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多事件干扰下的索赔计算方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对多事件交叉干扰下工期延误引起的工期索赔责任归属难以判断和责任比例难以测量的问题,提出一种程序化计算方法,即通过设置一系列易于嵌入计算机程序的变量,无需进行关键路线的分析,即可对各工序对于工期延误造成的影响进行较为精确的分析和排序。  相似文献   

在国际工程项目工期索赔中,由于受多因素影响,工期索赔责任归属难以判别和责任比例难以测定,现有单一方法不能完全解决问题,因此在已有的国际工程项目工期索赔计算方法研究成果的基础上,通过比较现有的几种计算方法,并进行适当改进,探索出一种更合理的工期索赔定量化计算方法,即通过韦恩图将共同延误进行分解,进而对多因素影响下的国际工程项目工期延误责任进行较为精确合理的划分。  相似文献   

多事件干扰下工期延误索赔原则研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
基于法律的公平与正义精神,本文研究多事件交叉干扰下工期延误索赔的责任归属判断和责任比例测量原则,试图在遵从法律所规定的基本原则前提下,为项目各方协商解决争议,为法官行使自由裁量权提出定性定量的理论见解。对照以FIDIC为代表的国际惯例和中国的GF-1999-0201施工合同示范文本规定,指出在多事件交叉干扰条件下,传统的施工合同索赔责任划分与计算的三种观点存在如下缺陷:初始事件原则违反了公平原则;不利于承包商原则既不符合逻辑,又违背公平原则;责任分摊原则没有解决定量问题。同时这三种观点在同一案例处理中彼此独立,非此即彼。文章提出并从法律、项目合同当事人的根本利益和实践角度,利用信息不对称理论论证了多事件交叉干扰条件下工期延误索赔的“工期索赔雇主责任优先,费用索赔承包商责任优先”命题,简单表述为“工期从宽——费用从严”原则。这一原则的含义是,在多事件交叉时段内,只要存在雇主责任或雇主风险,即给与承包商工期补偿;与此相反,只要存在承包商责任或风险,则承包商的费用索赔均不成立,同时,存在承包商责任时,雇主的索赔成立。文章对几种不同观点下的计算结果做了对比分析。  相似文献   

同期延误工期索赔是项目管理中纠纷频出、难以处理的问题,原因是各延误事件对总工期的实际影响无法确定。针对平行工序同期延误问题,首先介绍目前主要的工期索赔方法和同期延误责任归属原则并分析其不足;然后利用总时差、路线长度和总工期的关系研究各延误工序单独推迟总工期的量和总工期实际延误量的关系,从而揭示平行工序同期延误下的总工期延误原理和组合效应规律;以此为基础确定各延误工序对总工期延误的实际影响,得出工期索赔的责任分担比例,提出一种基于时差分析的平行工序同期延误工期索赔方法;最后算例分析表明,该方法能够有效弥补目前常见方法的不足。所提方法能为项目管理人员提供一种平行工序同期延误工期索赔的有力工具。  相似文献   

为解决多事件工期迟延索赔难以处理的问题,分析研究了工期迟延产生的原因及现有工期迟延责任划分方法,并结合工程实践提出了较为合理的多事件工期迟延索赔方法,即在"初始迟延决定工期、责任比例分摊费用"的原则下采用原因比例分摊法处理多事件工期迟延索赔事件。针对多事件工期迟延的特点,将多事件工期迟延的索赔处理分为工期索赔处理与费用索赔处理两个步骤,明确了多事件工期索赔处理流程。并结合动态原因责任分析法对各责任方的工期迟延责任进行分析,创造性地建立了二次费用调整标准,即在确定二次费用索赔标准的基础上确定多事件迟延各责任方的索赔费用比例。  相似文献   

多因素影响下的工期索赔计算牵涉到三个重要问题:共同延误的索赔处理原则、网络计算的叠加和发散效应和时差的所有权。从共同延误的索赔处理原则入手,深入分析了网络计算叠加和发散效应产生的根本原因,探讨了时差所有权的归属问题。基于公平、简便和可操作性的考虑,提出了多因素影响下工期索赔计算的三个基本原则。  相似文献   

在国际工程项目中,延误所引起的业主和承包商之间的工期延长和费用索赔争议已成为工程项目纠纷的一个主要来源。特别是在发生共同延误时,如何判断业主或承包商责任的归属,成为国际工程项目中工期延长索赔和费用索赔的焦点。基于英美法律实践和判例,分析共同延误的识别和不同情景下共同延误的责任,有助于我国对外承包工程企业正确认识共同延误,分析不同延误情景下的索赔权利,维护自身权益。  相似文献   

罗穗强 《山东建材》2006,27(4):148-149
0概述在工程施工中,常常会发生一些不能预见的干扰事件使施工不能顺利进行,预定的施工计划受到干扰,造成工期延长,对合同双方都会造成损失。工期索赔是双面的,承包方的工期索赔和发包方的工期反索赔。承包方的工期索赔:指工期延误属于发包方责任时,承包方提出的索赔要求,承包方工期索赔的目的通常有两个:一是免去或推卸自己对已产生的工期延长的合同责任,使自己不支付或尽可能不支付工期延长的罚款;二是进行因工期延长而造成的费用损失的索赔。发包方的工期延误反索赔:指工期延误属于承包方责任时,发包方对承包方进行索赔,即由承包方支付延…  相似文献   

介绍了以延误事件的时序化处理、搭接事件的处理、共同延误责任分摊和浮动时间分配为 基础的网络时间影响分析法进行延误分析的过程,较为系统地提出了工期索赔的分析方法与计算 模型.  相似文献   

基于FIDIC多边开发银行和谐版本(MDB Harmonized 2006 Edition)和实际索赔案例,对由工期延误引起的工期索赔和费用索赔问题进行系统分析,讨论工期延误索赔的处理原则、构成和计算方法,为国际承包工程的类似索赔提供理论和应用参考.  相似文献   

A method for assessing delay claims, regularly used in the USA, is described, together with procedures which have been proposed for dealing with concurrent delays. These treatments are reviewed to identify their shortcomings which in some instances stem from a view of the nature of delays which is not consistent with the way in which delays actually occur. The various types of delay are examined to consider how these treatments might be amended to provide more realistic solutions. It is suggested that concurrent delays need only be separately considered when they affect a single activity, and the concept of parallel critical paths in an as-built network is thought to be invalid. The delays themselves are not always fixed in when they might have their effects and it is felt to be important that this be recognized. Finally a procedure is suggested to select days of exceptional adverse weather artificially, so that critical path method (CPM) analyses may be carried out.  相似文献   

The impact of (adverse) weather is a common cause of delays, legal claims and economic losses in construction projects. Research has recently been carried out aimed at incorporating the effect of weather in project planning; but these studies have focussed on either a narrow set of weather variables, or a very limited range of construction activities or projects. A method for processing a country’s historical weather data into a set of weather delay maps for some representative standard construction activities is proposed. Namely, sine curves are used to associate daily combinations of weather variables to delay and provide coefficients for expected productivity losses. A complete case study comprising the construction of these maps and the associated sine waves for the UK is presented along with an example of their use in building construction planning. Findings of this study indicate that UK weather extends project durations by an average of 21%. However, using climatological data derived from weather observations when planning could lead to average reductions in project durations of 16%, with proportional reductions in indirect and overhead costs.  相似文献   

Delays in construction projects are inevitable and, as a result, claims and disputes arise. Different causes of delay can come into play and therefore the need to identify and classify different causes of project delay arises. Different factors that contribute to project delay affect the likelihood of project delay in different degree of effectiveness. Fuzzy fault tree analysis (FTA) is suggested by this research to estimate the likelihood of project delay. Likelihood of delay membership function is further quantified using the weighted average defuzzification method. Two fuzzy logic models are implemented into the fuzzy FTA, using Visual Basic software: the models discussed in this research are Baldwin's rotational model and the Angular model. Comparison between the two fuzzy logic models has been carried out. Validation of the fuzzy FTA computer model is performed. Validation of the model was performed for adequacy and applicability of the model. On average, the validation performed by independent construction engineers and fuzzy logic experts produced satisfactory results. The computer software suggested by this study is an attempt to assess the likelihood of the project delay, which helps reduce delays in construction projects that can cause time loss.  相似文献   

Construction projects continue to suffer delays. Things go wrong and the project's completion date gets pushed back, with someone to be blamed for it. In practice, attempts are made to identify the causes of delays and schedules are modified to incorporate revised duration and new project time. The analysis itself is usually complex and can be aided by a computerized approach. This paper discusses different delay analysis techniques that are currently used by practitioners in the construction industry. It also discusses a proposed new delay analysis technique called the Isolated Delay Type (IDT). These techniques were tested against a case example and their strengths and weaknesses highlighted. The new technique can be used as a standalone module for delay analysis or could be incorporated within a computer system for construction delay analysis and claims preparation called Computerized Delay Claims Analysis (CDCA) that integrates different software including an expert system and management software such as scheduling and a database or spreadsheet.  相似文献   

分析业主和承包商共同延误下业主指令加速施工时,加速施工费用索赔的争议焦点。提出并分析共同延误下加速施工费用索赔计算的三个原则:先延误先使用原则、利于业主原则和利于承包商原则。  相似文献   

成本控制对提高项目管理水平、扩大项目利润空间具有重要意义。责任成本测算作为工程项目成本控制的有效方法被许多企业认可,但是工程项目的许多不确定性限制了这种方法的应用。以水利工程项目群为基础,从概率论的角度分析了人为、环境等不确定性因素对责任成本测算的影响,并提出应对不确定性的具体措施。针对水利工程项目特点对责任成本测算方法进行研究,提出了“小循环”成本测算方法,将不确定性因素产生的总影响考虑在责任成本测算额之内,为项目成本测算的合理性与准确性提供了思路,并为责任成本测算在水利工程项目中的应用提供了方法。  相似文献   

The likelihood of a project delay is affected by different factors; thus, there is a pressing need to develop a method that estimates the likelihood of such a delay. In this paper, analysis of potential occurrences of delays, which are classified into procedural, enabling, and triggering causes, is performed using the fuzzy fault-tree analysis method. Subjective judgment expresses causes of delay and their respective degree of effectiveness which are analysed in this study. The fuzzy triangular model and translational models are employed in this study. The severity of the likelihood of the project delay is the result of this analysis. A model was developed to assess the likelihood of the project delay. Evaluation of the model was performed for applicability and adequacy of the model. On average, evaluation performed by independent construction engineers and fuzzy logic experts produced satisfactory results.  相似文献   

基于平衡计分卡这一绩效管理工具,界定了评价工程项目团队绩效的4个维度:财务、利益相关方、内部流程结构和信息共享与成长,构建了工程项目团队绩效4维度指标相关性的概念模型及研究假设,设计了工程项目绩效及其支撑要素的度量量表。通过结构方程对概念模型进行了检验,明确了工程项目团队绩效的4维度指标相关性,得到了支撑要素的权重和4维度指标的作用情况,并证明了内部流程维度和信息共享与成长维度是利益相关方维度及团队财务维度的基本影响因素,信息共享与成长维度对其他三个维度都起着较强的积极作用。研究结果为工程项目团队的构建及绩效评价提供了参考,并为进一步的研究提供了方向。  相似文献   

Delay in the delivery of materials and equipment to construction sites is often thought of as a contributory cause of cost overruns in construction projects in developing countries. A cursory examination of the environment in which projects are executed in developing countries appears to support this thinking. However, there does not seem to have been much research work conducted that investigates whether this is actually the case and also assesses the causes of these delays and magnitude of their impacts on project costs. This research was aimed at firstly ascertaining the occurrence of material and equipment procurement delays in highway projects in Nepal. An assessment of the causes of the delays and the magnitude of their impact on project costs was also made. The survey method was used in conducting this research involving 22 highway projects. The main causes of material and equipment procurement delay were found to be (in rank order) organizational weaknesses, suppliers' defaults, governmental regulations and transportation delays. However, the actual impact of these delays on project costs was found to be on average, only about 0.5% of the total budgeted cost of the projects. Among materials, delays in the supply of aggregates were found to occur most frequently while delays associated with pavers occurred most frequently among equipment.  相似文献   

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