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通过对CMOS 4000、54HC系列门电路进行不同偏置条件下的电离辐照实验,比较了电离辐照环境中CMOS 4000和54HC系列电路的总剂量辐照响应特性,对其响应差异进行了较深入的机理研究,并探讨了54HC电路的抗辐射能力测试方法和评判标准.  相似文献   

氮元素对高k铪基介电薄膜总剂量抗辐射性能的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用MIS电容结构,结合10keVX射线辐照试验,研究了HfON和HfO2介电薄膜的总剂量抗辐射性能。研究结果表明,在0—30kGy(Si)的辐照总剂量下,以HfON薄膜为绝缘层的MIS结构的平带电压漂移均远低于HfO2MIS电容结构。从微观角度探讨了氮元素对改进高k铪基介电薄膜总剂量抗辐射性能的作用机理。  相似文献   

In this work, top and back gate characteristics of partially-depleted NMOS transistors with enclosed gate fabricated on SIMOX which is hardened by silicon ions implantation were studied under X-ray total-dose irradiation of three bias conditions. It has been found experimentally that back gate threshold shift and leakage current were greatly reduced during irradiation for hardened transistors, comparing to control ones. It has been confirmed that the improvement of total-dose properties of SOI devices is attributed to the silicon nanocrystals (nanoclusters) in buried oxides introduced by ion implantation.  相似文献   

The effects of short duration irradiation with low dose rate gamma and beta rays on the input resistance and the output Hall voltage of InSb, GaAs, Si, and Ge semiconductor Hall effect devices were systemically studied. Both gamma and beta irradiation can cause the input resistance of Hall effect devices to increase linearly with increasing irradiation time, in the absence of a magnetic field. When the devices were placed in a magnetic field, the output Hall voltage and input resistance increased nonlinearly with increasing gamma irradiation time. The effects of both gamma and beta irradiation persisted long after the irradiation itself, and without annealing. The effects from irradiation in Hall effect devices can be mainly ascribed to the degradation of the charge carriers’ transport properties caused by radiation-induced defects. The radiation resistance of the Hall effect devices was estimated by considering changes of the input resistance under the same irradiation conditions. The Ge and Si Hall effect devices demonstrated a better radiation resistance than the InSb and GaAs Hall effect devices due to their large displacement threshold energy.  相似文献   

This work researched the impact of total dose irradiation on the threshold voltage of N-type metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors(nMOSFETs) in silicon-on-insulator(SOI) technology.Using the subthreshold separation technology,the factor causing the threshold voltage shift was divided into two parts:trapped oxide charges and interface states,the effects of which are presented under irradiation.Furthermore,by analyzing the data,the threshold voltage shows a negative shift at first and then turns to positive shift when irradiation dose is lower.Additionally,the influence of the dose rate effects on threshold voltage is discussed.The research results show that the threshold voltage shift is more significant in low dose rate conditions,even for a low dose of100 krad(Si).The degeneration value of threshold voltage is 23.4%and 58.0%for the front-gate and the back-gate at the low dose rate,respectively.  相似文献   

The problems of dosimetry encountered during irradiation tests on silicon devices using different radiation sources are discussed. The use of the p-i-n diode BPW 34 from Siemens as a calibration device is described. Its response and limitations at different radiation environments, bias voltages, and integrated absorbed doses are discussed. The experimental results on the dependence of the photocurrent on the bias voltage fitted with theoretical expectations  相似文献   

辛仁轩  陈积扬  梁俊福  宋崇立 《核技术》2002,25(12):1025-1028
三烷基氧化膦具有优越的锕系元素萃取性能和较高的辐照稳定性。 30 %TRPO -煤油已被用作高放废液 (HAW )处理的萃取剂 ,HAW中常含有大量的Fe(Ⅲ )。研究了辐照 30 %TRPO-煤油溶剂的萃取和反萃取性能。萃取剂吸收剂量为 0 .1× 10 5— 10 .0× 10 5Gy。研究结果表明 ,在吸收剂量 0 .1× 10 5— 1.0× 10 5Gy时γ辐照对萃取分配比没有影响 ,当吸收剂量达到 3.0×10 5Gy时Fe(Ⅲ )的萃取分配比显著增加。试验表明用 0 .6mol/L草酸溶液洗涤辐照有机相可以消除辐照的影响  相似文献   

Irradiation testing of stainless steels represents an important share in the utilization spectrum of the high flux reactor (HFR) Petten. These tests address in particular austenitic and martensitic steels for thermo-nuclear fusion reactors, austenitic steels for fast breeder reactors, and stainless steels and Cr---Ni-alloys for light water reactors.A number of well-proven irradiation devices covering an extensive range of applications and operated by a vastly experienced group are available at the HFR. In addition, at the Petten hot cells, many diversified tools exist for irradiation testing of stainless steel. The irradiation devices are tailored to provide typical, reactor specific environment conditions to the samples. Such conditions are maintained within narrow specifications. In this respect, the long lasting operational experience originating from the many materials irradiation programmes performed at the HFR, the high and consistent availability of the HFR and its reliability with regard to provision of predictable and reproducible irradiation conditions, are the keys to these many demonstrable experiments. The adjustment of typical neutron spectrum at the irradiation samples is performed through an appropriate choice of structural materials and their arrangement within the irradiation device. Many irradiation devices are reloadable, being specially suited for intermediate unloading and hot cell measurement of the irradiated samples. Other devices are equipped with integral loading and measuring systems for in-pile measurement of characteristic irradiation parameters (e.g. the creep behaviour). The neutron fluence is calculated and then measured after irradiation from neutron fluence monitor sets which are integrated into the sample carriers.The post irradiation examination and testing of the irradiated samples is performed either at the customer's hot cells or at the Petten hot cells, in particular, when intermediate measurements are required. Dedicated and specialized testing equipment for tensile, creep, Charpy, fatigue and crack propagation testing, various microscopy systems (SEM, TEM) and other test equipment (gamma-scanning, chemical analysis, image analysis, etc.) are all available at the Petten hot cells.  相似文献   

虽然电子辐照会使P-N结中的自由载流子浓度减少,P-N结宽度增加,但其反向漏电流也随之增加,最终使P-N结反向击穿电压略有下降;对晶体管和晶闸管,由于辐照使其电流放大系数下降,最终其反向击穿电压却略有增加。  相似文献   

γ射线辐照对MOS/SIMNI器件电学性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林成鲁  李金华 《核技术》1991,14(1):13-16

本文研究了聚乙烯醇(PVA)水溶液的浓度对电子柬辐照制备纳米铜锡合金的影响.经X射线衍射(XRD)和透射电子显微镜(TEM)测试,产物为纯纳米铜锡合金.用紫外可见分光光度计(UV)和激光粒度衍射仪(LSPSDA)考察了表面活性剂浓度对纳米铜锡合金粒径分布影响.PVA浓度为0、8、16、24 mg/mL制备的纳米铜锡合金的平均粒径,分别为172.1、16.4、14.1、6.4 nm.  相似文献   

PN结型器件在氚钛片辐照下电输出性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用多片具有不同金属钛膜厚度和充氚量的氚钛片对两种单晶硅基PN结型器件进行了辐照,在线测量了它们的电输出性能并进行了定性分析.结果表明,在本文所采用的钛膜厚度和氚量级下,器件输出短路电流等随充氚量增加而小幅增大,但不成正比关系;器件的掺杂浓度、结深等结构参数对器件电输出性能影响较大.  相似文献   

The effects of ion irradiation of 3-dimensional arrays of Co nanoparticles were investigated. Arrays were obtained by electron beam deposition of 15 Co/SiO2 bilayers 0.5 and 20 nm thick, respectively. The Co layers consist of Co nanoparticles 3.2 nm in diameter with a standard deviation of 16%. Irradiation was carried out using combinations of 150 kV Ar2+ and 90 kV Ar+ ion bombardments with a Ar+:Ar2+ fluence ratio of 1:4. The effects of ion irradiation were followed by Rutherford backscattering, measurements of hysteresis loops at 5 K and of temperature-dependent field-cooled (FC) and zero-field-cooled (ZFC) measurements of the magnetic susceptibility. A decrease of the peak temperature in the ZFC curve for displacements per atom (DPA) up to 1.1 was observed. Irradiation also induces progressively lower coercivity values. The Co particles showed a remarkable high resistance to ion irradiation, surviving damage up to 33 DPA.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study is to provide the knowledge and data on Deuterium-Tritium (D-T) fusion neutron induced damage in MOS devices. Silicon metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) devices are currently the cornerstone of the modern microelectronics industry. However, when a MOS device is exposed to a flux of energetic radiation or particles, the resulting effects from this radiation can cause several degradation of the device performance and of its operating life. The part of MOS structure (metal oxide semiconductor) most sensitive to neutron radiation is the oxide insulating layer (SiO2). When ionizing radiation passes through the oxide, the energy deposited creates electron-hole pairs. These electron-hole pairs have been seriously hazardous to the performance of these electronic components. The degradation of the current gain of the dual n-channel depletion mode MOS caused by neutron displacement defects, was measured using in situ method during neutron irradiation. The average degradation of the gain of the current is about 35 mA, and the change in channel current gain increased proportionally with neutron fluence. The total fusion neutron displacement damage was found to be 4.8 × 10−21 dpa per n/cm2, while the average fraction of damage in the crystal of silicon was found to be 1.24 × 10−12. All the MOS devices tested were found to be controllable after neutron irradiation and no permanent damage was caused by neutron fluence irradiation below 1010n/cm2. The calculation results shows that (n,α) reaction induced soft-error cross-section about 8.7 × 10−14 cm2, and for recoil atoms about 2.9 × 10−15 cm2, respectively.  相似文献   

UV辐射对金鱼受精卵和幼胚发育的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了紫外线(Ultraviolet ray,UV)为辐射源,处理从受精卵到心脏搏动期分别处于5个不同发育时期的金鱼胚胎。通过比较各时期胚胎处理后的出眼率、孵化率和畸形率随剂量的变化关系发现处于原肠期以前的胚胎对小剂量UV照射表现出兴奋效应;而处于原肠期和心脏搏动期的胚胎对UV辐射非常敏感,而且只表现出损伤效应,既使是较低的剂量,损伤作用也很强。此外,UV照射后的原肠期胚胎发育主要结束于眼黑色素形成期以前,而处于心脏搏动期的胚胎接受UV照射后,发育能持续到眼黑色素形成期之后,但是不能孵化出来。  相似文献   

利用兰州重离子加速器提供的中能碳离子束对甜高高粱品种BJ0601和BJ0602进行了不同剂量的辐照处理,以期选育出生物学产量高、汁液糖锤度高及抗逆性强的品种。当代田间试验结果表明:(1)甜高梁在田间的存活曲线均呈“类马鞍型”,随着剂量的增加,其存活率先降后升再下降;(2)随着辐照剂量的变化,其茎秆亩产量、糖锤度和对照相比,均发生了明显的变化;(3)经过碳离子束辐照,出现了株高、单秆重、糖锤度高、早熟、茎粗等突变类型,为进一步的品种选育和诱变机理研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

肌肉蛋白的凝胶性能是肉类及其制品重要的功能特性,决定着肉制品独特的质构、多汁性、脂肪含量、感官特性等品质。作为一种新颖的食品保鲜技术,辐照有可能导致蛋白分子组成及其结构发生变化,从而对肌肉蛋白的凝胶形成能力及其凝胶性能产生影响。本文在介绍肌肉蛋白凝胶形成机理的基础上,综述了辐照对肌肉蛋白凝胶持水性、力学性能特征和结构影响的研究:过高剂量辐照容易引起肌肉蛋白持水性的下降,造成肉制品的汁液流失;辐照条件或辐照原料不同,辐照对肌肉蛋白凝胶质构和流变学特性所产生的影响不同,而肌肉蛋白及其凝胶结构的辐照效应则更为复杂。论文还展望了辐照对肌肉蛋白凝胶性能影响的研究。  相似文献   

There are many traditional ways to improve sensitivity and selectivity of semiconductor gas sensors, such as metal ions adulteration and surface modification. In this paper 1.75 MeV electron beam was used to modify surface structure of tin dioxide gas sensors, and the gas sensing characteristics were studied. Results showed that the sensitivity and selectivity of SnO2 sensors were improved after the electron beam irradiation.  相似文献   

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