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心墙堆石坝的水力劈裂分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
殷宗泽  朱俊高  袁俊平  张坤勇 《水利学报》2006,37(11):1348-1353
水力劈裂的常用计算方法分有效应力法和总应力法,但其计算结果却常有很大差异。本文详细分析了它们产生差异的原因,认为应该用心墙外水压力是否超过心墙上游面处土中的中主应力来判别水力劈裂的发生可能。提出应用有效应力法计算心墙堆石坝初期有效应力和水压力,通过叠加得到总应力,再与心墙前水压力比较来判别是否发生水力劈裂。该方法可以反映心墙渗透性、饱和度、库水位上升速度等对水力劈裂的影响。这样,通过控制这些因素就可避免水力劈裂的发生。最后通过实例计算表明了该方法的合理性。  相似文献   

文章介绍了榆树市水工渠系建筑物冻胀破坏原因,工程设计及抗冻胀防治措施。  相似文献   

针对不同强度单裂缝混凝土试件开展了两组应力状态下的水力劈裂试验,研究了应力状态、荷载施加方式对试件裂缝扩展过程的影响,分析了裂缝扩展路径上缝内水压演化规律,拟合得到了混凝土试件临界劈裂水压预测模型的定量关系式。试验结果表明,两组不同应力状态下的试件均发生水力劈裂破坏;临界劈裂水压值与轴压的差值均小于试件的劈拉强度值;试件水压尖端的发展滞后于干裂缝的发展。  相似文献   

本文介绍计算机虚拟仿真技术在水利规划和设计中的应用思路及所开展的研发工作。通过在水利工程应用,探索计算机虚拟仿真技术的应用途径。采用当今最优秀的视景建模软件MultiGen Creator和实时驱动软件Vega配以高性能图形工作站,结合ArcGIS、MicroStation、AutoCAD构成了基本的仿真工作平台,为技术人员提供可视化分析虚拟环境。  相似文献   

Conclusion The long-term conditions for passage of water and ice during all the construction stages of the Zeya hydroelectirc plant, which were carried out in close contact with the design organizations (Lengidroproekt), made it possible to introduce into the project several changes for ensuring safe operation of the structure. The existing data on the actual hydraulic conditions for passage of floods during the first construction stages show good agreement between these conditions and the results of the laboratory investigations. Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel’stvo, No. 6, pp. 5–8, June, 1976  相似文献   

1.  For hydrodevelopments located on mountain rivers with a narrow, tortuous channel deeply incised into the rock, the problem of providing a maximum range of ejection of the flow and simultaneously eliminating its considerable effect on the canyon slopes in the case of a dam spillway with a frontal ski-jump is quite complex. Variants with a spillway tunnel ending with a lateral overflow ski-jump are considerably more flexible.
2.  The use of a lateral overflow ski-jump and uniformly distributes the discharges over a sufficiently long stretch of the channel and eliminates the fall of large quantities of water onto the canyon slopes through a wide range of discharges and heads. In this case the intensity of the effect of the discharge on the channel bed can be reduced substantially in comparison with the frontal ski-jump.

段文刚  侯冬梅  王才欢  胡晗  唐祥甫 《水利学报》2019,50(11):1339-1349
三峡大坝泄水建筑物具有下泄流量大(102 500 m3/s)、泄洪落差大(97.3 m)、孔口数量多(22个表孔和23个深孔)、运行水头高(90 m)、库水位变幅大(135~180 m)等特点,其泄洪运行备受关注。采用现场原型观测手段,2003年以来历时十余年,系统观测了深孔135 m、156 m、172 m和表孔162 m、172 m特征库水位泄洪消能水动力特性,重点考察了水流流态、动水压强、水流流速、水流空化噪声、通气风速、水流掺气浓度、坝下冲刷等参数,获得了宝贵的原型系列观测数据,并与模型试验成果对比分析补充完善。观测显示,泄水建筑物过流面虽有初生空化信号但未见空蚀和泥沙磨损破坏,坝下消能区冲坑最深点高程20.8 m,折算其上游坡比1∶6,表明三峡大坝泄水建筑物布置总体是成功的。  相似文献   

皂市水利枢纽泄洪消能建筑物水力设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据坝址水文特性、规划要求及工程地形、地质条件,皂市水利枢纽泄洪消能设计采用了表、底孔相间布置联合泄洪、表孔宽尾墩底流--底孔射流--消力池联合消能的型式,适应了渫水洪水陡涨陡落、水位变幅大、泄流量大、防洪调度运行条件复杂及消能区地质条件差等特点,成功地解决了中水头、大单宽、低佛氏数消能问题,完善了枢纽坝后式厂房布置方案,并且满足了尽可能不扰动下游右岸水阳坪滑坡体的要求.  相似文献   

1.  A sliding transition makes it possible to transmit the entire horizontal pressure of the upper pool to the downstream shoulder of the fill dam. The use of a bitumen coating on fibreglass fabric as a sliding elements provides complete impermeability of the sliding joint.
2.  Deviation from a linear distribution of the passive earth pressure of the downstream shoulder on the vertical face of the diaphragm and facing remains unclear in a calculation respect, although room for these deviations is small. For a rigid facing these deviations do not have significance, for a diaphragm they can affects its design.
3.  The profile of a fill dam with a vertical concrete facing having a sliding transition shown in Fig. 1 is the results of the design studies. This profile can be recommended with confidence as the initial one for further designing. With respect to the design of the diaphragm, there is nothing concrete at present.
4.  It is desirable that design organizations whose designs of hydrostations have still not been approved prepare also alternative variants of dams with facings.
Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo, No. 11, pp. 53–54, November, 1999.  相似文献   

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