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This report presents a stable and convergent finite element scheme for the approximate deconvolution turbulence models (ADM). The ADM is a popular turbulence model intensely studied lately but the computation of its numerical solution raises issues in terms of efficiency and accuracy. This report addresses this question. The proposed scheme presented herein is based on a new interpretation of the ADM model recently introduced by the author. Following this interpretation, the solution of the ADM is viewed as the average of a perturbed Navier–Stokes system. The scheme uses the Crank–Nicolson time discretization and the finite element spatial discretization and is proved to be stable and convergent provided a moderate choice of the time step is made. Numerical tests to verify the convergence rates and performance on a benchmark problem are also provided and they prove the correctness of this approach to numerically solve the ADM.  相似文献   

In near-wall turbulence modeling it is required to resolve a thin layer nearby the solid boundary, which is characterized by high gradients of the solution. An accurate enough resolution of such a layer can take most computational time. The situation even becomes worse for unsteady problems. To avoid time-consuming computations, a new approach is developed, which is based on a non-overlapping domain decomposition. The boundary condition of Robin type at the interface boundary is achieved via transfer of the boundary condition from the wall. For the first time interface boundary conditions of Robin type are derived for a model nonstationary equation which simulates the key terms of the unsteady boundary layer equations. In the case of stationary solutions the approach is automatically reduced to the technique earlier developed for the steady problems. The considered test cases demonstrate that unsteady effects can be significant for near-wall domain decomposition. In particular, they can be important in the case of the wall-function-based approach.  相似文献   

The treatment of inlet conditions for LES is a complex problem, but of extreme importance as, in many cases, the fluid behaviour within the domain is determined in large part by the inlet behaviour. The reason why it is so difficult to formulate inlet conditions is because the inlet flow must include a stochastically-varying component: ideally this component should ‘look’ like turbulence whilst at the same time be as simple as possible to implement and modify. We review methods for accomplishing this reported in the literature, these being ‘precursor simulation’ methods and ‘synthesis’ methods, and implement our own novel versions of these using the code OpenFOAM. Conclusions have been drawn about the relative merits of the different approaches, based on the physical realism of the results and the ease of construction and use.  相似文献   

The development and assessment of spectral turbulence models requires knowledge of the spectral turbulent kinetic energy distribution as well as an understanding of the terms which determine the energy distribution in physical and wave number space. Direct numerical simulation (DNS) of turbulent channel flow yields numerical “data” that can be, and was, analyzed using a spatial Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to obtain the various spectral turbulent kinetic energy balance terms, including the production, dissipation, diffusion, and the non-linear convective transfer terms.  相似文献   

利用大涡模拟(Large Eddy Simulation,LES)方法对某轿车的侧窗风振噪声进行计算,其结果与整车道路测试实验结果吻合良好.对相应流场下的车窗进行结构振动特性计算,结果表明汽车高速行驶时车窗结构受内外气流影响会产生微米级的振动.据此振动结果,运用边界元法(Boundary Element Method,BEM)模拟车内辐射声场分布、场点声压频率响应以及车窗板件声学贡献量,结果表明汽车开窗高速行驶时,风振噪声是汽车高速行驶时驾驶员耳旁噪声的主要来源,但在某些频率下车窗辐射声场会有明显的声学响应,其中后窗的辐射声压贡献量占主要部分,开启的侧窗声学贡献量要高于其他侧窗的声学贡献量.  相似文献   

Turbulent flow past a square cylinder confined in a channel is numerically investigated by large eddy simulation (LES). The main objectives of this study are to extensively verify the experimental results of Nakagawa et al. [Exp. Fluids 27(3) (1999) 284] by LES and to identify the features of flows past a square cylinder confined in a channel in comparison with the conventional one in an infinite domain. The LES results obtained are in excellent agreement with the experiment both qualitatively and quantitatively. The well-known Kármán vortex shedding is observed. However, the vortices shed from the cylinder are significantly affected by the presence of the plates; mean drag and fluctuation of lift force increase significantly. Furthermore, periodic and alternating vortex-rollups are observed in the vicinity of the plates. The rolled-up vortex is convected downstream together with the corresponding Kármán vortex; they form a counter-rotating vortex pair. It is also revealed that the cylinder greatly enhances mixing process of the flow.  相似文献   

An LES/FDF model was developed by the authors to investigate the SGS effect on the particle motion in the gas-particle two-phase plane wake flow.The simulation results of dispersion rate for different particles were compared with the results without using the FDF model.It was shown that the large eddy structure is the dominant factor influencing the particle diffu-sion in space for small particles(small Stokes-number particles),but for intermediate or large diameter particles,the influence of the sub-grid s...  相似文献   

An entirely new approach to the large-eddy simulation (LES) of high-speed compressible turbulent flows is presented. Subgrid scale stress models are proposed that are dimensionless functions of the computational mesh size times a Reynolds stress model. This allows a DNS to go continuously to an LES and then a Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) computation as the mesh becomes successively more coarse or the Reynolds number becomes much larger. Here, the level of discretization is parameterized by the nondimensional ratio of the computational mesh size to the Kolmogorov length scale. The Reynolds stress model is based on a state-of-the-art two-equation model whose enhanced performance is documented in detail in a variety of benchmark flows. It contains many of the most recent advances in compressible turbulence modeling. Applications to the high-speed aerodynamic flows of technological importance are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Large eddy simulation (LES) is a promising technique for accurate prediction of turbulent free shear flows in a wide range of applications. Here the LES technique has been applied to study the intermittency in a high Reynolds number turbulent jet with and without a bluff body. The objective of this work is to study the turbulence intermittency of velocity and scalar fields and its variation with respect to different inlet conditions. Probability density function distributions (pdf) of instantaneous mixture fraction and velocity have been created from which the intermittency has been calculated. The time averaged statistical results for a round jet are first discussed and comparisons of velocity and passive scalar fields between LES calculations and experimental measurements are seen to be good. The calculated probability density distributions show changes from a Gaussian to a delta function with increased radial distance from the jet centreline. The effect of introducing a bluff body into the core flow at the inlet changes the structure of pdfs, but the variation from Gaussian to delta distribution is similar to the jet case. However, the radial variation of the intermittency indicates differences between the results with and without a bluff body at axial locations due the recirculation zone created by the bluff body.  相似文献   

人群是复杂的系统,能够产生连续的事件和行为,同时群体危机或灾难是群体系统自身状态渐近演化,逐步累积的结果。在计算机视觉和智能监控领域,以往的研究主要集中于对个体目标跟踪和动作识别与理解及相关分割算法,对群体的运动和行为的研究还不丰富,即对于群体运动和状态发展的特殊性的关注。本文的研究目的是使用社会力模型建立模型,探索群体系统状态演进过程的规律、提供预报提高应急措施的效率,将群体危机或灾难消除在萌芽阶段。  相似文献   

该文面向空间机器人遥操作,应用三维预测仿真和遥传感器反馈监控技术,建构了遥操作机器人的客户端仿真系统.实现了简单的柔顺力控制操作的仿真.操作员通过仿真系统面向的虚拟环境离线编程,实现对遥操作任务的预演.同时基于遥传感器反馈信息的识别,实现了对远端任务执行进程的监控和状态流图显示.在模拟的大时延情况下,操作员能够在客户端通过局域网控制实验室中的机器人完成精密插孔装配等任务.为进行大时延遥操作提供了算法实验平台.  相似文献   

Large Eddy Simulations are used to model a turbulent confined coannular combustor and examine the effects of swirl on the flow field and mixing. Three separate simulations with relatively high mesh resolutions and different swirl numbers have been carried out using a finite volume method on a Cartesian non-uniform structured grid. A localised dynamic Smagorinsky model is used to parameterize the sub-grid scale turbulence. The snapshots of the axial and swirl velocities and velocity vector fields show the complex flow patterns developing with increased swirl number and the rapid decay of axial momentum. Precessing vortex cores (PVC) were identified for all three cases and the mean axial velocity plots indicate that the upstream extremity of the vortex breakdown bubble shifts towards the inlet as the swirl number increases. The calculated power spectra indicate the distinct precession frequency for high swirl number. Probability density functions of axial velocity showed the changes of their distributions from approximately Gaussian to non-Gaussian with increased swirl number. The swirl has a large effect on the rate of decay of the axial velocity throughout the domain, whereas only has a significant effect on the decay of swirl velocity in the near field close to the jet inlet. The relation between swirl number and the axial extent of the recirculation zone is approximately linear. Radial plots of mean passive scalar and its variance also demonstrate an increase in the rate of mixing with increasing swirl number.  相似文献   

This paper presents a computational study of the separated flow in a planar asymmetric diffuser. The steady RANS equations for turbulent incompressible fluid flow and six turbulence closures are used in the present study. The commercial software code, FLUENT 6.3.26, was used for solving the set of governing equations using various turbulence models. Five of the used turbulence models are available directly in the code while the v2f turbulence model was implemented via user defined scalars (UDS) and user defined functions (UDF). A series of computational analysis is performed to assess the performance of turbulence models at different grid density. The results show that the standard kω, SST kω and v2f models clearly performed better than other models when an adverse pressure gradient was present. The RSM model shows an acceptable agreement with the velocity and turbulent kinetic energy profiles but it failed to predict the location of separation and attachment points. The standard kε and the low-Re kε delivered very poor results.  相似文献   

A novel near-wall eddy-viscosity formulation for Large-eddy simulation (LES) has been used to compute high Reynolds number channel flows up to Reτ = 1,000,000. These computations allow an insight into what turbulence information is retained when LES with a wall model is applied to such high Reynolds numbers. Detailed results are presented for the mean and rms velocities, as well as energy spectra. It is observed that, when an appropriate scaling is used, the rms velocities, energy spectra and the production of turbulence kinetic energy are weakly Reynolds number dependent at these high Reynolds numbers.  相似文献   

We develop a numerical model for large eddy simulation of turbulent heat transport in the Strait of Gibraltar. The flow equations are the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations including Coriolis forces and density variation through the Boussinesq approximation. The turbulence effects are incorporated in the system by considering the Smagorinsky model. As a numerical solver we propose a finite element semi-Lagrangian method. The solution procedure consists of combining a non-oscillatory semi-Lagrangian scheme for time discretization with the finite element method for space discretization. Numerical results illustrate a buoyancy-driven circulations along the Strait of Gibraltar and the sea-surface temperature is flushed out and move to northeast coast. The Ocean discharge and the temperature difference are shown to control the plume structure.  相似文献   

One- and two-equation, low-Reynolds eddy-viscosity turbulence models are employed in the context of a primitive variable, finite volume, Navier-Stokes solver for unstructured grids. Through the study of the complex flow in a controlled-diffusion compressor cascade at off-design conditions, the ability of the models under consideration to predict the laminar separation bubble close to the leading edge and the boundary layer development is investigated. In order to control the unphysical growth of turbulent kinetic energy near the leading edge stagnation point, appropriate modifications to the conventional models are employed and tested. All of them improve the leading edge flow patterns and significantly affect the size of the predicted laminar separation bubble. The use of an adequately refined mesh around the airfoil, that is formed by triangles placed in a quasi-structured way, allows for the generation of grid elements of moderate aspect ratios. This helps to readily overcome any relevant problems of accuracy; a second-order upwind scheme without flux limiters or least squares approximations is successfully employed for the gradients. The test case includes quasi-3D effects by considering the streamtube thickness variation in the governing equations.  相似文献   

An algebraic-Q4 turbulent eddy viscosity model expresses the eddy viscosity as a solution of a quartic (Q4) equation. The model is applied to numerical simulation of developing turbulent flow in the inlet region of a smooth pipe. Predictions of the flow characteristics, such as velocity profiles accross and along a pipe, pressure drop along a pipe are found in good agreement with experimental data.  相似文献   

A spectral analysis and a multiscale study are performed on the numerical data obtained from direct numerical simulation and large-eddy simulation of the turbulent flow in a cubical lid-driven cavity. The analyzed data or signals are picked at three specific points inside the cavity allowing to investigate three drastically different flow regimes over time: laminar, transitional and turbulent. In comparison with direct numerical simulation, large-eddy simulation not only have a reduced resolution in space but also in time. In this context a wavelet analysis is chosen to study signals from large-eddy simulation, to provide a ‘local’ analysis of transient turbulent events. A time-scale joint representation is generated by continuous wavelet transform and compared with the time-scale joint representation of the direct numerical simulation. In this framework, the main objective of this study is to confirm the correlation between the computed physical quantities and those expected theoretically.  相似文献   

有限空间舱室内墙壁火灾具有很大危害性,为研究火灾大涡仿真时不同新型亚格子模型的适用性,对半封闭实验舱室中墙火蔓延和火灾烟气运动过程进行了大涡仿真.分别采用常系数Smagorinsky模型、动力学Smagorinsky模型、Deardorff模型及Vreman模型等不同的亚格子模型与混合物分数燃烧模型结合,分析得到了舱室内烟气温度、主要组分浓度及地面辐射热流密度随时间的变化,将数值仿真得到的结果与实验测量结果进行了比较分析.结果表明,采用常系数Smagorinsky模型计算耗时最少,采用动力学Smagorinsky模型耗时最多.四个亚格子模型对主要组分浓度和辐射热流密度的预测精度基本相等,但Deardorff模型对烟气温度的预测结果与实验结果最接近,综合考虑仿真精度和计算耗时采用Deardorff模型最合适.  相似文献   

Environmental discharges have been traditionally designed by means of cost-intensive and time-consuming experimental studies. Some extensively validated models based on an integral approach have been often employed for water quality problems, as recommended by USEPA (i.e.: CORMIX). In this study, FLOW-3D is employed for a full 3D RANS modelling of two turbulent jet-to-crossflow cases, including free surface jet impingement. Results are compared to both physical modelling and CORMIX to better assess model performance. Turbulence measurements have been collected for a better understanding of turbulent diffusion's parameter sensitivity. Although both studied models are generally able to reproduce jet trajectory, jet separation downstream of the impingement has been reproduced only by RANS modelling. Additionally, concentrations are better reproduced by FLOW-3D when the proper turbulent Schmidt number is used. This study provides a recommendation on the selection of the turbulence model and the turbulent Schmidt number for future outfall structures design studies.  相似文献   

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