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中压电力线路是指35kV以下380V以上的供电线路,广泛应用于乡镇到农村及城市社区、郊区等高/中压变电站与中/低变压器之间配电网的电力线路。一般条件下,县城以下的中压配电网为10kV架空三相电力线路,该配电线路供电半径多为8km之内。10kV主干线路宜分为2-3段,最多不超过5段,并装设分段开关(详见国家电网公司文献)。  相似文献   

基于15kV SiC IGBT的固态变压器 固态变压器不仅是变压器,而且是故障电流限制器、无功功率补偿器和电压暂降恢复器。这些优点使固态变压器在未来电力电子领域具有广泛的应用前景。图8给出了提出的用于FREEDM系统的单相10kVA固态变压器的基准拓扑。它包括了功率变换的三个环节。第一环节为AC/DC整流器,将7kV的单相交流电转换为10kV直流电。  相似文献   

随着我国国民经济水平的提高,科学技术的不断进步,人们对10kV配电网运行的稳定性和安全性有了更高的要求。文章分析了10kV配电网运行的安全与稳定直接关系电力用户的用电体验,因此,电力用户对10kV配电网给予较大期望,希望在电网运行过程中强化配电网运维,促进电网安全稳定运行。  相似文献   

程凯 《通讯世界》2017,(1):145-146
10kV配电网供电线路一般较长,并且线路由主线、支线组成,较为复杂.10kV配电网柱上开关设备类型很多、规模很大,因而唯有通过良好的10kV柱上开关保护定值整定,才能够确保10kV配电网的稳定运行.本文对10kV柱上开关保护定值整定的方法及注意事项展开分析.  相似文献   

配电网中的电力电子变压器技术的综述(下)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电力电子变压器(PET)是一种采用电力电子变换器和高频开关变压器的电能传输装置,随着智能电网的发展,在电力系统配电网中具有潜在的应用价值,因而日益受到广泛的研究。本文对电力电子变压器发展当中的几个关键方面进行了归纳总结,其中包括器件制造、电路拓扑、工作原理以及变换功能等,随后提出了采用单相-单相矩阵变换器、功率因数校正器的一类电力电子变压器,具有结构简单、换流安全、单位输入功率因数、双向功率流动以及便于级联等特征,简单地给出了理论分析和MATLAB/SIMULINK仿真分析,结果表明:这类电力电子变压器具有实用价值。  相似文献   

电力电子变压器(PET)是一种采用电力电子变换器和高频开关变压器的电能传输装置,随着智能电网的发展,在电力系统配电网中具有潜在的应用价值,因而日益受到广泛的研究。本文对电力电子变压器发展当中的几个关键方面进行了归纳总结,其中包括器件制造、电路拓扑、工作原理以及变换功能等,随后提出了采用单相-单相矩阵变换器、功率因数校正器的一类电力电子变压器,具有结构简单、换流安全、单位输入功率因数、双向功率流动以及便于级联等特征,简单地给出了理论分析和MATLAB/SIMULI NK仿真分析,结果表明:这类电力电子变压器具有实用价值。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的快速发展,互联网技术已经与配电网电力电子装备联系的越来越紧密,对配电网电力电子装备的发展产生了重要影响。本文结合了当前配电网电力电子装备的发展实际,对配电网电力电子装备的互联与网络技术进行了探讨,分析了互联与网络技术在配电网电力电子装备中的应用,希望能够为今后有关方面的研究提供积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

张永俊 《电子世界》2014,(12):42-42
110kV来苏站10kV猫山线转接杜阮站10kV子棉线中和支线是国家配电网重要的组成部分,其中有关10kV符合开关设备的启用主要是为了电网系统更具安全性和可靠性,且易于安装、维保考虑,它可以配合限流熔断器来保护变压设备,在我国电力系统中得到了普遍的应用和推广。本文针对本项目10kV配电工程中负荷开关技术指标的质量控制展开讨论与分析,旨在参考。  相似文献   

随着社会经济和科技的发展,互联网技术已经和配电网电力电子装备联系紧密,同时也对配电网的电力电子装备的发展产生了影响.现阶段通信技术和电力电子技术的相互融合,已经成为了配电网络发展的主流趋势,并在电子设备的发展中得到了广泛的应用.配电网系统的改革和优化成为了巨大的推动力,在通信技术和电力电子技术融合过程下,解决配电网和电力电子装备中的互联和网络技术势在必行.  相似文献   

10kV配电网是我国电网系统中应用最为广泛的电力设计之一,当然,其能源使用量也是极大的,所以,对该类型配电网的优化以及加大节能措施在这方面的使用力度就显得至关重要了。10kV配电网的整体结构较为复杂,且应用范围大、线路连接情况较为系统化,这些特点都能表明其在节能方面的可开发性比较大,只要采用最先进的电力技术,加之科学有效的完善措施,就一定能够在很大程度上减少10kV配电网的耗能,进而达到节约能源的目的,本文将从这一方面着手,简单的谈一谈10kV配电网的节能问题以及相关节能措施的应用。  相似文献   

复合开关投切电容器无功补偿装置的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
针对电磁开关和电力电子开关投切电容器无功补偿装置应用中存在的问题,开发、研制了一种基于复合开关投切电容器的无功补偿装置。采用三相共补△接线与单相分补Y接线相结合的接线方式,实现了对三相负栽分相、分级、快速的无功补偿。试验和现场运行情况表明,这种无功补偿装置运行可靠性高、性能稳定,能满足绝大多数场合的应用需要。对复合开关的组成原理、电路结构和装置的整体性能等进行了详细描述。  相似文献   

功率因素过低对电网及负载有极大负面影响,在感性负载两端并接电容是常见的无功补偿方法。针对电磁开关和电力电子开关投切电容器在无功补偿装置应用中存在的问题,从分析功率因素补偿意义入手,提出三相共补开关拓扑结构及其电路模型,分析投切过程冲击电流形成机理及其避免对策。研制了一种基于AVR单片机在电压过零时投切并应用于低压无功补偿装置的复合开关。该复合开关的优点是电压过零时投切,冲激电流小;每相过零时触发中断,响应迅速快;采用了atmega16作为主控芯片,样机测试果表明达到设计之要求。  相似文献   

倒置开关是实现放入式电子测压器电源控制和低功耗的关键部件,已研制的几种倒置开关在靶场试验中多次出现上电不可靠的问题。为了提高膛压测试的可靠性,运用微机械数字加速度计设计了一种智能倒置开关,该开关采取双重判断机制对上电条件进行判断,可靠性高。利用马歇特锤试验机进行了抗冲击性能检测,结果表明,该开关最大能承受45000g。设计的可靠性检测系统,能模拟实际工作环境,对倒置开关进行筛选,提高了工作可靠性。该开关可推广应用于其它存储测试系统。  相似文献   

分析了电子开关电器负载出现短路故障时,短路电流流经电子开关的危险情况,从电子开关的特点出发,论证了电子开关进行1500A短路试验的必要性.提出进行该试验对试验用电源系统的要求,设计试验电路的方法,短路试验的试验顺序,以及试验中应注意的安全问题,最后给出了试验结果判定的准则.  相似文献   

An analog CMOS vision chip for edge detection with power consumption below 20 mW was designed by adopting electronic switches. An electronic switch separates the edge detection circuit into two parts: one is a logarithmic compression photocircuit, and the other is a signal processing circuit for edge detection. The electronic switch controls the connection between the two circuits. When the electronic switch is off, it can intercept the current flow through the signal processing circuit and restrict the magnitude of the current flow below several hundred nA. The estimated power consumption of the chip, with 128 × 128 pixels, was below 20 mW. The vision chip was designed using 0.25 µm 1‐poly 5‐metal standard full custom CMOS process technology.  相似文献   

A comparison of the switch energies of electrically controlled optical absorption switches and electronic switches is performed. It is shown that in the investigated case with quantum box based absorption switches, the switch energies of the optical switches are generally orders of magnitude larger than those of the electronic switches for very high frequencies. Consequences on integration of optical devices as well as on the potential for photonic switching and processing are briefly discussed  相似文献   

In this article, a voltage equaliser is proposed for a battery string with four Li–Fe batteries. The proposed voltage equaliser is developed from a flyback converter, which comprises a transformer, a power electronic switch and a resonant clamped circuit. The transformer contains a primary winding and four secondary windings with the same number of turns connected to each battery. The resonant clamped circuit is for recycling the energy of leakage inductance of the transformer and for performing zero-voltage switching (ZVS) of the power electronic switch. When the power electronic switch is switched on, the energy is stored in the transformer; and when the power electronic switch is switched off, the energy stored in the transformer will automatically charge the battery whose voltage is the lowest. In this way, the voltage of individual batteries in the battery string is balanced. The salient features of the proposed voltage equaliser are that only one switch is used, the energy stored in the leakage inductance of the transformer can be recycled and ZVS is obtained. A prototype is developed and tested to verify the performance of the proposed voltage equaliser. The experimental results show that the proposed voltage equaliser achieves the expected performance.  相似文献   

A method for fast time-domain simulation of networks with switches   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method for fast time-domain simulation of piecewise-linear networks with switches is described in this paper. The method is based on a discrete-time switch model that consists of a constant conductance in parallel with a current source. In each simulation step, the value of the current source is updated as a function of known network signals. The function takes one of two forms, depending on the state (on or off) of the switch. Since the system matrix is constant, regardless of the states of the switches, simulation time is essentially the same as for a linear, time-invariant network of the same complexity. The paper discusses selection of the model and simulation parameters. The simulation algorithm is described and an example is included. It is shown that the method is not only efficient but also quite general and void of convergence problems. Its primary application is for long-term transient simulation of power electronic systems such as switching power converters  相似文献   

太阳能光伏发电是开发利用新能源的主要形式之一,但是太阳能发电受日出和日落、晴天和阴天等环境因素影响,存在间歇问题,在阴天和雨天因其发电不足会给生产和生活带来诸多不便。为了充分利用太阳能发电,使其能够与公用电网有效互补,文中设计了一种基于户型光伏发电与公用电网互补自动切换系统。该系统由信号比较和开关控制两部分电路组成。信号比较电路用于检测蓄电池最低工作电压,当检测到蓄电池的输出电压低于最低工作电压,系统就自动切换到公用电网;当检测到蓄电池的输出电压高于或等于最低工作电压时,系统就自动切换到太阳能发电系统。  相似文献   

The integration of thousands of optical input/output (I/O) devices and large electronic crossbar switching elements onto a single optoelectronic integrated circuit (IC) can place stringent power demands on the CMOS substrates. Currently, there is no sufficiently general analytic methodology for power analysis and power reduction of large-scale crossbar switching systems. An analysis of the power complexity of single-chip optoelectronic switches is presented, assuming the classic broadcast-and-select crossbar architecture. The analysis yields the distribution of power dissipation and allows for design optimization. Both unpipelined and pipelined designs are analyzed, and a technique to reduce power dissipation significantly is proposed. The design of a 5.12 Tbit single-chip optoelectronic switch using 0.18-/spl mu/m CMOS technology is illustrated. The pipelined switch design occupies < 70 mm/sup 2/ of CMOS area, and consumes <80 W of power, which compares favorably to the power required in electrical crossbar switches of equivalent capacity.  相似文献   

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