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大型湖泊的水污染治理与保护是一项世界性的技术难题,也是一项极为复杂的系统工程。巢湖是我国五大淡水湖之一,在借鉴和总结湖泊治理的基础上,我们创新治理思路,整合治理措施,理顺管理职责,明确责任,加大资金投入,开展了巢湖综合治理与系统保护,目前大规模的治理与保护建设正在有序推进。  相似文献   

Lake Malawi is the southernmost of the Great Rift Valley Lakes of Africa and boasts the world's greatest freshwater fish biodiversity. Along with its basin, the lake provides many benefits to the country of Malawi. Settlements, agriculture and fishing are some of the major uses of the lake basin, making community involvement a necessary component of its management. With the use of key informant interviews, questionnaire survey, document review and site observations, this study demonstrates the applicability of the Integrated Lake Basin Management framework in the Lake Malawi Basin in regard to stakeholder participation. The main objective was to assess the participation of stakeholders, especially local communities, in the management of the lake basin. The framework applied in this study is discussed. The study findings indicate strong to very strong stakeholder participation, with notably high levels of awareness and women's involvement. Enhancing the understanding of the complex nature of lake basin issues, especially those related to the linkages between the water body and the basin, is a topic requiring further attention.  相似文献   

加强太湖流域综合管理维护河湖健康生态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以太湖流域为例,分析了流域水生态环境问题和河湖生态健康的评价指标,阐明了流域综合管理对维护河湖生态健康的重要性,提出了有效的流域管理目标在于建立人类活动与生态环境之间平衡的观点.维护流域生态健康所必需的综合管理措施,首先是要形成流域综合管理机制,建立高效、权威的流域管理机构,通过有效的流域综合管理来协调人类活动与水生态环境的兼容性,对于已经受损的流域河湖生态系统需要采取有效措施加以修复或恢复.另外,提出应把河湖生态健康作为衡量可持续发展和流域管理成效的尺度之一.  相似文献   

Lake Corangamite in western Victoria, Australia, is the largest permanent lake on the Australian mainland. Its levels and salinities fluctuated naturally until recently. Since about 1960, its major inflow creek has been diverted for management purposes and lake levels have fallen and salinities risen. The changes have been most profound since 1980. Since 1980, salinity has risen from ~35g/L to >50g/L, water levels have fallen by nearly 2m, and many islands have become peninsulas or have disappeared. The major effect has been a change in the composition of the biota from one that is characteristic of lakes in the region of moderate salinity (>35g/L) to one that is characteristic of more saline lakes (50-100 g/L). In particular, Austrochiltonia subtenuis (Amphipoda), Coxiella (Gastropoda), Galaxias maculatus (Pisces) and Ruppia (macrophyte) have almost disappeared. The loss of these species has greatly decreased the value of the lake to the avifauna in particular and as a natural resource in general. The changes to Lake Corangamite resulted largely from the diversion of the inflowing waters from the Woady Yaloak Creek, the major influent stream, into the Barwon River. The diversion scheme, undertaken by the Rural Water Commission of Victoria, was implemented mainly to minimize the possibility of flooding of land adjacent to the lake. The environmental consequences of such diversion were not fully considered. The paper documents the physico-chemical and biological changes that occurred up to 1992, and discusses issues of conservation and management interest associated with the changes. Changes in the level of Lake Corangamite and associated limnological features accord with the pattern observed in many salt lakes worldwide.  相似文献   

Monitoring of aquatic pollution is important for ascertaining the relationship between fisheries and the general ecosystem health of a lake. This study evaluated the use of changes in pollution indicators in Lake Victoria, Kenya, as a decision support tool for fisheries management and productivity. Principal component analysis (PCA; R2 ≥ 0.5, P < 0.05) of physical and chemical parameters delineated sampling sites into ecological cluster zones consisting of the inner gulf (C1), mid‐gulf (C2) and open lake (C3). Test results for lead (Pb) and mercury (Hg) levels in the Nile perch tissues were found to be compliant with EU standards. The inner and mid‐gulfs of the Winam Gulf had high levels of total (1818.8 ± 102–1937.78 ± 94 cfu 100 mL?1) and faecal (390 ± 21 cfu 100 mL?1) coliforms attributable to urban sewage and industrial effluents exceeded WHO standards. Similarly, Winam Gulf was more polluted than the open lake, with higher total phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations, turbidity levels and electrical conductivity. Low phytoplankton biovolume and a low number of macroinvertebrates genera, and high zooplankton densities and pollution‐tolerant catfishes (e.g., Schilbe victoriae; Clarias gariepinus) were observed in Winam Gulf. Faecal coliforms and dissolved oxygen influenced the abundance of tolerant fish species (e.g., S. victoriae) in the lake. This study indicated a declining trend of ecological integrity in the Winam Gulf, compared with the open waters of Lake Victoria. An integrated management approach directed to minimizing pollution levels, especially in the Winam Gulf, is recommended to enhance fishery production.  相似文献   

国外流域综合管理模式对我国河湖管理模式的借鉴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对我国现阶段河湖管理采用流域管理和行政管理相结合的模式,管理实践中存在着流域管理机构与主导政府机构权责不清、公众有效参与不足的问题,以美国五大湖流域、英国东南流域、澳大利亚墨累-达令流域、法国卢瓦尔-布列塔尼流域等为例,对美国、英国、澳大利亚、法国、德国5个主要西方发达国家的各自最有特色的河湖管理模式中流域管理机构、主导政府机构、公众参与、流域管理特点进行了分析及归纳总结,以期对我国最近提出的流域综合管理提供参考。  相似文献   

The international consensus on the need for integrated approaches for managing water resources has led to a plethora of integrated frameworks and strategies. The development of management plans for lakes and their drainage basins is part of the ‘integrated management’ agenda. Challenging questions, however, arise in regard to what integration actually means within the context of planning processes and systems, and for the management plans themselves. The limited literature on lake management planning emphasizes the need for a lead agency for planning and implementation. A relevant question is how does lake management planning relate to planning by local governments, national government departments and other stakeholder groups. The integrated lake management efforts in Uganda have led to the development of lake management plans that build on, and complement, existing local government processes and plans. Lessons from early lake management experiences indicate that establishing clear linkages in the planning processes, and within the plans themselves between lake management structures and local government, is essential for sustainability, coordination and resource mobilization. The development of lake management plans also strengthens existing local government planning systems, by providing a forum for sharing information, ideas and lessons. The lake management planning also supports the introduction of local governments to participatory, community‐based planning, as well as promoting intersectoral coordination.  相似文献   

Many countries, including Malawi, are implementing integrated approaches for the development, management and use of water and other natural resources. Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is, arguably, one approach considered helpful in addressing water issues effectively and sustainably. This study assesses the implementation of IWRM in Malawi to the present time, in relation to the five priority areas the country's Integrated Water Resources Management/Water Efficiency (IWRM/WE) Plan (2008–2012) sought to address, as well as the potential benefits of infusing Integrated Lake Basin Management (ILBM) in this approach. Document reviews, key informant interviews, questionnaire surveys and site visits were the employed methods in this analysis. Considering the significant importance of lakes in the country, this study, through application of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats framework, provides insight on how lake basin management issues can best be incorporated within the existing IWRM‐based framework to promote the management and utilization of lakes for sustainable use. While acknowledging the relevance of a holistic approach, the study highlights the importance for the country to ensure that its development agenda is not negatively affected in the course of implementing IWRM.  相似文献   

针对淀山湖水资源水环境管理的现状和存在问题,借鉴国内外跨界湖泊成功的管理经验,设计了建立淀山湖联席会议制度、扩大流域机构管理职能、成立淀山湖水污染防治办公室等3种淀山湖管理模式,分析了各种管理模式的特点,并比较其优劣。建议根据现阶段的实际情况,采取淀山湖联席会议制度,以尽快实现淀山湖水资源水环境的统一协调管理。  相似文献   

The concepts and principles for integrated environmental management (IEM), which is based on a strategic and participatory approach to environmental and regional planning, has been successfully applied to a large lake system in the southern region of Thailand. The application was achieved through the Danish Cooperation for Environment and Development funded project ‘Environmental Management in the Songkhla Lake Basin’ (EmSong Project) in the Office of Environmental Policy and Planning within the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment. Through the application of the methods and tools for IEM, including the use of a participatory and strategic planning approach, and the establishment of a comprehensive database and an integrated surface water model for the lake system, an environmental action programme (EAP) has been developed. This action programme, which is based on a broad consensus at the local and regional level, includes vision and mission statements, resource objectives and strategies for management from an economically and ecologically important lake system in Thailand. The operational part of the EAP is a project catalogue, which contains immediately needed projects described to an international pre‐feasibility level. The former is the tangible output of the EmSong Project. A more intangible output from the EmSong Project is committed and informed local and regional government and community‐based organizations.  相似文献   

叶寿仁  孙文龙 《中国水利》2000,(10):20-21,7
随着流域社会经济的发展,太湖流域的水问题日益突出,主要是防洪标准的提高跟不上社会经济的刀菜,水污染造成的水质型缺水日趋严重、水资源管理无序。解决问题的对策是进一步完善防洪除涝设备、实施水资源统一管理和建立新型的流域管理体制,并建立太湖流域水调度管理中心,实现太湖流域水利现代化,使太湖流域水利与流域经济、社会、环境协调发展。  相似文献   

根据太湖湖盆取土区的自然地理和水环境,论述了湖盆取土对湖体生态将造成较大冲击,强调湖盆取土论证和环境影响评价,取土后的生态修复和补偿措施是取土湖区生态环境保护的关键。最后给出生态维护技术原则和建议。  相似文献   

通过标准化建模、水资源规划与实时管理一体化设计、两层与三层供水体系一体化处理、区域或流域水资源配置模式选择等技术实现系统的通用性;围绕水资源配置的基本问题,采取问题导向型设计,保障系统的多功能性;基于水资源系统基本元素、模型结构与计算码、拓扑关系分离,提升系统的可扩充性;通过友好型界面设计、便捷化操作、可视化配置、情景模拟等技术研发实现系统的实用性。将开发的水资源决策支持系统运用在江苏沿海围垦区水资源综合管理中,结果表明系统实用、可靠,应用效果较好。  相似文献   

Containing more than 90% of the liquid fresh water on our planet's surface, lakes are used for a wide range of human needs. Managing them for sustainable use also requires consideration of a multitude of scientific, socioeconomic and governance issues. Integrated Lake Basin Management (ILBM) is a comprehensive approach for achieving sustainable management of lakes and reservoirs through gradual, continuous and holistic improvement of basin governance, involving sustained efforts for improvement of six governance ‘pillars’ (Policy; Institutions: Stakeholders; Knowledge; Technology; Finances). This study demonstrates that ILBM is applicable not only to lentic water systems (lakes, reservoirs), but also to the upstream and downstream water systems (rivers, tributaries) of which they are a part. Two watersheds in eastern Pennsylvania (USA), designated as ‘Critical Water Planning Areas,’ are used as a case study for this application, with a focus on the ILBM Stakeholder pillar. The primary objective was to rank the feasibility of alternative management options for these watersheds on the basis of watershed stakeholder perceptions and discussions. The results of this process and the analyses undertaken in this study are discussed, including the management options ultimately identified, the lessons learned in the evaluation process, and means for improving the process for future evaluations.  相似文献   

为了提高博斯腾湖流域水资源管理水平,设计开发了针对该流域的水资源管理决策支持系统。系统基于Microsoft.NET平台,采用Visual Studio、SQL Server、ArcGIS工具集开发,在流域“地-云-空”一体化监测体系和系统架构的基础上,构建了地图要素管理、基本水文信息、流域生态流量等主要模块,实现了流域空间可视化查询、实时流量动态模拟、流域生态基流计算以及水资源管理配置等功能。结合博斯腾湖流域1956—2019年水文资料及目前数据获取情况,系统可为不同发展模式下水资源管理提供多方面参考信息和技术支撑,能有效提高水资源管理部门决策效率。  相似文献   

The present study discusses the efforts of the Union of Kansai Governments to resolve serious issues in the Lake Biwa—Yodo River Basin in Japan. It identifies many of the issues related to the basin on a ‘no man's land’ mindset of today's governmental framework, which has constrained both the will and the approach to remedy the associated problems. It also highlights better governance that not only encourages individual efforts, but also promotes collaboration and cooperation among the major stakeholders in the area, as important to developing acceptable solutions to relevant issues. The present study also recognizes objective scientific evidence as an effective driver for improving governance, being the basis for making informed decisions and highlighting the use of appropriate indicators to evaluate the conditions characterizing a specific location or the basin as a whole. The present study also describes the Union of Kansai Governments as a behind‐the‐scenes coordinator that gathers knowledge and intelligence on the basin, and works to integrate policies by getting basin stakeholders to gradually improve governance by repeating a cycle of: (a) recognizing the current situation; (b) identifying relevant issues to be addressed; (c) establishing a framework and policy for collaboration and corporation; and (d) taking necessary actions. To this end, the present study discusses the studies and efforts of the Union of Kansai Governments to develop and implement integrated management of this important interlinked lake–river water system in Japan.  相似文献   

River (DESERT) and lake (EVOLA) water quality models are used to simulate the influences of alternative water quality management scenarios on the quality of receiving surface waters in the Lake Iseo basin, Northern Italy. The scenarios are representative of the European Union Directive on Urban Waste Water Treatment (91/271/EEC) and of the regional authority’s objective to reduce the total phosphorus loads from point sources entering Lake Iseo and to restore the lake as close as it is practically possible to its former natural qualitative state. Application of DESERT shows that the regional ‘Water Clean Up Plan’ can achieve similar reductions in total phosphorus concentrations in the basin’s main river system, Oglio River, to the 91/271/EEC directive, but at notably lower economic costs. Application of EVOLA to Lake Iseo shows that it is not practical to achieve the regional authority’s objective of a specific total phosphorus concentration in the lake by 2016. Instead, the results show that a more realistic, but higher, total phosphorus concentration can be achieved by 2016. The results of both modelling exercises indicate the usefulness of DESERT and EVOLA for comparing and assessing water quality management scenarios and for revising the regional authority’s final objectives with regards to total phosphorus concentration in Lake Iseo, as well as the regional ‘Water Clean Up Plan’ for restoring and safeguarding the quality of the basin’s surface waters.  相似文献   

将流域水资源水量水质集成管理模型分为优化模型、模拟模型、优化和模拟相结合模型以及决策支持系统四大类,按此分类总结了目前国内外研究的相关进展,并针对模型中出现的水量水质耦合项,分析了直接求解法、大系统分解协调技术、逐步求解法和情景优选法等水量水质变量的解耦原理和技术,并展望了流域水资源水量水质集成管理模型在水资源优化配置、生态环境需水配置和水资源冲突协调领域中的应用前景。  相似文献   

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