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Reducing the mobility of CO2 by means of generating in situ foam is an effective method for improving the oil recovery in CO2 flooding processes. Implementation of the CO2-foam technique typically involves the co-injection of CO2 and surfactant solution into the porous medium. The surfactant molecules form bubble films that trap the flowing CO2 molecules. The effectiveness of the CO2-foam process is measured in terms of foam mobility. The mobility of CO2-foam is affected by different operation parameters, such as pressure, temperature, foam quality, and brine concentration. However, surfactant type governs the overall efficiency of the CO2-foam process. This paper presents the results of a series of experiments conducted to study the effect of various parameters on the CO2-foam process. Bottle tests were conducted for four commercially available surfactants and among them, Chaser CD-1045 was found to be the most effective surfactant for CO2-foam flow under reservoir conditions. It was observed that an increase in pressure from 1, 200 psi to 1, 500 psi leads to increase of the mobility of CO2-foam, and an increase in temperature from 72 to 122°F reduces the mobility. Also, as the foam quality increases from 20 to 80%, the mobility decreases. It was observed that there was no significant effect on the mobility with an increase in brine concentration from 1 to 3 wt%. 相似文献
Abstract Management of water alternating gas (WAG) injection projects requires making decisions regarding the WAG ratio, half-cycle-slug size, and ultimate solvent slug size. The impact of these decisions affects the capital cost and ultimate incremental oil recovery. Core flooding runs were conducted on 2 and 4 ft core samples. Injection scheme (continuous gas injection [CGI] vs. WAG), WAG ratio, and slug size were investigated. In addition, miscible WAG flooding as a secondary process was investigated and its efficiency was compared to the conventional tertiary miscible gas flooding. Miscible gas flooding at different miscible WAG parameters (WAG ratio and slug size) indicate that 1:2 WAG ratio at 0.2 PV slug size is the best combination yielding the highest recovery and tertiary recovery factors. Miscible WAG flooding as a secondary process indicated a higher ultimate recovery compared to the conventional tertiary WAG flooding. However, a larger amount of gas injection is consumed particularly in the early stages of the injection process. Miscible CGI mode conducted using n-Decane as oleic phase appears to have better performance than miscible WAG injection in term of recovery. When light Arab crude oil was used as oleic phase, higher recovery was obtained for miscible WAG flooding. The reversal trend seen in is believed to be due to the presence of crude oil, which alters the rock wettability toward an oil-wet condition, preventing the water blockage during the WAG process. 相似文献
In this study, the interfacial tension (IFT) of crude oil-carbon dioxide mixtures was measured to determine the minimum miscibility pressure. CO2 flooding with sand packs, long cores, and heterogeneous cores was conducted to investigate the oil recovery and storage efficiency. The experiment results show that the interfacial tension decreases linearly with increasing pressure at two different pressure ranges. Under immiscible condition, the oil recovery and storage efficiency are increased by 30.1% and 52.4% when the injection pressure is increased from 13 to 22 MPa, and improved by 16.3% and 22.04% when the permeability is decreased from 270 to 10 mD, respectively. Under miscible condition, increase of injection pressure can only lead to much slower increase of oil recovery and storage efficiency, and permeability almost has no influence on oil recovery and storage efficiency. The oil recovery and storage efficiency can be remarkably reduced by heterogeneity. Water alternating CO2 injection can improve the oil recovery and storage efficiency by 35.5% and 13.55%, respectively, compared with continuous injection. 相似文献
E. Dehyadegari 《Petroleum Science and Technology》2013,31(23):2853-2866
The purpose of this research was to study the effect of CO2 injection on the geochemistry of crude oil in order to determine the probability of using geochemical parameters for monitoring CO2 injection. In this process, four oil samples from different offshore oil fields were collected, synthetic steady state oil reservoir (porous media) were made by slim tube apparatus, then CO2 injection process was done in different pressures. Various geochemical analyses were also carried out on the injected oil before and after the injection. The results show that the bulky changes on oil sample by CO2 injection. CO2 injection is more likely to precipitate complex and large molecules such as asphaltenes-resins and also large normal alkanes. In this case, the percentage of aromatic molecules was increased during injection. In general view on chromatograms, the height and abundance of all saturated compound peaks after CO2 injection were significantly decreased. However, biomarker analysis shows that CO2 injection has a tendency to change source and maturity biomarker parameters. 相似文献
To further improve the oil displacement effect by CO2 flooding, the trends and conditions of asphaltene deposition under different injection pressures and injection volumes of CO2 were studied by SDS solid phase deposition testing system, high temperature and high pressure microscope, and P-X phase diagram. When the mole fraction of CO2 in crude oil increases to a certain value, asphaltene deposition appears. The lower the pressure, the lower the mole fraction of CO2 in crude oil causing the asphaltene deposition there is. After the onset of asphaltene deposition, the degree of deposition increases with an increase in pressure. The amount of the deposited asphaltene under miscible displacement is the highest, under near-miscible displacement is the second highest, and under immiscible displacement is the lowest. When the dissolution of CO2 in crude oil reaches the saturation point, the asphaltene deposition becomes slow. Besides, it is feasible to prevent or reduce the asphaltene deposition by adjusting the thermodynamic parameters according to the phase behaviors of the CO2-crude oil system. The experimental results can provide theoretical basis for optimization design of the parameters of CO2 flooding. 相似文献
Abstract Carbon dioxide gas, a greenhouse gas (GHG), is released in the atmosphere by combustion of solid waste, wood, and fossil fuels for energy generation. Due to conspicuous absence of CO2 sequestration studies for Alaska, the study of CO2 sequestration options on North Slope has a very important role to play. The screening of the oil reservoirs to evaluate the technical feasibility with respect to their CO2-EOR potential was performed by calculating the rank of the oil reservoirs with parametric approach. CMG-WinProp® simulator was used to predict phase behavior for CO2 injection in viscous oil by tuning the equation-of-state. 相似文献
AbstractIn order to enhance oil recovery of a conventional oil reservoir by CO2 flooding, the changes in the properties of the crude oil before and after CO2 flooding are systematically investigated by on-site sampling and experimental testing. The results show that, after CO2 flooding, the light hydrocarbons of the produced crude oil is increased and the heavy hydrocarbons of the produced crude oil is decreased due to the deposition of resins and asphaltenes in the pores of the formation. In addition, the produced fluid (a mixture of oil and water) has a high water separation rate, the oil- water interface has a high tension value, and the crude oil has a high acid value and a low viscosity. The conclusions can provide a certain guidance for high-efficiency development of a conventional oil reservoir by CO2 flooding. 相似文献
Abstract The corrosion behaviors of N80 steel in pure CO2 and at different partial pressure ratios of CO2/H2S were tested by high-temperature and high-pressure autoclave. At 90°C, with the additional H2S to pure CO2, the surface corrosion condition improved greatly and the corrosion rates were lower than in pure CO2 condition. With the increase of partial pressure ratio, the corrosion rate reached a peak value at pCO2/pH2S = 100 and then declined. The corrosion products of the samples in different conditions were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) methods. The inner film is finer and denser than the outer scale. 相似文献
Chen Wang Tiantai Li Jinsheng Zhao Ming Zhang 《Petroleum Science and Technology》2017,35(16):1660-1666
CO2 flooding is an effective way in the tertiary oil recovery. While asphaltene often precipitates from the crude oil during the CO2 flooding, and the mechanisms of blockage resulting from asphaltene precipitation is still unclear in different CO2 flooding schemes. In this work, pure-CO2 flooding, water-alternating-CO2 flooding (WAG), and CO2-foam flooding were applied to conduct the core-flooding experiments. Then, as for each flooding scheme, we quantitatively investigated the blockage degree in different pores due to asphaltene precipitation with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technique. Tests results show that CO2-foam flooding has a relatively higher blockage degree both in the smaller pores and the larger pores than WAG and pure-CO2 flooding. Although pure-CO2 flooding has the least asphaltene precipitation and blockage degree among three flooding schemes, its oil recovery degree is far less than the other two flooding schemes. Compared with pure-CO2 flooding and CO2-foam flooding, WAG flooding has the highest oil recovery and an acceptable asphaltene precipitation. 相似文献
In this study, prediction of recovery factor (RF) for CO2 injection into oil reservoirs based on artificial neural networks (ANNs) and mathematical models were investigated. To design the optimum ANN model, number of neurons, hidden layers, and training function were studied. Finally, efficiency of the models was evaluated using new data. As a result of this work, it can be concluded that it is possible to predict RF in CO2 injection process by ANN and mathematical model. However, values that obtained from ANN were in the best agreement with the actual values than regression model. The proposed artificial neural network predicted RF during CO2 injection with error about 0.396%. 相似文献
吉林油田CO2驱油藏物性差,渗透率差异较大,裂缝相对发育,注入CO2过程中出现气窜,严重影响气驱效果。为此开展CO2泡沫体系研究,扩大气驱波及体积,提高气驱开发效果。室内建立泡沫体系的性能评价手段,优选一种由阴离子表面活性剂与非离子表面活性剂复配而成的CYL泡沫体系,确定现场CYL泡沫体系的最佳加量为0.3%、气液比1:1。物模试验结果表明:裂缝性低渗透岩心中CO2泡沫驱采收率最高53.67%,CO2气驱采收率次之(35.74%),水驱采收率最低(23.42%)。CO2泡沫驱的效果明显好于水驱、CO2驱,现场开展CO2泡沫驱试验,注气压力由措施前的6.0 MPa上升到措施后的8.1 MPa,井组日产油由措施前的7.7 m3增至措施后的10.8 m3,措施效果明显,有效提高气驱开发效果。 相似文献
Bin Xu 《Petroleum Science and Technology》2017,35(21):2024-2029
Miscible CO2 injection process has become widely used technique for the enhanced oil recovery in low permeability reservoirs. Core flooding experiments and field test of CO2 miscible flooding in low permeability sandstone reservoirs and its influence on crude oil properties was studied. The results showed that CO2 miscible flooding in low permeability sandstone reservoirs can enhance oil recovery both in laboratory study and field test. The permeability of sandstone reservoirs decreased during CO2 miscible flooding due to the precipitation of asphaltene of crude oil. The precipitation of asphaltene lead to a reduction of asphaltene content and the apparent viscosity of crude oil. A further study on inhibitors and removers for asphaltene deposits from crude oil should be investigated to prevent and remove asphaltene deposits in low permeability sandstone reservoirs. 相似文献
Abstract Recently, there is a growing interest the in oil industry to utilize carbon dioxide (CO2) to enhance oil production from mature reservoirs. Conversely, there is a rising global attention to reduce CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels due to environmental concerns. Synchronization between these two objectives is promising through CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) projects where CO2 is captured from large emission sources and then storedin safe geological structures. Economical evaluation of CO2-EOR projects is a crucial measure in order to ensure a project's viability. In this study, an efficient model was developed to predict the economics of CO2-EOR projects. The developed model consists of five modules that are linked together to allow for fast prediction of CO2-EOR economics. The model was used to predict the economics of a case study where CO2-EOR application is considered for a Middle Eastern reservoir. Moreover, the case study was subjected to sensitivity analyses to evaluate the effects of several parameters on the various economical components of CO2-EOR projects. 相似文献
通过对某CO2驱油区块的不同CO2分压条件下原油结蜡倾向和原油结蜡特性评价,计算出原油的结蜡速率、结蜡率及蜡含量,分析了原油的析蜡曲线特性。结果表明,CO2分压增大时原油的结蜡速率和结蜡率提高,蜡含量降低,蜡析出更明显;经CO2处理作用后原油析蜡点向低温方向移动,其蜡含量也相应地比未处理油样的蜡含量降低。 相似文献
CO2驱油是一种有效的提高采收率方法,矿场成功应用已有60多年。理论上微观驱油效率接近100%,但相对原油,CO2的低黏度低密度与储层的非均质性导致的黏性指进和重力分离两大典型问题大大降低了气体波及系数。本文综述了国外各种流度控制方法,包括气水交替、聚合物直接稠化CO2、CO2泡沫驱、气-化学剂联合方法及气体辅助重力泄油,简要介绍了CO2驱扩大波及体积的其他方法,分析了每种方法的机理及优缺点,力图为我国CO2驱油进一步扩大波及体积这一难题积累先进做法和经验。 相似文献
F. Torabi B. Yadali Jamaloei O. Zarivnyy B. A. Paquin N. J. Rumpel 《Petroleum Science and Technology》2013,31(16):1656-1669
Abstract Despite the existence of studies for separate evaluation of waterflooding, immiscible CO2 flooding, and CO2 water-alternating gas (WAG) for heavy oil recovery, there is a lack of an experimental, comparative evaluation of these three methods. The authors conducted tests for comparative evaluation of variable-injection rate waterflood (VIWF), immiscible CO2 flood, and CO2 WAG. The results illustrate the (a) effectiveness of VIWF, immiscible CO2 flood, and CO2 WAG; (b) effect of permeability and oil viscosity on VIWF, immiscible CO2 flood, and CO2 WAG; (c) effect of injection rate on VIWF; and (d) effect of slug ratio on CO2 WAG. 相似文献
CO2在地层水中溶解对驱油过程的影响 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
利用CO2-烃-地层水相平衡热力学模型模拟计算了CO2在地层水中的溶解规律。建立了考虑CO2在地层水中溶解的一维长岩心数值模拟模型,模拟计算了注CO2驱替过程中原油采出程度、气油比、油气水饱和度剖面、CO2在地层油和地层水中摩尔分数剖面的变化规律。研究表明:CO2在地层水中的溶解量随着压力的升高而增加,随着温度的升高而降低;当温度达到100℃以上或压力达到20 MPa以上时,压力和温度对CO2在水中溶解量影响变小。注气初期,考虑CO2溶解时采出程度比不考虑溶解时低,注气突破时间更迟,油墙向生产井端推进速度更慢。含水饱和度越高,影响程度越大。当含水饱和度为0.67、注入1.0倍烃孔隙体积CO2时,考虑CO2溶解采出程度比不考虑CO2溶解低约6%。CO2在地层水中溶解可导致CO2的损失,使得CO2驱油见效时间滞后。 相似文献
利用物理模拟及数值模拟方法,研究了在蒸汽中添加CO2改善直井与水平井组合蒸汽驱开发效果的生产机理,主要包括降低原油黏度、使原油体积膨胀、降低油水界面张力等。优选出了CO2与蒸汽的合理注入方式、注入比例和注入量。模拟结果表明:CO2辅助直井与水平井组合蒸汽驱是深层稠油油藏高轮次吞吐后进一步提高采收率的有效技术。对于埋深为1300~1700m的稠油油藏,由于井筒热损失大,使井底蒸汽干度降低。而在注蒸汽的同时添加CO2,不仅可以有效地弥补蒸汽干度低,难以达到蒸汽驱要求的不足,而且还可以缩短蒸汽驱初期的低产期,提高采油速度。 相似文献
Thiago G. Oliveira Marcelo J. B. Souza Ana C. F. Coriolano 《Petroleum Science and Technology》2013,31(23):1977-1982
AbstractMCM-41 and MCM-48 materials were synthesized by the hydrothermal method, calcined and modified with ethylenediamine (EDA) by wet impregnation method. The X-ray diffraction patterns showed characteristic peaks of highly ordered MCM-41 and MCM-48 nanoporous materials, even after impregnation with amine. The MCM-41 and MCM-48 materials showed N2 adsorption isotherms type IV and BET surfaces areas higher than 1000?m2 g?1. The carbon dioxide adsorption tests were carried out at room temperature in a magnetic suspension microbalance. The materials presented good performance for CO2 capture, being favorable for applications where medium and high pressures are required. 相似文献
Abstract The intricate behavior of carbon dioxide at supercritical conditions is considered to influence the ultimate recovery of additional hydrocarbon reserves through the application of CO2-enhanced gas recovery projects. Mixing in such a system is a diffusion-like process, which definitely depends on the physical properties of the displacing and displaced phases and the heterogeneity of the medium. The authors' aim was to experimentally investigate the consequence of pore pressure on the recovery efficiency and multiphase gas flow in a reservoirs porous medium. The displacement tests were carried out at five different pore pressures ranging from 10.34 to 40.68 MPa, temperature of 433.15 K, and displacement rate of 10 cm/hr. Results determined that improved recovery by approximately 40% can be obtained by applying the highest pore pressure in comparison with the test conducted at low pore pressure. 相似文献