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近日,记者发现北京移动方面已经可以自动为使用中移动网络的用户通过弹窗的方式来根据目前用户的话费使用情况进行套餐的推荐。而该推荐页面则基于此前推出的流量助手功能。  相似文献   

自助式多媒体话费查询打印机解决方案传统方式目前电信行业普遍使用人工值守的话费详单打印服务,这样在客户满意度得不到提高的情况下还大大增加了人力成本。部分客户已经开始提供自助式详单服务,但是目前绝大部分的自助式详单打印都使用了热敏窄幅打印,由于该种方案的局限性,虽然  相似文献   

北京移动已可自动为手机上网用户进行套餐推荐 近日;记者发现北京移动方面已经可以自动为使用中移动网络的用户通过弹窗的方式来根据目前用户的话费使用情况进行套餐的推荐。而该推荐页面则基于此前推出的流量助手功能。此前,有不少北京移动的用户就发现目前在使用北京移动的网络进行手机上网时会出现北京移动的流量提示,  相似文献   

结合当前Web站点的数据特点,以信息项在页面中的出现位置为信息抽取的路径,利用PAT树技术,提出了一个多Agent协作的自动信息抽取模型.该模型能够自动分析样本页面数据特征,归纳学习整个站点的数据模式,生成抽取规则,指导以后的抽取动作.实验结果表明,该模型对Web页面的结构化信息抽取具有较高的效率.  相似文献   

针对当前Deep Web信息检索中Web数据库返回的查询结果页面内容多样、形式各异、有效信息难以提取等不足,将信息抽取与数据融合技术加以改进,提出了对查询结果页面进行处理的技术.该技术通过对HTML页面解析、信息过滤、分块、剪枝、提取抽取规则,实现了有效信息的自动抽取.通过建立合并规则、去重规则、清洗规则,实现了数据的有效融合,并最终以统一的模式进行存储.最后,通过相关项目应用,验证了该技术的有效性和实用性.  相似文献   

对A SP.NET页面文件的访问控制机制进行了研究,建立了一个通用页面访问模型。该模型以SQLServer数据库存储用户、用户组和页面文件及文件夹等控制资源,在页面文件中自动提取文件或文件夹名,通过公共函数进行用户或用户组的访问权限检索,最终实现用户对页面的访问权限控制。提供了一种类似W indow s基于用户-组的网页通用访问模型。  相似文献   

Web自测试系统是远程网络教育中学习者检验学习效果的有效手段.对该系统的数据模型进行了分析;阐述了该系统的自动组卷算法及考试页面生成等关键技术,并用ASP.NET实现了本系统.  相似文献   

为了有效地在Web上进行数据信息的提取,实现Web数据的清理与集成,针对发布批量格式化数据的网页类型,提出了利用XML和JTidy自动从Web页面批量提取数据信息的方法.根据该类网页的特点,基于开发一种通用程序的思想,对页面标签结构进行分析与分类,讨论了识别数据元素和对数据元素进行分组等提取过程中的难点,在此基础上建立了总体扫描与提取的算法.实验结果表明了批量提取信息方法的可行性与有效性.  相似文献   

针对农业生产环境信息化管理的需求,在Microsoft.NET平台上结合C#语言和ASP.NET技术,构建了基于.NET的农业生产环境信息监测系统.采用B/S体系结构模型,设计了系统功能与数据库,着重解析了诸如.NET组件设计、ADO.NET数据访问、Ajax动态更新页面、多媒体嵌入以及系统安全等几个关键技术.该系统通过试验分析与示范验证,具有较好的实用性、安全性和可维护性,有效实现了农业生产过程中多元环境信息的实时监测和远程共享,为农业生产管理提供了及时准确的科学依据.  相似文献   

研究了从数据密集型Web页面中自动提取结构化数据并形成知识表示系统的问题。基于知识数据库实现动态页面获取,进行预处理后转换为XML文档,采用基于PAT-array的模式发现算法自动发现重复模式,结合基于本体的关键词库自动识别页面数据显示结构模型,利用XML的对象-关系映射技术将数据存入知识数据库,由此实现Web数据自动抽取。同时,利用知识数据库已有知识从互联网抽取新知识,达到知识数据库的自扩展。以交通信息自动抽取及混合交通出行方案生成与表示系统进行的实验表明该系统具有高抽取准确率和良好的适应性。  相似文献   

随着中国移动通信技术和互联网技术的日趋成熟,手机的基本通话和发短信功能已经不能满足用户日常生活和工作的需要,从信息平台到手机用户的短信信息服务业务已经成为广大用户及时方便地获取信息的一种手段。基于ASE.NET和ADO.NET技术开发的短信平台管理系统具有短信的自动收发、计费统计、批量发送以及分类管理等功能,本文阐述了ASP.NET的特点,并基于ASP.NET的设计思想和实现方法描述了构建短信平台管理系统的模式与设计方法以及实现系统的关键技术。  相似文献   

为充分发挥智能手机在运算和信息传输上的优势.基于智能手机和嵌入式数据库设计图书馆读者服务系统。系统选择.NET平台,采用SQLite数据库,实现读者认证和文献资源搜索与预定等基本功能,构建基于WindowsMobile5.0智能设备的图书馆服务平台。将智能手机应用于移动图书馆的读者服务系统以提供全天候的服务。  相似文献   

通过分析研究Windows Mobile手机操作系统、蓝牙技术以及WDM驱动程序,提出了一种虚拟摄像头解决方案.该方案利用基于Windows Mobile操作系统的智能手机采集摄像头视频数据并通过蓝牙将数据实时发送到电脑上,并且开发虚拟设备驱动程序,接收并使用这些实时数据,实现了网络摄像头功能.  相似文献   

在Microsoft Visual Studio.NET环境下,以C#作为开发语言,实现了无人气象站、区域自动气象站、土壤水分站等手机卡卡费余额的批量查询。用户借助Web平台可以实时查询各类设备手机卡余额情况,对于卡费余额不足设定值的手机卡,系统将自动发出短信提醒台站管理员及时充值。  相似文献   

分析了Web服务的体系结构和移动电子商务所需的相关技术,设计了移动Web服务的应用方案.最后,以移动电话自动售货系统为例,给出了移动Web服务的一个简单应用.  相似文献   

微软在.NET框架的基础上推出的移动设备.NET技术,它结合了ASP.NET以及ADO.NET,是一种比较容易实现的且高效率的移动web应用程序设计技术,极大的方便了手机等移动设备对移动网络的访问,也使得人们用手机等移动设备如查询股票信息、天气信息等成为可能。本文主要介绍一个基于.NET Mobile的手机股票查询系统的具体设计与实现。文章首先对课题的相关技术如WAP(wireless Application Protocol,无线应用协议)技术、NET技术以及visual Studio.NET作了简单的介绍,然后系统的分析了系统设计的目的和要求实现的功能,以及有关手机编程所要遵循的设计原则以及采用的关键技术。  相似文献   

Mobile phone data help us to understand human activities. Researchers have investigated the characteristics and relationships of human activities and regional function using information from physical and virtual spaces. However, how to establish location mapping between spaces to explore the relationships between mobile phone call activity and regional function remains unclear. In this paper, we employ a self-organizing map (SOM) to map locations with 24-dimensional activity attributes and identify relationships between users' mobile phone call activities and regional functions. We apply mobile phone call data from Harbin, a city in northeast China, to build the location mapping relationships between user clusters of mobile phone call activity and points of interest (POI) composition in geographical space. The results indicate that for mobile phone call activities, mobile phone users are mapped to five locations that represent particular mobile phone call patterns. Regarding regional functions, we identified nine unique types of functional areas that are related to production, business, entertainment and education according to the patterns of users and POI proportions. We then explored the correlations between users and POIs for each type of area. The results of this research provide new insights into the relationships between human activity and regional functions.  相似文献   

Mobile phone networks are increasingly supporting the transmission of textual messages between mobile phones and between mobile phones and other services. This paper describes the current text entry method on mobile phones and describes a new text entry method using a single key-press per letter together with a large dictionary of words for disambiguation. This approach, which is similar to technology recently licensed, independently, to several phone companies, is then extended with automatic word completion. The paper reports the results of initial user tests comparing the text entry methods, analysis of word clashes with the dictionary-based methods and keystroke level modelling of the different input methods.  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的普及,企业信息化建设快速发展,企业中利用计算机软件完成产品管理的程度越来越广泛。企业产品出入库票据是产品流通的有效凭证,因此根据企业需求设计合理的产品出入库票据凭证显得十分重要和必要。利用.NET平台中的Graphics类的相关方法,设计一种产品出入库票据模型并实现。  相似文献   

Nowadays movement patterns and people’s behavioral models are needed for traffic engineers and city planners. These observations could be used to reason about mobility and its sustainability and to support decision makers with reliable information. The very same knowledge about human diaspora and behavior extracted from these data is also valuable to the urban planner, so as to localize new services, organize logistics systems and to detect changes as they occur in the movement behavior. Moreover, it is interesting to investigate movement in places like a shopping area or a working district either for commercial purposes or for improving the service quality. These kinds of tracking data are made available by wireless and mobile communication technologies. It is now possible to record and collect a large amount of mobile phone calls in a city. Technologies for object tracking have recently become affordable and reliable and hence we were able to collect mobile phone data from a city in China from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008. The large amount of phone call records from mobile operators can be considered as life mates and sensors of persons to inform howmany people are present in any given area and how many are entering or leaving. Each phone call record usually contains the caller and callee IDs, date and time, and the base station where the phone calls are made. As mobile phones are widely used in our daily life, many human behaviors can be revealed by analyzing mobile phone data. Through mobile phones, we can learn the information about locations, communications between mobile phone users during their daily lives. In this work, we propose a comprehensive visual analysis system named as MViewer, Mobile phone spatiotemporal data Viewer, which is the first system to visualize and analyze the population’smobility patterns from millions of phone call records. Our system consists of three major components: 1) visual analysis of user groups in a base station; 2) visual analysis of the mobility patterns on different user groups making phone calls in certain base stations; 3) visual analysis of handoff phone call records. Some well-established visualization techniques such as parallel coordinates and pixelbased representations have been integrated into our system. We also develop a novel visualization schemes, Voronoidiagram-based visual encoding to reveal the unique features of mobile phone data. We have applied our system to real mobile phone datasets that are kindly provided by our project partners and obtained some interesting findings regarding people’s mobility patterns.  相似文献   

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