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We consider a two-way relay network where the Amplify-and-Forward (AF) protocol is adopted by all relays in this paper. The network consists of two multi-antenna source nodes and multiple distributed single-antenna relays. Two opportunistic relaying schemes are proposed to efficiently utilize the antennas of the source nodes and the relay nodes. In the first scheme, the best relay is selected out by a max-min-max criterion before transmitting. After that, at each source, only the antenna with the largest channel gain between itself and the best relay is activated to transmit and receive signals with full power. In the second scheme, assisted by the best relay which is selected by the typical max-min criterion, both source nodes use all their antennas to exchange data, and match filter beamforming techniques are employed at both source nodes. Further analyses show that all schemes can achieve the full diversity order, and the conclusions are not only mathematically demonstrated but numerically illustrated. System performance comparisons are carried out by numerical methods in terms of rate sum and outage probability, respectively. The beamforming assisted scheme can be found to be superior to the antenna selection scheme when accurate Channel State Information (CSI) is available at the transmitters. Otherwise, the latter is very suitable.  相似文献   

The outage probability and ergodic capacity analysis for decode-and-forward two-way relaying system is investigated in this paper. First, the exact expressions (or bounds) of outage probability, ergodic capacity and average bidirectional ergodic capacity (ABEC) for max–min relay selection, random relay selection and direct transmission protocols are derived through theoretic analysis, and performance comparisons among different relay selection protocols are developed. Then a novel maximum average bidirectional mutual information (MABM) relay selection protocol is proposed and analyzed. Simulation results demonstrate that the derived analytical results fit well with Monte-Carlo simulations. The proposed MABM protocol can always achieve larger ABEC than other protocols while keeping low outage probability, and the MABM and max–min protocols in this paper can always achieve better performance than the max–min selection and max-sum selection in Krikidis (IEEE Trans Veh Technol 59(9):4620–4628, 2010). In addition, outage probability, ergodic capacity and ABEC performance of the proposed protocol become worse while distance becomes larger.  相似文献   

汪烈军 《通信技术》2010,43(12):94-96
提出了一种放大转发网络中的中继选择方案,假设目的节点配置多个天线,源节点和所有中继节点都配置单个天线,方案选择一组中继同时在相同的频带上放大转发接收到的源节点信息以最大化接收信噪比。与只择一个最优中继的方案相比,方案在保持满分集阶数的情况下获得了更高的中断容量和更优的误符号率性能。与只选择一个最优中继的方案相比,在0.000 01的误符号率水平上,少需要发射功率1.6 dB。  相似文献   

用于机会中继的一种最佳中继选择算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过使用具有最佳瞬时信道质量的单个中继进行协作分集,机会中继可以获得与更为复杂的空时编码协作通信相同的分集增益。但是,随着可选择中继节点数的增加,最佳中继选择的失败概率会明显上升。文章提出了一种新的实用最佳中继选择算法,要求源站向最佳中继发送选择确认消息,竞争中继则在冲突发生后进行退避。仿真结果表明,采用新算法可以将选择失败的概率降低2~3个数量级,而增加的开销尚不到2%。  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate two incremental amplify-and-forward relaying protocols in cognitive underlay networks. In the proposed protocols, whenever the secondary destination cannot receive the secondary source’s signal successfully, it requests a retransmission from one of M secondary relays. In the first protocol, we assume that a secondary relay with the Nth best channel gain to the secondary source is used to forward the received signal to the secondary destination. In the second protocol, relying on the quality of channels between the secondary relay and secondary destination and between the secondary relay and primary user, the Nth best relay is chosen for the retransmission. We derive exact closed-form expressions of the outage probability and average number of time slots for both protocols over Rayleigh fading channel. Finally, these mathematical expressions are then verified by Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

In this letter, we have derived more accurate average symbol error rate (ASER) for opportunistic amplify-and-forward (OAF) relay systems with for M-phase shift keying (M-PSK) over rayleigh fading channels. At first, the exact ASER is expressed without any approximation. In addition, we have derived the modified moment generating function (MGF) by extension of the probability density function (PDF) of the order statistic to the given relay’s selection probability for OAF relay system. Then, the ASER bound to be more accurate and another ASER form of previous researches are respectively derived by utilizing the modified MGF. Furthermore, the accuracy of derived ASER bound is analytically confirmed by comparison with each other. Simulation results are finally presented to validate the analysis.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a two-way relaying network where two users communicate with each other with the help of multiple relays. Specifically, we first investigate the performance of a all-relay participating network with the amplify-and-forward relaying protocol. Based on the moment generating function-based method, we derive some tight bounds for the outage probability and bit-error rate performance. For comparison purpose, we then present a performance analysis for the relay selection scheme. Finally, numerical results are provided to verify our analysis.  相似文献   

We consider a wireless relay network with multiple antenna terminals over Rayleigh fading channels, and apply distributed space-time coding (DSTC) in amplify-and-forward (A&F) mode. The A&F scheme is used in a way that each relay transmits a scaled version of the linear combination of the received symbols. It turns out that, combined with power allocation in the relays, A&F DSTC results in an opportunistic relaying scheme, in which only the best relay is selected to retransmit the source’s space-time coded signal. Furthermore, assuming the knowledge of source-relay CSI at the source node, we design an efficient power allocation which outperforms uniform power allocation across the source antennas. Next, assuming M-PSK or M-QAM modulations, we analyze the performance of the proposed cooperative diversity transmission schemes in a wireless relay networks with the multiple-antenna source and destination. We derive the probability density function (PDF) of the received SNR at the destination. Then, the PDF is used to determine the symbol error rate (SER) in Rayleigh fading channels. We derived closed-form approximations of the average SER in the high SNR scenario, from which we find the diversity order of system R min{N s , N d }, where R, N s , and N d are the number of the relays, source antennas, and destination antennas, respectively. Simulation results show that the proposed system obtain more than 6 dB gain in SNR over A&F MIMO DSTC for BER 10?4, when R = 2, N s  = 2, and N d  = 1.  相似文献   

在多用户MIMO通信网络中,该文提出一种新的放大转发双向中继策略,在第1时隙的多址传输中采用OFDMA,在第2时隙的广播传输中采用OFDM/SDMA,通过利用频率分集和空间分集提高了系统性能。针对双向中继传输的特点,采用两种方法在每个子载波上设计了中继波束形成矩阵,即信漏噪比(SLNR)准则和块对角化迫零(BDZF)准则。利用割集理论推导了该双向中继网络的容量域上界。仿真结论表明,所提出的双向中继策略在系统和速率性能上优于其他3种中继策略,并能逼近所推导的容量域上界。  相似文献   

In this paper, secrecy performance of a cognitive two-way denoise-and-forward relaying network consisting of two primary user (PT and PD) nodes, two secondary source (SA and SB) nodes, multiple secondary relay (\({\textit{SR}}_i\)) nodes and an eavesdropper (E) node is considered, where SA and SB exchange their messages with the help of one of the relays using a two-way relaying scheme. The eavesdropper tries to wiretap the information transmitted between SA and SB. To improve secrecy performance of the network, two relay selection schemes called maximum sum rate and maximum secrecy capacity based relay selection (MSRRS and MSCRS) are proposed and analyzed in terms of intercept probability. It is proved that the MSRRS and MSCRS schemes have the same secrecy performance. Two parameters called average number gain and average cost gain are proposed to show the performance of the proposed relay selection schemes. Numerical results demonstrated that with 10 relay nodes, the proposed relay selection schemes can achieve, respectively, 3.7 dB and 1.9 dB’s improvements in terms of the reduced intercept probability and the enhanced secrecy capacity compared to the traditional round-robin scheme.  相似文献   

放大转发认知中继协作系统中继增益分配方案和性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于在传统的放大转发认知中继协作方案中,中继增益因子的分配只考虑了部分主、从系统参数,使得系统的能量效率较低、系统资源未被充分利用。为此,基于主系统传输速率约束和从系统终端接收信号平均误符号率最小准则,文章提出了一个新颖的中继增益最优化分配方案,获得了中继增益最优化精确解以及相应的上、下限封闭解析解;并基于获得的最优化中继增益,分析了系统的平均误符号率。结果表明,文章所获得的中继增益因子分配方案由于不仅考虑了从信源功率和从信源-中继链路增益,而且还综合考虑了中继-从信宿链路和主系统参数,可以实现系统资源的最优化配置,系统性能得到改善。   相似文献   

In this paper, we present a design of two-way communication system with relay selection in two-way cooperative system over cascaded Nakagami- \(m\) fading channels. In the proposed scheme, in which all terminals are in motion as mobiles or vehicles, two users first broadcast their information to relays. Then, a single relay with a minimum sum symbol error rate (SER) will be selected to broadcast the received signals back to the sources. In other words, in the selection process, we investigate a simple suboptimal min-max criterion for relay selection, where a single relay that minimizes the maximum SER of two source nodes will be selected. Specifically, we have derived expressions of cumulative distribution function and moment generating function of end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio. By using these expressions, we have analyzed the performance of considered system in terms of outage probability and SER expression. Numerical and simulation results show the validity of the proposed mathematical analysis and point out the confirmation of the analytical results.  相似文献   

本文研究了多天线放大转发双向中继系统中在满足源节点信噪比要求条件下最小化系统总功率的波束设计问题。该问题是非凸优化问题,为了有效求解该问题,采用分层优化方法将原问题分解成发送波束成形向量优化、接收波束成形向量优化和中继波束成形矩阵优化三类子问题。发送/接收波束成形向量通过求解Rayleigh商最小化问题来获得。中继波束成形矩阵优化问题通过半正定松弛方法转化成半正定优化问题来求解。在求解这三类优化问题的基础上,提出了一种迭代波束成形算法,并采用单调有界序列定理证明了所提算法的收敛性。计算机仿真表明:所提算法经过若干次迭代即可收敛到稳定点;相比于已有算法,本文算法能显著降低系统总功率。   相似文献   

Linear transceiver designs are investigated for distributed two-way relaying networks, which aim at minimising the Weighted Mean Square Error (WMSE) of data detections. The forwarding matrices at relays and equalization matrices at destinations are joi-ntly optimised. To overcome the challenging limitations introduced by individual power constraints, a Semi-Definite Relaxation (SDR) called element-wise relaxation is proposed, which can transform the original optimization problem into a standard convex optimization problem. In this research, two-way relaying is understood from a pure signal processing per-spective which can potentially simplify the theoretical analysis. Finally, simulation results are used for assessing the performance ad-vantage of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

放大转发MIMO中继系统中的快速天线选择算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 本文研究放大转发MIMO中继系统的天线选择,目标是最大化系统容量.针对最优天线选择算法的高复杂度,本文提出了低复杂度且性能逼近最优的快速天线选择算法.首先对MIMO中继系统容量进行了分析和仿真,结果表明:若源的天线数为M、目标的天线数为N,中继从K根天线中选择min(M,N)根就可保证系统达到近似最优的性能.在此基础上,本文以优化容量下界为目标,利用分块矩阵的性质,推导出快速天线选择算法,并分析了算法的复杂度.研究结果表明本文提出的快速天线选择算法的性能与最优算法非常接近,并且有更低的复杂度.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose and analyze the outage probability of a two-way hybrid decode-and-amplify relaying scheme with relay selection for secondary spectrum access. In this scheme, a secondary network is co-located and uses the same spectrum as the primary network. The primary network is comprised of two primary terminals that attempt to transmit signals to one another; the secondary network is comprised of M secondary transmitter-receiver pairs (ST-SR). One of the secondary transmitters chosen to cooperate with the primary network uses a hybrid decode-and-amplify forward technique in order to relay primary and secondary signals. We derive expressions for the outage probability of the primary network as well as the secondary network over a Rayleigh fading channel. Simulation results are presented to verify theoretical analyses and to compare the performance of the proposed protocol to that of a two-way direct transmission protocol.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the bit error rate (BER) performance analysis of a cooperative relay communication system with differential modulation and selective relaying, where the best relay is selected to forward the signals from the source to the destination. The advantage of differential modulation is that it allows noncoherent detection without requiring the full channel-state information (CSI), as obtaining CSI in a cooperative communication system at each node is a complicated and costly task. We consider a simple detect-and-forward (DetF) relay system and take into account the effect of imperfect detection at the relay. We derive the average bit error probability of the DetF relay scheme by using the closed-form relay link signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Based on the analysis, we show that the proposed system with $N$ relay nodes and the simple relay selection can achieve a total diversity gain of $N + 1$. The BER performance of the system is also evaluated by simulation. It is shown that the analysis matches well with the simulation results.   相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a cooperative communication system with differential modulation and relay-selection (DM–RS) in multi-relay networks, where the best relay is selected to forward the source node’s signal to the destination node with detect-and-forward (DetF) protocol. Unlike the conventional DM–RS–DetF scheme using phase shift keying (PSK), we propose a DM–RS–DetF scheme with quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM). Since the differential PSK scheme cannot be applied to the QAM constellations directly, we firstly develop the modulation and demodulation methods for the differential QAM scheme. Then, we derive a closed-form approximation and an upper bound of the symbol error rate for the DQAM–RS–DetF scheme over independent Rayleigh fading channels, by using the approximated signal-to-noise ratio of the equivalent relay link. Simulations results verify the validity of the analytical results and further show that when the modulation order $M>8$ in Rayleigh fading channels, the DQAM–RS–DetF scheme outperforms the DPSK–RS–DetF scheme.  相似文献   

协同中继技术由于其较易实现及在提高系统性能方面的有效性,成为未来移动通信系统中一项很有竞争力的技术。目前的自适应调制研究局限在放大转发系统的自适应,或者只针对部分链路进行自适应。本研究针对译码转发系统进行了自适应调制策略的设计,并且综合考虑各条链路的信道状况进行发送端与中继端调制方式的自适应选择。通过互信息的方式对目的端不同调制方式的合并信号进行性能预测,以用于调制方式的选择。仿真结果表明本文提出的自适应调制策略能够有效的提高系统吞吐量。  相似文献   

The combination of cooperative communication and physical layer security is an effective approach to overcome the disadvantages of the fading environment as well as to increase the security capacity of the wireless network. In this paper, we propose a two-way decode-and-forward scheme with a relay selection method. In the proposed protocol, two source nodes communicate with each other with the help of intermediate relays under the eavesdropping of another wireless node, called the eavesdropper node. The best relay, which is chosen by the max–min strategy, uses digital network coding to enhance secure communication and spectrum use efficiency. The system performance is analyzed and evaluated in terms of the exact closed-form outage probability over Rayleigh fading channels. The Monte-Carlo simulation results are presented to verify the theoretical analysis. Finally, the proposed protocol is compared with the two-way protocol, which does not use digital network coding.  相似文献   

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