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Zr 55 Al 10 Cu 30 Ni 5 bulk metallic glass was rolled up to 95% in thickness reduction at room temperature, and the dependences of microstructure and thermal stability on the strain were investigated. It is revealed that phase transformations do not occur during the rolling, but the split of the crystallization peaks becomes more and more obvious with increasing thickness reduction. Analyses of the radial distribution functions and the pair correlation functions indicate that the rolling has enhanced the sh...  相似文献   

The effect of Pd addition on the glass-forming ability and thermal stability of the Zr55Al10Cu30Ni5-xPdx (x=0, 1, 3, 5 at. pct) alloys upon copper-mold casting has been investigated. The structure, thermal stability and microstructure were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), respectively. It was identified that a new bulk amorphous alloy with the larger supercooled liquid region Tx of 100 K is obtained with substituting Ni by 1 at. pct Pd. Furthermore, the origins that thermal stability and GFA change with increasing of Pd have also beer discussed.  相似文献   

Bulk amorphous steel having 7 mm thickness was synthesized to evaluate its thermal stability and mechanical properties.The steel was synthesized by Cu mold casting technique using 1-2N pure metals.Characterization of the material was done by X-ray diffraction,differential scanning calorimetry and scanning electron microscopy.The activation energies were calculated by Kissinger equation and it was found that the steel had better stability against crystallization.Mechanical properties like Vicker s hardness,n...  相似文献   

Designing and synthesis of cost effective bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) has been of considerable interest during the last decade so that they can be made commercially viable. Among these, Zr-based BMGs have been reported extensively due to their attractive properties, An alloy having composition Zr65Cu18Ni9A18 was designed and synthesized using 2-3 N pure materials by Cu mould casting. The alloy was characterized by X- ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and high temperature differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Thermal parameters like supercooled liquid region △Tx, reduced glass transition temperature Trg, γ and δ parameters were evaluated. Mechanical properties like microhardness, nanohardness, elastic modulus and fracture strength were measured. The alloy showed wide supercooled liquid region of 129+1 K with improved thermal stability. The alloy has considerable fracture strength along with fair amount of ductility.  相似文献   

Designing and synthesis of cost effective bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) has been of considerable interest during the last decade so that they can be made commercially viable. Among these, Zr-based BMGs have been reported extensively due to their attractive properties. An alloy having composition Zr65Cu18Ni9Al8 was designed and synthesized using 2-3 N pure materials by Cu mould casting. The alloy was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and high temperature differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Thermal parameters like supercooled liquid region ΔTX, reduced glass transition temperature Trg, γand σ parameters were evaluated. Mechanical properties like microhardness, nanohardness, elastic modulus and fracture strength were measured. The alloy showed wide supercooled liquid region of 129±1 K with improved thermal stability. The alloy has considerable fracture strength along with fair amount of ductility.  相似文献   

在高纯氩气保护下使用机械合金化法对原子组成为Fe60Zr40-xBx(x=10、20、30)的混合粉体进行实验,成功地制取了非晶合金粉。结合X射线衍射与DSC的分析,认为:Fe60Zr20B20和Fe60Zr10B30体系因B原子含量较高,使得其非晶化效率及热稳定性都要高于B原子含量较少的Fe60Zr30B10体系。计算得出Fe60Zr20B20和Fe60Zr10B30两个体系的非晶晶化激活能数据分别为(201.7±58.5)kJ·mol-1和(220.3±18.1)kJ·mol-1。  相似文献   

In this paper,the crystallization behaviour of amorphous Cu56Zr7Ti37 alloy using thermal electrical resistivity(TER) and differential scanning calorimetry(DSC) studies has been described.Isochronal TER and DSC measurements indicate that crystallization occurs in two stages.Isothermal crystallization studies of the alloy by TER show that the kinetics conforms to Johnson-Mehl-Avrami model.Avrami exponents derived from kinetics,between 1.1 and 1.2,imply that the crystallization processes are diffusion controlled with near zero nucleation.Activation energy has been found to increase with the transformed volume fraction.A plausible explanation has been presented by separating the contributions due to nucleation and crystal growth towards total activation energy.  相似文献   

The Zr55Al10Ni5Cu30 bulk metallic glass plate were successfully welded to crystalline aluminum plates by using a friction stir welding (FSW) method. The welded zone was examined. No defects, cracks or pores were observed and no other crystalline phases except for aluminum were found in the welded joint. The strength of the joint is higher than that of aluminum. The glassy phase in the stir zone keeps the amorphous state, showing a successful welding. The storage modulus softens over the glass transition. An...  相似文献   

Zr_(61.7)Al_8Ni_(13)Cu_(17)Sn_(0.3) bulk metallic glass samples with different aspect ratios in the range of 0.25–2.25 were deformed by compression,and the effect of aspect ratio on the evolution of shear bands was investigated.It is found that for the deformed Zr_(61.7)Al_8Ni_(13)Cu_(17)Sn_(0.3) bulk metallic glass,the average shear band spacing decreases and the shear band density increases monotonically as the aspect ratio increases from 0.25 to 2.25.A minimal average shear band spacing of 0.478 μm is achieved for the sample with an aspect ratio of 2.25.In addition,the fractions of shear bands with spacings below 100 and 50 nm are about 12.84% and 6.76%,respectively,for the sample with an aspect ratio of 2.25.The reason for the formation of a higher density of shear bands can probably be attributed to the increase of the driving force for the sample with a larger aspect ratio.  相似文献   

The stress–strain relations for the Zr53.5Cu26.5Ni5Al12Ag3 bulk metallic glass(BMG) over a broad range of temperatures(room temperature to its supercooled liquid region) and strain rates(10-4to 10-1s-1) were established in uniaxial compression using a thermal-mechanical simulation system. The superplastic flow was seen above its glass transition temperature(Tg = 694 K) and strain rates of up to 10-1s-1from the variation of stress–strain curves. A deformation map of strain rate vs temperature of Zr53.5Cu26.5Ni5Al12Ag3 was obtained, which was mainly composed of homogeneous and inhomogeneous deformation regions,the former featuring either Newtonian or non-Newtonian flow while the latter characterizing linear elastic behavior followed by shear localization, respectively. A phenomenological constitutive equation used to describe a master curve of viscosity with respect to the strain rate was obtained by fitting the experimental results, which determines the viscosity of the present alloy at the temperature near and above Tg. The results show the Zr53.5Cu26.5Ni5Al12Ag3 BMG is the subject suitable for net shape forming process at the supercooled liquid region.  相似文献   

用DTA结合XRD了Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9晶合金的晶化动力学。表明,该事金在500℃时析出α-Fe(Si)相。晶化初期激活能最小为242kJ/mol,它随晶化量的增加,在XC为0.4-0.8时,呈极大值为520kJ/mol。在624℃时析出Fe2B相。  相似文献   

以(Zr0.6336Cu0.1452Ni0.1012Al0.12)100-xEr_x(x=0,0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,原子分数,下同)系块体非晶合金为研究对象,通过改变微量元素Er的含量来研究Er对非晶合金的结构、力学性能、热稳定性及非晶形成能力的影响。结果表明:添加Er元素所制备出的试样都是完全非晶结构的合金。随着Er含量的增加,各试样的弹性模量呈现出先增大后减小,压缩塑性应变呈台阶式上升,x=0,x=0.5,x=1试样的塑性应变在4%的范围内波动;x=1.5,x=2,x=2.5试样的塑性应变在11%的范围内波动;x=3试样的塑性应变最高,其值为23.19%,弹性模量为37.76GPa,屈服强度为1604MPa,抗压强度为2068MPa,断裂强度为2060MPa;随着Er含量的增加,锆基非晶合金的热稳定性和非晶形成能力均先减小后增大。  相似文献   

采用喷射成形技术制备了Al95Cu2Fe1Ni1Ce0.5Zr0.5合金材料,研究了该合金快速凝固组织的形成机制,并对沉积态及热挤压态材料的拉伸性能进行了测试.结果表明:喷射成形快速凝固技术显著地细化了合金组织.预成形毛坯组织的微观不均匀性使沉积态材料的综合力学性能降低;热挤压工艺可改善合金的均匀性,提高材料性能.  相似文献   

采用机械合金化技术制备了Fe70Zr10B2。磁性非晶合金粉末。分析Fe70Zr10B20非晶合金的形成机制、晶化机制:研究Fe70Cr10B20非晶合金不同热处理温度下的磁性及球磨过程中样品的磁性。结果表明:Fe70Cr10B20非晶相的形成是由原子的扩散和晶格崩渍共同作用的结果;Fe70Cr10B20非晶合金的热致晶化模式为一次晶化;球磨过程厦非晶熟处理后样品的磁性与其结构、晶粒尺寸、应力和缺陷等因素有关。  相似文献   

液淬Al(88)Ce2Ni(10-x)Fex(x=0,1,3,5)非晶铝合金的形成倾向和热稳定随组元Fe含量的增加,表现出较大的差别:前者趋于降低,后者趋于增大。非晶铝合金的形成和热稳定性是由不同微观机理所决定的,其中3d过渡金属Fe与主量元素Al相异原子之间的强烈相互作用是导致热稳定性提高的主要原因。  相似文献   

采用差示扫描量热(Dsc)分析方法测定了Cu50Zr42Al8块状非晶合金在不同温度(350~450℃)预退火4h后的玻璃转变温度Tg、起始晶化温度Tx、晶化峰值温度Tp和玻璃转变过程中的比热容变化。结果表明:预退火处理试样的玻璃转变温度Tg、玻璃转变比热变化ΔCp,g随退火温度的升高呈现逐渐增加的趋势,而其起始晶化温度Tx和晶化峰值温度Tp随退火温度的变化不明显。并利用结构弛豫理论分析了预退火温度对玻璃转变和晶化的  相似文献   

对Ni_(50)Al_(30)Fe_(20)金属间化合物合金进行1~4GPa高压处理,发现随着处理压强增高,塑性应变量下降,由于在高压处理条件下样品滑移变形受周围叶蜡石挤压而受到抑制,微裂纹在晶内形核,测试时裂纹容易连通提前产生断裂,其断裂方向由铸态时与压缩轴成45°,逐渐转变为在高压处理时断面与压缩轴垂直。  相似文献   

利用金相,X-射线,DSC,透射电子显微镜研究了氢对Ni25Ti50Cu25合金马氏体相变的影响,结果表明,当氢含量高时,氢与全金元素形成氢化物,与氧化物共存的李晶亚结构马氏体失去热弹性,当氢含量低329ppm时,氢固溶于合金中,随氢含量增加,马氏体相变温度降低,氢使马氏体在热循环过程中发生稳定。  相似文献   

用热脱附谱 (TDS)对不同表面处理的富La混合储H2 合金MlNi4 Co0 6Al0 4 粉末样品进行H2 气吸附和脱附特性的比较和研究。未经表面处理的粉末样品 ,只测到一个H2 脱附峰 (α峰 ) ,脱附温度在 40 0K左右 ;经 6molKOH溶液 ,在 80℃下处理 6h的MlNi4 Co0 6Al0 4 粉末样品 ,有 2个H2 热脱附峰 (β峰和γ峰 ) ,脱附温度分别在 5 40和 6 30K处 ;而用 6molKOH 0 0 2molKBH4 溶液处理后 ,则有 3个H2 热脱附峰 (α峰 ,β峰和γ峰 ) ,脱附温度分别在 40 0 ,5 30和 6 40K处。TDS研究表明 ,热碱加还原的处理使材料表面对H2 气吸附的活性和容量提高 ,并使各个吸附态的扩散和转变更加容易。  相似文献   

基于随机系统,利用Ca离子、H2 O分子、OH基团和Si3 O10集团作为基本单元构建无定形C-S-H凝胶模型,并结合分子动力学方法进行结构优化,得到不同H 2 O/Si含量的无定形C-S-H凝胶.通过分析不同原子对的径向分布函数和近邻原子数,研究了水分子含量对C-S-H凝胶体系的微观结构特性和力学性能的影响.研究结果...  相似文献   

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