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The probability table representation of cross-sections is generally used to deal with neutron interactions in the unresolved energy range. In the frame of neutron transport methods, the capability of the probability table representation of cross-sections on the whole neutron energy range has been mentioned by Cullen (1974) and it has been already demonstrated for the Monte Carlo transport calculations by Zheng et al. (1998). Such an advantage is also illustrated here with a simple neutron propagation configuration dealt with the TRIPOLI-4 Monte Carlo transport code.  相似文献   

为优化基于伴随α粒子技术的爆炸物检测系统中的γ探测器和数据分析软件,利用蒙特卡罗程序EGSnrc对γ探测器的探测效率和能量响应分别进行了模拟。NaI(Tl)、BGO等几种无机闪烁体γ探测器探测效率的模拟计算结果为探测器的优化选择提供依据;对碳、氧单质元素、硝酸氨、模拟炸药样品在14MeV中子作用下的特征γ射线,在Φ5″×8″NaI(Tl)探测器的能量响应模拟计算结果进行了分析,并与实验测量能量响应进行了比较。结果表明,模拟方法可靠,应用该方法可对其他的单质材料来进行响应计算以建立响应函数数据库。  相似文献   

中子感生瞬发γ射线能谱的蒙卡模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中子感生瞬发γ射线分析(PGNAA)中使用蒙卡技术模拟物料与中子反应后产生的瞬发光子在NaI(T1)探测器中的响应一直是一个难点。介绍了用于PGNAA的专用蒙卡程序NPTrans.NPTrans能够进行中子、光子级联输运并能够给出光子在NaI(T1)探测器中的响应。给出了蒙卡模拟能谱与实验数据的比较。NPTrans的开发经验为其他研究开发专用的蒙卡程序提供了一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

溴化镧探测器γ能谱的MC模拟及特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文使用通用蒙特卡罗模拟软件包Geant4,结合实验数据对溴化镧探测器的γ,能谱进行了模拟计算和特性研究,论证了便携式核素识别仪中使用溴化镧探测器的可行性,在实验条件有限的情况下为能谱分析算法的开发提供了可靠的能谱参考数据.  相似文献   

A Monte Carlo method is formulated for the evaluation of the unrealibility of complex systems with known component failure and repair rates. The formulation is in terms of a Markov process allowing dependencies between components to be modeled and computational efficiencies to be achieved in the Monte Carlo simulation. Two variance reduction techniques, forced transition and failure biasing, are employed to increase computational efficiency of the random walk procedure. For an example problem these result in improved computational efficiency by more than three orders of magnitudes over analog Monte Carlo. The method is generalized to treat problems with distributed failure and repair rate data, and a batching technique is introduced and shown to result in substantial increases in computational efficiency for an example problem. A method for separating the variance due to the data uncertainty from that due to the finite number of random walks is presented.  相似文献   

矿石品位仪主要利用电子对湮灭效应测量较高原子序数金属的含量多少,影响矿石品位仪测量效果和精度的因素有很多。本文主要利用蒙特卡罗模拟方法分析伽玛探测器安装位置对矿石品位仪测量效果的影响,并比较了Ra-226和Co-60两种伽玛放射源应用到矿石品位仪的测量效果差异。  相似文献   

阵列康普顿背散射技术中存在探测到的射线强度低和不同测量单元间散射线干扰等问题.针对这些,进行MCNP仿真实验,分析各种因素对不同测量单元散射线干扰及探测到射线强度的影响趋势和影响程度,为实际系统的设计提供参考.  相似文献   

Graphics Processing Units (GPU) are high performance co-processors originally intended to improve the use and quality of computer graphics applications. Since researchers and practitioners realized the potential of using GPU for general purpose, their application has been extended to other fields out of computer graphics scope. The main objective of this work is to evaluate the impact of using GPU in two computational expensive problems in nuclear area: a neutron transport simulation by Monte Carlo method and Poison heat equation resolution for a square thin plate. To accomplish that, GPU and CPU-based (single- and multi-core) approaches were developed. Results demonstrated that the GPU-based approach is damn faster than a parallel 8-core CPU-based approach also developed in this work.  相似文献   

康普顿背散射成像的蒙特卡罗模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
康普顿背散射成像是利用康普顿效应判断被照射物体内部结构的方法,广泛应用于工业和医学诊断领域。介绍应用MCNP程序模拟康普顿背散城像的问题,计算了250keV电子轰击钨靶产生的X射线潜为源的X射线检测碳和铁的康普顿背散射光子角分布,得到这两种物质的不同散射特性。  相似文献   

Recent comparisons between analytical (deterministic) computations using the code SHAPE, and Monte Carlo (MC) simulations of Compton scattering using different codes show discrepancies in the shape of the Compton peak (the so-called Compton profile), specially for medium-low energy X-ray excitation. Considering the analytical computations as a reference model, the standard approach adopted for generating the Compton profile in different MC codes (EGSnrc, MCNP, MCSHAPE) has been studied comparatively in order to discover a reason for the difference. Apparently there is a bias in the profile generation which is common to all the codes and is related to the assumption of completely populated atomic orbitals contributing to the scattering. Such an assumption does not agree with the equivalence condition between the integrated Compton profile in the Impulse Approximation (IA) and the Waller-Hartree (WH) scattering function.In this article, we report the comparisons mentioned above for a paradigmatic case and propose an unbiased MC algorithm for the simulation of the Compton scattering.  相似文献   

自屏蔽因子是用LiFTLD探测器高精度测量n-γ混合场的重要参数.本文采用MCNP程序对文献中给定尺寸、密度和6Li含量的LiFTLD的自屏蔽因子进行了计算,并与推导的自屏蔽公式、Horowitz等的计算结果进行了比较.同时,对计算结果还专门设计了实验进行验证,证实MCNP计算自屏蔽因子所采用的模型和方法是可靠的.对于文献中没有给出自屏蔽因子的现有的LiFTLD,通过选取合理的模型,用MCNP计算了它们的自屏蔽因子.该研究结果对于n-γ混合场区分测量以及TLD的LET效应的研究都具有重要意义.  相似文献   

An approach using optical data to simulate both the bremsstrahlung continuum and characteristic K and L X-ray lines generated by low energy electrons (cfr. electron microscopy) in solids is discussed in this paper. The necessary analytical expressions together with the data to calculate the relevant cross sections for elastic and inelastic interactions at these energies along with variance reduction techniques are given. The results of the Monte Carlo simulation are compared to experimental data measured with a JEOL 6300 electron microscope.  相似文献   

An efficient execution method for Monte Carlo simulation using graphic processing unit (GPU) is proposed. The delta-tracking method is used since the delta-tracking method can reduce conditional branches and complexity of code implementation, which degrade computational performance on GPUs. In order to improve parallel efficiency in the eigenvalue calculation, generated fission neutrons are recorded using the atomic operation which avoids the data race in GPUs. We also propose a method to efficiently tally neutron flux in a region. The present method is based on the atomic operation and use of fixed-point type number instead of common floating-point type number. The verification calculations using the C5G7 benchmark problem show effectiveness of the proposed numerical algorithms on GPUs through comparison with calculations using central processing units.  相似文献   

PeneloPET是一种基于PENELOPE的PET专用蒙特卡罗仿真工具.文章介绍了PeneloPET 的主要特点及使用PeneloPET进行PET仿真的一般过程,并以GE Healthcare的双环型eXplore Vista microPET为原型验证了PeneloPET仿真的有效性.仿真结果显示,PeneloPE...  相似文献   

In order to model solids with strong internal elastic deformations a combination of Monte Carlo (MC) and lattice relaxation was developed. Using this method the phase diagrams corresponding to EAM potentials for Fe-Ni and Fe-Cu were determined and segregation to an edge dislocation and a grain boundary were simulated. In the case of the dislocation the resulting critical shear stress was calculated.  相似文献   

用Monte Carlo方法计算了中子通过大气传输到不同高度轨道探测器的中子注量和能谱。研究结果表明:到达不同轨道的中子的能谱结构相同.因此中子能谱的基本结构在大气传输过程中保持不变;在保持能谱基本结构不变的前提下.随中子的传输.其低能中子份额在缓慢增大,高能中子份额在缓慢减小;大气中的中子注量超过了自由空间中相应的中子注量;能谱及注量的研究结果同时证明了中子的大气传输主要受散射机制而不是吸收机制所控制。  相似文献   

在广泛调研和分析现有几何建模方法特点的基础上研发了具有可视化用户界面的自动建模程序系统MCAM.它可以实现多种商用软件CAD模型与MCNP模型之间的相互转换,且提供了模型建立、预处理、属性分析等基本功能和计算结果可视化及基于医学映像建模接口等扩展功能.全面系统地介绍了MCAM的设计思想与原理、总体结构、主要功能和国际合作协议框架下的应用测试等情况.实践表明,它是一个实用的MCNP计算辅助工具和核设计与核分析质量保证工具.  相似文献   

Measurement of dose distribution in patients during radiotherapy is impossible. The Monte Carlo simulation is an alternative method for dose calculations. In routine radiotherapy, the source-to-surface distance(SSD)method is not practical for an isocentric unit because it requires numerous values of tissue–air ratios and inverse square law. Therefore, this method is time consuming. In this paper, the curves of relative depth doses were obtained for three different SSDs using the MCNP4C Monte Carlo simulation and approximated with a single curve called calibration curve. This curve was compared to the curve obtained by published data, differing in approximately 5% in the worst case. It was also observed that the obtained results were more accurate for distances between-5 and 10 cm from source-to-axis distance.  相似文献   

刘立坡  刘义保 《核技术》2007,30(8):672-674
针对某一特定元素的特征X射线进行探测,激发源能量的选择是重要指标之一.本文利用蒙特卡罗的MCNP4C程序,研究分析不同能量的激发源对铁、铜、银特征X射线激发效率的影响,并与实测数据进行比较,结果符合实际情况,表明能够利用蒙特卡罗模拟设计最佳特征X射线探测系统.  相似文献   

A theoretical model of the emergency shutdown system for the high-temperature pebble-bed nuclear reactor is presented. The stochastic trajectory of an absorbent ball has been described as a fall with ‘absorption’ along the vertical axis and with planar diffusion in the horizontal directions. Small samples of the random packing of hard spheres and the absorbent balls' trajectories in them have been simulated by the direct Monte Carlo method. The values of model parameters have been estimated from the simulated distributions of the absorbent balls' displacement vectors. The estimated values agree qualitatively with experimental data.  相似文献   

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