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姜奇  马卓  马建峰  李光松 《中国通信》2012,9(10):103-111
In order to remedy the security weaknesses of a robust user authentication framework for wireless sensor networks, an enhanced user authentication framework is presented. The enhanced scheme requires proof of the possession of both a password and a smart card, and provides more security guarantees in two aspects: 1) it addresses the untraceability property so that any third party accessing the communication channel cannot link two authentication sessions originated from the same user, and 2) the use of a smart card prevents offline attacks to guess passwords. The security and efficiency analyses indicate that our enhanced scheme provides the highest level of security at reasonable computational costs. Therefore, it is a practical authentication scheme with attractive security features for wireless sensor networks.  相似文献   

When accessing remote services over public networks, a user authentication mechanism is required because these activities are executed in an insecure communication environment. Recently, Wang et al. proposed an authentication and key agreement scheme preserving the privacy of secret keys and providing user anonymity. Later, Chang et al. indicated that their scheme suffers from two security flaws. First, it cannot resist DoS (denial-of-service) attack because the indicators for the next session are not consistent. Second, the user password may be modified by a malicious attacker because no authentication mechanism is applied before the user password is updated. To eliminate the security flaws and preserve the advantages of Wang et al.'s scheme, we propose an improvement in this paper.  相似文献   

万涛  姜楠  马建峰 《中国通信》2014,(11):125-134
Since network services are provided cooperatively by multiple servers in the lnternet, the authentication protocols for multiserver architecture are required by Internetbased services, such as online game, online trade and so on. Recently, Li et al. analyzed Lee et al.'s protocol and proposed an improved dynamic identity based authentication protocol for multi-server architecture. They claimed that their protocol provides user's anonymity, mutual authentication and the session key agreement against several kinds of attacks. In this paper, a cryptanalysis on Lee et al.'s scheme shows that Lee et al's protocol is also vulnerable to malicious server attack, stolen smart card attack and leak-of-verifier attack. Moreover, Li e/ al.'s improved protocol is also vulnerable to all these attacks. Further cryptanalysis reveals that Li et al.'s improved protocol is susceptible to collusion attack.  相似文献   

Nowadays, the password-based remote user authentication mechanism using smart card is one of the simplest and convenient authentication ways to ensure secure communications over the public network environments. Recently, Liu et al. proposed an efficient and secure smart card based password authentication scheme. However, we find that Liu et al.’s scheme is vulnerable to the off-line password guessing attack and user impersonation attack. Furthermore, it also cannot provide user anonymity. In this paper, we cryptanalyze Liu et al.’s scheme and propose a security enhanced user authentication scheme to overcome the aforementioned problems. Especially, in order to preserve the user anonymity and prevent the guessing attack, we use the dynamic identity technique. The analysis shows that the proposed scheme is more secure and efficient than other related authentication schemes.  相似文献   

Seamless roaming in the global mobility network (GLOMONET) is highly desirable for mobile users, although their proper authentication is challenging. This is because not only are wireless networks susceptible to attacks, but also mobile terminals have limited computational power. Recently, some authentication schemes with anonymity for the GLOMONET have been proposed. This paper shows some security weaknesses in those schemes. Furthermore, a lightweight and provably secure user authentication scheme with anonymity for the GLOMONET is proposed. It uses only symmetric cryptographic and hash operation primitives for secure authentication. Besides, it takes only four message exchanges among the user, foreign agent and home agent. We also demonstrate that this protocol enjoys important security attributes including prevention of various attacks, single registration, user anonymity, user friendly, no password/verifier table, and use of one‐time session key between mobile user and foreign agent. The security properties of the proposed protocol are formally validated by a model checking tool called AVISPA. Furthermore, as one of the new features in our protocol, it can defend smart card security breaches. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Jing Xu  Dengguo Feng 《ETRI Journal》2009,31(4):460-462
The emerging wireless networks require the design of new authentication protocols due to their dynamic nature and vulnerable‐to‐attack structure. Recently, Wu and others proposed a wireless authentication protocol which is claimed to be an improvement of the authentication protocol proposed by Lee and others which provides user anonymity. In this letter, we show that these protocols have a common flaw and that these protocols fail to provide user anonymity. We also propose a modification method to solve this problem.  相似文献   

如今,无线传感器网络是一种新的和有前途的下一代实时无线监控应用的解决方案。如果在考虑部署传感器网络之前没有适当的安全考虑,可以成为一个威胁。但是,如果有任何安全漏洞,即可能向攻击者敞开了大门并且危害应用。因此,用户身份验证的核心要求之一,以防止未经授权的无线传感器网络的数据访问用户。在这方面提出一个有效的双重身份验证的无线传感器网络,它是基于密码和智能卡(双重)。计划提供了相互认证,使用户能够选择和频繁地改变自己密码。再者,通过合理计算成本,提供强大的保护防止不同类型的攻击。  相似文献   

Two‐factor user authentication scheme allows a user to use a smart card and a password to achieve mutual authentication and establish a session key between a server and a user. In 2012, Chen et al. showed that the scheme of Sood et al. does not achieve mutual authentication and is vulnerable to off‐line password guessing and smart card stolen attacks. They also found that another scheme proposed by Song is vulnerable to similar off‐line password guessing and smart card stolen attacks. They further proposed an improved scheme. In this paper, we first show that the improved scheme of Chen et al. still suffers from off‐line password guessing and smart card stolen attacks, does not support perfect forward secrecy, and lacks the fairness of session key establishment. We then propose a new security‐enhanced scheme and show its security and authentication using the formal verification tool ProVerif, which is based on applied pi calculus. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于动态ID远程用户身份认证方案的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨晓辉 《电子技术》2014,(6):40-42,34
对Wang提出的动态ID远程用户身份认证方案进行了回顾和分析,指出了Wang方案中存在不能保护用户匿名和不能抗拒绝服务攻击的缺陷。针对此缺陷,在保留原方案优点的基础上提出了一种改进的动态ID远程用户身份认证方案,并通过对比分析说明了改进方案的安全性和有效性。  相似文献   

With the broad implementations of the electronic business and government applications,robust system security and strong privacy protection have become essential requirements for remote user authentication schemes.Recently,Chen et al.pointed out that Wang et al.’s scheme is vulnerable to the user impersonation attack and parallel session attack,and proposed an enhanced version to overcome the identified security flaws.In this paper,however,we show that Chen et al.’s scheme still cannot achieve the claimed security goals and report its following problems:(1) It suffers from the offline password guessing attack,key compromise impersonation attack and known key attack;(2) It fails to provide forward secrecy;(3) It is not easily repairable.As our main contribution,a robust dynamic ID-based scheme based on non-tamper resistance assumption of the smart cards is presented to cope with the aforementioned defects,while preserving the merits of different related schemes.The analysis demonstrates that our scheme meets all the proposed criteria and eliminates several grave security threats that are difficult to be tackled at the same time in previous scholarship.  相似文献   

客户端-服务器认证协议的匿名性指服务器能够认证客户端的真实性,但无法获知客户端的身份。针对认证协议提出了新的安全性需求—不可链接性,该性质是对匿名性的有益补充。对已有文献中的认证协议进行修正,使其在不降低认证效率的前提下满足不可链接性。修正后的方案同时提供身份保护性、不可链接性、双向认证、密钥协商、密钥更新、会话密钥的后向保密性以及客户端的口令修改功能。  相似文献   

智能卡与口令相结合的身份认证方式既可保留使用强密钥优势,又具有使用方便的特点,是一种理想的安全双因子认证方式。当前许多公开的口令认证方案,要么需要较强的计算环境而难于采用智能卡快速实现,要么不能抵抗离线口令猜测攻击或服务端内部攻击而存在安全缺陷。提出一种非平衡型口令认证方案,基于智能卡和用户口令双因子设计,具有简便高效、口令安全、双向认证特点,能够抵御离线口令猜测攻击和服务端内部攻击,可用于满足设备开机时的安全认证需求。  相似文献   

A dynamic user authentication scheme allows a user and a remote server to authenticate each other without leaking the user's identity. In 2011, Wen and Li proposed an improved dynamic ID‐based remote user authentication with key agreement scheme for mobile and home networks. They claimed that their scheme was more secure than the scheme of Wang et al. However, we demonstrate that their scheme is vulnerable to the privileged insider, off‐line password guessing, impersonation, and server spoofing attacks. At the same time, it does not provide any user anonymity and forward secrecy property. Thus, it is not feasible for real‐life implementation.Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

智能卡的安全性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
智能卡就是带有微处理器(CPU)电路的IC卡.随着它的普及,有关智能卡的安全性问题就提到了日程上.文中主要讲述了涉及智能卡方面的一系列的安全问题及其本身的安全性设计.  相似文献   

The authentication protocol is vital for the security of the wireless sensor network to resist the known threats, such as eavesdropping, replay attack, man‐in‐the‐middle attack, etc. In this paper, a lightweight authentication protocol for vehicular ad hoc networks is proposed using the symmetric encryption, the group communication method, and the proactive authentication technique, which not only achieves the desired security goals but also guarantees the practical anonymity and the accountability. The analysis demonstrates that the proposed protocol works properly in the high‐density and the low‐density traffic environment.  相似文献   

In remote system security, 2‐factor authentication is one of the security approaches and provides fundamental protection to the system. Recently, numerous 2‐factor authentication schemes are proposed. In 2014, Troung et al proposed an enhanced dynamic authentication scheme using smart card mainly to provide anonymity, secure mutual authentication, and session key security. By the analysis of Troung et al's scheme, we observed that Troung et al' s scheme does not provide user anonymity, perfect forward secrecy, server's secret key security and does not allow the user to choose his/her password. We also identified that Troung et al's scheme is vulnerable to replay attack. To fix these security weaknesses, a robust authentication scheme is proposed and analyzed using the formal verification tool for measuring the robustness. From the observation of computational efficiency of the proposed scheme, we conclude that the scheme is more secure and easy to implement practically.  相似文献   

利用Smart卡的可撤销匿名性的电子支付系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨波  刘胜利  王育民 《电子学报》1999,27(10):83-86
本文对文(1)提出的利用Smart卡的电子支付系统进行了改进,提出了一种可撤销用户匿名性的支付系统,一方面,它能有效地保护用户的隐私,另一方面,在银行的协助下,一个可信第三方(委托人)可撤销用户的匿名性。因此可有效地防止钱的伪造、含污和敲诈。  相似文献   

认证技术是当今网络安全发展的一个重要方向.无线传感器网络由于结点的资源和计算能力的限制,简单有效的认证协议是其需要考虑的重要问题.然而研究发现M.L.Das和Khan的协议都有一些安全缺陷,本文提出了一种适用于无线传感器网络的双因子认证协议,并对协议进行了安全分析和性能测试.结果表明,该协议能应对多种攻击,系统安全性高.  相似文献   

RFID匿名认证协议的设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在分析RFID协议安全需求的基础上,基于通用可组合安全模型,设计了一个低成本的RFID匿名认证协议,在标准模型下证明了RFID匿名认证协议的安全性.设计的协议提供匿名、双向认证和并发安全,并且协议的实现对于一般的RFID结构都是切实可行的.  相似文献   

With the use of smart card in user authentication mechanisms, the concept of two‐factor authentication came into existence. This was a forward move towards more secure and reliable user authentication systems. It elevated the security level by requiring a user to possess something in addition to know something. In 2010, Sood et al. and Song independently examined a smart‐card‐based authentication scheme proposed by Xu et al. They showed that in the scheme of Xu et al., an internal user of the system can turn hostile to impersonate other users of the system. Both of them also proposed schemes to improve the scheme of Xu et al. Recently, Chen et al. identified some security problems in the improved schemes proposed by Sood et al. and Song. To fix these problems, Chen et al. presented another scheme, which they claimed to provide mutual authentication and withstand lost smart card attack. Undoubtedly, in their scheme, a user can also verify the legitimacy of server, but we find that the scheme fails to resist impersonation attacks and privileged insider attack. We also show that the scheme does not provide important features such as user anonymity, confidentiality to air messages, and revocation of lost/stolen smart card. Besides, the scheme defies the very purpose of two‐factor security. Furthermore, an attacker can guess a user's password from his or her lost/stolen smart card. To meet these challenges, we propose a user authentication method with user anonymity. We show through analysis and comparison that the proposed scheme exhibits enhanced efficiency in contrast to related schemes, including the scheme of Chen et al. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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