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The primary purpose of ice-sheet altimetry is to monitor the changes in ice-sheet topography which may impact on global sea-level. However, the altimetric signal is sensitive to different properties of the snowpack, and therefore can also be used to determine these properties. The radar altimeter onboard the European Space Agency's ENVISAT satellite provides a dual-frequency dataset at Ku (13.6 GHz) and S band (3.2 GHz). In this paper, these signals are studied over the Antarctic ice-sheet during the 4 first years of the mission (2002-2006), in order to retrieve snowpack properties.The altimeter signal can be described by 4 classical waveform parameters. The 4 year time-series of all these parameters are decomposed into a linear and a seasonal time component. The linear component is almost constant. The distribution of the mean parameters over the Antarctic ice-sheet shows that the altimeter signal is sensitive to small-scale (mm) surface roughness.For the first time, the amplitudes and phases of the seasonal variations are characterized. The S band amplitudes are greater than the Ku band, and the phase varies over the entire ice-sheet. Previous studies suggested that the seasonal variations of the altitude from the altimeter are created by a decrease of the snowpack height through compaction. The dual-frequency observations shown here suggest that this hypothesis is too simple. Instead, the altitude variations observed in the altimetric signal are not created by the snowpack height change, but are more likely caused by the seasonal change of the snow properties, which cause a different response between the S and Ku bands. Therefore, both the linear and the seasonal variations of the altimetric signal can be used to retrieve snowpack properties.Here, we compare the dual-frequency ENVISAT signal with a model of the altimetric echo over the Antarctic ice-sheet. The model combines a surface model with a sub-surface model, for both the S and Ku bands. The Brown model [Brown G. S. (1977). The average impulse response of a rough surface and its applications. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 25, 1.] is used to describe the interaction of the radar wave with the snow surface. The backscatter coefficient of the surface is derived using the IEM method [Fung, A. K. (1994). Microwave scattering and emission models and their applications, Boston, MA: Artech House.]. The sub-surface signal takes into account both the layering effects and the scattering caused by the homogeneous media which is composed of small snow grains. The model is tested in two areas of the Antarctic plateau which present very different waveform parameters. The sensitivity of the radar signal to the different snowpack properties is investigated. The analysis of the waveform behaviours shows that the sub-surface signal can be completely masked by the small-scale surface roughness signal.Finally, the temperature and surface density effects are investigated in order to explain the seasonal variations of the altimetric signal. Both the temperature and the compaction rate of the snow change seasonally. Temperature is shown to impact on the Ku band signal. Furthermore, the compaction rate of the snow surface can explain all of the seasonal variation characteristics observed at both the S and Ku bands. The seasonal change of compaction rate in the snow creates a change in the waveform shape that can bias the altitude. In particular, the snow compaction can induce a bias in the retrieved altimetric altitude of more than 80 cm for the Ku band and 1.5 m for the S band. This work underlines that the altitude time-series needs to be corrected for the shape of the altimetric echo over ice-sheets.  相似文献   

Sea ice thickness is a crucial, but very undersampled cryospheric parameter of fundamental importance for climate modeling. Advances in satellite altimetry have enabled the measurement of sea ice freeboard using satellite microwave altimeters. Unfortunately, validation of these new techniques has suffered from a lack of ground truth measurements. Therefore, an airborne campaign was carried out in March 2006 using laser altimetry and photo imagery to validate sea ice elevation measurements derived from the Envisat/RA-2 microwave altimeter.We present a comparative analysis of Envisat/RA-2 sea ice elevation processing with collocated airborne measurements collected north of the Canadian Archipelago. Consistent overall relationships between block-averaged airborne laser and Envisat elevations are found, over both leads and floes, along the full 1300 km aircraft track. The fine resolution of the airborne laser altimeter data is exploited to evaluate elevation variability within the RA-2 ground footprint. Our analysis shows good agreement between RA-2 derived sea ice elevations and those measured by airborne laser altimetry, particularly over refrozen leads where the overall mean difference is about 1 cm. Notwithstanding this small 1 cm mean difference, we identify a larger elevation uncertainty (of order 10 cm) associated with the uncertain location of dominant radar targets within the particular RA-2 footprint. Sources of measurement uncertainty or ambiguity are identified, and include snow accumulation, tracking noise, and the limited coverage of airborne measurements.  相似文献   

Satellite radar altimeters and scatterometers deployed over ice sheets experience backscatter from the surface and from within the snowpack, termed surface and volume backscatter respectively. In order to assess the errors in satellite altimeter measurements it is vital to know where the return is originating from in the snowpack. This return can vary spatially and temporally. Seasonal variations in the volume backscatter can be a major complicating factor in the radar return from the percolation zone. Ground-based step-frequency radar was deployed in the percolation zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet at ∼ 1945 m elevation (69 51N, 47 15W). Previous measurements in this area made by scientists from the Byrd Polar Research Centre and the University of Kansas, undertaken prior to summer melt events, have shown the strongest backscatter from ice features at around 1 m depth buried beneath the previous end-of-summer surface. In autumn 2004, radar measurements in the Ku band with bandwidths of 1 and 8 GHz were made alongside detailed stratigraphic observations within a 1 km2 site. The radar results revealed no continuous reflecting horizons in the upper 3.5 m of the firn. Shallow cores and snowpits also indicated that there were no spatially continuous stratigraphic horizons across the study site. An average electromagnetic wave velocity of 2.11 ± 0.05 × 108 m s− 1 was determined for the upper metre of the firn. Surface and volume backscatter at vertical incidence were calculated using a standard model. The contribution of the surface backscatter to the total backscatter was on average 6 dB higher than that of the volume backscatter. However, at the higher 8 GHz bandwidth the strongest return frequently originated not from the surface but from within the upper 30 cm of the snowpack, most probably from thin ice layers. At 1 GHz bandwidth these ice layers were not always resolved; their return merged with the surface return, causing it to broaden, with the peak and leading edge moving down. Modelling using density and thickness measurements from shallow cores and snowpits showed that the backscatter from these shallow, thin ice layers could be stronger than the surface return owing to constructive interference from the top and base of the layers.  相似文献   

This study sets out to analyze the stages of water bodies in the Amazon basin derived from the processing of ERS-2 and ENVISAT satellite altimetry data. For ENVISAT, GDR measurements for both Ice-1 and Ice-2 tracking algorithms were tested. For ERS-2, the Ice-2 data produced by the OSCAR project was used. Water level time series over river segments of very different width, from several kilometers to less than a hundred of meters, were studied. The water level time series that can be derived from narrow riverbeds are enhanced by off-nadir detections. Conversely, the off-nadir effect may degrade the series over large bodies if not properly accounted for. Comparison at crossovers and with in situ gauges shows that the quality of the series can be highly variable, from 12 cm in the best cases and 40 cm in most cases to several meters in the worse cases. Cautious data selection is clearly a key point to achieve high quality series. Indeed, low quality series mostly result from inclusion of outliers in the data set finally retained for the computation of the series. Ice-2 and Ice-1 tracking algorithms in the ENVISAT data perform almost equally well. ENVISAT altimetry is clearly an improvement on ERS-2 altimetry.  相似文献   

Over the last two decades, the use of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) to address geologic problems has expanded as new applications for radar have been developed. One of the earliest and perhaps most surprising results from orbital SAR images of the Sahara was that, under certain conditions, radar signals penetrated up to several meters of sand to reveal subsurface features such as ancient river channels. Subsequent studies of radar penetration of arid sand deposits have dealt with factors that govern the ability of radar to penetrate a sand cover. This paper presents results from a laboratory experiment in which radar backscatter from a surface of rocks was measured under controlled conditions as a function of frequency, polarization, incidence angle, and sand cover thickness. The sand used in the experiment had a moisture content of 0.28 vol.% and caused calculated average attenuations of 4.2±1 dB/m for C-band and ∼11±2 dB/m for X-band. Results from the experiment were compared to field measurements of sand thickness during acquisition of airborne radar images. In AIRSAR images, the extent of dry sand in a dune field appears best in C-band because longer wavelength L- and P-band signals penetrate thinner sand deposits. Images of wet sand (4.9 vol.%) suggest that L-band was able to penetrate thin sand even though that sand was wet. Together, these laboratory and field measurements contribute towards a better understanding of how a sand cover modifies the radar backscatter of a surface.  相似文献   

The optical properties of aerosol have been simultaneously retrieved over the Pearl River Delta (PRD), China during December 2009 from multi-angular, multi-spectral, and polarized airborne data. A new airborne Directional Polarimetric Camera (DPC) with high spatial resolution (4 m at 4000 m a.g.l.) is used to retrieve the aerosol optical properties, which is an experimental airborne instrument focused on monitoring aerosol particle pollution, dealing with the apportionment of sources and controlling air quality in cities. We present a case study of polarized observations performed during high air pollution episodes in the southeast of China. Exceptionally high values of the aerosol optical depth of up to 0.8 (at 0.865 μm) were observed in this case study. The spatial and temporal variability of aerosol optical properties over the Pearl River Delta region were analyzed using polarized measurements with high spatial resolution. To reduce the ambiguity in retrieving aerosol optical properties using DPC alone, ground-based measurements (Automatic CE318-DP polarized sun-sky radiometer, Raman Lidar) were used to constrain the inversion in terms of the key characteristics of a local aerosol model, including spectral complex refractive index, size distribution, and vertical distribution of aerosol optical parameters. The surface contribution to the polarized radiance was simulated using bidirectional polarized reflectance distribution function (BPDF), which was adjusted using DPC measurements at low altitude. The aerosol optical properties were retrieved using DPC over the Pearl River Delta, and are in good agreement with coincident sun photometer retrievals. The retrieval algorithm of aerosol optical properties using high spatial resolution polarized measurements proposed in this paper shows potential to retrieve the aerosol optical properties over cities.  相似文献   

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