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The effect of chenodeoxycholic acid, ursodeoxycholic acid and hyodeoxycholic acid on gallstone dissolution was studied in the prairie dog. Cholesterol gallstones were found in all animals after feeding a semipurified diet plus 1.2% cholesterol for six wk. Gallstone regression was examined by feeding a chow diet containing the bile acids (chenodeoxycholic acid, ursodeoxycholic acid or hyodeoxycholic acid) alone (30 mg/kg/day) or in combination (chenodeoxycholic acid plus ursodeoxycholic acid) for an additional six wk. Chenodeoxycholic acid was effective in dissolving established cholesterol gallstones (two out of 16 animals still had stones) and cholesterol crystals (six out of 16 animals had crystals); the hydrophilic bile acids, ursodeoxycholic acid and hyodeoxycholic acid, were ineffective in the six-wk regression study. The lithogenic indices averaged 1.09 at the end of the induction period: all biles became unsaturated with respect to cholesterol after the six-wk regression period (group 1, 0.82; group 2, 0.66; group 3, 0.81; group 4,0.84; group 5, 0.66). Cholesterol levels in liver, plasma and bile were elevated after the six-wk induction phase (4.59 mg/g, 610 mg/dl and 0.36 mg/ml, respectively) but returned to near normal levels after the six-wk regression period. Biliary bile acids contained increased levels of the dietary bile acid administered to each group. This experiment shows that relatively hydrophobic bile acids may be more effective than hydrophilic bile acids for gallstone dissolution during the period studied.  相似文献   

Gallstone formation and dissolution were studied in a prairie dog model of cholesterol (CH) cholelithiasis. Gallstones were induced in 49 prairie dogs by feeding 1.2% CH in a nutritionally adequate semisynthetic diet for 6 wk (period 1). At 6 wk, gallstones had developed in all animals examined. The diets were modified by reducing the amounts of CH to 0.4, 0.2, 0.1 and 0.0% (diets 1–4); hyodeoxycholic acid (HDA; 30 mg/kg/day) was added to these diets (diets 5–8). All animals were fed the modified experimental diets for an additional 8 wk (period 2). At week 14, spontaneous gallstone dissolution had not occurred, even in the groups given no added dietary CH during period 2 (group 4). Addition of HDA to the diet tended to reduce the incidence of biliary CH crystals and the size and number of CH gallstones. Biliary CH remained elevated and the lithogenic indices in all groups were found to be greater than 1.0 at the end of the experiment. Liver and plasma CH levels tended to be lower in the groups fed HDA. In these groups, HDA and 6βHDA became the major biliary bile acids. This study demonstrates that HDA achieved partial dissolution of gallstones in bile supersaturated with CH.  相似文献   

In an attempt to correlate the incorporation of fatty acids (FA) of different chain length into liver and biliary lipids’ isolated rat livers were perfused for 2 h with Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate containing 1% albumin and 10 μmol of [1-14C]-labeled FA: C2’ C8’ C10’ C12’ C16’ and C18∶1. One to 1.36 μmol of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA’ C8’ C10’ and C12) and 6.6 μmol of long-chain FA (LCFA) were incorporated into liver lipids’ 40% of the latter into phosphatidylcholine (PC). 14C-acetate (13 nmol) was incorporated into biliary cholesterol; 14C-MCFA contributed only 3.2–5 nmol; LCFA did not lead to newly synthesized cholesterol. Newly synthesized liver PC (2.75 to 3.25%) and newly synthesized liver cholesterol (6.5 to 10%) were secreted into bile. The specific radioactivity of biliary PC after infusion of all-saturated FA was 3.8–6.8 times higher than that of liver PC; for C18∶1 it was only 1.7-fold. The specific radioactivity of biliary cholesterol’ as compared to liver cholesterol’ was 12 times higher for C2 and five times higher for MCFA. This indicates that a considerable proportion of the newly synthesized lipids was secreted into bile prior to significant mixing with preexisting liver PC and cholesterol pools. liver PC contained 8% of unchanged 14C−C12; while 14C−C10 was not detected. Biliary PC’ in contrast’ contained 18% of unchanged 14C−C12 and 3% 14C−C10. These results suggest that after prolonged infusion of medium-chain triacylglycerols/longchain triacylglycerols to patients’ biliary PC may become enriched with MCFA. In addition’ the oxidation of these FA may provide C-2 units which increase cholesterol synthesis.  相似文献   

The hepatic metabolism of oleic acid and n−3 fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic acid, EPA and docosahexaenoic acid, DHA), and secretion of very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) were studied in isolated perfused rat livers from normal chow fed male rats. The basal perfusion medium contained 30% bovine erythrocytes, 6% bovine serum albumin (BSA), and 100 mg/dL glucose, in Krebs-Henseleit bicarbonate buffer (pH 7.4) which was recycled through the liver for 2 hr. Individual fatty acids (EPA, DHA or oleic acid), as complexes with 6% BSA, or albumin alone, were infused at a rate of 70 μmol/hr. When any of these fatty acids was infused at this rate, the ambient concentration in the medium was maintained at 0.3–0.4 μmol/mL, indicative of similar hepatic rates of uptake for each fatty acid (i.e., approximately 6 μmol/g liver/hr). When fatty acid was not infused, the ambient free fatty acid level was 0.16 μmol/mL. The concentrations of infused free fatty acids increased appropriately in the perfusion medium; however, with infusion of EPA, DHA, or oleate, the concentrations of perfusate palmitate and linoleate were the same as when fatty acid was not infused. Additionally, the perfusate concentration of oleate in the free fatty acid fraction was not affected by infusion of EPA and DHA. These data indicate a constant outflow of endogenous fatty acid unaffected by the presence of the exogenously supplied fatty acid. The net secretion rate of VLDL lipids and protein was stimulated by infusion of oleate, whereas when EPA was infused, secretion rates were lower and similar [except for VLDL cholesterol (C), which was greater] to those occuring when fatty acid was not provided. DHA stimulated the secretion of VLDL triacylglycerol (TG), phospholipid (PL) and C to a similar rate, as did oleate, but secretion of VLDL cholesteryl ester (CE) and protein was lower and similar to that with EPA. VLDL and hepatic TG and CE were enriched with the infused fatty acids, compared to experiments without fatty acids, as determined by gas chromatography. Enrichment of PL, however, was significant only in liver upon infusion of EPA. The formation of14CO2 and perchloric acid soluble products from [1-14C]EPA, considered separately, did not differ statistically from that obtained with [1-14C]oleate, although the mean values were higher with [1-14C]EPA. However, the sum of oxidation products derived from EPA was significantly greater than that from oleate. Incorporation of [1-14C]EPA into TG and CE, but not into PL, was lower as compared to that from [1-14C]oleate. These lower rates of incorporation of [1-14C]EPA into VLDL lipids therefore paralleled the mass fatty acid enrichment-patterns. It may be concluded that EPA is used to a similar extent as oleate for synthesis of PL, but is a poorer substrate for synthesis of TG. The reduced output of newly synthesized (radioactive) PL reflected the lower hepatic output of VLDL. Since hepatic uptake of EPA, DHA or oleate was identical, utilization of EPA for TG synthesis was less than that of oleate or DHA. Further-more, utilization of endogenous fatty acids for TG synthesis and secretion of the VLDL was reduced in the presence of EPA. The decreased TG synthesis resulted in reduced formation of VLDL for transport of TG from the liver. These effects taken together with an apparently increased oxidation of EPA provide substantial evidence for a decrease in formation of VLDL and transport of TG, PL, C and CE into the circulation in response to EPA. DHA, however, appears to be an adequate substrate for TG synthesis and stimulates VLDL secretion. The reduced transport of CE may reflect lower selectivity of DHA by acyl-CoA; cholesterol acyltransferase for CE formation.  相似文献   

The effects of 2 bile acid analogs, chenodeoxy-oxazoline [2-(3α,7α-dihydroxy-24-nor-5β-cholanyl)-4,4-dimethyl-2-oxazoline] and ursodeoxy-oxazoline [2-(3α, 7β-dihydroxy-24-nor-5β-cholanyl)-4,4-dimethyl-2-oxazoline] were examined in the prairie dog model of cholesterol cholelithiasis. Gallstones and biliary cholesterol crystals were induced in 5 out of 6 male prairie dogs fed a semisynthetic diet containing 0.4% cholesterol for 8 weeks. Six animals maintained on a low cholesterol control diet (0.08% cholesterol) exhibited neither gallstones nor biliary cholesterol crystals. The addition of 0.06% chenodeoxy-oxazoline to the lithogenic diet did not prevent induced cholelithiasis or the appearance of cholesterol crystals in bile. In contrast, 0.06% dietary ursodeoxy-oxazoline prevented gallstones in 5 out of 6 prairie dogs (but cholesterol crystals were present in the bile of 4 of these animals). Histologically, most of the livers from the prairie dogs fed the cholesterol-supplemented semisynthetic diet showed bile duct proliferation, inflammatory infiltration and fibrosis along the portal tracts. These pathologic changes were generally not ameliorated by adding chenodeoxy-oxazoline or chenodeoxy-oxazoline plus chenodeoxycholic acid to the diet. Portal tract pathology was markedly reduced in most animals by adding ursodeoxy-oxazoline to the cholesterol-supplemented diet. The pathologic changes overall could best be correlated with the presence of gallstones, but not with the incidence of biliary cholesterol crystals.  相似文献   

In the prairie dog model of cholesterol cholelithiasis, a high incidence of gallstones is achieved by feeding a semipurified lithogenic diet containing 0.4% cholesterol for 2 mo. On occasion, we noted a decrease in the percentage of animals with gallstones from 90–100% to 50–55%. To explain this phenomenon, we studied the effect of dietary history on gallstone formation. After weaning, animals were fed either rodent chow or alfalfa plus corn (mo 0–3) followed by a cross-over experiment at mo 4–6. Gallstone formation then was studied by feeding the lithogenic diet from mo 7 to 8. At sacrifice, the incidences of gallstones, biliary lipids and tissue cholesterol levels were correlated with dietary history. The incidence of gallstones was 100% only in animals fed the alfalfa-corn diet from weaning to 3 mo. In addition, the feeding of the alfalfa-corn diet at mo 4–6 increased gallstone incidence from 65% to 86%. The lithogenic index of all groups was highest when the animals received only alfalfa-corn prior to the lithogenic stimulus. The activity of hepatic HMG-CoA reductase was elevated in animals fed alfalfa-corn from weaning to 8 mo, suggesting that this diet stimulates hepatic cholesterol synthesis, leading to increased biliary cholesterol secretion. It is concluded that previous nutritional conditioning affects the incidence of gallstones. The prairie dog is a useful model of cholesterol cholelithiasis, but the dietary history of the animals plays an important role in lithogenesis.  相似文献   

The bile acids found in sheep bile, beef bile, beef feces, sheep fetus bile, and beef fetus bile have been analyzed by using conventional techniques. Animals maintained on natural and purified diets were used. The bile acids are a complex mixture of isomeric hydroxy- and keto-5β-cholanoic acids which were substituted at one or several of the carbon atoms 3, 7, and 12. Cholic acid is the predominant bile acid found in these species. Deoxycholic acid was the major product formed from cholic acid when the animals were on a natural diet but the concentration of 3α, 12α-dihydroxy-7-keto-5β-cholanoic acid was elevated in the animals that were maintained on a high concentrated purified diet (without roughage). The fetus bile was found to contain nearly all of the bile acids found in the bile of the mature animal but in different concentrations.  相似文献   

Distribution and biliary and fecal excretion of bile acids were examined in Wistar strain male rats of about 300 g body weight. The pool size of the rats on ordinary diet was 40 mg/rat, biliary secretion was 14 mg/hr, and fecal excretion was 10 mg/day. Bile acids were mainly located in the small and large intestinal contents, 87% and 10%, respectively; but a portion was found in the intestinal wall and the liver. Rats fed 2% cholesterol-supplemented diet for a week showed similar values for pool size and biliary secretion with the rats on ordinary diet, but higher values for fecal excretion and distribution ratio in the large intestinal contents. Cholic acid was a major component in the bile, small intestinal wall, small intestinal content and liver, while the bile acid composition ratios were roughly similar to each other, although a relatively large amount of α-muricholic acid was found in the intentinal wall and liver. Both the wall and content compositions of the large intestine were similar to that of the feces, in which lithocholic, deoxycholic, α- and β-muricholic acids were the main components, although the ratios of α- and β-muricholic acids in the large intestinal wall were larger than those in the intestinal contents or feces. The high concentrations of these bile acids may indicate a difference of transport velocity across the cell membrane, but the mechanism is not known.  相似文献   

Methods are reviewed for the preparation, gasliquid chromatographic (GLC) separation, identification, and quantitative estimation of the trifluoroacetyl derivatives of bile acid methyl esters. Of the stationary phases tried (SE-30, QF-1 and XE-60) methylfluoroalkyl silicone (QF-1) was best suited for analysis of the trifluoroacetates. This phase (1–2% QF-1 on 100–120 mesh Gas Chrom P) allowed an orderly resolution of conformational isomers and consistently gave GLC columns (stainless steel tubes, 1/8 in. O.D. × 3 ft) from which the bile acid derivatives could be recovered in high yield. Applications to biological materials are illustrated with bile acid samples from animal biles and from human duodenal drainage and feces. Identifications of the major bile acids made by the GLC of the trifluoroacetates were confirmed by results obtained with bile acid methyl esters and bile acid methyl ester acetates on QF-1 and the other liquid phases investigated. For most mixtures of bile acids, however, it appears that GLC of methyl esters and methyl ester trifluoroacetates on QF-1 is sufficient for a reliable recognition of common bile acids. Overall accuracy of the estimates was of the order of ± 5%, but it varied with the nature and concn of the component.  相似文献   

The effects of perfused oleic (18∶1n−9), arachidonic (20∶4n−6) and 5,8,11,14-nonadecatetraenoic (19∶4n−5) acids on triglyceride and cholesterol secretion and ketone body production were studied in isolated rat liver. As compared to oleic and 19∶4n−5 acids, both ketone body production and triglyceride secretion were significantly lowered when arachidonic acid was perfused. The concentration of triglyceride in the post-perfused liver was lower upon perfusion with arachidonic acid than upon perfusion with oleic acid or 19∶4n−5 acid. Cholesterol secretion in the liver perfused with arachidonic acid or 19∶4n−5 acid was significantly higher than with oleic acid. The concentration of cholesterol in the post-perfused liver was slightly but significantly higher with 19∶4n−5 acid than with the other fatty acids. The results suggest that 19∶4n−5 acid when compared with arachidonic acid affects lipid metabolism in liver differently.  相似文献   

Total lipoproteins as well as fractionated VLDL+LDL and HDL from fasted control rats and bileligated rats were tested in liver perfusion for their effect on 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase to increase 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase activity than that of the control total lipoproteins. When the fractionated lipoproteins were tested from fasted control rats, it was found that the major stimulating activity was in the HDL fraction with minor activity in the VLDL+LDL fraction. When these plasma components isolated from fasted bile-ligated rats were tested, it was found that the major activity had shifted to the VLDL+LDL fraction with the HDL having only a minor stimulatory role. The possible mechanism of action of the abnormal lipoproteins associated with bile obstruction in regulating 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase activity is discussed.  相似文献   

P. Cuchet  C. Morrier  F. Cand  C. Keriel 《Lipids》1981,16(10):732-738
The aim of the work presented here was to compare the biliary elimination of cholesterol and the different bile acids of rats that had been made hypolipidemic by short-term treatments with clofibrate or tiadenol. Both treatments induced a significant decrease in cholesterol output in the bile. The analysis of the different bile acids showed a decrease in dihydroxylated acids elimination (especially CDC acid) without any difference between the 2 sexes. This decrease was associated with an increase in cholic acid excretion. These results are directly correlated with the dose of the administered hypolipidemic drug. The drugs caused a significant increase in the ratio of trihydroxylated acids to dihydroxylated acids. The maximal effect on the concentration of the biliary acids of the bile and on the output was obtained, for both drugs, with a treatment of 200 mg/kg/day. Clofibrate had a greater effect than tiadenol at this dose. Both drugs show a greater effect on lowering serum lipid levels in female animals when compared to males, whereas elimination of bile cholesterol and modifications of bile acids were greater in male animals than female animals.  相似文献   

Munetaka Nokubo 《Lipids》1987,22(1):41-44
Bile acids solubilize proteins from liver plasma membrane both in vivo and in vitro. The ability to solubilize the proteins is dependent on the species of bile acid. In this paper, the effect of phospholipid on the solubilization of a membrane-bound enzyme by bile acids was investigated in vitro. Taurocholate (TC) and tauroursodeoxycholate (TUDC) solubilized the enzyme, 5′-nucleotidase, from the liver plasma membrane of the rat in a concentration-dependent manner, although there was a great difference in their effect; at 40 mM, TC solubilized 55.4% of the original 5′-nucleotidase activity of the membrane, but TUDC only 5.7%. While lecithin alone had no solubilizing effect, its addition to the bile acids provoked a 10-fold increase in the solubilizing effect of TUDC, but virtually no change for TC, essentially equalizing the solubilizing effect of the two. Both TC-rich and TUDC-rich bile were obtained from rats infused with the respective bile acids via the jugular vein after their endogenous bile acid pool had been depleted. The solubilization effect of these biles was quite similar to the bile acid-lecithin mixtures. These findings demonstrate that lecithin enhances the ability of the bile acids to solubilize the membrane protein and eliminates the difference in the two bile acid species in their solubilizing ability.  相似文献   

The effect of 7-methyl substituted bile acid and bile alcohol analogues on cholesterol metabolism was studied in the hamster. Animals were fed chow plus 0.1% cholesterol supplemented with 0.1% of one of the following steroids: chenodeoxycholic acid, 7-methyl-chenodeoxy-cholic acid, 7β-methyl-24-nor-5β-cholestane-3α,7α,25-triol, cholic acid, 7-methyl-cholic acid, or 7β-methyl-24-nor-5β-cholestane-3α,7α,12α,25-tetrol. Cholesterol absorption was determined from fecal analysis after feeding of radiolabeled cholesterol and β-sitosterol. Of the six compounds studied, chenodeoxycholic acid and 7-methyl-chenodeoxycholic acid decreased intestinal cholesterol absorption (17% and 31% decrease, respectively). Only 7-methyl-chenodeoxycholic acid decreased serum cholesterol concentration (29% decrease), but there were no analogous changes of liver and biliary cholesterol concentration and cholesterol saturation of bile. Total fecal neutral sterol excretion was increased in the groups fed chenodeoxycholic acid and 7-methyl-chenodeoxycholic acid. In addition, the production of coprostanol was increased in both groups. These data suggest that 7-methyl-chenodeoxycholic acid resembles chenodeoxycholic acid in its effect on cholesterol metabolism and may be a potential candidate for further studies of its gallstone-dissolving properties.  相似文献   

The hydrolysis of conjugated bile acids by cholylglycine hydrolase (EC using the standard procedure for a commercial enzyme preparation was found to be incomplete, as judged by the use of 24-14C-taurocholic acid as a tracer. A method is proposed that incorporates the nonionic detergent Triton X-100 into the reaction mixture to achieve almost complete hydrolysis. It is proposed that the observed enhancement of enzyme activity is due to the formation of micelles by the detergent.  相似文献   

龙加洪  资学理 《化学试剂》1993,15(3):182-182,154
脂肪族仲胺与甲醛、亚磷酸进行Mannich反应得糖浆状物质,加环氧丙烷分离出3个仲氨基亚甲基膦酸的结晶产物。产率48%~62.3%。  相似文献   

1H and 13C NMR spectra of intact human bile were assigned using one-dimensional (1H and 13C) and two-dimensional (1H-1H and 1H-13C) experiments. Individual conjugated bile acids—glycocholic acid, glycodeoxycholic acid, glycochenodeoxycholic acid, taurocholic acid, taurodeoxycholic acid, and taurochenodeoxycholic acid—were identified. The bile acids were quantified accurately and individually in a single step by using distinct and characteristic amide signals. Making use of 13C NMR, the study also suggests a way to analyze unconjugated bile acids separately, if present. Chemical shift assignments and rapid single-step analysis of individual conjugated bile acids from intact bile presented herein may have immense utility in the study of bile acid metabolism and deeper understanding of hepatobiliary diseases.  相似文献   

Feeding 1% squalene increased markedly the concentrations of squalene and methyl sterols in each serum lipoprotein class, intestinal mucosa, liver and also in adipose tissue. It also increased cholesterol concentration of the liver and serum VLDL, and esterified cholesterol in serum LDL as well as fecal bile acids. The results suggest that absorbed dietary squalene contributes to some extent to the squalene content of adipose tissue, effectively increases the overall cholesterol synthesis and enhances cholesterol elimination preferentially as fecal bile acids.  相似文献   

Incorporation of [114−C] acetate into cholesterol by subcellular particles from the liver and the small intestine of rats with a biliary diversion and a duodenal perfusion of sodium taurocholate, taurochenodeoxycholate or taurodehydrocholate, was studied in vitro. In the liver, taurochenodeoxycholate prevented the increase of cholesterol synthesis induced by biliary drainage. Taurocholate had no action on cholesterol synthesis at any time, day or night. Intestinal synthesis of cholesterol was reduced by taurocholate and taurochenodeoxycholate but was not modified by taurodehydrocholate infusion.  相似文献   

The use of the esters of whole cod liver oil fatty acids as secondary standards in the GLC identification of animal polyunsaturated fatty acids is feasible. This technique is exemplified by an analysis on several polyester substrates of the component fatty acids of a somewhat unusual marine-type oil from the Atlantic Leatherback turtleDermochelys coriacea coriacea (Linné), with provisional identifications of minor components through the linear log plot and separation factor procedures.  相似文献   

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