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In the framework of joint effort between the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of OECD, the United States Department of Energy (US DOE), and the Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (CEA), France a coupled three-dimensional (3D) thermal-hydraulics/neutron kinetics benchmark for VVER-1000 was defined. The benchmark consists of calculation of a pump start-up experiment labelled V1000CT-1 (Phase 1), as well as a vessel mixing experiment and main steam line break (MSLB) transient labelled V1000CT-2 (Phase 2), respectively. The reference nuclear plant is Kozloduy-6 in Bulgaria. The overall objective is to assess computer codes used in the analysis of VVER-1000 reactivity transients. A specific objective is to assess the vessel mixing models used in system codes. Plant data are available for code validation consisting of one experiment of pump start-up (V1000CT-1) and one experiment of steam generator isolation (V1000CT-2). The validated codes can be used to calculate asymmetric MSLB transients involving similar mixing patterns. This paper summarizes a comparison of CATHARE and TRAC-PF1 system code results for V1000CT-1, Exercise 1, which is a full plant point kinetics simulation of a reactor coolant system (RCS) pump start-up experiment. The reference plant data include integral and sector average parameters. The comparison is made from the point of view of vessel mixing and full system simulation. CATHARE used a six-sector multiple 1D vessel thermal-hydraulic model with cross flows and TRAC used a six-sector, 18-channel coarse-mesh 3D vessel model. Good agreement in terms of integral parameters and inter-loop mixing is observed.  相似文献   

In the framework of joint effort between the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of OECD, the United States Department of Energy (US DOE), and the Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA), France, a coupled 3-D thermal–hydraulics/neutron kinetics benchmark was defined. The overall objective of OECD/NEA V1000CT benchmark [Ivanov, B., Ivanov, K., Groudev, P., Pavlova, M., Hadjiev, V., 2002. VVER-1000 Coolant Transient Benchmark (V1000-CT). Phase 1 – Final Specifications, NEA/NSC/DOC] is to assess computer codes used in the analysis of VVER-1000 reactivity transients where mixing phenomena (mass flow and temperature) in the reactor pressure vessel are complex. Original data from the Kozloduy-6 Nuclear Power Plant are available for the validation of computer codes: one experiment of pump start-up (V1000CT-1) and one experiment of steam generator isolation (V1000CT-2). The CEA presented results for the V1000CT-1 Exercise 2 using a coupling of FLICA4 [Toumi, I., Gallo, D., Bergeron, A., Royer, E., Caruge, D., 2000. FLICA4: a three dimensional two-phase flow computer code with advanced numerical methods for nuclear applications. Nuclear Engineering and Design 200, 139–155] and CRONOS2 [Akherraz, B., Baudron, A.M., Lautard, J.J., Magnaud, C., Moreau, F., Schneider, D., Gonzales, M., 2004. Manuel de Référence CRONOS 2.6. Technical Report SERMA/LENR/RT/04-3433/A, CEA] via the coupling tool ISAS [Toumi, I., et al., 1995. Specifications of the general software architecture for code integration in ISAS. Euratom Fusion Technology, ITER task S81TT-01/1]. The FLICA4/CRONOS2 VVER-1000 model is based on the data available in the benchmark specifications. This paper summarizes the FLICA4/CRONOS2 model build-up with the associated sensitivity studies and presents the CEA results for V1000CT-1 Exercise 2 as well as a comparison with experimental results at hot power steady state (HP SS).  相似文献   

Plant-measured data provided by the OECD/NEA VVER-1000 coolant transient benchmark programme were used to validate the DYN3D/RELAP5 and DYN3D/ATHLET coupled code systems. Phase 1 of the benchmark (V1000CT-1) refers to an experiment that was conducted during the commissioning of the Kozloduy NPP Unit 6 in Bulgaria. In this experiment, the fourth main coolant pump was switched on whilst the remaining three were running normal operating conditions. The experiment was conducted at 27.5% of the nominal level of the reactor power. The transient is characterized by a rapid increase in the primary coolant flow through the core, and as a consequence, a decrease of the space-dependent core inlet temperature. The control rods were kept in their original positions during the entire transient. The coupled simulations performed on both DYN3D/RELAP5 and DYN3D/ATHLET were based on the same reactor model, including identical main coolant pump characteristics, boundary conditions, benchmark-specified nuclear data library and nearly identical nodalization schemes. In addition to validation of the coupled code systems against measured data, a code-to-code comparison between simulation results has also been performed to evaluate the respective thermal hydraulic models of the system codes RELAP5 and ATHLET.  相似文献   

Plant-measured data provided within the specification of the OECD/NEA VVER-1000 coolant transient benchmark (V1000CT) were used to validate the DYN3D/RELAP5 and DYN3D/ATHLET coupled code systems. Phase 1 of the benchmark (V1000CT-1) refers to the MCP (main coolant pump) switching on experiment conducted in the frame of the plant-commissioning activities at the Kozloduy NPP Unit 6 in Bulgaria. The experiment was started at the beginning of cycle (BOC) with average core expose of 30.7 effective full power days (EFPD), when the reactor power was at 27.5% of the nominal level and three out of four MCPs were operating. The transient is characterized by a rapid increase in the primary coolant flow through the core and, as a consequence, a decrease of the space-dependent core inlet temperature. Both DYN3D/RELAP5 and DYN3D/ATHLET analyses were based on the same reactor model, including identical MCP characteristics, boundary conditions, benchmark-specified nuclear data library and nearly identical nodalization schemes. For an adequate modelling of the redistribution of the coolant flow in the reactor pressure vessel during the transient a simplified mixing model for the DYN3D/ATHLET code was developed and validated against a computational fluid dynamics calculation.

The results of both coupled code calculations are in good agreement with the available experimental data. The discrepancies between experimental data and the results of both coupled code calculations do not exceed the accuracy of the measurement data. This concerns the initial steady-state data as well as the time histories during the transient. In addition to the validation of the coupled code systems against measured data, a code-to-code comparison between simulation results has been performed to evaluate relevant thermal hydraulic models of the system codes RELAP5 and ATHLET and to explain differences between the calculation results.  相似文献   

This work has been performed in the framework of the OECD/NEA thermalhydraulic benchmark V1000CT-2. This benchmark is related to fluid mixing in the reactor vessel during a MSLB accident scenario in a VVER-1000 reactor. Coolant mixing in a VVER-1000 V320 reactor was investigated in plant experiments during the commissioning of the Unit 6 of the Kozloduy nuclear power plant. Non-uniform and asymmetric loop flow mixing in the reactor vessel has been observed in the event of symmetric main coolant pump operation. For certain flow conditions, the experimental evidence of an azimuthal shift of the main loop flows with respect to the cold leg axes (swirl) was found.Such asymmetric flow distribution was analyzed with the Trio_U code. Trio_U is a CFD code developed by the CEA Grenoble, aimed to supply an efficient computational tool to simulate transient thermalhydraulic turbulent flows encountered in nuclear systems. For the presented study, a LES approach was used to simulate turbulent mixing. Therefore, a very precise tetrahedral mesh with more than 10 million control volumes has been created.The Trio_U calculation has correctly reproduced the measured rotation of the flow when the CAD data of the constructed reactor pressure vessel where used. This is also true for the comparison of cold leg to assembly mixing coefficients. Using the design data, the calculated swirl was significantly underestimated. Due to this result, it might be possible to improve with CFD calculations the lower plenum flow mixing matrices which are usually used in system codes.  相似文献   

Utilization of Mixed Uranium–Plutonium Oxide (MOX) fuel in VVER-1000 reactors envisages the core physics analysis using computational methods and validation of the related computer codes. Towards this objective, an international experts group has been established at OECD/NEA. The experts group facilitates sharing of existing information on physics parameters and fuel behaviour. Several benchmark exercises have been proposed by them with intent to investigate the core physics behaviour of a VVER-1000 reactor loaded with 2/3rd of low enriched uranium (LEU) fuel assemblies (FA) and 1/3rd of weapons grade mixed oxide (MOX) FA. In the present study an attempt is made to analyse ‘AVVER-1000LEUandMOXAssemblyComputationalBenchmark’ and predict the neutronics behaviour at the lattice level. The lattice burnup code EXCEL, developed at Light Water Reactor Physics Section, BARC is employed for this task. The EXCEL code uses the 172 energy group ‘JEFF31GX’ cross-section library in WIMS-D format. Assembly level fuel depletion calculations are performed up to a burnup of 40 MWD/kg of heavy metal (HM). Studies are made for the parametric variations of fuel and moderator temperatures, coolant density and boron content in the coolant. Both operational and off-normal states are analysed to determine the corresponding infinite neutron multiplication factor (k). Pin wise isotopic compositions are computed as a function of burnup. Isotopic compositions in different annular regions of Uranium–Gadolinium (UGD) pin, fission rate distributions in UGD, UO2 and MOX pin cells are also computed. The predicted results are compared with the benchmark mean results.  相似文献   

The VVER-1000 coolant transient benchmark is intended for validation of couplings of the thermal hydraulic codes and three-dimensional neutron kinetic core models. It concerns switching on a main coolant pump when the other three main coolant pumps are in operation. The problem is based on an experiment performed in Kozloduy NPP in Bulgaria. In addition to the real plant transient, an extreme scenario concerning a control rod ejection after switching on a main coolant pump was calculated. At VTT the three-dimensional advanced nodal code HEXTRAN is used for the core dynamics, and the system code SMABRE as a thermal hydraulic model for the primary and secondary loop. The parallelly coupled HEXTRAN–SMABRE code has been in production use since early 1990s, and it has been extensively used for analyses of VVER NPPs. The SMABRE input model is based on the standard VVER-1000 input used at VTT. The whole core calculation is performed with HEXTRAN. Also the core model is based on earlier VVER-1000 models. Nuclear data for the calculation were specified in the benchmark. The paper outlines the input models used for both codes. Calculated results are introduced both for the coupled core system with inlet and outlet boundary conditions and for the whole plant model. Parametric studies have been performed for selected parameters.  相似文献   

The paper presents a solution of VVER-1000 Coolant Transient Benchmark – Phase 1 (V1000CT-1) of Exercise 3 performed with the coupled reactor dynamic code DYN3D and system code ATHLET at NRI Řež. The first part of the paper contains brief characteristics of VVER-1000 NPP input deck and describes also the applied reactor core model. The second part introduces the steady-state results and important time dependencies, compared with experimental values. The calculation results show that such type of transient can be realistically described by the coupled codes DYN3D–ATHLET.  相似文献   

This paper presents the application results of MCS/GAMMA+ to multi-physics analysis of OECD/NEA modular high temperature gas-cooled reactor (MHTGR) benchmark Phase I Exercise 3. It is a part of international R&D efforts lead by the Next Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP) US project to improve the neutron-physics and thermal-fluid simulation of (high temperature gas-cooled reactors) HTGRs, one of the next generations of safer nuclear reactors. Accurate and validated analysis tools are indeed a crucial requirement for safety analysis and licensing of nuclear reactors. To guide this effort, a numerical benchmark on the MHTGR was created by the NGNP project and formally approved in 2012 for international participation by the OECD/NEA. The benchmark defines a common set of exercises and the comparison of solutions obtained with different analysis tools is expected to improve the understanding of simulation methods for HTGRs. The coupled neutronics/thermal-fluid solution presented in this paper was obtained with the neutron transport Monte Carlo code MCS developed by Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology and the thermal-fluid code GAMMA+ developed by Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute. The purpose of this paper is to present the GAMMA+/MCS coupled system, the calculation methodology, and the obtained solutions.  相似文献   

《Annals of Nuclear Energy》2005,32(12):1407-1434
During the development of Symptom Based Emergency Operating Procedures (SB-EOPs) for VVER-1000/V320 units at Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), a number of analyses have been performed using the RELAP5/MOD3.2 computer code. One of them is “Investigation of reactor vessel YR line capabilities for primary side depressurization during the Total Loss of Feed Water (TLFW)”. The main purpose of these calculations is to evaluate the capabilities of YR line located at the top of the reactor vessel for primary side depressurization to the set point of High Pressure Injection System (HPIS) actuation and the abilities for successful core cooling after Feed&Bleed procedure initiation. For the purpose of this, operator action with “Reactor vessel off-gas valve – 0.032 m” opening has been investigated. RELAP5/MOD3.2 computer code has been used to simulate the TLFW transient in VVER-1000 NPP model. This model was developed at Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (INRNE-BAS), Sofia, for analyses of operational occurrences, abnormal events, and design basis scenarios. The model provides a significant analytical capability for the specialists working in the field of NPP safety.  相似文献   

C5G7-TD系列基准问题是经济发展与合作组织核能机构(OECD/NEA)建立的,通过该系列基准题可以验证三维非均匀瞬态输运计算的程序计算能力和计算精度。NECP-X程序是西安交通大学核工程计算物理实验室(NECP)开发的数值反应堆物理计算程序,为了更好地验证其时空中子动力学模块,本文利用NECP-X对C5G7-TD非均匀瞬态基准题阶段1的所有算例进行计算,并与国际知名高保真中子学程序nTRACER进行对比分析,给出总功率和三维精细功率分布随时间的变化。数值结果表明,NECP-X中的时空中子动力学模块计算结果精度高,计算结果分辨率高,计算时间处于国际先进水平,能够满足三维高保真时空动力学计算的需求。   相似文献   

Measurements carried out in an original-size VVER-1000 mock-up (V-1000 facility, Kurchatov Institute, Moscow) were used for the validation of three-dimensional neutron-kinetic codes, designed for VVER safety calculations. The significant neutron flux tilt measured in the V-1000 core, which is caused only by radial-reflector asymmetries, was successfully modeled. A good agreement between calculated and measured steady-state powers has been achieved, for relative assembly powers and inner-assembly pin power distributions. Calculated effective multiplication factors exceed unity in all cases. The time behaviour of local powers, measured during two transients that were initiated by control rod moving in a slightly super-critical core, has been well simulated by the neutron-kinetic codes.  相似文献   

Many neutronics as well as thermal-hydraulics calculations have been made to find the performance of the proposed annular fuels (internally and externally cooled fuel pins) for both next generation PWRs and BWRs. Specifically, there has not been a significant study on the Russian type VVER-1000 reactors with annular fuels. Our aim herein is to study two important safety coefficients of the Iranian VVER-1000 core including hexagonal annular fuel assemblies at its BOC. The safety coefficients are “prompt reactivity coefficient” and “power reactivity coefficient”, where all simulations are made using MCNP-5 code. We found less (absolutely) Doppler coefficient for the next generation VVER-1000 and therefore Doppler coefficient decreasing is a good feature to avoid more resonance neutrons absorbing in the U-238; causes more fission density and also less soluble boron for core controlling (at the BOC) with comparing to the current VVER-1000 solid pins.  相似文献   

Incorporation of full three-dimensional models of the reactor core into system thermal–hydraulic transient codes allows better estimation of interactions between the core behavior and plant dynamics. Considerable efforts have been made in various countries and organizations to verify and validate the capability of the so-called coupled codes technique. For these purposes appropriate Light Water Reactor (LWR) transient benchmarks based upon programmed transients performed in Nuclear Power Plants (NPP) were recently developed on a higher ‘best-estimate’ level. The reference problem considered in the current framework is a Main Coolant Pump (MCP) switching-on transient in a VVER1000 NPP. This event is characterized by a positive reactivity addition as consequence of the increase of the core flow. In the current study the coupled RELAP5/PARCS code is used to reproduce the considered test. Results of calculation were assessed against experimental data and also through the code-to-code comparison.  相似文献   

Nowadays, the coupled codes technique, which consists in incorporating three-dimensional (3D) neutron modeling of the reactor core into system codes, is extensively used for carrying out best estimate (BE) simulation of complex transient in nuclear power plants (NPP). This technique is particularly suitable for transients that involve core spatial asymmetric phenomena and strong feedback effects between core neutronics and reactor loop thermal-hydraulics. Such complex interactions are encountered under normal and abnormal operating conditions of a boiling water reactors (BWR). In such reactors Oscillations may take place owing to the dynamic behavior of the liquid-steam mixture used for removing the thermal power. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to detect in a reliable way these oscillations. The purpose of this work is to characterize one aspect of these unstable behaviors using the coupled codes technique. The evaluation is performed against Peach Bottom-2 low-flow stability tests number 3 using the coupled RELAP5/PARCS code. In this transient dynamically complex neutron kinetics coupling with thermal-hydraulics events take place in response to a core pressure perturbation. The calculated coupled code results are herein assessed and compared against the available experimental data.  相似文献   

In support of the pebble bed modular reactor (PBMR) Verification and Validation (V&V) effort, a set of benchmark test problems has been defined that focus on coupled core neutronics and thermal-hydraulic code-to-code comparisons. The motivation is not only to test the existing methods or codes available for high-temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGRs), but also to serve as a basis for the development of more accurate and efficient tools to analyse the neutronics and thermal-hydraulic behaviour for design and safety evaluations in future.The reference design for the PBMR268 benchmark problem is derived from the 268 MW PBMR design with a dynamic central column containing only graphite spheres. Several simplifications were made to the design in order to limit the need for any further approximations when defining code models. During this process, care was taken to ensure that all the important characteristics of the reactor design were preserved. The definition and initial phases of the benchmark were performed under a cooperative research project between NRG, Penn State University (PSU) and PBMR (Pty) Ltd. However, participation has been extended to include Purdue University and INL. All contributions to the benchmark effort were made in-kind by the participating members including the participation in four benchmark meetings over a period of 3 years. Based on the work performed in this benchmark the PBMR 400 MW design with fixed central reflector has been accepted as an OECD benchmark problem and work has already started.In this paper, the benchmark definition and the different test cases are described in some detail. Phase 1 focuses on steady-state conditions with the purpose of quantifying differences between code systems, models and basic data. It also serves as the basis to establish a common starting condition for the transient cases. In Phase 2, the focus is on performing coupled kinetics/core thermal-hydraulics test problems with a common cross-section and material property sets. The six events selected are described, and examples of some results are included to illustrate the behaviour of the transients. The final results of this work will be published in an NRG report and the focus will move to the OECD 400 MW benchmark problem.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results and the main lessons learnt from the phase 3 of BEMUSE, an international benchmark activity sponsored by the Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations [CSNI: Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (NEA, OECD), 2007. BEMUSE Phase III Report. NEA/CSNI R(2007) 4, October 2007] of the OECD/NEA. The phase 3 of BEMUSE aimed at performing Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analyses of thermal-hydraulic codes used for the calculation of LOFT L2-5 experiment, which simulated a Large-Break Loss-of-Coolant-Accident (LB-LOCA). Eleven participants coming from ten organisations and eight countries took part in this benchmark.In the first section of this paper, the context of BEMUSE is described as well as the methods used by the participants. In the second section, the results of the benchmark are presented. The majority of the participants find uncertainty bands which envelop the experimental data fairly well, however the width of these bands is much diverged. A synthesis of the sensitivity analysis results has been made and is expected to provide a useful basis for further uncertainty analysis dealing with LB-LOCA. Finally, recommendations are given both for uncertainty and sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

The development of coupled codes, combining thermal-hydraulic system codes and 3D neutron kinetics codes, is an important step to perform best-estimate calculations for plant transients of nuclear power plants. For applications in safety analysis, these coupled codes should be validated by benchmark calculations and, preferably, by comparison with plant transient data from operating plants. In addition, the results should be supplemented by applying uncertainty and sensitivity analysis methods, which allow to identify relevant parameters of models and solution procedures affecting the results and to quantify their relative importance. Both objectives were part of the VALCO project. The aspect of validation is presented in [S. Mittag, et al., 2004. Neutron-Kinetic Code Validation against Measurements in the Moscow V-1000 Zero-Power Facility, in press; T. Vanttola et al., 2004. Validation of coupled codes using VVER plant measurements, in press], the aspect of a comprehensive uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for coupled code calculations is the topic of this contribution. The results and experiences obtained by the analysis for two plant transients in a VVER-440 and a VVER-1000, respectively, are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

汤春桃 《原子能科学技术》2011,45(12):1414-1420
基于非结构网格的中子输运方程特征线解法已成为堆芯设计程序中组件输运计算的标准方法之一。但现有的大部分特征线法程序均是基于平源近似的步特征线法模型开发的,平源近似是特征线法中除角度变量直接离散外又一基本假定。本工作提出一种基于线性源近似的中子输运方程特征线解法,并提出相关负中子源分布的修正方法。采用自行研制的数值计算软件PEACH,对OECD/NEAC5G7-MOX2D基准问题和自定义沸水堆小堆芯问题进行检验。数值计算结果表明,本工作提出的线性源近似特征线法模型在相同计算精度的前提下,占用更少的系统内存和运行时间。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new 1D Neutronics/Thermal-hydraulics code ATAC-1D based on the advanced Jacobian-Free Newton-Krylov (JFNK) method and the low dimensional equivalent strategy. Conventional operator-splitting (OS) strategies are used to maintain its accuracy with small time steps and linearization of the nonlinear problem, which leads to slow computation speed and linearization error. The JFNK method solves the troubles in the coupled neutronics/thermal-hydraulics problems mentioned above. Furthermore, a core-wide three dimension to one dimension equivalent method has been developed to provide variable few-group parameters. Finally, the performance of the coupled neutronics/thermal-hydraulics code ATAC-1D is studied by simulating four OECD/NEA CRP PWR rod ejection benchmark problems. The simulation results are compared to the reference ones, which proves that the developed 1D code has a good accuracy and practicability in nuclear reactor transient calculation.  相似文献   

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