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Qian Wang Author VitaeRobert F. StengelAuthor Vitae 《Automatica》2002,38(9):1591-1599
Probabilistic robustness analysis and synthesis for nonlinear systems with uncertain parameters are presented. Monte Carlo simulation is used to estimate the likelihood of system instability and violation of performance requirements subject to variations of the probabilistic system parameters. Stochastic robust control synthesis searches the controller design parameter space to minimize a cost that is a function of the probabilities that design criteria will not be satisfied. The robust control design approach is illustrated by a simple nonlinear example. A modified feedback linearization control is chosen as controller structure, and the design parameters are searched by a genetic algorithm to achieve the tradeoff between stability and performance robustness. 相似文献
Boguslaw Bieda Ryszard Tadeusiewicz 《International Transactions in Operational Research》2008,15(1):103-119
Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) – part of a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method – was used to evaluate two scenarios for waste to energy gasification plants based on the American (design at 200 T/D) and Australian (design at 240 T/D) gasification technologies including a 15‐year income statement projection. The paper uses stochastic modeling based on the internal rate of return (IRR) and net present value (NPV) values of the new and actual equipment. The Monte Carlo simulation with the Excel spreadsheet and Crystal Ball® software was used to develop scenarios for uncertainty inputs. The sensitivity analysis and frequency charts represent the Crystal Ball® output and simulation results. 相似文献
刘钦文 《计算机测量与控制》2018,26(9):176-180
传统多信号模型基于确定性测试假设条件,忽略了系统存在不确定性的真实情况,在传统多信号模型基础上引入贝叶斯条件概率来表示不确定性问题,并通过蒙特卡罗方法进行仿真模拟,将不确定性问题转化为单次试验确定性问题,进而使用相关矩阵进行测试性分析,通过程序实现和算例验证了该方法的有效性,并可以根据反馈数据进行参数学习,修正初始条件概率。 相似文献
现行对发动机试验推力测量不确定度的评估一直采用GUM法,存在输入量和输出量概率分布假设以及非线性模型近似等问题,有一定的局限性;以发动机推力矢量测量为例,文中简述了压电式推力矢量测量的数学模型,运用GUM法对推力矢量参数的不确定度评估,同时分析了蒙特卡洛法的原理、具体评估过程和适用性,编制了软件,并将不确定度评估结果与GUM法评估结果进行对比;对比结果表明,在发动机试验推力矢量参数的不确定度评估过程中,蒙特卡洛法相比GUM法更为适用. 相似文献
Life cycle assessment (LCA) calculates the environmental impact of a product over its entire life cycle. Uncertainty analysis is an important aspect in LCA, and is usually performed using Monte Carlo sampling. In this study, Monte Carlo sampling, Latin hypercube sampling, quasi Monte Carlo sampling, analytical uncertainty propagation and fuzzy interval arithmetic were compared based on e.g. convergence rate and output statistics. Each method was tested on three LCA case studies, which differed in size and behaviour. Uncertainty propagation in LCA using a sampling method leads to more (directly) usable information compared to fuzzy interval arithmetic or analytical uncertainty propagation. Latin hypercube and quasi Monte Carlo sampling provide more accuracy in determining the sample mean than Monte Carlo sampling and can even converge faster than Monte Carlo sampling for some of the case studies discussed in this paper. 相似文献
Given alinear system Ax=b, wherex is anm-vector,direct numerical methods, such as Gaussian elimination, take timeO(m
3) to findx. Iterative numerical methods, such as the Gauss-Seidel method or SOR, reduce the system to the formx=a+Hx, whence
and then apply the iterationsx
, until sufficient accuracy is achieved; this takes timeO(m
2) per iteration. They generate the truncated sums
The usualplain Monte Carlo approach uses independent random walks, to give an approximation to the truncated sumx
, taking timeO(m) per random step. Unfortunately, millions of random steps are typically needed to achieve reasonable accuracy (say, 1% r.m.s. error). Nevertheless, this is what has had to be done, ifm is itself of the order of a million or more.The alternative presented here, is to apply a sequential Monte Carlo method, in which the sampling scheme is iteratively improved. Simply put, ifx=y+z, wherey is a current estimate ofx, then its correction,z, satisfiesz=d+Hz, whered=a+Hy–y. At each stage, one uses plain Monte Carlo to estimatez, and so, the new estimatey. If the sequential computation ofd is itself approximated, numerically or stochastically, then the expected time for this process to reach a given accuracy is againO(m) per random step; but the number of steps is dramatically reduced [improvement factors of about 5,000, 26,000, 550, and 1,500 have been obtained in preliminary tests]. 相似文献
We quantify the effect of uncertainty in the volatility parameter σ on the Black–Scholes price of the European and American put. We apply probabilistic uncertainty analysis to the Black–Scholes model and compare the results with those of the Uncertain Volatility model. From historical data, we calibrate a probability distribution for the volatility. We then use Monte Carlo (MC) and a surrogate Polynomial Chaos (PC)/MC method to compute uncertainty bounds. The calibrated probability distribution is not one related to a standard orthogonal basis, so a basis is constructed numerically for the PC approximation. We show how to construct one stably from the probability distribution. We show that both methods give the same results, and quantify the relative speedup of the surrogate method. Finally, we investigate the effect of the parametric uncertainty, and show, for example, that the presence of uncertainty smoothes out the optimal exercise boundary of the American put. 相似文献
开展了基于蒙特卡洛法(MCM )的噪声参数测量不确定度评定工作,以等效噪声参数方程作为不确定度评定的测量模型,利用从测量系统获得的物理量求解函数方程,得到反映等效噪声参数分布情况的数据,并从等效噪声参数导出噪声参数及其概率分布,最后得到噪声参数测量的不确定度。该方法有效地结合了数学随机仿真、物理测量边界判据,实现了噪声参数测量结果的不确定度评定,该方法符合国际标准,可应用的测量系统种类多,普适性高。最后通过实验数据验证,证明了评定方法的有效性,不确定度评定数据的真实性和可靠性。 相似文献
Carlo Berzuini 《Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence》1990,2(1-4):39-64
We show how Bayesian belief networks (BNs) can be used to model common temporal knowledge. Two approaches to their structuring are proposed. The first leads to BNs with nodes representing states of a process and times spent in such states, and with a graphical structure reflecting the conditional independence assumptions of a Markovian process. A second approach leads to BNs whose topology represents a conditional independence structure between event-times. Once required distributional specifications are stored within the nodes of a BN, this becomes a powerful inference machine capable, for example, of reasoning backwards in time. We discuss computational difficulties associated with propagation algorithms necessary to perform these inferences, and the reasons why we chose to adopt Monte Carlo-based propagation algorithms. Two improvements to existing Monte Carlo algorithms are proposed; an enhancement based on the principle of importance sampling, and a combined technique that exploits both forward and Markov sampling. Finally, we consider Petri nets, a very interesting and general representation of temporal knowledge. A combined approach is proposed, in which the user structures temporal knowledge in Petri net formalism. The obtained Petri net is then automatically translated into an equivalent BN for probability propagation. Inferred conclusions may finally be explained with the aid of Petri nets again. 相似文献
Identification of nonlinear systems which can be represented by combinations of linear dynamic and static nonlinear elements are considered. Previous results by the authors based on correlation analysis are combined to provide a unified treatment for this class of systems. It is shown that systems composed of cascade, feedforward, feedback and multiplicative connections of linear dynamic and zero memory nonlinear elements can be identified in terms of the individual component subsystems from measurements of the system input and output only. 相似文献
Takahisa Kawai Yousuke Tadokoro Taro Hayashi Jin Yoshimura 《International journal of systems science》2013,44(10):947-957
Spatial and temporal changes in fashion are very complicated in an information-oriented society. In this article, we introduce a lattice model of fashion which is composed of two competing trends. Simulation is carried out by two methods: local and global interactions. In the former case interaction occurs between adjacent lattice sites, while in the latter it occurs between any pair of lattice sites. Computer simulations reveal that the fashion is more prevalent for global interaction than for local interaction. Various spatial patterns in fashion are analysed by both auto- and cross-correlations. We find universally a power law which leads to collective behaviours of fashion: if the number of people with a trend is extremely decreased, they are localised in scattered very small areas. For the producer/maker of fashion, global transmission is far more important than local dispersal. 相似文献
In this paper, the simultaneous estimation of the input and output frequencies of nonlinear systems is considered. As the output frequencies are generated from the input frequencies, and are integer combinations of these frequencies, it is shown in this paper that the simultaneous estimation of both the input and output frequencies can therefore be formulated as a constrained estimation problem. First, the constrained Cramér-Rao lower bound, an important general property of any unbiased estimator, is derived. The procedure and algorithm for estimating the input and output frequencies are devised based on the periodogram method. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the performance and implementation of the proposed estimation procedure and algorithm. 相似文献