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This article reviews the hypothesis that mind wandering can be integrated into executive models of attention. Evidence suggests that mind wandering shares many similarities with traditional notions of executive control. When mind wandering occurs, the executive components of attention appear to shift away from the primary task, leading to failures in task performance and superficial representations of the external environment. One challenge for incorporating mind wandering into standard executive models is that it often occurs in the absence of explicit intention--a hallmark of controlled processing. However, mind wandering, like other goal-related processes, can be engaged without explicit awareness; thus, mind wandering can be seen as a goal-driven process, albeit one that is not directed toward the primary task. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The use of analogy in human thinking is examined from the perspective of a multiconstraint theory, which postulates 3 basic types of constraints: similarity, structure, and purpose. The operation of these constraints is apparent in laboratory experiments on analogy and in naturalistic settings, including politics, psychotherapy, and scientific research. The multiconstraint theory has been implemented in detailed computational simulations of the analogical human mind. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"What is most unique about man is that his growth as an individual depends upon the history of his species [as reflected in culture]… . the growth of the mind is always growth assisted from the outside… . What a culture does to assist the development of the powers of mind of its members is, in effect, to provide amplification systems… ." These are amplifiers of action, of the senses, and of thought processes. In considering the distinctiveness of man and his potentiality for further evolution: "The 5 great humanizing forces are… tool making, language, social organization, the management of man's prolonged childhood, and man's urge to explain… . [The] psychologist cannot alone construct a theory of how to assist cognitive development and cannot alone learn how to enrich and amplify the powers of a growing human mind." The task belongs to the whole intellectual community. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

H. A. Simon expresses his thanks for receiving the American Psychological Association citation for outstanding lifetime contribution to psychology. He describes cognitive psychology as a progressive science that, building on behaviorist and Gestalt foundations, has continually broadened and deepened the phenomena that it can predict and explain. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Addresses the question of whether the brain initiates behavior as the mind or self is said to do. This cannot be answered in the body-cum-brain, observed either introspectively or with instruments and methods of psychology. Two sciences that have a bearing on human behavior are discussed. These are physiology and a group of 3 sciences concerned with the variation and selection that determine the condition of the body-cum-brain at any moment: ethology, behavior analysis, and anthropology. Behavior analysis is the youngest of the 3 sciences and the only one to be studied at length in the laboratory. The roles of behaviorism and cognitive psychology in the development of the discipline of psychology are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Images in mind: The evolution of a theory by A. Paivio (see record 1991-98882-000). In this review I hope to capture some of the flavour of Images in Mind, in which Allan Paivio traces some of the signal events in the evolution of dual coding theory. I encourage each reader of the review to become a reader of the book. The main reward is a glimpse of the workings of a great mind, but there are practical benefits as well. I am reminded of an interview with Keith Richard of the Rolling Stones. When asked how he came up with so many songs, he replied that he just played through his "Buddy Holly Song Book," and something always came up. Reading papers by Paivio has the same effect on me; I can't read his work without many experiments "coming up." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

R. B. Zajonc comments that M. H. Birnbaum's (1980) one-factor proof that Zajonc's theoretical position can be rejected on scientific grounds is tenable only if 2 sets of important findings reported in the article are disregarded. Birnbaum's predilection for parsimony is misdirected in the analysis of the affect-cognition problem, for it pre-empts much of the research that needs to be carried out. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Brainy mind     

Deaf children aged 4 to 16 years were given a false-belief test of theory of mind. Although the children experienced difficulty with the test, relative to hearing children, confirming a report by Peterson and Siegal (1995), performance was age-related, with a significantly higher proportion of 13- to 16-year-olds passing the test. It was concluded that deaf children raised in a spoken language environment show a developmental delay in theory of mind acquisition. This delay is consistent with the assumption that their early opportunities for learning about mental states are relatively restricted and that the normal development of theory of mind is dependent upon such opportunities.  相似文献   

This article summarizes the literature on the religious mind and connects it to archeological and anthropological data on the evolution of religion. These connections suggest a three stage model in the evolution of religion: One, the earliest form of religion (pre-Upper Paleolithic [UP]) would have been restricted to ecstatic rituals used to facilitate social bonding; two, the transition to UP religion was marked by the emergence of shamanistic healing rituals; and, three, the cave art, elaborate burials, and other artifacts associated with the UP represent the first evidence of ancestor worship and the emergence of theological narratives of the supernatural. The emergence of UP religion was associated with the move from egalitarian to transegalitarian hunter-gatherers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Skin does more than present one's "face" to the world; it plays a vital role in the maintenance of physical and mental health. As our most ancient interface, skin retains the ability to respond to both endogenous and exogenous stimuli, sensing and integrating environmental cues while transmitting intrinsic conditions to the outside world. As such, it has long been a target for the application of both medical and nonmedical therapies of healthy and diseased states. Our understanding of how the skin and topical therapies affect health is in its infancy. Conversely, we known little of how our internal systems affect our skin. By exploring an elaborate web of neuro-immuno-cutaneous-endocrine (NICE) phenomena, we seek to shed light on the generally acknowledged, but inadequately defined, relationship between mental and physical health. We use skin as our window, noting some of the biological mediators linking nervous, immune, cutaneous, and endocrine functions. It is likely that these mediators are important in homeostasis, and that they affect several dermatologic and psychiatric conditions.  相似文献   

It is a well known fact that the haemoglobin concentration and haematocrit vary in proportion to one another in most clinical situations. Therefore routine, simultaneous measurement should not be necessary. In 400 consecutive patients' blood samples, a strong correlation between the two variables is demonstrated. Routine, simultaneous measurement of the haemoglobin concentration and haematocrit increases the workload and should be avoided.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that hypnosis techniques may have the potential to enhance eyewitness memory in forensic investigations. However, laboratory research shows that increases in recall with hypnosis techniques are often associated with decreases in accuracy, false confidence in incorrect information, and increased suggestibility to leading questions and misleading post-event information. These problems limit the usefulness of hypnosis as an interviewing procedure. However, in practical investigations, many factors associated with hypnosis, apart from the hypnotic induction itself, might lead to memory enhancement compared with standard police interviews. For example, hypnotic interviewers, because of their psychological, clinical, and interpersonal skills, may be better interviewers than police officers. They may use effective interviewing strategies such as those associated with the "cognitive interview"; a procedure which has the potential to enhance recall by approximately 35% without the problems of memory distortion associated with hypnosis. It is concluded, therefore, that a cognitive interview procedure should be used in preference to hypnosis.  相似文献   

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