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该文提出了一种新的在无线Ad hoc网络中进行视频传输的多路径包调度算法(MPPA).该算法充分考虑到视频流传输的特殊QoS要求,针对视频流中的每个数据包进行操作,通过计算将其指定在某条路径上传输.避免了传统多路径传输中的接收端数据包乱序和重新排序的问题,有效地减小了接收端的启动延时和缓冲区需求.同时仿真结果验证了上述理论的正确性.  相似文献   

杜白  李红艳 《信号处理》2016,32(4):417-423
为了在异构网络环境中使用多路径高效的并行传输高质量的视频流,本文针对H.264视频编码中不同的图像帧丢失后对解码造成的不同影响,提出了一种多优先级的多路径并行视频分配算法。所提出的算法将不同图像帧分成两个优先级,并根据整个网络的实时状态动态的把视频流分配到不同的路径中,使得系统在接收端丢失最少的图像帧。仿真结果表明,所提出的算法可以大大减少网络的丢帧率,提升网络传输视频数据性能。   相似文献   

一种基于EDCA的视频数据包动态映射算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了改善无线局域网中视频流的传输性能,该文提出一种基于增强分布式协调接入机制(EDCA)的动态映射算法。该算法首先建立视频数据包重要性排序模型,统计EDCA各个访问类的平均服务率,然后根据其可用资源动态地将排序后的视频数据包映射到不同的访问类中进行传输。该方法改进了EDCA机制中对数据包的静态映射机制,能够充分利用网络资源,从而改善了视频流在无线局域网中的传输性能。实验结果表明,该文提出的方法降低了数据包的传输延迟,提高了重建图像的质量。  相似文献   

基于多模式匹配的网络视频流识别与分类算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
快速发现网络中的视频流是进行网络视频监督及管理的前提与基础。本文通过分析网络视频流数据包的特征,提出了一种基于多模式匹配思想的网络视频流快速发现与分类算法,该算法利用不同视频流的特征建立匹配机,只需对网络数据包进行一次不完全扫描,就可以判断出数据包中是否含有视频流及类型。实验结果表明,与普通的协议解析方法相比,在满足准确性的前提下,所提算法具有更好的时间性能。  相似文献   

葛杨  徐名海  迟欢 《电信科学》2012,28(10):80-87
对传输虚拟化相关问题及传输虚拟化中多路径并发传输的数据分组乱序问题进行了介绍,从静态的路径选择机制以及动态的数据分组调度模型方面分析了造成接收端数据分组乱序的主要原因,提出了基于路径往返时间的路径选择机制和基于权重轮询调度算法、时延均衡技术的数据分组调度模型.理论分析和仿真实验的结果表明,所提方案能够明显地缓解接收端数据分组的乱序问题,有效地降低了接收端缓存区容量的需求.  相似文献   

随着通信终端上多个网络接口的实现成为可能,并行多路径传输因其具有较高的传输效率而成为研究的热点。本文设计实现了一种SCTP流与路径绑定的并行多路径传输解决方案,将不同的流映射到合适的路径上进行传输,从而解决多路径接收端数据分组乱序的问题,提高网络传输的吞吐量。  相似文献   

在无线多跳网络中,本地重传和网络编码已经被成功地应用到多路径技术上以增加吞吐量并减少丢包。然而,在提高UDP传输性能的同时,也产生了数据包重排序和延迟等副作用,严重影响了TCP性能。针对此问题,主要提出一种基于网络编码的多路径传输方案NC-MPTCP,即在无线mesh网络的多条路径中引入网络编码、执行拥塞控制以及使用一个基于信用的方法控制节点的传输速率,提高网络的吞吐量以及增加网络传输的可靠性。该方案使用一个简单的算法,评估丢包率以及发送线性组合数据包的速率,用来降低目的节点的数据包解码延迟和防止TCP的超时重传。仿真结果表明设计的NC-MPTCP有效。  相似文献   

弹性光网络中多路径的保护方案相比单路径有效地降低网络带宽阻塞率,但会导致接收端多径时延差的问题,且业务的多路径分割传输策略使用了光网络较多的频谱资源。该文基于多目标遗传算法提出了遗传多路径保护算法(Genetic Multipath Protection Algorithm, GMPA),解决多路径时延差和节约频谱资源问题。在GMPA算法中,根据业务请求在光网络中建立K条边分离最短路径和带宽分配方案作为GMPA算法的初始种群,设计了一种联合考虑传输时延差和带宽资源分配的向量函数优化种群分类和拥挤距离排序。为提高算法的搜索能力和收敛速度,算法在交叉操作中设计个体自交叉方式,在变异过程中设置了带宽基因位变异范围及约束条件。仿真结果表明,相比多路径保护(Multiple Path Protection, MPP)算法和工作路径首次分配保护路径最后分配(Primary First-fit Modified Backup Last-fit, PF-MBL) 算法,GMPA算法获得最低的带宽阻塞率,其频谱资源利用率接近最优的MPP算法,路径间距离差异性能优于MPP算法。  相似文献   

网络视频传输的自适应调节策略的实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种基于端对端的网络自适应码率传输控制的传输算法。在分析已有的算法基础上,提出了一种改进的网络自适应算法,并将此算法应用在视频流传输系统中。经过端对端的视频流传输实验,通过人主观的观感感受和对客观数据进行对比的方式表明,设计的技术方案能够保证视频流传输的实时、完整和高效,达到网络视频传输自适应码率控制的解决途径。通过此系统实现的监控中视频流的实时传输,能达到公网或者通过移动网络中传输时视频的可靠与稳定,从而达到设计目的。  相似文献   

为解决视频传输中的带宽探测问题,本文提出一种基于可变包间隔的视频流传输带宽探测方法。这种方法利用传输的视频流进行带宽测量,通过视频流发送过程中设置不同的报文,组合可变的包间隔,探测时变的网络传输带宽。由于利用视频流传输进行带宽测量可能导致丢包、拥塞等情况,降低视频接收质量,因此本文在提出利用视频流进行带宽测量的基础上,进一步提出优化视频包发送间隔的方法,解决了带宽探测过程中带宽变化导致的网络拥塞问题。经过测试,证明了所提算法在实时视频的传输过程中可以进行有效的带宽探测,相较传统算法依然可以保持2%以下的逾期丢失率以及良好的PSNR。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a power efficient multipath video packet scheduling scheme for minimum video distortion transmission (optimised Video QoS) over wireless multimedia sensor networks. The transmission of video packets over multiple paths in a wireless sensor network improves the aggregate data rate of the network and minimizes the traffic load handled by each node. However, due to the lossy behavior of the wireless channel the aggregate transmission rate cannot always support the requested video source data rate. In such cases a packet scheduling algorithm is applied that can selectively drop combinations of video packets prior to transmission to adapt the source requirements to the channel capacity. The scheduling algorithm selects the less important video packets to drop using a recursive distortion prediction model. This model predicts accurately the resulting video distortion in case of isolated errors, burst of errors and errors separated by a lag. Two scheduling algorithms are proposed in this paper. The Baseline scheme is a simplified scheduler that can only decide upon which packet can be dropped prior to transmission based on the packet’s impact on the video distortion. This algorithm is compared against the Power aware packet scheduling that is an extension of the Baseline capable of estimating the power that will be consumed by each node in every available path depending on its traffic load, during the transmission. The proposed Power aware packet scheduling is able to identify the available paths connecting the video source to the receiver and schedule the packet transmission among the selected paths according to the perceived video QoS (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio—PSNR) and the energy efficiency of the participating wireless video sensor nodes, by dropping packets if necessary based on the distortion prediction model. The simulation results indicate that the proposed Power aware video packet scheduling can achieve energy efficiency in the wireless multimedia sensor network by minimizing the power dissipation across all nodes, while the perceived video quality is kept to very high levels even at extreme network conditions (many sensor nodes dropped due to power consumption and high background noise in the channel).  相似文献   

1 IntroductionTheInternethasrecentlybeenexperiencinganexplosivegrowthintheuseofreal timemultimediaservices.Real timemultimedia,asthenameim plies ,hastimingconstraints.Toavoidtheunac ceptabledelayintroducedbyretransmission ,real timemultimediaapplicationsusually preferUDP .However,aconsiderableamountof greedyUDPtrafficwoulddominatemuchnetworkbandwidth .Asaresult,theavailablebandwidthtoTCPconnec tionsisoppressedandtheirperformanceextremelydeteriorates.InorderforbothTCPandUDPses sionstof…  相似文献   

刘涛  邱玲 《电子与信息学报》2009,31(8):1908-1913
该文给出了无线通信系统中MAC层可实现的评价用户VoIP业务和实时视频业务满意度的方法,该方法根据MAC层统计的丢包率及丢包模式等信息计算当前业务的用户满意度。基于文中的业务满意度评价准则,该文进一步提出一种在WiMax系统中基于满意度的包调度和资源分配算法。仿真结果表明,该方法在保证系统获得较高吞吐率的同时,能够更好的保证实时业务的满意度。  相似文献   

为了保证用户的服务质量(QOS),宽带分组网在传送视频信息时需要进行动态带宽分配,而视频流量预测在动态带宽分配中发挥着重要的作用。本文从自相关性、自相似性的Hurst参数两个方面,阐明GOP时间尺度上的流量能够体现原始帧序列的流量特性,并在固定步长的LMS自适应算法(FSSA)的基础上提出的一种新的可变步长自适应算法(VSSA),在GOP的大时间尺度上预测MPEG4视频流量,通过大量的仿真实验表明,VSSA算法可以明显地改善预测性能。  相似文献   

摘要:针对3GPP LTE系统,本文提出了适用于下行链路视频业务的一种新的分组调度算法,即时延优先比例公平调度(Delay First-Proportional Fair Scheduling,DF-PFS)。当需要做出调度决策时,该算法利用每个用户的数据包时延信息和瞬时下行信道条件,在满足用户QoS前提下最大限度地提高系统吞吐量。同时,当用户选择资源块(RB)进行传输后,即从用户集合中将该用户删除,避免接近eNodeB的用户一直占用无线资源,确保了资源分配的公平性。实验仿真结果表明,该算法在丢包率和PSNR性能上优于最大权重时延优先(M-LWDF)算法,在保证用户间公平性前提下,满足了视频业务的QoS要求。  相似文献   


The H264/SVC codec allows for generation of hierarchical video streams. In the stream of this type video data belonging to different layers have different priority depending on their importance to the quality of the video and the decoding process. This creates new demands on the mechanisms of packet marking, and thus new challenges for the policy guaranteeing QoS parameters, such as those defined in the DiffServ architecture. Therefore, mechanisms of the traffic engineering used in the DiffServ network should, as far as possible, take into account internal distribution of priorities inside video streams. This may be achieved by implementing an appropriate method for packet pre-marking. The paper describes the Weighted Priority Pre-marking (WPP) algorithm for priority-aware SVC video streaming over a DiffServ network. Our solution takes into account the relative importance of the Network Abstraction Layer Units. It also does not require any changes in the implementation of the DiffServ marker algorithm. The results presented confirm that video transmission in the DiffServ domain, based on the WPP packet pre-marking, can provide better perceived video quality than the standard (best effort) streaming of multi-layered SVC video. In addition, a comparison with the transmission of the same video content encoded with the H264/AVC codec also points to the superiority of our proposed method.


A robust scheme is presented for the efficient transmission of packet video over a tandem wireless Internet channel. This channel is assumed to have bit errors (due to noise and fading on the wireless portion of the channel) and packet erasures (due to congestion on the wired portion). First, we propose an algorithm to optimally switch between intracoding and intercoding for a video coder that operates on a packet-switched network with fixed-length packets. Different re-synchronization schemes are considered and compared. This optimal mode selection algorithm is integrated with an efficient channel encoder, a cyclic redundancy check outer coder concatenated with an inner rate-compatible punctured convolutional coder. The system performance is both analyzed and simulated. Last, the framework is extended to operate on a time-varying wireless Internet channel with feedback information from the receiver. Both instantaneous feedback and delayed feedback are evaluated, and an improved method of refined distortion estimation for encoding is presented and simulated for the case of delayed feedback.  相似文献   

Transmission algorithms are introduced for use in a single-hop packet switching system with nonuniform traffic and with propagation delay that Is large relative to the packet transmission time. The traffic model allows arbitrary traffic streams subject only to a constraint on the number of data packets which can arrive at any individual source in the system or for any individual destination in the system over time periods of specified length. The algorithms are based primarily on sending transmission schedules to the receivers immediately before transmitting each data packet multiple times so that the receiver can maximize the number of packets it captures. An algorithm based on matchings in a random graph is shown to provide mean total delay divided by mean propagation delay arbitrarily close to one, as the propagation delay tends to infinity  相似文献   

摘要:针对高清视频在异构无线网络中以多流并发的方式进行传输,以提高传输速率,从而增强用户体验的问题,以最小化系统传输时延以及各路径间时延差为优化目标,联合考虑了视频发送端和接收端,自适应调整视频发送速率和接收端缓存大小以提高用户体验,建立了异构无线网络中视频多流并发传输的控制模型,并基于Pareto分布和P/P/1排队理论对具有自相似性和长相关性的视频流进行了研究,推导了并发传输系统的时延统计特性,并在此基础上提出了一种异构无线网络视频流自适应分流决策方法。仿真结果表明,与一般的负载均衡分流决策方法相比,提出的异构网络多流并发自适应传输控制方法在时延和分组丢失率方面都有一定的优越性。  相似文献   

Data-over-cable service interface specifications (DOCSIS), the de facto standard in the cable industry, defines a scheduling service called real-time polling service (rtPS) to provision quality of service (QoS) transmission of real-time variable bit rate (VBR) videos. However, the rtPS service intrinsically has high latency, which makes it not applicable to real-time traffic transport. In this paper, we present a novel traffic scheduling algorithm for hybrid fiber coax (HFC) networks based on DOCSIS that aims to provide QoS for real-time VBR video transmissions. The novel characteristics of this algorithm, as compared to those described in published literatures, include 1) it predicts the bandwidth requirements for future traffic using a novel traffic predictor designed to provide simple yet accurate online prediction; and 2) it takes the attributes of physical (PHY) layer, media access control (MAC) layer and application layer into consideration. In addition, the proposed traffic scheduling algorithm is completely compatible with the DOCSIS specification and does not require any protocol changes. We analyze the performance of the proposed traffic predictor and traffic scheduling algorithm using real-life MPEG video traces. Simulation results indicate that 1) the proposed traffic predictor significantly outperforms previously published techniques with respect to the prediction error and 2) Compared with several existing scheduling algorithms, the proposed traffic scheduling algorithm surpasses other mechanisms in terms of channel utilization, buffer usage, packet delay, and packet loss rate.  相似文献   

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