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Globally, dams and water extractions are well‐recognised disruptors of flow regimes in floodplain wetlands, but little is known of the hydrological and ecological impacts of floodplain earthworks constructed for irrigation, flood mitigation and erosion control. We mapped the distribution of earthworks with high‐resolution SPOT (Système Probatoire d'Observation de la Terre) imagery in an internationally recognised Ramsar wetland, the Macquarie Marshes of the Murray–Darling Basin, Australia. There were 339 km levees, 1648 km channels, 54 off‐river storages and 664 tanks (0.5–5 m high), detected within the 4793 km2 floodplain study area. Earthworks reduced localised flooding compared with undeveloped sites. The most pronounced disconnection of the original floodplain (73.0%) occurred where earthworks were most concentrated compared with areas with few earthworks (53.2%). We investigated relationships between hydrological connectivity and mortality of the perennial flood‐dependent river red gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis at 55 floodplain sites (225 × 150 m). Over half of the river red gums were dead at 21.8% of the sites. Earthworks blocked surface flows to flood‐dependent vegetation and drowned vegetation in artificially inundated off‐river storages. Mortality was due to impacts of earthworks and potentially exacerbated by effects of river regulation, water extraction and climate. River red gums were healthiest in narrow river corridors where earthworks confined flows and flows could recede freely. Rehabilitation of flood‐dependent ecosystems should focus on reinstating lateral connectivity and protecting environmental flows. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Oxbow lakes, sloughs and other floodplain depressions associated with former channel positions are critical elements of floodplain hydrology, geomorphology and ecology. They comprise key elements of wetland and aquatic habitats and have important influence on the storage and routing of floodwaters. The hydrological connectivity between active river channels and floodplain depressions varies considerably in a qualitative sense, even within a single fluvial system. Several oxbows, sloughs and paleochannels were examined on the lower Sabine River, Texas/Louisiana, during a period of high but sub‐bankfull flow as well as at lower flows. Six different types of surface water connectivity with the main, active channel were identified: (i) flow through—a portion of the river flow regularly passes through the feature and returns to the main channel; (ii) flood channel—there is no hydraulic connection at normal flows, but at high flows the channels convey discharge, at least part of which returns to the main channel; (iii) fill and spill—the features fill to a threshold level at high flows and then overflow (mainly via ephemeral channels) into flood basins; (iv) fill and drain—the features fill at high river discharges but do not (except in large floods) overflow because as river discharge declines, water drains back to the river; (v) tributary occupied—tributaries draining to the abandoned channel continue to occupy it, flowing through it to the active channel; and (vi) disconnected—no flow is exchanged except during large floods. The age or stage of infilling and the relative elevation of abandoned channels are important first‐order controls of hydrological connectivity, but the lateral distance from the active channel is poorly related. Other critical controls are whether the cutoff section receives tributary input and whether a tie channel forms. The alluvial valley geomorphic context—specifically the presence of a meander belt ridge and flood basins—is also critical. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Based on detailed historical surveys from 1812, the natural riverine landscape of a 10.25‐km‐long reach of the Danube River in the Austrian Machland region prior to channelization is analysed. Anthropogenically induced changes of fluvial dynamics, hydrological connectivity and aquatic habitat composition are discussed, comparing the situations following channelization (1925) and flow regulation (1991). In 1812 the alluvial river–floodplain system of the Danube River comprised a highly complex channel network, numerous gravel bars and extensive islands, with the main channel and side arms (eupotamon) representing about 97% of the entire water surface at low flow. The floodplain was characterized by relatively flat terrain and numerous natural trenches (former active channels) connected to the main channel. These hydromorphological conditions led to marked expansion/contraction of the water surface area at water level fluctuations below bankfull (‘flow pulse’). The high degree of hydrological connectivity enabled intensive exchange processes and favoured migrations of aquatic organisms between the river and floodplain habitats over a period of approximately 90 days per year. Overall in 1812, 57% of the active zone (active channels and floodplain) was inundated at bankfull water level. Channelization and construction of hydropower plants resulted in a truncated fluvial system. Consequently, eupotamal water bodies decreased by 65%, and gravel/sand bars and vegetated islands decreased by 94% and 97%, respectively, whereas the area of the various backwaters doubled. In 1991 the former ‘flow pulse’ was halved due to artificial levees and embankments, greatly diminishing hydrological connectivity and decoupling large areas of the floodplain from the main channel. Active overflow, formerly playing an important role, is now replaced by backwater flooding and seepage inflow in isolated water bodies. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The lower River Murray in South Australia is highly regulated through weirs and water extraction for irrigation. Management of the river for environmental purposes requires an understanding of the extent of floodplain inundation from various flows and weir manipulations. This study aimed to produce a floodplain inundation model for the 600 km long and 1–5 km wide portion of the River Murray in South Australia from the New South Wales border to Lake Alexandrina. The model was developed using a Geographical Information System (GIS), remote sensing and hydrological modelling. Flood inundation extents were monitored from Landsat satellite imagery for a range of flows, interpolated to model flood growth patterns and linked to a hydrological model of the river. The resulting model can be analysed for flows ranging from minimum flow to a 1‐in‐13‐year flood event for any month and weir configuration and has been independently tested using aerial photography to an accuracy of approximately 15% underestimate. The results have proven the approach for determining flood inundation over a large area at approximately one‐tenth of the cost of detailed elevation and hydrodynamic modelling. The GIS model allows prediction of impacts on infrastructure, wetlands and floodplain vegetation, allowing quantitative analysis of flood extent to be used as an input into the management decision process. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Understanding temporal trophic interactions in riverine food webs is essential for predicting river ecosystem function and improving management of these ecosystems. Temporal changes in energy flows through riverine food webs are readily assumed but are rarely tested. Temporal variability in food webs from two reaches of a lowland river (Ovens River, south‐eastern Australia) with differing levels of floodplain connectivity were examined over 12 months. We investigated how seasonal changes, flow variability and floodplain connectivity influence (i) stable isotope signatures of basal organic carbon sources (terrestrial sources: trees and grasses; aquatic sources: seston, biofilm and filamentous algae) and consumers (macroinvertebrates and fish) and (ii) the relative proportions of organic carbon sources contributing to consumer biomass using mixing models. We hypothesized (i) that during high flows, increased floodplain connectivity would increase the lateral exchange of terrestrial carbon subsidies to main channel consumers and (ii) that during low flow periods, main channel consumers would derive the majority of their carbon from aquatic benthic sources. Results indicated that isotope signatures for basal sources and for most of the consumers varied temporally and spatially. Mixing models indicated that increased floodplain connectivity did not increase terrestrial subsidies to consumers during high flows. Seston was the primary source during high flows whilst terrestrial vegetation increased in importance during low flows. Filamentous algae was also important during low flows for some consumers. These findings indicate that it is essential to include temporal variability in order to understand energy flows in lowland rivers, thus allowing for the dynamic nature of these ecosystems. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In dry ecoregions, trees are restricted to river valley floodplains where river water supplements the limited local precipitation. Around the Northern Hemisphere, cottonwoods, riparian poplars, are often predominant trees in floodplain forests and these ecological specialists require floods that create and saturate sand and gravel bars, enabling seedling recruitment. By pairing the interpretation of aerial photographs at approximately decade intervals with dendrochronology, we explored the coordination between river floods, geomorphic disturbance and colonization of plains cottonwoods (Populus deltoides) over eight meanders along the Red Deer River in the semi‐arid prairie of western Canada. This river has a relatively natural flow regime and minimal human alteration through the World Heritage Site of Dinosaur Provincial Park. We found that the 50‐year flood of 1954 increased channel migration and produced extensive accretion with downstream expansion of meander lobes and some channel infilling, which was followed by prolific cottonwood colonization. Those processes accompanied the major flood, while bank erosion and cottonwood losses were more gradual and continuous over the past half‐century. Results indicated even greater floodplain and woodland development after an earlier 100‐year flood in 1915. Each flood produced an arcuate band of mature cottonwoods and there were five to seven progressively older woodland bands across the floodplain, with each cottonwood age grouping increasing by about a half‐century. The 700 m wide floodplain was progressively reworked by the river through pulses of channel movement and floodplain and woodland development over approximately 250 years and correspondingly, the oldest cottonwoods were about 250 years old.  相似文献   

The Atchafalaya River Basin (ARB) is the largest distributary basin of the Mississippi River and contains the largest tract of forested wetlands in North America. However, hydrologic manipulations for flood control, logging, and mineral extraction have altered how water flows through the ARB and have led to widespread stagnation and hypoxia. To address this, the State of Louisiana has developed a hydrologic restoration plan to increase connectivity between the Atchafalaya River and backswamp areas on the floodplain. Here, we report on water quality changes in the forested wetlands of the ARB during a flood pulse as part of a prerestoration monitoring programme. Monitoring stations were set up in the backswamp to collect data on water levels, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, temperature, and specific conductance. We found that when water levels were high enough to overtop bayou banks and spoil banks, north‐to‐south flow patterns were reinstated and water quality in the backswamp was improved. Specifically, hypoxic conditions, which had been common before the flood, were alleviated whereas the swamps were receiving flowing, oxygenated river water. The magnitude and duration of dissolved oxygen improvement was dependent on the length of time a site received river water. Our results suggest that stagnation and hypoxia can be alleviated in the ARB by increasing the amount of time river water can access to floodplain swamps.  相似文献   

为了摸清水系连通性衰退的成因,本文通过引入水系连通性指标和推求河道水力几何关系,深入分析了水系连通性的连通机理和影响因素.结果表明河道纵向连通性取决于河道来水来沙条件与边界形态,侧向连通性取决于河道分汇流比及分汇流区的水流流态和冲淤形态,河道横向连通包括河道滩槽并存、洪水期滩槽水沙交换以及水生植物的传播,主要是通过洪水...  相似文献   

As global climate change affects recharge and runoff processes, stream flow regimes are being altered. In the American Southwest, increasing aridity is predicted to cause declines in stream base flows and water tables. Another potential outcome of climate change is increased flood intensity. Changes in these stream flow conditions may independently affect vegetation or may have synergistic effects. Our goal was to extrapolate vegetation response to climate‐linked stream flow changes, by taking advantage of the spatial variation in flow conditions over a 200 km length of the San Pedro River (Arizona). Riparian vegetation traits were contrasted between sites differing in low‐flow hydrology (degree of stream intermittency) and flood intensity (stream power of the 10‐year recurrence flood). Field data indicate that increased stream intermittency would cause the floodplain plant community to shift from hydric pioneer trees and shrubs (Populus, Salix, Baccharis) towards mesic species (Tamarix). This shift in functional type would produce changes in vegetation structure, with reduced canopy cover and shorter canopies at drier sites. Among herbaceous species, annuals would increase while perennials would decrease. If flood intensities increased, there would be shifts towards younger tree age, expansion of xeric pioneer shrubs (in response to flood‐linked edaphic changes), and replacement of herbaceous perennials by annuals. Woody stem density would increase and basal area would decrease, reflecting shifts towards younger forests. Some effects would be compounded: Annuals were most prevalent, and tree canopies shortest, at sites that were dry and intensely flooded. Vegetational changes would feedback onto hydrologic and geomorphic processes, of importance for modeling. Increased flood intensity would have positive feedback on disturbance processes, by shifting plant communities towards species with less ability to stabilize sediments. Feedbacks between riparian vegetation and stream low‐flow changes would be homeostatic, with reduced evapotranspiration rates ameliorating declines in base flows arising from increased aridity. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The dynamic nature of alluvial floodplain rivers is a function of flow and sediment regimes interacting with the physiographic features and vegetation cover of the landscape. During seasonal inundation, the flood pulse forms a ‘moving littoral’ that traverses the plain, increasing productivity and enhancing connectivity. The range of spatio-temporal connectivity between different biotopes, coupled with variable levels of natural disturbance, determine successional patterns and habitat heterogeneity that are responsible for maintaining the ecological integrity of floodplain river systems. Flow regulation by dams, often compounded by other modifications such as levee construction, normally results in reduced connectivity and altered successional trajectories in downstream reaches. Flood peaks are typically reduced by river regulation, which reduces the frequency and extent of floodplain inundation. A reduction in channel-forming flows reduces channel migration, an important phenomenon in maintaining high levels of habitat diversity across floodplains. The seasonal timing of floods may be shifted by flow regulation, with major ramifications for aquatic and terrestrial biota. Truncation of sediment transport may result in channel degradation for many kilometres downstream from a dam. Deepening of the channel lowers the water-table, which affects riparian vegetation dynamics and reduces the effective base level of tributaries, which results in rejuvenation and erosion. Ecological integrity in floodplain rivers is based in part on a diversity of water bodies with differing degrees of connectivity with the main river channel. Collectively, these water bodies occupy a wide range of successional stages, thereby forming a mosaic of habitat patches across the floodplain, This diversity is maintained by a balance between the trend toward terrestrialization and flow disturbances that renew connectivity and reset successional sequences. To counter the influence of river regulation, restoration efforts should focus on reestablishing dynamic connectivity between the channel and floodplain water bodies.  相似文献   

Channelization and embankment of rivers has led to major ecological degradation of aquatic habitats worldwide. River restoration can be used to restore favourable hydrological conditions for target species or processes. However, the effects of river restoration on hydraulic and hydrological processes are complex and are often difficult to determine because of the long‐term monitoring required before and after restoration works. Our study is based on rarely available, detailed pre‐restoration and post‐restoration hydrological data collected from a wet grassland meadow in Norfolk, UK, and provides important insights into the hydrological effects of river restoration. Groundwater hydrology and climate were monitored from 2007 to 2010. Based on our data, we developed coupled hydrological/hydraulic models of pre‐embankment and post‐embankment conditions using the MIKE‐SHE/MIKE 11 system. Simulated groundwater levels compared well with observed groundwater. Removal of the river embankments resulted in widespread floodplain inundation at high river flows (>1.7 m3 s?1) and frequent localized flooding at the river edge during smaller events (>0.6 m3 s?1). Subsequently, groundwater levels were higher and subsurface storage was greater. The restoration had a moderate effect on flood peak attenuation and improved free drainage to the river. Our results suggest that embankment removal can increase river–floodplain hydrological connectivity to form a more natural wetland ecotone, driven by frequent localized flood disturbance. This has important implications for the planning and management of river restoration projects that aim to enhance floodwater storage, floodplain species composition and biogeochemical cycling of nutrients. © 2016 The Authors. River Research and Applications Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

黄河下游河槽萎缩与防洪   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
黄金池 《泥沙研究》2001,31(4):7-11
河道的形态是在一定边界条件下来水来沙过程长期塑造的结果,通过定性分析探讨了河道滩槽结构形成的机理,证明了天然河流中滩槽稳定结构是洪水与枯水长期作用的动态平衡结果,来水来沙条件的趋势性改变将导致滩槽结构的改变,在一定条件下甚至出现无明显主槽的局面,一些季节性河流的例子进一步证实了这种推论,从黄河下游这些年河床变化的特征分析,如不能有效改变长期断流和主槽泥沙淤积状况,大堤约束较小的河南河段也有向无明显主槽的完全游荡性河流变化的趋势,顺堤行洪,大堤偎水的频率将大大增加,从防洪减灾角度出发,提出了黄河下游今后河道治理可能主要在于来水来源的合理调度,河道河势控制工程的管理和滩区防洪减灾软环境的建设等几个方面。  相似文献   

Floodplains and their associated wetlands are important features of semiarid and arid landscapes, providing habitat and refugia for native species as well as contributing to human needs for freshwater. Globally, floodplain habitats are some of the most modified ecological communities because of water resource development and land‐use changes. However, the hydrological changes that have occurred in highly variable semiarid and arid systems are rarely quantified in a way that helps us understand the consequences for different floodplain habitat types. This study investigated changes in floodplain‐river connectivity that have occurred because of water resource development on four floodplain habitat types in the Lachlan River Catchment, Australia: (a) temporary floodplain lakes, (b) intermittent river red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) swamps, (c) intermittent black box (Eucalyptus largiflorens) swamps, and (d) terminal wetlands (wetlands along distributary creeks). Changes to floodplain‐river connectivity characteristics were calculated using their commence to fill thresholds and flow scenarios derived from a river hydrology model, enabling comparison of long‐term data sets (120 years) encompassing a range of climate conditions. Connection regime metrics have changed significantly in all floodplain habitats except intermittent black box swamps. Temporary floodplain lakes have experienced the greatest reduction in number of connection events (60% reduction), followed by intermittent river red gum swamps (55% reduction). Intermittent black box swamps and terminal wetlands have experienced the least change in number of connection events (35% reduction). The nature of the change in connection suggests a change in vegetation communities will occur in response to long‐term hydrological change.  相似文献   

The San Pedro River in the southwestern United States retains a natural flood regime and has several reaches with perennial stream flow and shallow ground water. However, much of the river flows intermittently. Urbanization‐linked declines in regional ground‐water levels have raised concerns over the future status of the riverine ecosystem in some parts of the river, while restoration‐linked decreases in agricultural ground‐water pumping are expected to increase stream flows in other parts. This study describes the response of the streamside herbaceous vegetation to changes in stream flow permanence. During the early summer dry season, streamside herbaceous cover and species richness declined continuously across spatial gradients of flow permanence, and composition shifted from hydric to mesic species at sites with more intermittent flow. Hydrologic threshold values were evident for one plant functional group: Schoenoplectus acutus, Juncus torreyi, and other hydric riparian plants declined sharply in cover with loss of perennial stream flow. In contrast, cover of mesic riparian perennials (including Cynodon dactylon, an introduced species) increased at sites with intermittent flow. Patterns of hydric and mesic riparian annuals varied by season: in the early summer dry season their cover declined continuously as flow became more intermittent, while in the late summer wet season their cover increased as the flow became more intermittent. Periodic drought at the intermittent sites may increase opportunities for establishment of these annuals during the monsoonal flood season. During the late summer flood season, stream flow was present at most sites, and fewer vegetation traits were correlated with flow permanence; cover and richness were correlated with other environmental factors including site elevation and substrate nitrate level and particle size. Although perennial‐flow and intermittent‐flow sites support different streamside plant communities, all of the plant functional groups are abundant at perennial‐flow sites when viewing the ecosystem at broader spatial and temporal scales: mesic riparian perennials are common in the floodplain zone adjacent to the river channel and late‐summer hydric and mesic annuals are periodically abundant after large floods. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Floods are essential for the regeneration and growth of floodplain forests in arid and semiarid regions.However,river flows,and especially flood flows,have decreased greatly with the increase of water diversion from rivers and/or reservoir regulation,resulting in severe deterioration of floodplain ecosystems.Estimation of the flood stage that will inundate the floodplain forest is necessary for the forest's restoration or protection.To balance water use for economic purposes and floodplain forest protection,the inundated forest width method is proposed for estimating the minimum flood stage for floodplain forests from the inundated forest width-stage curve.The minimum flood stage is defined as the breakpoint of the inundated forest width-stage curve,and is determined directly or analytically from the curve.For the analytical approach,the problem under consideration is described by a multi-objective optimization model,which can be solved by the ideal point method.Then,the flood flow at the minimum flood stage(minimum flood flow),which is useful for flow regulation,can be calculated from the stage-discharge curve.In order to protect the forest in a river floodplain in a semiarid area in Xinjiang subject to reservoir regulation upstream,the proposed method was used to determine the minimum flood stage and flow for the forest.Field survey of hydrology,topography,and forest distribution was carried out at typical cross sections in the floodplain.Based on the survey results,minimum flood flows for six typical cross sections were estimated to be between 306 m3/s and 393 m3/s.Their maximum,393 m3/s,was considered the minimum flood flow for the study river reach.This provides an appropriate flood flow for the protection of floodplain forest and can be used in the regulation of the upstream reservoir.  相似文献   

The hydrological events that occur on floodplains are largely defined by precipitation and runoff inputs interacting with their geomorphological characteristics. In the middle Paraná River (MPR), hydrological events have traditionally been studied using water level time series and topographic charts or satellite images of certain floodplain sectors, using the same scale throughout the study area. Different zones of the floodplain were integrated using fractal dimension (FD) to better understand hydrological processes. FD is a useful tool used to characterize the geomorphological complexity of river networks in watersheds. The box-counting method was applied in the MPR floodplain. The result showed that as water levels increase, FD decreases, thereby indicating the direct relation with the hydrological attributes of the floodplain (e.g., duration, magnitude, recurrence of the flood event, and connectivity). This relation constitutes the basis of a new approach of the analysis of hydrological events and their effect on the MPR floodplain. This research provides fundamental information obtained from two hydrological stages and different spatial scales which may complement the method designed to accurately understand the hydrogeomorphological processes that operate on the Paraná River floodplain. It provides a simple parameter that can be used to evaluate the role that each floodplain section plays in attenuating the hydrograph recorded at each gauge analyzed along the river. This information will be useful in the implementation of management policies directed to the mitigation of future hydrological threats generated by alterations in the hydrological regime due to hydroclimatic variations or watershed alterations. The results further strengthen the basis for integrated sustainable planning of the main channel of the Paraná River, its floodplain, and the resources provided by this ecosystem.  相似文献   

Multi‐temporal analysis of river‐floodplain processes is a key tool for the identification of reference conditions or benchmarks and for the evaluation of deviations or deficits as a basis for process‐based river restoration in large modified rivers. This study developed a methodology for benchmarking fluvial processes at river segment level, focusing on those interrelations between morphodynamics (aggradation, erosion, channel shift) and vegetation succession (initial, colonization, transition) that condition habitat structure. Habitat maps of the free‐flowing Upper Rhine River downstream from Iffezheim dam (France–Germany border) were intersected with a geographic information system‐based approach. Patches showing trajectories of anthropization, changeless, progression and regression allowed for the identification of natural and human‐induced processes over almost 200 years. Before channelization, the riverine system was characterized by a shifting habitat mosaic with natural heterogeneity, high degree of surface water connectivity and equilibrium between progression and regression processes. On the other hand, the following 175 years of human interventions led to severe biogeomorphologic deficits evidenced by loss of natural processes and habitat heterogeneity, hydrological disconnection between the river and its floodplain and imbalance of progression versus regression dynamics. The main driving forces of change are found in hydromorphological impacts (channelization, regulation and hydropower plant construction). Regression processes are now almost absent and have to be the objective of process‐based river restoration measures for the studied river‐floodplain system. A sustainable view on water management and river restoration should aim at a more resilient riverine system by balancing the recovery of natural processes with societal needs. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Floodplain lakes are important aquatic resources for supporting ecosystem services, such as organismal habitat, biodiversity, and the retention of nutrients and sediment. Due to geomorphic alteration of river channels and land-cover change, degradation to floodplain lakes in the Ohio River basin is occurring at a rate that will escalate as climate change causes increased flood intensity and the seasonal redistribution of rainfall. A better understanding of the local drivers that affect oxbow lakes is needed for targeted floodplain restoration efforts designed to slow degradation. We examined the effects of land cover, topography, and hydrologic connectivity on water quality and fish diversity and abundance in nine floodplain lakes with potentially high remnant ecological function in the Wabash-White watershed (Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois). Data collection included water-quality parameters; stable water isotopes; total phosphorus, total nitrogen, and chlorophyll-a; and fish community diversity and abundance. Results indicate that hay/pasture land cover and decreased topographic relief in the local oxbow watersheds, along with reduced river hydrologic connectivity, were related to an increase in total phosphorus, total nitrogen, and chlorophyll-a. Greater biodiversity and abundance in fish assemblages were evident in oxbow lakes that were more disconnected from the main channel. The results of this study suggest that hydrologic connectivity of oxbow lakes with the contributing drainage area and the main channel influence nutrients and fish communities. Knowing the influencing factors can help ecosystem managers better protect these valuable floodplain lake ecosystems and prioritize restoration efforts amidst increasing stressors due to climate and land-use changes.  相似文献   

Under pre‐settlement conditions the Yakima River in Washington state, USA was characterized by multiple channels, complex aquifers and extensive riparian cottonwood forests. Subsequent implementation of headwater dams to supply irrigation water has altered river and floodplain processes critical to the cottonwoods and associated riparian vegetation. In this study, we analysed hydrology and floodplain forests and especially the dominant black cottonwoods (Populus trichocarpa) along sequential reaches of the Yakima River. Elevations were surveyed and vegetation inventoried along cross‐sectional belt transects, and cottonwood tree ring interpretations investigated historic associations between river hydrology and cottonwood establishment and growth. We analysed hydrographs relative to the apparent episodes of cottonwood recruitment and applied a quantitative model for seedling colonization that required: (1) floods, disturbance flows to produce barren nursery sites, and subsequent flows for seedling (2) establishment and (3) survival. In contrast to earlier conditions, flow patterns after the 1960s have generally been unfavourable for cottonwood recruitment although some cottonwood colonization has occurred in association with physical disturbance from gravel mining. With recent flow regimes, regulated flows along upper reaches maintain the river near bank‐full throughout the growing season, thus inundating suitable seedling recruitment sites. Downstream, irrigation withdrawals reduce the river stage, resulting in seedling establishment at low elevations that are lethally scoured by subsequent high flows. These regulated flow regimes have not hindered growth of established trees, but have reduced the recruitment of cottonwoods, and particularly disfavoured females, thus altering sex ratios and producing skewed cottonwood population age and gender structures. The cottonwood decline has also been associated with other changes in riparian plant community composition, including the encroachment of invasive weeds. Based on this ecohydrologic analysis we discuss flow adjustments that could rejuvenate cottonwood forests along the Yakima River. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Freshwater ecosystem health has been increasingly linked to floodplain connectivity, and some river restoration efforts now overtly target reconnecting floodplain habitats for species recovery. The dynamic nature of floodplain habitats is not typically accounted for in efforts to plan and evaluate potential floodplain reconnection projects. This study describes a novel approach for integrating streamflow dynamics with floodplain area to quantify species‐specific habitat availability using hydraulic modelling, spatial analysis and statistical measures of flow regime. We used this hydro‐ecological modelling approach to examine the potential habitat for splittail (Pogonichthys macrolepidotus), Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and their food resources under two restoration treatments and two climate change flow scenarios for a study site on San Joaquin River in California. Even with the addition of new floodplain through restoration efforts, the modelling results reveal only 13 streamflow events in the past 80 years had the magnitude and duration required for splittail spawning and rearing, and 14 events had flows long enough for salmon rearing benefits. Under climate change, modelled results suggest only 4–17% of the years in the rest of this century are likely to produce required flow‐related habitat conditions for splittail and salmon rearing along the study reach. Lastly, we demonstrate by simulating augmented reservoir releases that restoration of fish habitat will require a more natural flow regime to make use of restored floodplain and achieve the desired hydrologic habitat connectivity. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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