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<正>全球领先的远程呈现、视频及语音通信解决方案提供商宝利通公司日前宣布,推出全新的1080p高清解决方案,实现任意带宽条件下的最佳视频通信体验,进一步扩展业内最丰富的远程呈现产品组合,给用户带来更高灵活性。用户可根据不同网络带宽或特殊应用需求灵活调整远程呈现分辨率。  相似文献   

全球领先的远程呈现、视频和语音通信解决方案提供商宝利通公司,日前宣布进一步扩大业界最丰富的远程呈现产品组合和最全面的视频通信解决方案,以满足更广泛的客户应用和网络要求,从而履行承诺,帮助客户面向未来发展投资.宝利通进一步增强其极致远真?  相似文献   

宝利通推动远程呈现、视频会议和视频统一通信普及,支持H.264 HighProfile并推出首个"Full SVC"方案宝利通公司,日前宣布支持突破性的标准化视频压缩技术H.264 High Profile,该技术可节省50%供高清远程呈现和标清视频会议使用的带宽,为客户节省大量的网络带宽成本。节省带宽资源将进一步刺激视频应用的普及为客户带来更理想的网络环境,从而通过宝利通开放式协作网络(POCN)进一步推动统一通信环境下远程呈现和视频会议应用。  相似文献   

宝利通推动远程呈现、视频会议和视频统一通信普及,支持H.264HighProfile并推出首个“FullSVC”方案  相似文献   

宝利通与BroadSoft共同推出的统一通信方案,提供结合宝利通高清语音、视频会议和远程呈现功能的IP电话,为服务提供商扩展商机。全球领先的远程呈现提供商宝利通公司与电信行业VoIP应用提供商BroadSoft公司日前发布了增强型统一通信(UC)解决方案,提供具有宝利通高清语音TM、视频会议和远程呈现  相似文献   

只需50%的带宽即可实现逼真协作体验宝利通公司日前宣布推出宝利通?(OTXTM)300开放式远真体验,进一步扩展了远程呈现解决方案产品线。融入式远程呈现解决方案提供了逼真的协作体验,包括1080p视频,而占用的带宽只有同类系统的一半,实现最低的使用成本,为客户带来更快的投资回报。  相似文献   

会议电话、视频会议、高清远程呈现及统一协作通信解决方案的提供商宝利通公司,目前在北京发展大厦举行隆重庆典,庆祝公司进入中国十周年;  相似文献   

全球供应链优化提供商曼哈特软件公司通过宝利通提供的全球视频通信网络加强与1,200多家客户的关系。曼哈特软件公司通过连接分布在11个国家20个办事机构的2000名员工来确保公司高效且平稳的运营。曼哈特软  相似文献   

宝利通公司,日前宣布为MicrosoftOffice Communications Server 2007及MicrosoftExchange扩展其融合视频通信解决方案,通过开发突破性功能,帮助企业在微软统一通信(UC)环境中部署、管理和使用宝利通远程呈现、高清视频会议和桌面视频协作。宝利通公司视频解决方案总经理Joe Sigrist表示:"宝利通与微软展开合作  相似文献   

年度调查显示金融危机使高清视频会议及远程呈现技术的普及率显著上升最近,一项由行业研究机构Wainhouse Research(WR)进行的终端用户调查显示,有三分之一的企业并没有因为金融危机的发生减少在视频会议方面的投资,相反却增加了。综合247位受访者的反馈,推动这一市场不降反升的最主要因素有两个:差旅成本的削减和需  相似文献   

全球领先的远程呈现、视频及语音通信解决方案提供商宝利通公司(纳斯达克:PLCM)日前宣布,推出其首款可视电话一宝利通VVXTM1500,这是对桌面通信的一次重新定义.  相似文献   

全球领先的远程呈现、视频及语音通信解决方案提供商宝利通公司(纳斯达克:PLCM)日前宣布,推出其首款可视电话--宝利通VVXTM1500,这是对桌面通信的一次重新定义。VVXTM1500是商务可视电话系列中的第一款产品,它结合个人视频会议系统、采用宝利通高清语音(HD Voice~(TM))技术功能齐全的IP电话(VoIP)、开放式应用程序接口(API)以及可实时提供个性化网络内容和整合关键业务应用的微型浏览器。所有  相似文献   

针对电信运营商的解决方案,应对商业及消费市场不断增长的视频通信需求托管高清远程呈现服务,基于开放的IMS标准,满足大众市场对互操作性和价格的要求爱立信和宝利通已在巴塞罗那世界移动通信大会上展示了相关技术爱立信(纳斯达克:ERIC)和宝利通(纳斯达克:PLCM)于日前在西班牙巴塞罗那举行的世界移动通信大会上联合宣布,共同为托管式远程呈现服务推出端到端  相似文献   

Soares  Carlos  Brazdil  Pavel B.  Kuba  Petr 《Machine Learning》2004,54(3):195-209
The Support Vector Machine algorithm is sensitive to the choice of parameter settings. If these are not set correctly, the algorithm may have a substandard performance. Suggesting a good setting is thus an important problem. We propose a meta-learning methodology for this purpose and exploit information about the past performance of different settings. The methodology is applied to set the width of the Gaussian kernel. We carry out an extensive empirical evaluation, including comparisons with other methods (fixed default ranking; selection based on cross-validation and a heuristic method commonly used to set the width of the SVM kernel). We show that our methodology can select settings with low error while providing significant savings in time. Further work should be carried out to see how the methodology could be adapted to different parameter setting tasks.Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/B:MACH.0000015879.28004.9b  相似文献   

设计产品是技术美学的逻辑起点,技术美学是设计产品审美形态的独特视角,它融于产品的构成要素中,成为社会的一种基本审美存在。  相似文献   

Knight  D.O. 《Micro, IEEE》1985,5(5):6-9
Workstations will be integrated with office automation tools to form comprehensive engineering support systems. This special report examines how we can successfully implement such systems.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of font size, stroke width, and character complexity on the legibility of Chinese characters. A within‐subjects design experiment was employed. Thirty‐six subjects participated in the experiment and completed the character‐search tasks in the pseudo‐texts. The search time per target character, correct response number, and correct response rate were used to measure the legibility. The results indicated that the font size and character complexity had significant effects on the legibility, while the effect of stroke width was not significant. All the two‐way interactions among the three display factors had significant effects on the legibility. Stroke width is critical to the legibility for characters with high‐level complexity, whereas font size is the critical factor influencing the legibility for characters with low‐level complexity. The combination of 12pt font size and 1:10 stroke width resulted in the best legibility for both character complexity levels. The findings provide useful information for the font design of Chinese texts displayed on a visual display terminal to improve the legibility.  相似文献   

进入12月份,随着圣诞、元旦和春节的脚步都越来越近,节日的喜庆气氛给寒冷冬季带来几多暖意.HP激光一体机和彩色激光打印机新年特惠送大礼促销活动,将给欢度佳节的人们再添几分喜气.  相似文献   

The best choice problem (also known as “the secretary problem”) is one of the classical in stochastic optimization. In this paper, we consider a modification of the classical secretary problem by adding the second player, who can either help the first player to find the best element by a hint or precludes him by imposing some restrictions on the search. Nash equilibrium has been found in the explicit form of mixed strategies for three different types of the game. The asymptotic behavior of diverse numerical quantities associated with the optimal strategies for both players, as the number of objects tends to infinity, has been studied.  相似文献   

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