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浅议水磨糯米粉生产工艺   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
浅议水磨糯米粉生产工艺江苏常州粮油食品一厂(213004)蒋龙水磨糯米粉是江南人民喜食的传统食品。它具有天然的米香味和滑爽的口感。近几年国内米制品发展很快,特别是在膨化食品上的应用逐渐增多,需求量也呈上升趋势。自80年代起,各地先后建成不少生产厂家,...  相似文献   

介绍了一种水磨糯米粉的自动化连续生产新工艺,并对其关键工序进行了详细的说明。与传统工艺相比,该工艺更为经济、环保与高效。  相似文献   

特色水磨糯米粉金增辉水磨糯米粉系指选用糯米为原料,经湿法碾磨、脱水干燥等加工过程制成的糯米粉制品。用它制成的汤团、元宵,色白、韧糯、细滑、拌水不粘手,长煮不糊汤,粘糯而不腻口,深受消费者的青睐。近年,它的用途日益扩展,用于生产雪糕、冰淇淋等冷饮,使制...  相似文献   

特色水磨糯米粉金增辉(苏州市吴县湘城米厂)水磨糯米粉系指选用糯米为原料,经湿法碾磨、脱水、干燥等加工过程制成的糯米粉制品。用它制成的汤圆(元宵),具有色白、韧糯、细滑、拌水不粘手、长煮不糊汤,不腻口的特点,深受消费者的青睐。近年来,它的用途日益扩展,...  相似文献   

水磨糯米粉生产中若干问题的探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
针对水磨糯米粉生产中, 影响产品质量等加工工艺中的一系列问题进行研究探讨, 提出解决问题的一系列措施。  相似文献   

万方云  丁文平 《中国酿造》2013,32(12):74-78
研究将统计过程控制(SPC)技术应用于水磨糯米粉微生物监测,绘制 X-R控制图,进行测量系统的分析。研究结果表明,未实施SPC技术时,部分批次糯米粉的菌落总数处于失控状态,而实施SPC技术后,糯米粉菌落总数一直处于稳态;SPC技术对糯米粉的生产环境起到很好的监控作用,以达到控制水磨糯米粉质量、降低微生物污染的最佳生产条件,最终实现生产过程的优化。实施统计过程控制,有利于企业及时发现并有效预防和控制生产过程中产生的微生物污染,把由微生物污染引发的潜在危害减至最小,对降低食品企业的生产成本、不断提高食品的质量具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为探究小麦粉吸水率与其组成和制粉研磨强度的关系,研究了小麦粉的总淀粉含量、蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量等主要化学组成及强中弱3种制粉研磨强度对其粉质吸水率的影响。研究表明:小麦粉的吸水率与其破损淀粉含量、蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量之间呈现显著的正相关关系;制粉研磨强度越强,小麦粉的吸水率越高,且随着小麦粉颗粒粒度的减小,3种研磨强度下小麦粉的吸水率均呈现逐渐升高的趋势,为小麦加工工艺的调整和改进及小麦加工过程中不同粒度小麦粉的组合搭配和研磨条件的选择提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   

本文在参考国外制粉工艺前提下,通过对国内常用制粉工艺的分析,经改进和完善,针对具有10台磨左右的中型面粉厂,设计了一种新的制粉工艺,取得了较明显的工艺效果。  相似文献   

面粉品质受原料小麦与加工工艺的影响.而原料小麦的品质首先决定于小麦品种的影响,其次与小麦的种植环境与栽培条件也有关系,市场反映的强筋不强、弱筋不弱就与此有关,下面就几个方面进行探讨.  相似文献   

制粉生产中的磨辊   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
早在公元前2700年,我们的祖先就用石臼碾粉,后发展为石磨取粉,这可以称得上是今天磨辊的雏形.17世纪初,曾先后使用过瓷质和普通铸铁的磨辊,但由于其强度低和耐磨性差等原因,效果均不理想.1878年,出现用金属模铸造的激冷铸铁磨辊,具有外硬内韧的优良性能.  相似文献   

在生产面包及饼干专用粉的制粉过程中,粉路各系统不同出粉部位面粉的流变学特性呈现出明显的差异,这为粉流选择性混配提供了条件,使粉路在线配粉成为可能。研究表明,面包专用粉宜选择皮磨、渣磨、中路心磨及一部分前路心磨的面粉,饼干专用粉选择前路皮磨、前路渣磨及一部分心磨的面粉进行混配,由此能够配制出质量稳定的优质专用粉。  相似文献   

Microbiology of wheat and flour milling in Australia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A survey was undertaken to determine the microbiological status of Australian wheat and the distribution of microorganisms in the flour milling fractions and end products. A total of 650 milling process and end product samples was obtained from nine flour mills located in New South Wales (4), Queensland (2), Victoria (2) and Western Australia (1) during the 1997-1998 and 1998-1999 wheat seasons. Most frequent (modal) counts in wheat and flour were, respectively, as follows: aerobic mesophilic plate count, 10(5) and 10(2) colony forming units/gram (cfu/g); coliforms, 10 and 1 most probable number/gram (MPN/g); Bacillus spp., 10(4) and 10(2) cfu/g; B. cereus, 1 and 0.1 MPN/g; mesophilic aerobic spores, 10 and 1 cfu/g; aerobic thermophiles, both 10 cfu/g; yeasts, 10(3) and 10(2) cfu/g, and moulds, 10(3) and 10(2) cfu/g. Bacillus spp., coliforms, yeasts and moulds were the most frequently detected microorganisms throughout the survey. The most common moulds isolated were Aspergillus, Penicillium, Cladosporium and Eurotium spp. Environmental serovars of Salmonella were isolated from two samples. Escherichia coli and B. cereus were present at very low levels, a majority of positive samples being at the minimum level of detection (3 and 0.3 MPN/g, respectively). As wheat grain layers are separated, surface-adhering contaminants are concentrated in end product bran, wheat germ and pollard, which comprise the outer layers of the grain. Consequently, the inner endosperm fraction contains lower microbial counts, and flour is the cleanest end product of the milling process. Higher microbiological counts midstream in the milling process indicate that equipment contamination may contribute to microbiological contamination; however, the microbiological quality of incoming wheat has a strong influence on the ultimate quality of milling end products.  相似文献   

本文对过氧化苯甲酰的性质、用途、作用机理、使用增白剂的优点、危害性及超量使用的鉴别方法等做了详细的阐述。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  A commercial long-grain rice flour (CRF) and the flours made by using a pin mill and the Udy mill from the same batch of broken second-head white long-grain rice were evaluated for their particle size and functional properties. The purpose of this study was to compare the commercial rice flour milling method to the pin and Udy milling methods used in our laboratory and pilot plant. The results showed that pin milled flour had more uniform particle size than the other 2 milled flours. The chalky kernels found in broken white milled rice were pulverized more into fines in both Udy milled flour and CRF than in the pin milled flour. The excessive amount of fines in flours affected their functional properties, for example, WSI and their potential usage in the novel foods such as rice breads (RB). The RB made from CRF collapsed more than loaves made from pin milled Cypress long-grain flours.  相似文献   

主要介绍了目前国外的最新的制粉技术和设备,提出了国内粮食机械设计和制造的方向。  相似文献   

燕麦全粉品质与加工工艺研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了燕麦全粉营养组成、加工特性、制粉工艺和应用研究等方面的研究现状,预示了燕麦全粉广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

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