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Elemental concentrations in different compartments of cryosections of isolated rat liver cells cryotransferred and freeze-dried were compared with those obtained after storage under vacuum for 12 or 60 h and after exposure to room air for 2 min. Poorer image contrast and segregation artefacts are frequently found in air-exposed sections, together with a slight but significant decrease of the K concentration in the cytoplasm and an increase of the S concentration in the liver cell nuclei and the extracellular medium. Extreme distortions of both ultrastructure and elemental distributions are observed if the sections are even slightly colder than the surrounding atmosphere. While storage of frozen-dried cryosections under vacuum for less than 12 h does not lead to alterations in the sections, gross changes are found both in morphology and elemental distribution in sections stored under vacuum for about 60 h. Long-time vacuum storage of frozen-dried cryosections is, therefore, not recommended.  相似文献   

An imbalance of potassium in cardiac muscle causes an alteration of heart function. The distribution and concentration of potassium in rat papillary heart muscle was studied using cryofixation and X-ray microanalysis. Freeze-dried cryosections and sections of freeze-dried, embedded tissue were analysed. Bulk frozen specimens were freeze-dried either in a vacuum or by a new technique using liquid propane as a cryodehydration medium. These two methods of freeze-drying were tested for elemental retention in other specimens, with comparable results. A potassium concentration of 120 mmol/l was measured in normal myocytes of cardiac papillary muscle compared to 80 mmol/l in myocytes of animals stressed by a temperature of 45°C for 1 h. The presumed physiological significance of the findings is discussed.  相似文献   

There are three techniques to measure local water fractions in the cryomicroscope. First, water content may be measured by a direct analysis of oxygen in bulk samples using a windowless detector. Secondly, mass thickness may be estimated in frozen-hydrated, then frozen-dried sections. This technique offers unrivalled spatial resolution, especially if the radiation dose in the frozen-hydrated state is kept low by the use of electron scattering techniques instead of an X-ray microanalytical background determination. External water content standards can be used instead of frozen-hydrated sections and the whole analysis can even be performed exclusively on frozen-dried sections at room temperature. Thirdly, local water fractions can be evaluated from X-ray microanalytical measurements of element concentrations per mass in the frozen-hydrated and frozen-dried state. Corrections necessary for the other techniques cancel out. However, the high radiation dose required for a fully quantitative analysis excludes the use of these methods in thin or ultrathin sections.  相似文献   

Rat thymocytes were isolated in suspension and the effect of preparing the cells for cryofixation in the presence of different media on the elemental content was investigated using the technique of X-ray microanalysis. Cells prepared in the different media showed variation in the concentrations of Na, K and Cl. The isolated cells were incubated at 310 K for 1 h to allow recovery from isolation. There was a decrease in Na and Cl content after incubation. The thymocyte population was disturbed by suspension in medium containing dextran, and this resulted in a number of cells with high concentrations of Na and low concentrations of K. These cells did not take up vital dye. Thymocytes were also prepared for freezing by using high-speed centrifugation to concentrate the cells. Thymocytes prepared by this method showed values for concentrations of Na, K and Cl similar to published values for these cells using other methods of estimation. There were, however, consistent differences in Na content between the cells prepared in Hanks' balanced salt solution and those prepared in serum. Factors which affect the apparent concentration of Na and Cl in isolated cells are discussed.  相似文献   

A cryopunching device is described which allows cryofixation of tissue specimens by quick contact with a precooled copper surface during excision. The advantage of the cryopuncher for analytical electron microscopy of cells and tissues in defined functional states is illustrated by electron probe X-ray microanalysis of freeze-dried cryosections from rat liver and dogfish kidney. In comparison with results obtained from specimens plunged into liquid propane, cryopunching in situ results in similar preservation of morphology and remarkably improved intracellular K/Na ratio.  相似文献   

The proposed cryofixation technique uses a tubule-shaped needle chilled in liquid propane for simultaneous excision and freezing of a tissue specimen. Due to this simultaneity, ionic shifts created by traumatic influences are avoided even in the outermost cells of the specimen. Moreover, it is shown here that stopping the blood flow for more than about 10 s results in notable ionic shifts between cells and extracellular space in rat heart and liver. Such preparative ischaemic injury is minimized by the Fast Cryofixation Technique because it can be easily performed on organs within the circulatory system, whilst the heart of the animal is still beating. Intracellular concentrations of the monovalent ions in rat heart and liver, obtained by this method, tally well with recent results from different independent techniques reported in the literature. As demonstrated by cross-sectioning and freeze-fracturing, the structural preservation of the freezing technique is sufficient for X-ray microanalytical work.  相似文献   

The calcium content of individual secretory vesicles in rat neurohypophysial nerve endings was measured by quantitative electron probe X-ray microanalysis. Directly frozen control and potassium-depolarized isolated endings were analysed using two presumably equivalent preparative techniques: (1) freeze-substitution in presence of oxalic acid followed by sectioning of resin-embedded pellets; or (2) direct cryosectioning of the frozen pellets followed by freeze-drying in the column of the microscope. In the pellets of stimulated endings, both approaches revealed an increase in the calcium content of neurosecretory vesicles. This increase was statistically more significant in the specimens prepared by cryosectioning, probably because in this case the contribution of 'dead' nerve endings could be eliminated on the basis of excessive cytoplasmic sodium and chloride. The results demonstrate that an increase in cytosolic calcium can lead to an increase in intravesicular calcium, and that when this occurs, it occurs within a subpopulation of vesicles in a given nerve ending. In addition, measured intravesicular calcium was dispersed over a wide range of concentrations, as predicted by the hypothesis of intravesicular calcium priming. When the vesicular calcium content was averaged per nerve ending, a relatively wide distribution of concentrations was again observed, indicating that some nerve endings respond more strongly to the stimulation than others.  相似文献   

When human or animal tissue is to be investigated by X-ray microanalysis, it is sometimes necessary to store the tissue between removal from the organism and freezing. However, when excised tissue is stored in buffer, the elemental concentrations in the cell may change. In the present study, it was attempted to develop a storage buffer that would retain the cellular elemental concentrations close to their in situ values. To start, the NaCl component in Krebs–Ringer buffer was exchanged for K-gluconate and KCl for NaCl. This buffer was called a ‘100% high K+ solution’. Starting from this solution, part of the K-gluconate was replaced by an equivalent amount of NaCl. Incubation of excised rat liver (4 °C, 4 h) in 85% high K+ solution resulted in retention of cellular Na, K, Ca, S and Mg concentration most closely to the in situ state, whereas cellular Cl was retained best when the tissue was incubated in 75% high K+ solution. For rat submandibular gland, incubation in 80% high K+ solution resulted in optimal retention of cellular Na, K, Ca, P, S and Mg, while Cl was retained best in a 70% high K+ solution. Based on these results, an optimally modified Krebs–Ringer solution for the liver would consist of 119 mM K+, 26 mM Na+ and 45 mM Cl?. An optimally modified Krebs–Ringer bicarbonate solution for the submandibular gland would be composed of 96 mM K+, 53 mM Na+ and 46 mM Cl?. After incubation in the modified solutions (at 4 °C), cellular Na, Mg, S, Cl, K and Ca in both tissues were maintained close to the in situ state throughout a 6-h incubation. The cellular P concentration was reduced after incubation for 1 h; thereafter, in the liver cells it remained at this lower level for the rest of the incubation, whereas in the submandibular gland tissue it increased again after 4 h. The increase in cell volume (oedema) was less in tissue stored in the modified solutions, than in the 100% high K+ solutions. Incubation in high Na+ buffers (4 °C, 6 h) resulted in a progressive increase in the percentage of cells showing trypan blue uptake. A similar increase in trypan blue uptake was seen in the modified solution, but this increase levelled off after 4 h. After cholinergic stimulation in high Na+ solution (25 °C, 1 min), the expected decrease in cellular Cl concentration was seen in submandibular gland cells that had previously been preserved (4 °C, 4 h) in the modified solution, but not in those that had been preserved in the 100% high K+ solution.  相似文献   

The interpretation of element concentration data for X-ray microanalyses of biological tissues, which are subjected to some experimental treatment, can be complicated by changes in cell volume and total cell dry matter induced by the treatment. We have examined the manner in which such changes would affect the values measured in frozen-dried cryosections of soft tissues, and how they may be taken into account in the interpretation of the results. The element content (mass per unit dry weight) measured by the peak-to-continuum or Hall method is independent of changes in cell volume, but is sensitive to a change in the local dry mass. Conversely, intracellular concentrations in terms of mass per unit volume, as determined by the peripheral or internal standard technique, are dependent on volume changes but independent of dry mass. The estimated dry weight fraction is affected by changes in both volume and dry mass. The results obtained from both quantification methods can therefore provide information on the combination of changes in cellular element levels, volume and total dry mass that may occur following the experimental treatment. In a study of the late effect of the drug cisplatin on electrolyte concentrations in kidney proximal tubules, both quantification methods have been used to obtain wet weight and dry weight concentrations. By applying the above considerations, the analytical results have been interpreted as a combination of changes in element levels and a shrinkage of the tubule cells. Cell shrinkage was confirmed by morphometric analysis of tubular cross-sections.  相似文献   

Electrically stimulated heart muscle preparations can be quickly frozen in undercooled propane at defined times of the mechanically controlled contraction cycle. The apparatus for triggered freezing of the muscle strips in undercooled propane is described in detail. Freeze substitution of some strips after freezing shows the degree of ice crystal formation without the potential interference of artifacts introduced later by cryosectioning and freeze drying. Ultrathin longitudinal and transversal cryosections are cut with a LKB cryoultramicrotome at temperatures of −130 to −140°C, freeze-dried at 10−6 Torr vacuum and carbon-coated before analysis. The freeze-dried cryosections are analyzed in a Siemens Elmiskop 102 electron microscope equipped with a Kevex energy dispersive system, and the elemental concentrations (in mMol/kg d.w.) of Na, Mg, P, S, Cl, K, and Ca are determined in subcellular compartments of muscle frozen in different functional states. The methodology of quantitation, i.e, determination of elemental net peak and continuum, correction of continuum, preparation of standards, and deconvolution of overlapping peaks are described. The minimum detectable elemental concentration using the reported methods is in the range of a few mMol/kg d.w. This also applies to Ca, which can be accumulated in heart muscle in readily detectable amounts in intracellularly located stores as well as structures connected with the cell membrane. The present report shows that cryotechniques and x-ray microanalysis can be successfully applied to heart physiology.  相似文献   

Freeze-substitution of biological material in pure acetone followed by low-temperature embedding in the Lowicryls K11M and HM23 yields stable preparations well suited for sectioning and subsequent morphological and microanalytical studies. Transmission electron microscopy of dry-cut sections shows that diffusible cellular thallium ions (Tl+) of Tl+-loaded muscle are localized at similar protein sites in freeze-substituted as in frozen-hydrated preparations. A comparison of X-ray micro-analytical data obtained from freeze-dried cryosections and sections of freeze-substituted normal (potassium-containing) muscle shows that K+ ion retention in the freeze-substituted sample is highly dependent on the freeze-substitution procedure used; so far, in the best case, about 67% of the cellular K+ is retained after freeze-substitution in pure acetone and low-temperature embedding. It is concluded that the retention of diffusible cellular ions is dependent on their interactions with cellular macromolecules during the preparative steps and that ion retention may be increased by further optimizing freeze-substitution and low-temperature embedding.  相似文献   

Recent advances in widely available microcomputers have made the acquisition and processing of digital quantitative X-ray maps of one to several cells readily feasible. Here we describe a system which uses a graphics-based microcomputer to acquire spectrally filtered X-ray elemental image maps that are fitted to standards, to display the image in real time, and to correct the post-acquisition image map with regard to specimen drift. Both high-resolution quantitative energy-dispersive X-ray images of freeze-dried cyrosections and low-dose quantitative bright-field images of frozen-hydrated sections can be acquired to obtain element and water content from the same intracellular regions. The software programs developed, together with the associated hardware, also allow static probe acquisition of data from selected cell regions with spectral processing and quantification performed on-line in real time. In addition, the unified design of the software program provides for off-line processing and analysing by several investigators at microcomputers remote from the microscope. The overall experimental strategy employs computer-aided imaging, combined with static probes, as an essential interactive tool of investigation for biological analysis. This type of microchemical microscopy facilitates studies in cell physiology and pathophysiology which focus on mechanisms of ionic (elemental) compartmentation, i.e. structure-function correlation at cellular and subcellular levels; it allows investigation of intracellular concentration gradients, of the heterogeneity of cell responses to stimuli, of certain fast physiological events in vivo at ultrastructural resolution, and of events occurring with low incidence or involving cell-to-cell interactions.  相似文献   

Sublimation rates of ice in the nitrogen-filled cryochamber of an ultramicrotome have been measured. The values are four to five orders of magnitude smaller than vacuum sublimation rates at the same temperatures. This is a consequence of the much shorter mean free path length of water molecules in nitrogen at atmospheric pressure, as compared to freeze drying under vacuum. The partial pressure at the phase boundary and gas diffusion and convection determine the rate of freeze drying. This has implications for section handling and the design of transfer equipment. Generally, it means that the danger of even partial dehydration of semi-thick (0·5–1 μm) sections used mainly for X-ray microanalysis is less serious than commonly assumed.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that the distribution of monovalent cations in cardiac cells may be non-uniform, particularly in the region immediately beneath the sarcolemma, and we have proposed that a build-up of sodium in this region could be an important factor in the development of ischaemia-reperfusion injury. Electron probe X-ray microanalysis is ideal for the study of such changes in distribution but the application of the technique to this problem imposes severe requirements on the specimen and on the method for cryofixation. The specimen must be perfused through its vasculature so that it can be made truly ischaemic and be successfully reperfused. It is necessary to be able to cryofix the specimen without disturbance of its blood supply, electrical stimulation or temperature. It is also important to know the time in the contraction cycle when cryofixation occurs. Here we describe the design of an automated cryofixation device which can be used to cryofix a blood perfused papillary muscle preparation at predetermined time points in the contraction cycle. Preliminary data obtained from the analysis of rabbit papillary muscles subjected to varying periods of ischaemia are included as an example of the use of the cryoclamp.  相似文献   

The Cnidaria are simple organisms that have remarkable physiological features susceptible to microscopic investigation. As a group they produce cnidae, the most complex intracellular organelles known, form symbioses with a range of unicellular algae, contain mucocytes that account for a very substantial fraction of their body mass, and form complex skeletal structures of calcium carbonate. This review summarises contributions dealing with the distribution and localisation of metals of physiological and pathological importance within soft tissues and skeletons. Whilst there have been detailed studies of microscale metal distribution, using X-ray microanalysis, in the stinging organelles or cnidocysts and in mucocytes, other cells such as symbiotic algae and the epithelial cells have received little attention. In the skeleton-producing scleractinian corals X-ray microanalysis has provided tenuous, but persistent, evidence of Ca associated with intracellular vesicles or granules in the skeletogenic epithelium, even though the investigations were technically limited. These observations may be germane to the intriguing and intransigent problem of the mechanism of coral calcification. Metal localisation in coral skeleton at the resolution of annual growth rings has been concerned with the validity of Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios as thermometers for paleoclimatic studies. It is not clear whether these ratios are influenced primarily by environmental or biological parameters. Microscale analyses by X-ray microanalysis and ion microprobe indicate a much greater variability of metal ratios which suggests biological control of metal deposition. New data are provided on the elemental composition, measured by X-ray microanalysis, of cells and cell compartments in the coral Galaxea fascicularis and zooxanthellae in the anemone Aiptasia sp. New information is also presented on changing Ca/Sr ratios at the skeletal interface in Galaxea fascicularis.  相似文献   

Marshall  & XU 《Journal of microscopy》1998,190(3):305-316
It is shown that quantitative X-ray imaging of planed, frozen-hydrated, biological bulk samples that have not been etched is possible. X-ray imaging represents a better alternative to static beam (selected area) analysis of fractured frozen-hydrated samples. This procedure avoids the undesirable necessity of etching planed frozen-hydrated samples to provide an interpretable electron image. Qualitative oxygen and carbon X-ray images, which can be acquired in a short time, can be used for distinguishing morphological features and remove the requirement for electron images. In test samples of frozen-hydrated albumin, containing salts, analyses by X-ray images compared well with static beam (selected area) analyses from the same samples. An example of an analysis of frozen-hydrated insect Malpighian tubules is given in which the response to ouabain treatment was analysed. In this example X-ray imaging showed that ouabain resulted in a significant increase in cytoplasmic and luminal Na and a significant decrease in cytoplasmic and luminal K. X-ray imaging also showed that there was a significant increase in cellular water content. The presence of a potassium gradient in soybean root nodules was also demonstrated. The use of standard deviation images for processing low count images increases analytical precision but results in underestimates of the true concentrations.  相似文献   

The effects of glucagon on the ultrastructural appearance and acid glucosidase activities in the liver and heart of newborn rats were studied. Liver or heart glycogen-hydrolyzing activity of acid glucosidase increased 3 hours after birth and gradually decreased from 3 to 9 hours. Maltose-hydrolyzing activity of acid glucosidase also rose 3 hours after birth, maintained a plateau between 3 and 6 hours, and fell at 9 hours. The administration of glucagon increased autophagic activity in the hepatocytes at the age of 6 hours. Glycogen inside the autophagic vacuoles was decreased, apparently due to the increased glycogen degradation. Glycogen-hydrolyzing activity was elevated in both the liver and the heart. Maltose-hydrolyzing activity was elevated in the liver, but not in the heart. The results of this study suggest that the glycogen-hydrolyzing and maltose-hydrolyzing activities of acid glucosidase are due to different enzymes. Glucagon's effect on the glycogen-hydrolyzing acid glucosidase activity and autophagosomal morphology is similar in both the liver and the heart.  相似文献   

A series of modifications have been devised which allow the peak to background ratio X-ray analytical method to be used more effectively to measure elemental concentrations in large vacuolate plant cells. Planar, frozen-hydrated fracture faces of bulk plant tissue are coated with a thin film of evaporated chromium, which prevents surface charging. Provided the film is sufficiently thin, c. 5–10 nm, there is no attenuation of the electron beam and only a small absorption of soft X-rays. The chromium makes a small but measurable contribution to the spectral background and suitable corrections may be made to the quantitative results. An improved back-scattered imaging system is described, which helps to overcome the problem of spurious X-ray signals from rough surfaces. The microscope column has been modified to permit a continuous readout of beam current, sensu stricta, during X-ray microanalysis and to allow rapid exchange of the electron gun assembly during low temperature operation. Calculations are given relating the size of the X-ray interactive volume to electron penetration and X-ray emission in both frozen hydrated and frozen dried cells. The problems of X-ray microanalysis are discussed in relation to the highly vacuolate cells found in most mature plant tissues and an example given of the distribution of four major cations in tobacco leaves.  相似文献   

Sections cut dry for the X-ray microanalysis of diffusible elements were fixed to adhesive-coated single fine-bar grids. The drawbacks of folding grids normally used for this purpose can thus largely be avoided.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemistry was used to investigate the localization of F1 ATPase in mitochondria of cryosections of adult mouse heart muscle cells. The initial aldehyde fixation was the only denaturation step for antigens. The fine structure was preserved with contrast enhancement as the sections were maintained hydrated, with the advantage that the entire procedure is completed in one working day. The reaction was highly specific, and entire mitochondria were labeled with the Protein A-gold complex. A new analytical technique, electron spectroscopic imaging (ESI), contributed to a better visualization of the localization of the F1 factor.  相似文献   

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