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Lead-free piezoelectric ceramics (1–x)(K0.5Na0.5)NbO3xLiBiO3 [(1–x)KNN–xLB] (x=0, 0.0005, 0.002, 0.004, 0.006, 0.008, 0.010) were prepared by an traditional solid-state reaction. The microstructure and electrical properties of the ceramics were investigated. The results show that all (1–x)KNN–xLB ceramics possess pure perovskite structure when x=0.01, no trace of any secondary phase is detected, and the phase structure of the ceramics transits abnormally from orthorhombic to cubic. With the increase of the LB content, the size of grain gradually becomes small, the piezoelectric constant d33 and the planar electromechanical coupling coefficient kp first increases and then decreases. The d33 and kp of the ceramics reach their maximum values 115 pC/N at x=0.002 and 0.2701 at x=0.001, respectively. The dielectric constant er of the ceramics firstly increases evidently and then decreases with the increase of x, the maximum value 871.8 is obtained at x=0.006.  相似文献   

Ti-Modified (Na0.5K0.5)(Ti x Nb1−x )O3 (NKNT) piezoelectric ceramics were fabricated by double-layer buried powder process at 1020°C for 2 h. The microstructures, and piezoelectric and dielectric properties of the lead-free NKNT ceramics were investigated. X-ray diffraction results indicated that Ti4+ had diffused into the (Na0.5K0.5)NbO3 lattices to form a solid solution with a perovskite structure. The introducing of Ti into the (Na0.5K0.5)NbO3 solid solution effectively reduced the sintering temperature and densified the microstructure with a decreased grain size. The highest relative density reached more than 90%. The highest piezoelectric dielectric coefficient d 33 and planar mode electromechanical coupling coefficient k p were 110 pC/N and 19.5%, which were obtained in the NKNT ceramic with 1 mol% Ti. The piezoelectric properties of the NKNT ceramics were enhanced by aging in air for a period of time owing to the compensation of oxygen vacancies.  相似文献   

The lead-free piezoelectric ceramics (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3 (abbreviated as KNN) with the relative density of 97.6% were synthesized by press-less sintering owing to the careful control of processing conditions. The phase structure of KNN ceramics was analyzed. The results show that the pure perovskite phase with orthorhombic symmetry is in all ceramics specimens. The effect of poling conditions on the piezoelectric properties of KNN ceramics was investigated. The results show that the piezoelectric constant d33 and electromechanical coupling factor kp increase with poling field, poling temperature and poling time increasing, then decrease because of electric broken. Take into account of poling conditions and piezoelectric properties of pure KNN ceramics, the optimum poling conditions for pure KNN ceramics are poling field of 4 kV/mm, poling temperature of 140 ℃ and poling time of 20-25 min.  相似文献   

The lead-free piezoelectric ceramics (1-x)(K0.5Na0.5)NbO3-xLiNbO3(abbreviated as KNLN) were synthesized by a traditional solid state reaction. The effects of Li^+ on the sintering characteristic, the phase structure and piezoelectric properties of KNLN ceramics were investigated. The sintering temperature of KNN-based ceramics is decreased by doping Li^+ and the range of the sintering temperature is narrow. The KNLN ceramics exhibit an enhanced piezoelectric properties with the piezoelectric constant d33 value of 180-200 pC/N, The electromechanical coupling coefficients kp is 35%-40%. The results show that (1-x)(K0.5Na0.5)-NbO3-xLiNbO3 (x=0.05, 0.06) is a promising high-temperature lead free piezoelectric ceramic.  相似文献   

Lead-free piezoelectric ceramics Lix(K0.46Na0.54)1-xNb0.86Ta0.1Sb0.0403 (with x ranging from 0 to 0.1) were synthesized by conventional solid state sintering method. The effect of cationic substitution of Li for K and Na in the A sites of perovskite lattice on the structure, phase transition behavior and electrical properties were investigated. Morphotropic phase boundaries(MPB) between orthorhombic and tetragonal phase are found in the composition range of 0.06≤x≤0.08. Analogous to Pb(Zr, Ti)O3, the dielectric and piezoelectric properties are enhanced for the composition near the morphotropic phase boundary. The Li0.06(K0.46Na0.54)0.94- Nb0.86Ta0.1Sb0.04O3 ceramics show excellent electrical properties, that is, piezoelectric constant d33=215 pC/N, planar electromechanical coupling factor kp=41%, dielectric constant ε33^T /ε0=1 303, and dielectric loss tan δ=2.45%. The results indicate that Lix(K0.46Na0.54)1 -xNb0.86Ta0.1Sb0.0403 ceramic is a promising lead-free piezoelectric material.  相似文献   

The microstructure, dielectric and ferroelectric properties of (1–y)Ba(Zr0.1Ti0.9)O3yBa(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3 (y=0–0.05) ceramics prepared by traditional solid state method were investigated by X-ray diffractometer, scanning electron microscope, electric parameter testing system and ferroelectric tester. It is found that the barium zirconate titanate based ceramics are single-phase perovskites as y increases up to 0.05 and their average grain size decreases with the increase of y. The permittivity maximum εr,max is suppressed from 8948 to 1611 at 1 kHz with increasing y, and the ferroelectric–paraelectric phase transition temperature Tm decreases from 93 to –89 °C at 1 kHz as y increases. The composition-induced diffuse phase transition is enhanced with increasing y. The relaxor-like ferroelectric behavior with a strong frequency dispersion of Tm and permittivity at T<Tm accompanied by a strong diffuse phase transition is found for the system with high y value. The remnant polarization decreases with increasing y, while the coercive field decreases remarkably and then increases with the increase of y.  相似文献   

This study showed that the substitution of SrO and ZrO2 in BaTiO3 results in a change in the unit cell volume, Curie temperature shift and temperature dependence of dielectric constants. The unit cell volume decreased with an increasing SrO content (≤15 mol%), but increased with an increasing ZrO2 (≤10 mol%). Substitution of Zr4+ ions for Ti sites in Ba(Ti1?yZry)O3 shifted the Curie point (Tc) to lower temperatures by 4.1 °C per mol% of ZrO2 at y≤0.10. SrO substitution in the samples with 10 mol% ZrO2 (Ba1?xSrx)(Ti0.9Zr0.1)O3 brought about relatively small shifts in Tc (2.2 °C/mol%), and their dielectric constants decreased with an increasing SrO content near Tc. Mg- and Mn-doped (Ba0.9Sr0.1)(Ti0.9Zr0.1)O3 broadened the dielectric constant peaks at Tc with uniform microstructures, which satisfies the temperature characteristics of Y5V specifications. The leakage currents of the Mg- and Mn-doped samples were significantly suppressed.  相似文献   

改善烧结制度制备(Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3-Ba(Ti,Zr)O3(简称BNT-BZT)系无铅压电陶瓷,能得到较高的致密度.该压电陶瓷具有良好的电学性能.电学性能的最佳成分点位于准同型相界附近四方相的区域,组成为(Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3-xBa(TiyZr)O3x=0.09~0.12的范围内,此时具有最大的压电常数(d33=147pC/N)和室温介电常数(ε33T/ε0=881.4).BNT-BZT陶瓷体系的机电耦合系数Kp受BZT含量的影响较小,而BZT含量对机械品质因数Qm的影响较大.  相似文献   

The environmentally-friendly (1–x)Ba(Zr0.1Ti0.9)O3xBa(Mg1/3Ta2/3)O3 (x=0, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08) relaxor ferroelectric ceramics were prepared by the conventional solid-state method and sintered in air at 1400 °C for 2 h. SEM and XRD analyses were utilized to study the surface morphologies and the crystalline structures, respectively. The effects of Ba(Mg1/3Ta2/3)O3 on the phase transformation, dielectric and ferroelectric properties of Ba(Zr0.1Ti0.9)O3 ceramics were also investigated. It is found that the average grain size of (1–x)Ba(Zr0.1Ti0.9)O3xBa(Mg1/3Ta2/3)O3 (BZT–BMT) perovskite single-phase ceramics decreases as the content of Ba(Mg1/3Ta2/3)O3 (BMT) increases. The relaxor ferroelectric behavior with diffuse phase transition and well-defined frequency dispersion of dielectric maximum temperature is found for the ceramic with increasing x values. 0.98BZT–0.02BMT ceramic shows very good dielectric properties with the relative permittivity and the dielectric loss, measured at 100 kHz as 6034 and 0.01399 respectively at room temperature. Both remnant polarization and coercive field decreased with increasing BMT content, indicating a transition from the ferroelectric phase to the paraelectric phase at room temperature.  相似文献   

Microstructure and tensile properties of orthorhombic Ti–Al–Nb–Ta alloys have been studied. In order to optimize ductility and strength of the orthorhombic alloys with the nominal compositions of Ti–22Al–23Nb–3Ta and Ti–22Al–20Nb–7Ta, various thermomechanical processing steps were implemented as part of the processing route. With a special heat treatment before rolling to obtain a fine and homogeneous rolled microstructure, the rolled microstructure resulted in a good combination of high tensile yield strength and good ductility of the alloys through available solution and age treatments. The duplex microstructure with equiaxed α2/O particles and fine O phase laths in a B2 matrix, deforming in α2+B2+O phase field and treating in O+B2 phase field, possesses the highest tensile properties. The R.T. yield strength and ductility of the Ti–22Al–20Nb–7Ta alloy are 1200 MPa, and 9.8% respectively. The yield strength and ductility values of 970 MPa and 14% were also maintained at elevated temperature (650°C).  相似文献   

The microstructure, electrical properties, and density of Dy2O3-doped ZnO-based varistor ceramics, prepared using high-energy ball milling (HEBM) and sintered at 800℃, were investigated by increasing the cooling rate in the order of H (slow cooling in furnace) → L (cooling in furnace) → K (cooling in air). With the increase in cooling rate, the grain size and density decreased, the breakdown voltage (VImA/mm) increased, and the nonlinear coefficient (α) and leakage current (IL) exhibited extremum. The sample with the cooling type L showed the best properties with the breakdown voltage of 2650 V/ram, o:of 20.3, IL of 5.2 laA, and density of 5.42 g/cm^3. The barrier height (ФB), donor concentration (Nd), density of the interface states (Nd), and barrier width (ω) all exhibited extremum during the alteration in cooling rate. The different relative amount of Bi-rich phase and its distribution as well as the characteristic parameters of grain boundary, resulting from the alteration of cooling rate, led to the changes in the properties of varistor ceramics.  相似文献   

Electric fatigue tests have been conducted on pure and manganese-modified Pb(In0.5Nb0.5)O3–Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3–PbTiO3 (PIN–PMN–PT) single crystals along different crystallographic directions. Polarization degradation was observed to suddenly occur above 50–100 bipolar cycles in 〈1 1 0〉 oriented samples, while 〈0 0 1〉 oriented samples exhibited almost fatigue free characteristics. The fatigue behavior was investigated as a function of orientation, magnitude of the electric field and manganese dopant. It was found that 〈0 0 1〉 oriented PIN–PMN–PT crystals were fatigue free, due to its small domain size, being on the order of 1 μm. The 〈1 1 0〉 direction exhibited a strong electrical fatigue behavior due to mechanical degradation. Micro/macro cracks developed in fatigued 〈1 1 0〉 oriented single crystals. Fatigue and cracks were the result of strong anisotropic piezoelectric stress and non-180° domain switching, which completely locked the non-180° domains. Furthermore, manganese-modified PIN–PMN–PT crystals were found to show improved fatigue behavior due to an enhanced coercive field.  相似文献   

The electric-field-induced strain behavior in (1 ? x ? y)(Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3xBaTiO3y(K0.5Na0.5)NbO3 electroceramics has been studied using a combinatorial technique. A stoichiometrically graded sample was produced to contain compositions across the ternary phase diagram between the two end-member components of 0.93(Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3–0.07BaTiO3 and 0.86(Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3–0.14(K0.5Na0.5)NbO3. Both composition and structural information were measured simultaneously during the application of electric fields using secondary X-ray fluorescence and high-energy X-ray microdiffraction, respectively. An initial electric-field-induced distortion from the pseudo-cubic structure is seen across all compositions, while those with a greater concentration of BaTiO3 also undergo an electric-field-induced phase transformation. The microstructural contribution to the macroscopic strain within the 0.93(Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3–0.07BaTiO3 end member is quantified at a field strength of 5.5 kV mm?1; 0.08% and 0.11% of the measured macroscopic strain of 0.4% is contributed by the induced ferroelastic domain texture and the volumetric strain associated with the electric-field-induced phase transformation, respectively.  相似文献   

Several Mg-xLi-3Al-lCe alloys were prepared by vacuum induction heating. These alloys are Mg-5Li-3Al-lCe, Mg-8Li-3Al-lCe and Mg-14Li-3Al-1C e, respectively. The microstructure and phase composition of these alloys were analyzed by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and X-ray diffractometry. The mechanical properties of these alloys were measured with tensile tester. The results show that, Mg-5Li-3Al-1Ce has a single phase (α) structure, Mg-8Li-3Al-lCe has a double phases (α+β) structure, Mg-14Li-3Al-1Ce has a single phase (β) structure. And some compounds distribute in the matrix. After being rolled, the grain size of all the alloys is refined. Under the condition of the same content of other alloying elements, the mechanical properties of Mg-5Li-3Al-1Ce are relatively high. With increasing Li content, the strength of both as-cast and as-rolled alloy decrease. For the as-cast alloys, with increasing Li content, the elongation increases. While for the as-rolled alloys, with increasing Li content, the elongation decreases. Ce has refining effect on these alloys.  相似文献   

采用传统固相法制备了CeO2掺杂0.9Bi4Ti3O12–0.1K0.5Na0.5NbO3(BTO-KNN) 铋层状陶瓷材料。系统研究了CeO2掺杂对BTO-KNN基陶瓷物相结构、微观结构以及电性能的影响. 结果表明:所有陶瓷样品均为单一的铋层状结构;BTO-KNN基陶瓷的压电性能随着CeO2的掺杂而显著提高,损耗明显降低。当CeO2掺量为0.75 wt% 时,样品具有最佳的电性能: d33=28 pC/N,介电损耗tan δ=0.29%,机械品质因数Qm = 2897,剩余极化强度Pr = 11.83 μC/cm2,且居里温度 Tc 高达615 ℃;研究结果表明CeO2掺杂0.9Bi4Ti3O12–0.1K0.5Na0.5NbO3铋层状陶瓷是种潜在的高温陶瓷材料。  相似文献   

Ag(Nb0.8Ta0.2)O3 ceramics were prepared by the traditional solid-state reaction method. The effect of CaF2 addition on the structure and di-electric properties of Ag(Nb0.8Ta0.2)O3 ceramics was investigated. The addition of CaF2 led the ceramics to a larger grain size and distortion of lattice. With the addition of 4.5 wt.% CaF2, the permittivity of the ceramics increased from 442 to 1028, the dielectric loss decreased sharply from 6.12 × 10-3 to 8.6 × 10-4, and the temperature coefficient of capacitance decreased from 1834 ppm/°C to-50 ppm/°C (at 1 MHz). These results indicated that the high permittivity was related with a large grain size, a low grain boundary density, and the weak Ta-O or Nb-O bond strength caused by the addition of CaF2.  相似文献   

The effects of ZnO-B2O3 (ZB2) on the sintering behavior and microwave dielectric properties of (Ca0.254Li0.19Sm0.14)TiO3 ceramics were investigated.The densities of the specimens reached the maximum value by adding 3 wt.% ZB2 and then decreased.The sintering temperature of the specimens was lowered from 1300 to 1100°C without degradation of the microwave dielectric properties.The (Ca0.254Li0.19Sm0.14)TiO3 + 3 wt.% ZB2 sintered at 1100°C for 3 h showed good microwave dielectric properties,εr = 108.2,Qf = 6545 GHz,and τf = 6.5 ppm/°C,respectively,indicating that ZB2 was an effective sintering aid to improve the densification and microwave dielectric properties of (Ca0.254Li0.19Sm0.14)TiO3 ceramics.  相似文献   

The microstructure and wear performance of M203-13% TiO2 coatings prepared by plasma spraying of agglom- erated nanoparticle powders were investigated. SEM analysis showed that the as-sprayed Al2O3-TiO2 coatings comprise of two kinds of typical region: fully melted region and unmelted/partially melted nanostructured region, which is different than the conventional coating with lamellar structure. It is shown that the microhardness of the nanostructured coatings was about 15%-30% higher than that of the conventional coating and the wear resistance is significantly improved, especially under a high wear load. The nanostructured coating sprayed at a lower power shows a lower wear resistance than the coatings produced at a higher power, because of the presence of pores and microstructural defects which are detrimental to the fracture toughness of the coatings.  相似文献   

Zr was added to Ti–Nb–Fe alloys to develop low elastic modulus and high strength β-Ti alloys for biomedical applications. Ingots of Ti–12Nb–2Fe–(2, 4, 6, 8, 10)Zr (at.%) were prepared by arc melting and then subjected to homogenization, cold rolling, and solution treatments. The phases and microstructures of the alloys were analyzed by optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and transmission electron microscopy. The mechanical properties were measured by tensile tests. The results indicate that Zr and Fe cause a remarkable solid-solution strengthening effect on the alloys; thus, all the alloys show yield and ultimate tensile strengths higher than 510 MPa and 730 MPa, respectively. Zr plays a weak role in the deformation mechanism. Further, twinning occurs in all the deformed alloys and is beneficial to both strength and plasticity. Ti–12Nb–2Fe–(8, 10)Zr alloys with metastable β phases show low elastic modulus, high tensile strength, and good plasticity and are suitable candidate materials for biomedical implants.  相似文献   

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