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Posttranslational modification of yeast glycoproteins with alpha 1,3-linked mannose is initiated within a Golgi compartment analogous to the medial Golgi cisternae of higher eukaryotes. We have characterized the synthesis, posttranslational modification, and localization of the yeast alpha 1,3 mannosyltransferase (Mnn1p) using antibodies prepared against a segment of this protein expressed in bacteria. Mnn1p is initially synthesized as a 98.5-kD, type II integral membrane glycoprotein that is modified with both N- and O-linked oligosaccharides. It is subject to a slow, incremental increase in molecular mass that is dependent upon protein transport to the Golgi complex. Self-modification of Mnn1p with alpha 1,3 mannose epitopes, primarily on O-linked oligosaccharides, is at least partly responsible for the incremental increase in molecular mass. Mnn1p is a resident protein of the Golgi complex and colocalizes with guanosine diphosphatase to at least two physically distinct Golgi compartments by sucrose gradient fractionation, one of which may be a late Golgi compartment that also contains the Kex2 endopeptidase. Surprisingly, we found that a significant fraction of Mnn1p is mislocalized to the plasma membrane in a clathrin heavy chain temperature sensitive mutant while guanosine diphosphatase remains intracellular. A mutant Mnn1p that lacks the NH2-terminal cytoplasmic tail is properly localized to the Golgi complex, indicating that clathrin does not mediate Mnnlp Golgi retention by a direct interaction with the Mnn1p cytoplasmic tail. These results indicate that clathrin plays a broader role in the localization of Golgi proteins than anticipated.  相似文献   

The mannan structure found on the N-linked glycans of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is composed of a long backbone of alpha-1, 6-linked mannose to which are attached branches consisting of two alpha-1,2-linked mannoses followed by an alpha-1,3-linked mannose. In the mutants mnn2 and mnn5, the addition of the first and second of these two mannoses, respectively, is defective. In this paper, we report the identification of the genes corresponding to these mutations. The two genes encode closely related proteins with distant homology to the known Mnn1p alpha-1,3-mannosyltransferase. We show that these proteins are localized in an early compartment of the yeast Golgi and that they are not physically associated with each other or with the two protein complexes known to be involved in synthesizing the alpha-1,6-linked backbone. The identification of Mnn2p and Mnn5p allows us to assign Golgi proteins to all of the catalytic steps in S. cerevisiae mannan synthesis.  相似文献   

SNZ1, a member of a highly conserved gene family, was first identified through studies of proteins synthesized in stationary-phase yeast cells. There are three SNZ genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, each of which has another highly conserved gene, named SNO (SNZ proximal open reading frame), upstream. The DNA sequences and relative positions of SNZ and SNO genes have been phylogenetically conserved. This report details studies of the expression of the SNZ-SNO gene pairs under various conditions and phenotypic analysis of snz-sno mutants. An analysis of total RNA was used to determine that adjacent SNZ-SNO gene pairs are coregulated. SNZ2/3 and SNO2/3 mRNAs are induced prior to the diauxic shift and decrease in abundance during the postdiauxic phase, when SNZ1 and SNO1 are induced. In snz2 snz3 mutants, SNZ1 mRNA is induced prior to the diauxic shift, when SNZ2/3 mRNAs are normally induced. Under nitrogen-limiting conditions, SNZ1 mRNAs accumulate in tryptophan, adenine, and uracil auxotrophs but not in prototrophic strains, indicating that induction occurs in response to the limitation of specific nutrients. Strains carrying deletions in all SNZ-SNO gene pairs are viable, but snz1 and sno1 mutants are sensitive to 6-azauracil (6-AU), an inhibitor of purine and pyrimidine biosynthetic enzymes, and methylene blue, a producer of singlet oxygen. The conservation of sequence and chromosomal position, the coregulation and pattern of expression of SNZ1 and SNO1 genes, and the sensitivity of snz1 and sno1 mutants to 6-AU support the hypothesis that the associated proteins are part of an ancient response to nutrient limitation.  相似文献   

CCE1 is a DNA junction-resolving enzyme involved in the resolution of recombining mitochondrial DNA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The CCE1 gene was cloned by PCR, and the expressed protein purified to homogeneity. CCE1 was found to bind to four-way DNA junctions, with a strong structural selectivity. The enzyme binds DNA junctions as a dimer, with slow subunit exchange occurring in free solution. While CCE1 binds equally to synthetic four-way DNA junctions of any sequence, it exhibits pronounced sequence-selectivity in cleavage. Both fixed junctions and those capable of branch migration can be cleaved, with a preference for cleavage at the sequence 5'CT/. Cleavage of junctions tethered to adopt specific stacking isomers demonstrated that the target sequences are cleaved fivefold faster when located on a continuous strand compared to an exchanging strand.  相似文献   

We have identified the yeast sphingosine resistance gene (YSR2) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae as encoding a protein that specifically dephosphorylates dihydrosphingosine 1-phosphate (DHS-1-P), and we refer to this protein as dihydrosphingosine-1-phosphate phosphatase. Overexpression of YSR2 conferred sphingosine resistance to the dihydrosphingosine-1-P lyase-defective mutant (JS16) of S. cerevisiae, which is hypersensitive to sphingosine. The ysr2Delta deletion mutant of S. cerevisiae accumulated DHS-1-P compared with its wild type strain upon labeling with D-erythro-[4, 5-3H]dihydrosphingosine, whereas overexpression of YSR2 increased dephosphorylation of DHS-1-P. An epitope-tagged fusion protein (YSR2-Flag) was partially purified and found to specifically dephosphorylate DHS-1-P to yield dihydrosphingosine. YSR2 failed to dephosphorylate ceramide 1-phosphate or phosphatidic acid. Functionally, the mutant bearing the ysr2Delta deletion decreased labeling of sphingolipids and increased labeling of glycerolipids dramatically following in vivo labeling with D-erythro-[3H]dihydrosphingosine, but it slightly affected labeling of sphingolipids with inositol. Taken together, these results identify YSR2 as dihydrosphingosine-1-phosphate phosphatase. They also raise the intriguing possibility that phosphorylation followed by dephosphorylation is required for incorporation of exogenous long chain sphingoid bases into sphingolipids.  相似文献   

This work describes the phosphorylation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ras proteins and explores the physiological role of the phosphorylation of Ras2 protein. Proteins expressed from activated alleles of RAS were less stable and less phosphorylated than proteins from cells expressing wild-type alleles of RAS. This difference in phosphorylation level did not result from increased signaling through the Ras-cAMP pathway or reflect the primarily GTP-bound nature of activated forms of Ras protein per se. In addition, phosphorylation of Ras protein was not dependent on proper localization of the Ras2 protein to the plasma membrane nor on the interaction of Ras2p with its exchange factor, Cdc25p. The preferred phosphorylation site on Ras2 protein was identified as serine 214. This site, when mutated to alanine, led to promiscuous phosphorylation of Ras2 protein on nearby serine residues. A decrease in phosphorylation may lead to a decrease in signaling through the Ras-cAMP pathway.  相似文献   

The CKS1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a small essential protein shown to interact genetically and physically with the Cdc28 protein kinase. To investigate the specific functions of the CKS1 gene product, conditional temperature-sensitive mutant alleles were generated. The mutations were found to impair the ability of cells to undergo both the G1/S-phase and G2/M-phase transitions of the cell cycle, as well as the ability to bud. Mutants were not defective, however, in their ability to activate Cdc28 kinase as assayed in vitro on the substrate histone H1. It is likely, therefore, that Cks1 mediates a more specialized function of the Cdc28 kinase such as its ability to form specific multimeric complexes or to localize properly in cellular compartments.  相似文献   

Addition of ammonium ions to yeast cells growing on proline as the sole nitrogen source induces rapid inactivation and degradation of the general amino acid permease Gap1 through a process requiring the Npi1/Rsp5 ubiquitin (Ub) ligase. In this study, we show that NH4+ induces endocytosis of Gap1, which is then delivered into the vacuole where it is degraded. This down-regulation is accompanied by increased conversion of Gap1 to ubiquitinated forms. Ubiquitination and subsequent degradation of Gap1 are impaired in the npi1 strain. In this mutant, the amount of Npi1/Rsp5 Ub ligase is reduced >10-fold compared with wild-type cells. The C-terminal tail of Gap1 contains sequences, including a di-leucine motif, which are required for NH4+-induced internalization and degradation of the permease. We show here that mutant Gap1 permeases affected in these sequences still bind Ub. Furthermore, we provide evidence that only a small fraction of Gap1 is modified by Ub after addition of NH4+ to mutants defective in endocytosis.  相似文献   

The proteasome is a multisubunit protease responsible for degrading proteins conjugated to ubiquitin. The 670-kDa core particle of the proteasome contains the proteolytic active sites, which face an interior chamber within the particle and are thus protected from the cytoplasm. The entry of substrates into this chamber is thought to be governed by the regulatory particle of the proteasome, which covers the presumed channels leading into the interior of the core particle. We have resolved native yeast proteasomes into two electrophoretic variants and have shown that these represent core particles capped with one or two regulatory particles. To determine the subunit composition of the regulatory particle, yeast proteasomes were purified and analyzed by gradient sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Resolution of the individual polypeptides revealed 17 distinct proteins, whose identities were determined by amino acid sequence analysis. Six of the subunits have sequence features of ATPases (Rpt1 to Rpt6). Affinity chromatography was used to purify regulatory particles from various strains, each of which expressed one of the ATPases tagged with hexahistidine. In all cases, multiple untagged ATPases copurified, indicating that the ATPases assembled together into a heteromeric complex. Of the remaining 11 subunits that we have identified (Rpn1 to Rpn3 and Rpn5 to Rpn12), 8 are encoded by previously described genes and 3 are encoded by genes not previously characterized for yeasts. One of the previously unidentified subunits exhibits limited sequence similarity with deubiquitinating enzymes. Overall, regulatory particles from yeasts and mammals are remarkably similar, suggesting that the specific mechanistic features of the proteasome have been closely conserved over the course of evolution.  相似文献   

In budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae CDC45 is an essential gene required for initiation of DNA replication. A structurally related protein Tsd2 is necessary for DNA replication in Ustilago maydis. We have identified and cloned the gene for a human protein homologous to the fungal proteins. The human gene CDC45L is 30 kilobases long and contains 15 introns. The 16 exons encode a protein of 566 amino acids. The human protein is 52 and 49.5% similar to CDC45p and Tsd2p, respectively. The level of CDC45L mRNA peaks at G1-S transition, but total protein amount remains constant throughout the cell cycle. Consistent with a role of CDC45L protein in the initiation of DNA replication it co-immunoprecipitates from cell extracts with a putative replication initiator protein, human ORC2L. In addition, subcellular fractionation indicates that the association of the protein with the nuclear fraction becomes labile as S phase progresses. The CDC45L gene is located to chromosome 22q11.2 region by cytogenetics and by fluorescence in situ hybridization. This region, known as DiGeorge syndrome critical region, is a minimal area of 2 megabases, which is consistently deleted in DiGeorge syndrome and related disorders. The syndrome is marked by parathyroid hypoplasia, thymic aplasia, or hypoplasia and congenital cardiac abnormalities. CDC45L is the first gene mapped to the DiGeorge syndrome critical region interval whose loss may negatively affect cell proliferation.  相似文献   

The solution structure of oxidized Saccharomycescerevisiae Cys102Ser iso-1-cytochromechas been determined using 1361 meaningful NOEs (of 1676 total) after extending the published proton assignment [Gao, Y., et al. (1990) Biochemistry 29, 6994-7003] to 77% of all proton resonances. The NOE patterns indicate that secondary structure elements are maintained upon oxidation in solution with respect to the solid state and solution structures of the reduced species. Constraints derived from the pseudocontact shifts [diamagnetic reference shift values are those of the reduced protein [Baistrocchi, P., et al. (1996) Biochemistry 35, 13788-13796]] were used in the final stages of structure calculations. After restrained energy minimization with constraints from NOEs and pseudocontact shifts, a family of 20 structures with rmsd values of 0.58 +/- 0.08 and 1.05 +/- 0.10 A (relative to the average structure) for the backbone and all heavy atoms, respectively, was obtained. The solution structure is compared with the crystal structure and the structures of related systems. Twenty-six amide protons were detected in the NMR spectrum 6 days after the oxidized lyophilized protein was dissolved in D2O (pH 7.0 and 303 K); in an analogous experiment, 47 protons were observed in the spectrum of the reduced protein. The decrease in the number of nonexchanging amide protons, which mainly are found in the loop regions 14-26 and 75-82, confirms the greater flexibility of the structure of oxidized cytochrome c in solution. Our finding of increased solvent accessibility in these loop regions is consistent with proposals that an early step in unfolding the oxidized protein is the opening of the 70-85 loop coupled with dissociation of the Met80-iron bond.  相似文献   

Expression of S cerevisiae RNase H1 in E coli leads to the formation of a proteolytic product with a molecular mass of 30 kDa that is derived from the 39-kDa full length protein. The 30-kDa form retains RNase H1 activity, as determined by renaturation gel assay. The amount of proteolysis observed depends on the procedure used in preparing the cell extracts for protein analysis. The cleavage site on the amino acid sequence of the 39-kDa RNase H1 was determined by N-terminal sequence analysis of the 30-kDa proteolytic form. The cut occurs between two arginines located at the amino terminus region of the protein. The pattern of proteolysis was examined for both the wild-type RNase H1 and a mutant RNase H1 that was constructed in this work. In the mutant the second arginine of the cleavage site was changed to a lysine. Comparisons of the expression of the wild-type and altered protein in two different E coli strains demonstrate that the protease responsible for the degradation has a specificity very similar to that of the OmpT protease. However, the proteolysis observed in an OmpT background in extracts, prepared by boiling the cells in SDS containing buffer, indicates that the protease may, unlike OH108.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylglycerophosphate (PG-P) synthase catalyzes the synthesis of PG-P from CDP-diacylglycerol and sn-glycerol 3-phosphate and functions as the committed and rate-limiting step in the biosynthesis of cardiolipin (CL). In eukaryotic cells, CL is found predominantly in the inner mitochondrial membrane and is generally thought to be an essential component of many mitochondrial functions. We have determined that the PEL1 gene (now renamed PGS1), previously proposed to encode a second phosphatidylserine synthase of yeast (Janitor, M., Jarosch, E., Schweyen, R. J., and Subik, J. (1995) Yeast 13, 1223-1231), in fact encodes a PG-P synthase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Overexpression of the PGS1 gene product under the inducible GAL1 promoter resulted in a 14-fold increase in in vitro PG-P synthase activity. Disruption of the PGS1 gene in a haploid strain of yeast did not lead to a loss of viability but did result in a dependence on a fermentable carbon source for growth, a temperature sensitivity for growth, and a petite lethal phenotype. The pgs1 null mutant exhibited no detectable in vitro PG-P synthase activity and no detectable CL or phosphatidylglycerol (PG); significant CL synthase activity was still present. The growth arrest phenotype and lack of PG-P synthase activity of a pgsA null allele of Escherichia coli was corrected by an N-terminal truncated derivative of the yeast PG-P synthase. These results unequivocally demonstrate that the PGS1 gene encodes the major PG-P synthase of yeast and that neither PG nor CL are absolutely essential for cell viability but may be important for normal mitochondrial function.  相似文献   

The AIDS-associated Mycoplasma penetrans is capable of inducing its own uptake by non-phagocytic cells. This study investigated the invasion of HeLa cells and its consequences by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Invasion was dependent on the duration of infection and temperature, diminished by inhibiting microfilament assembly with cytochalasin D and almost completely abolished by disorganising microtubules with vinblastine or taxol. After a short infection period (< 20 min), pronounced activation of protein kinase C was detected in host cells, whereas prolonged infection resulted in intensive vacuolation of the host cells and a pronounced increment in intracellular organic peroxide levels. A marked decrease in the extent of vacuolation was observed when peroxide accumulation was partially prevented by alpha-tocopherol. The possibility that M. penetrans entry into HeLa cells involves the activation of protein kinases and the recruitment of cytoskeleton components is discussed.  相似文献   

The properties of the N-glycan processing glycosidases located in the endoplasmic reticulum of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are described. alpha-Glucosidase I encoded by CWH41 cleaves the terminal alpha1, 2-linked glucose and alpha-glucosidase II encoded by ROT2 removes the two alpha1,3-linked glucose residues from the Glc3Man9GlcNAc2 oligosaccharide precursor while the alpha1,2-mannosidase encoded by MNS1 removes one specific mannose to form a single isomer of Man8GlcNAc2. Although trimming by these glycosidases is not essential for the formation of N-glycan outer chains, recent studies on mutants lacking these enzymes indicate that alpha-glucosidases I and II play an indirect role in cell wall beta1,6-glucan formation and that the alpha1,2-mannosidase is involved in endoplasmic reticulum quality control. Detailed structure-function studies of recombinant yeast alpha1,2-mannosidase are described that serve as a model for other members of this enzyme family that has been conserved through eukaryotic evolution.  相似文献   

Movement of material between intracellular compartments takes place through the production of transport vesicles derived from donor membranes. Vesicle budding that results from the interaction of cytoplasmic coat proteins (coatomer and clathrin) with intracellular organelles requires a type of GTP-binding protein termed ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF). The GTPase cycle of ARF proteins that allows the uncoating and fusion of a transport vesicle with a target membrane is mediated by ARF-dependent GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs). A previously identified yeast protein, Gcs1, exhibits structural similarity to a mammalian protein with ARF-GAP activity in vitro. We show herein that the Gcs1 protein also has ARF-GAP activity in vitro using two yeast Arf proteins as substrates. Furthermore, Gcs1 function is needed for the efficient secretion of invertase, as expected for a component of vesicle transport. The in vivo role of Gcs1 as an ARF GAP is substantiated by genetic interactions between mutations in the ARF1/ARF2 redundant pair of yeast ARF genes and a gcs1-null mutation; cells lacking both Gcs1 and Arf1 proteins are markedly impaired for growth compared with cells missing either protein. Moreover, cells with decreased levels of Arf1 or Arf2 protein, and thus with decreased levels of GTP-Arf, are markedly inhibited for growth by increased GCS1 gene dosage, presumably because increased levels of Gcs1 GAP activity further decrease GTP-Arf levels. Thus by both in vitro and in vivo criteria, Gcs1 is a yeast ARF GAP.  相似文献   

Aerobic repression of the hypoxic genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is mediated by the DNA-binding protein Rox1 and the Tup1/Ssn6 general repression complex. To determine the DNA sequence requirements for repression, we carried out a mutational analysis of the consensus Rox1-binding site and an analysis of the arrangement of the Rox1 sites into operators in the hypoxic ANB1 gene. We found that single base pair substitutions in the consensus sequence resulted in lower affinities for Rox1, and the decreased affinity of Rox1 for mutant sites correlated with the ability of these sites to repress expression of the hypoxic ANB1 gene. In addition, there was a general but not complete correlation between the strength of repression of a given hypoxic gene and the compliance of the Rox1 sites in that gene to the consensus sequence. An analysis of the ANB1 operators revealed that the two Rox1 sites within an operator acted synergistically in vivo, but that Rox1 did not bind cooperatively in vitro, suggesting the presence of a higher order repression complex in the cell. In addition, the spacing or helical phasing of the Rox1 sites was not important in repression. The differential repression by the two operators of the ANB1 gene was found to be due partly to the location of the operators and partly to the sequences between the two Rox1-binding sites in each. Finally, while Rox1 repression requires the Tup1/Ssn6 general repression complex and this complex has been proposed to require the aminoterminal regions of histones H3 and H4 for full repression of a number of genes, we found that these regions were dispensable for ANB1 repression and the repression of two other hypoxic genes.  相似文献   

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