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In this paper, we derive another exact average error rate expression for the Nth best decode‐and‐forward relay systems over Rayleigh fading channels. On the basis of error‐events at relay nodes, the Nth best relay's selection probability is expressed as a more tractable form in which the number of summations and the length of each summation are specified. Then, exact average error performance metrics are obtained as two well‐known forms. The first is expressed with a moment generating function, and the other is presented as a closed form. Simulation results are finally presented to validate that the derived analytical expression can be a general frame work covering all Rayleigh fading channel conditions. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cooperative diversity systems have recently been proposed as a way to form virtual antenna schemes without utilizing collocated multiple antennas. In this paper, we consider the Nth best opportunistic amplify‐and‐forward (AF) cooperative diversity systems. The AF type can be regarded as one on the basis of modified channel state information. Wireless channels between any pair of nodes (i.e., direct and dual hop links) are assumed quasi‐static independent and nonidentically distributed (INID) Rayleigh fading. The best opportunistic AF (OAF) scheme requires two phases of transmission. During the first phase, the source node transmits a signal to all relays and the destination. In the second phase, the best relay is only selected on the basis of highest signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) scheme to forward the source signal to the destination. Therefore, the indirect link (i.e., source‐selected relay destination) can give the highest received SNR. However, the best relay selection cannot be available so that we might choose the second, third, or generally the Nth best relay. In this paper, we derive the approximated outage probability and channel capacity for the Nth best OAF relay systems over INID Rayleigh fading channels. At first, the indirect link's received SNR is approximated as harmonic mean upper bound. With this information, we obtain the given relay's Nth best selection probability as the closed form. Finally, both outage probability and channel capacity are derived as the closed forms. Simulation results are finally presented to validate the analysis. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Full duplex (FD) technique has evolved as a viable solution to address the spectrum scarce issue. It has gained research interest for its potential to double the wireless link capacity and enhance spectral efficiency (SE). In this paper, the end-to-end performance of an amplify-and-forward full duplex relay(FDR) in asymmetric Rayleigh–Rician fading channels is explored, unlike the other works that assume symmetric fading conditions in both the links. The asymmetric or mixed fading channels properly model the realistic communication scenarios like satellite/terrestrial wireless communication systems. In this work, we consider that the source-relay link experiences Rayleigh fading and the relay-destination link experiences Rician fading. The novel exact and lower bound closed form analytical expressions for outage probability (OP) and bit error rate (BER) for the considered FD system are derived. Moreover, the effect of severity of fading and the amount of residual self-interference (RSI) on the performance of FDR are also studied. In addition, MC simulations are carried out to validate the results. It is observed that the performance metrics, OP and BER, are highly dependent on the severity of fading and the amount of RSI. Furthermore, it is found that typically at the SNR of 10 dB, an improvement of approximately 27.6% in OP is obtained. Also, our work offers appreciable SNR gain, for example, for a BER of 10−2, an SNR improvement of around 11 dB is achieved. These findings have been compared with the mixed Rayleigh–Rician fading channel conditions considering only half duplex(HD) mode. These parameter metrics are helpful in analyzing the performance of FD in various communication scenarios such as LoS/NLoS conditions and hence pave the way for more realistic FDR.  相似文献   

In this paper, the performance analysis based on PDF approach of an L ‐branch equal gain combiner (EGC) over independent and not necessarily identical Weibull fading channels is presented. Several closed‐form approximate expressions are derived in terms of only one Fox H‐function as PDF, cumulative distribution function, and moments of the EGC output Signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR), outage probability, amount of fading, channel capacity, and the average symbol error rate for various digital modulation schemes. All results are illustrated and verified by simulations using computer algebra systems.  相似文献   

In this paper, the performance of L‐branch selection combining receiver over correlated Weibull fading channels in the presence of correlated Weibull‐distributed cochannel interference is analyzed. Closed‐form expressions for probability density function and cumulative distribution function of the signal‐to‐interference ratio at the output of the selection combining receiver present main contribution of this paper. Numerical results are also presented to show the effects of various parameters as the fading severity, correlation and number of branches on outage probability. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

程卫军  黄燕 《通信学报》2014,35(12):19-167
针对数字通信系统在多径阴影联合衰落信道下不易获得性能闭式解的问题,运用MG(mixture Gamma)模型近似了NL(Nakagami-lognormal)衰落信道模型,在各跳具有独立不同衰落分布下研究和推导了增强合作中继系统的误码率和中断性能,数值和仿真分析验证了理论分析的正确性。结果表明运用MG近似NL模型有助于合作中继系统在多径阴影联合衰落信道下的性能研究。  相似文献   

Cooperative spatial multiplexing (CSM) system has played an important role in wireless networks by offering a substantial improvement in multiplexing gain compared with its cooperative diversity counterpart. However, there is a limited number of research works that consider the performance of CSM systems. As such, in this paper, we have derived exact performance of CSM with amplify‐and‐forward and decode‐and‐forward relays in terms of outage capacity and ergodic capacity. We have shown that CSM systems yield a unity diversity order regardless of the number of antennas at the destination and the number of relays in the networks, which is the direct result of diversity and multiplexing gain trade‐off. Our analytical expressions are corroborated by Monte‐Carlo simulations. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As is known, distributed Turbo coding (DTC) performs close to the theoretic outage probability bound of a relay channel when correct decoding is assumed at the relay. However, decoding error is inevitable in practical fading channels due to the error-prone feature of radio channels, and the decoding error propagation in DTC scheme will severely degrade the error performance of the relay system. As a result, it is necessary to evaluate the error performance of the DTC scheme in multi-hop relaying wireless systems in practical fading channels. Moreover, the theoretical method of analysis provides an effective tool for obtaining the error performance besides lengthy simulations. In this article, the concept of equivalent signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the two-hop relay channel and the method of computing equivalent SNR are developed, and then the upper bound on the bit error probability (BEP) of DTC relay systems is analyzed by use of Turbo code's distance spectrum, the concept of uniform interleaver, the limit-before-averaging technique, and the union bound method. Both theoretical analysis and numerical simulation are implemented for relay systems with DTC scheme over quasi-static Rayleigh fading channels. The results show that the upper bound approaches the simulation results in the medium to high SNR region.  相似文献   

Performance of dual‐hop decode‐and‐forward relay system with selection‐combining receiver is analyzed over Rice fading channels. The following closed‐form expressions of performance metrics are derived: moment generating function for selection‐combining receiver output signal‐to‐noise ratio, exact average bit error rate of noncoherent modulations, approximate average symbol error rate for coherent modulations, and outage probability. We also obtain simple asymptotic expressions for moment generating function, exact average bit error rate, average symbol error rate, and outage probability, which are useful to characterize the diversity order and the coding gain. The optimal power allocation analysis suggests that the optimal power allocation factor is independent of total signal‐to‐noise ratio and source‐to‐destination link fading parameters. The accuracy of the obtained analytical expressions are supported by computer simulation results.  相似文献   

In this paper, a study on the end‐to‐end performance of multi‐hop non‐regenerative relaying networks over independent generalized‐gamma (GG) fading channels is presented. Using an upper bound for the end‐to‐end signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR), novel closed‐form expressions for the probability density function, the moments, and the moments‐generating function of the end‐to‐end SNR are presented. Based on these derived formulas, lower bounds for the outage and the average bit error probability (ABEP) are derived in closed form. Special attention is given to the low‐ and high‐SNR regions having practical interest as well as to the Nakagami fading scenario. Moreover, the performance of the considered system when employing adaptive square‐quadrature amplitude modulation is further analyzed in terms of the average spectral efficiency, the bit error outage, and the ABEP. Computer simulation results verify the tightness and the accuracy of the proposed bounds. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Performance analysis of quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) schemes for cooperative amplify-and-forward (AF) dual-hop relaying system over independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) Rayleigh fading channels are presented in this paper. Specifically, we derive closed-form lower-bound expressions of average symbol error rate (ASER) for general order rectangular QAM (RQAM) and cross QAM (XQAM) using well-known moment generating function (MGF) based approach with maximal ratio combining (MRC) scheme. Further, using best relay selection scheme (BRS), we also derive an ASER expression for XQAM. Numerical and simulated results are compared to validate the correctness of derived expressions. Furthermore, comparative analysis of RQAM and XQAM schemes is discussed which confirms that XQAM is better alternative over RQAM for transmission of odd number of bits per symbol for the considered system model. We also compare the ASER performance for MRC and BRS schemes in terms of SNR gain using different XQAM constellations. Moreover, the impact of system parameters on ASER is also highlighted.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the secrecy outage probability (SOP) and intercept behavior for the amplify‐and‐forward network over Nakagami‐m fading channels. Relay selection schemes are evaluated. The optimal and suboptimal criterions require the instantaneous and statistical channel state information of the eavesdroppers' channels, respectively. The enhanced 2‐hop criterion needs the additional information of the target secrecy rate for relay selection. Theoretical analysis reveals that the diversity order of the SOP is dominated by the minimum fading figures of the source‐relay and relay‐destination channels, while that of the intercept probability depends on the fading figure of the relay‐destination channel. In the multirelay scenario, the optimal, suboptimal, and enhanced 2‐hop scheme achieve the same diversity orders of the SOP. For the intercept probability, the optimal and second‐hop relay selection schemes provide the same diversity order, while the diversity orders of the suboptimal and enhanced 2‐hop schemes are the same. Simulation results finally substantiate the accuracy of the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis on the performance of single‐relay and multiple fixed‐relay cooperative network. The relay nodes operate in amplify‐and‐forward (AF) mode and transmit the signal through orthogonal channels. We consider maximal‐ratio combining at the destination to get the spatial diversity by adding the received signals coherently. The closed‐form moment‐generating function (MGF) for the total equivalent signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) is derived. The exact expressions of symbol‐error rate, outage capacity, and outage probability are obtained using the closed‐form MGF for single‐relay and multiple‐relay cooperative network with M‐ary phase shift keying (M‐PSK) and M‐ary quadrature amplitude modulation (M‐QAM) over independent and non‐identical Nakagami‐m channels and Rician fading channels. The approximated closed‐form expression of ergodic capacity is derived for both Nakagami‐m and Rician fading channels. The performance of the system is analyzed at various relay locations. The theoretical results are then compared with the simulation results obtained for binary PSK, quadrature PSK, and 16‐QAM modulation schemes to verify the analysis. Here, the expressions derived can be easily and more efficiently used to compute the performance parameters than doing Monte Carlo simulations. It is shown that cooperation is significant only for low K values for Rician by plotting cooperation gain versus K. The results show that the cooperative network performs best when the relay is located in the middle of source to destination link, at lower SNR values, and the performance of the system is worst if the relay is located closer to the source than to the destination. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Selection diversity based on the signal to interference ratio (SIR) is a very efficient technique that reduces fading and channel interference influence. In this paper, system performances of selection combining and correlated Weibull channels are analyzed. Fading between the diversity branches and between interferers is correlated and Weibull distributed. Very useful closed-form expressions are obtained for the output SIR's probability density function (PDF) and cumulative distribution function which is main contribution of this paper. Outage probability, the average output SIR, and the average error probability for coherent, noncoherent modulation are derived. Numerical results presented in this paper point out the effects of fading severity and correlation on the system performances.  相似文献   

在放大转发中继系统中,基于Nakagami-m衰落场景,借助概率密度函数、累积分布函数和矩生成函数性能分析法,推导了部分中继选择策略下协作分集系统采用不同调制方式的平均错误符号概率(ASEP)闭合表达式,给出了该系统协作分集下的分集阶数,并指出了在这一场景下影响ASEP性能的因素。仿真结果表明,所得的闭合表达式与数值仿真结果有良好的吻合性能,尤其在中高信噪比区域,所提方案具有很好的渐近性能,并通过仿真曲线进一步验证了与所提命题的一致性。  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a dual-hop wireless communication system with non-regenerative relay node and we study its performance over the αμ fading channels. Specifically, we derive a closed-form expression for the moment generating function (MGF) of the harmonic mean of end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) assuming the αμ fading models. We also derive closed-form expressions for the end-to-end outage probability and average bit error rate of coherent modulation techniques. The obtained expressions can be reduced to study the performance of dual-hop communication systems over other fading channel models by using the proper values for the α and μ parameters. Numerical results are provided and conclusion remarks are drawn.  相似文献   

The literature is relatively sparse in performance analysis of diversity combining schemes over Weibull fading channels, despite the fact that the Weibull distribution is often found to be suitably fit for empirical fading channel measurements. In this paper, we capitalize on some interesting results due to Lieblein on the order statistics of Weibull random variables to derive exact closed‐form expressions for the combined average signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) as well as amount of fading (AF) at a generalized selection combining (GSC) output over Weibull fading channels. We also use some simple AF‐based mappings between the fading parameters of the Weibull distribution and those of the Nakagami, Rice, and Hoyt distributions to obtain the approximate but accurate average SNR and AF of GSC over these types of channels. The mathematical equations are validated and illustrated by some numerical examples for scenarios of practical interest. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present closed‐form bounds for the performance of wireless multihop communications systems with cooperative diversity over Nakagami‐m fading channels. The end‐to‐end signal‐to‐noise ratio is formulated and upper bounded by using the inequality between harmonic and geometric means of positive random variables. Closed‐form expression is derived for the moment‐generating function and is used to obtain lower bounds for the average error probability. Numerical results are compared with computer simulations showing the tightness of the proposed bounds. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

For Multi-Carrier-Code Division Multiple Access (MC-CDMA) systems,it is usually as- sumed that the fading of the subcarriers is frequency non-selective and independent of each other. This paper shows that the two assumptions are incompatible.In fact,the MC-CDMA signals at each subcarrier undergo fading that are highly correlated.Based on this observation,this paper develops a simulation algorithm for Rayleigh fading channels via frequency-domain correlation function,which incorporates the Doppler effect simultaneously.Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the new algorithm,with the conclusion that the independence assumption of subcar- rier fading overrates the system performance.  相似文献   

We study the energy harvesting (EH)-assisted system model based on the performance of a dual-hop cooperative communication system that is subjected to Nakagami- m fading. Through the partial relay selection method, the selection of Nth best relay (BR) is performed among M amplify and forward (AF) relays, which can harvest energy from radio frequency signals. At the receiver, the selection combining scheme is considered to select between the signals of Nth best relaying path and the direct path. For this considered system, we compute the closed-form expressions of outage probability (OP) and the average symbol error rate (ASER) for higher order quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) techniques, especially for rectangular QAM, cross QAM, and hexagonal QAM. Further, a new moment-generating function expression is obtained which is used to derive the ASER expression related to the generalized non-coherent modulation technique. We also give the asymptotic expression of OP to find out the diversity order. Furthermore, we study the effect of fading parameters, Nth BR, and other factors on system behavior. Finally, we verify the derived expressions with Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

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