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Hydraulic fluids for the most part are considered to be much less flammable than middle distillate fuels. Petroleum-based hydraulic fluids have high flash points, while water-based hydraulic fluids (because of their high water content) are definitely nonflammable. The major problem with water-based hydraulic fluids is corrosion. Petroleum-based fluids are much less corrosive and thus equipment lifetime is considerably increased. However, some petroleum-based hydraulic fluids have been observed to be a fire safety hazard in situations where high-pressure leaks can result in aerosol formation. These fire hazards cannot be adequately explained based solely on flash point considerations of the hydraulic fluids alone.  相似文献   

The flammability characteristics of jet fuel aerosols are significant parameters for the development of fire safe fuels. In our laboratory's efforts to evaluate the success of specific chemical additives designed to reduce the ignition of jet fuel aerosols, we have developed a unique, completely automated atomizer for producing aerosols and measuring their mist flammability properties.  相似文献   

唐俊杰 《石油商技》2004,22(5):7-13,19
介绍了如何根据液压系统的工况和工作环境选用液压油品种,在液压系统发生故障时,如何进行分析和提出解决办法,以及液压油的报废及更换等实际应用问题。  相似文献   

介绍了难燃液压液的种类及其应用场合,主要产品有水包油乳化液(HFAE)和含聚合物水溶液(HFC),另外还有磷酸酯型(HFDR)产品与合成酯型(HFDU)产品。水-乙二醇型产品是目前冶金行业应用最多的产品。磷酸酯型合成液性能虽好,但在高温条件下容易分解产生有毒物质,不利于健康环保。合成酯型产品综合性能优异,可替代其他产品使用,在难燃液压油中的市场比例越来越大,但成本较高。另外,文章还对难燃液压油的发展趋势及废液处理提出了相关看法与建议。  相似文献   

随着Ⅱ类、Ⅲ类基础油的应用,高性能液压油的使用性能有了很大的提高,长寿命液压油的氧化时间超过了5000h,多级液压油在高、低温下具有明显的节能效果,高清洁度液压油可以有效地保护液压伺服机构.使用高性能液压油可以提高液压系统的工作效率,降低维护和换油的费用.  相似文献   

文章介绍了抗燃液压液的分类及其技术发展现状。高水基HFA液压液具有极好的抗燃性、传热效率高、价格低等优点,在水基液压液中的地位越来越重要,未来关注的是合成微乳液,可生物降解的水化学溶液(HFAS)。水-乙二醇抗燃液压液保持着占优势的市场份额,随着液压装置向高温、高压、高效率和小型化发展,需要提高水-乙二醇抗燃液的润滑性,使其能延长设备使用寿命。磷酸酯抗燃液毒性较大,对水有严重污染、废液难以处理且价格昂贵,在钢铁行业逐渐被水-乙二醇液压液和脂肪酸酯液压液所代替,但由于其优异的抗燃性,在电力行业中仍在继续使用。国产脂肪酸酯基础油资源增加和综合性能提高,脂肪酸液压液的市场份额在逐渐增大,将在更多重视安全环保的新领域得到更广泛应用。  相似文献   

Ping Y. Zhu 《润滑油》2005,20(4):61-64
1IntroductionToday’s hydraulic fluids must last longer , providegreater protection and perfor m better than their predeces-sors . Construction equipment ,injection molding machines ,steel mills ,forestry equipment and many other types of in-dustrial and off-road operations rely on hydraulic fluidswith special chemical properties to keep machinery runnings moothly and lasting longer .The mission of modern-day hydraulic fluids is to pro-vide better perfor mance ins maller , more efficient indus…  相似文献   

文章考察了不同类型难燃液压液的难燃性、黏温特性和蒸发特性等主要理化性能,研究了不同含水量、不同类型多元醇和增黏剂对水基难燃液压液主要性能的影响。并进行了长液压管道压力损失试验和液压泵摩擦磨损试验。结果表明:水基难燃液压液的水含量越高,难燃性越好,但蒸发率越高,蒸发率随时间的变化是先增加后减少。水溶性聚醚的稠化能力远远优于聚乙二醇,低温时无结晶现象。不同类型难燃液压液的压力损失符合实际流体伯努利方程关系特性。采用水-甘油型液压液为液压介质,液压泵流量、容积效率与累积运行时间变化状态平稳,无明显下降趋势;以水-乙二醇型难燃液为液压介质时,随着运行时间的增加,泵流量和容积效率有一定下降趋势。此研究结果对于水基难燃液压液的配方研究和使用具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

美国军用航空液压油的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阎欢  陈晓伟  任利喆 《润滑油》2009,24(3):9-13
自20世纪50年代以来,美国空军一直致力于先进航空液压油的研究.从石油基型到磷酸酯型,再到聚α-烯烃(PAO)合成烃型,耐燃性的提高一直是促进新型航空液压油发展的主要驱动力.此外,由于环保意识的日益增强,液压油的生物降解性和低毒性也变得越来越重要,用航空液压油取代防锈液压油储存零件成为趋势.未来,随着飞机性能的不断提高,高温液压油也成为发展方向.  相似文献   

Brian  J. 《润滑油》2010,25(6)
Tractor hydraulic fluids are tested to maximize their performance levels and to ensure manufacturer′s standards are met.Common tractor hydraulic fluid tests include: Gear Wear Protection,Brake Chatter Reduction,Wet-Clutch Capacity,and Pump Performance tests.These tests are run by Southwest Research Institute,in the U.S.A.,for tractors built by John Deere and Case-New Holland.This paper details current methods for evaluating tractor hydraulic fluids.The tests that are described utilize full size equipment and were developed by the tractor′s original equipment manufacturers(OEMs).  相似文献   

讨论了液压油体积模量在液压系统中的作用及影响液压油体积模量的主要因素.介绍了目前国内外测定航空液压油体积弹性模量的主要方法.  相似文献   


In hydraulic fracturing treatments, a fracture is initiated by rupturing the formation at high pressure by means of a fracturing fluid. Slurry, composed of propping material carried by the fracturing fluid, is pumped into the induced fracture channel to prevent fracture closure when fluid pressure is released. Productivity improvement is mainly determined by the propped dimension of the fracture, which is controlled by proppant transport and proper proppant placement. Settling and convection (density driven flow) are the controlling mechanisms of proppant placement. In this study, proppant transport and placement efficiency of four non-Newtonian fluids with controlled density differences was experimentally investigated and numerically simulated. Small glass model was used to simulate hydraulic fracture and parameters such as slurry volumetric injection rate, proppant concentration, and polymer type (rheological properties) were investigated.

It has been observed that small glass models easily and inexpensively simulated flow patterns in hydraulic fractures and the flow patterns observed are strikingly similar to those obtained by very large flow models used by previous investigators. Convection was observed to be significant flow mechanism even with small density contrast. As viscous to gravity ratio increases, due to increasing slurry injection rate or decreasing proppant concentration, convection settling decreases and proppant placement efficiency increases. Increasing non-Newtonian flow behavior index (n) by using different types of polymers shows more gravity underrunning and less proppant placement efficiency. Therefore, larger slurry volumes are needed to be injected to prop the entire fracture height. Experiments conducted were simulated and some of the simulated experiments were presented. The simulator quantitatively replicates the experimentally observed.  相似文献   

用作钻井液和完井液的甲酸盐溶液   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阎醒 《钻采工艺》2001,24(5):77-80,90
甲酸盐钻井液是2080上代开发研制的,由于价格贵,化源窄,货源窄,缺乏专业生产供应和服务公司,所以在当时应用并不广泛,现在由于生产厂家大增,且甲酸盐钻井液回收处理再利用获得成功,尤其是在许多试验井成功使用,使这一钻井,完井液体系受到普遍重视,甲酸盐钻井液的主要特性是低摩阻,低腐蚀性,抗高温,密度,良好的页岩抑制性,良好的溶垢性能和良好的配伍性,相容性,文中对甲酸的制备方法和甲酸盐溶液的配方,净化,循环再使用进行详细介绍。  相似文献   

使用Denison T6C006泵进行液压油抗水性能试验研究,湿相试验过程中,试验泵芯和阀芯上出现白色沉积物,堵塞加载阀阻尼孔及系统过滤器,粘结阀芯,致使阀芯不能动作.对沉积物产生现象进行分析,并指出液压油抗水性能研究不仅是考察抗磨性和过滤性,还需包括油水分离性、抗乳化性、添加剂抗水解性、抗氧防锈性和阀粘结性的考察等.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionAll industries face a steadilyincreasing demand for i m-proved profitability and efficiency.In the field of hy-draulics,this has led to the design of mobile hydraulic sys-tems which run at higher pressure with s maller pumps andoil reservoirs.Today,standard systems operate at300bars,and next generation designs are expected to reach500bars.Increasing pressures and reduced fluid volumes resultin higher fluid operating temperatures:80℃is quite com-mon for mobile equipment,with peak…  相似文献   

对秦皇岛32-6油田在勘探井及评价井中使用的钻井液体系进行抑制性、流变性、造壁性、润滑性对比分析,并从快速钻井和储层保护的要求出发,提出了用于秦皇岛32-6油田开发井的钻井液体系及合理的工艺措施。  相似文献   

用合成硼酸酯和缩乙二醇醚稀释剂研制的刹车油通过了大众汽车公司的台架试验。100Mm行车试验表明,合成硼酸酯制动液的性能达到了大众汽车公司的TL—VW766X标准。  相似文献   

高密度压井液助剂KY-2是一种阳离子型聚电解质,由脂肪胺,甲醛,二甲胺,盐酸等在催化剂作用下合成,可与各种高密度压井液基液(密度1.10-1.50g/cm^3的卤水,CaCl2水溶液和CaCl2 ZnCl2水溶液)配伍。在密度1.40g/cm^3的CaCl2水溶液中加入30g/LKY-2,在25-95℃的不同温度下测定了所配压井液的漏斗粘度,常压和中压滤失量,表面张力,岩心伤害后恢复率及常温抗剪切性,均符合要求,该压井液滤失量较低;耐温性和抗剪切性好;岩心被伤害后的渗透率恢复率随温度升高而增大,25℃时为99.2%,95%时为105%,表面张力随温度升高而降低,这有利于压井液的返排,1993年以来在辽河,大港,胜利等油井使用加入KY-2的压井液进行修井作业超过1000井次,压井作业的一次成功,压进液返排迅速,修井作业成功率100%。  相似文献   

切削液的安全性和对环境的影响日益成为关注的焦点。从基础油和添加剂两方面综述了环境友好型切削液的研究现状和发展趋势。研制了一种环境友好型切削液,按CEC-L-33-A-93方法进行测试,其生物降解率超过80%。使用该切削液每吨可节约800元~1000元人民币的废液处理费用。  相似文献   

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