost for each strategy, and the alternatives are assessed based on the median (expected cost) and standard deviation (risk). Aggressively expanding renewables is a promising strategy; it has the lowest expected cost and moderate risk. Whether this is preferred to substantial nuclear generation is sensitive to parameter assumptions, but a general finding is robust: severely limiting nuclear generation and substituting liquefied natural gas (LNG) and other fossil fuels is costly and risky. Principal component analysis confirms the vulnerability of such strategies to LNG price and social cost of carbon uncertainty. Japan's dominant short‐term response to Fukushima has been a dramatic decrease in nuclear generation coupled with increased use of fossil fuels, particularly LNG. This study suggests that continuing this approach would constitute a poor long‐term Japanese electricity strategy. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

至本世纪前10年,核能已成为日本能源供应中不可或缺的重要因素,然而,2011年因"东日本大地震"引发的福岛核危机却动摇了日本继续发展核能的信心,不得不对现有的能源战略进行调整。福岛核危机对日本原来制定的能源战略产生了巨大影响,其中包括能源战略目标难以实现,加剧了对化石燃料的依赖;造成大量的电力缺口,总发电量减少了1/4,导致消费者用电成本急剧增加;短期内不得不增加液化天然气、原油、燃料油和煤炭等化石能源的进口量,加剧了日本能源安全的不确定性。为了缓解福岛核危机所造成的一系列负面影响并保障能源安全,日本政府重新制定了能源战略——重点集中在去核能化,去核能化是顺应民意、安抚民心,并防止核事故再次发生的根本性战略,是日本的必然选择;同时高度重视可再生能源的发展,可再生能源发电比例将由2010年的10%跃升至2030年的35%,总发电量将由2010年的1100×108kW.h提高到2030年的3000×108kW.h;大力实施节约能源战略,提出2030年电力消耗量在2010年的基础上节约1100×108kW.h,能源消耗量在2010年的基础上节约720×108L;另外,日本政府还对电力系统进行改革。结合我国的能源战略及核电发展现状,日本的能源战略调整给予我国的启示包括:要将核安全置于首要地位、加速可再生能源发展和坚持节约能源战略。  相似文献   

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