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以蚕豆为试材,研究发芽过程中植酸酶在蚕豆不同部位的变化和性质.发芽蚕豆不同部位植酸酶活性呈现先高后低的变化趋势,子叶植酸酶在发芽第6天达最高值.超声波处理对发芽蚕豆胚根、子叶和胚芽植酸酶活性有一定促进作用,其中以15min超声波处理对胚根和胚芽植酸酶活性影响最大,5min处理、10min处理和15min处理均对子叶植酸酶活性有显著影响.在发芽过程中不同光照对蚕豆进行处理,不论胚根、子叶还是胚芽,黑暗处理植酸酶活性高于光照处理.核酸抑制剂放线菌素(Act-D)和蛋白质抑制剂环已酰胺(CHM)对发芽蚕豆胚根、子叶和胚芽中的植酸酶活性有一定影响,其中以CHM的抑制效果最为明显.  相似文献   

李欣  陈威  何敏 《食品工业科技》2014,(08):202-205
研究了热激处理和柠檬酸发芽介质对糙米的内源植酸酶活性的影响,并采用响应面设计优化了热激处理条件。结果表明,随着热激时间的延长,糙米中植酸酶的活性逐渐升高,达到峰值后下降。利用中心组合响应面设计实验,预测并验证的优化的热激和浸泡条件为,热激温度50℃,热激时间30min,浸泡时间6h。以2mmol/L柠檬酸缓冲液(pH5.2)作为发芽介质,植酸酶活性随着发芽时间的延长,先升高后下降;发芽3d,植酸酶活性达到最高值(241.27U/kg),高于原料糙米(115.57U/kg)。本工艺提高了发芽糙米的内源植酸酶活性,为开发糙米食品中降低植酸和保持营养价值的提供了基础数据。   相似文献   

热激处理和柠檬酸提高发芽糙米中植酸酶活性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李欣  陈威  何敏 《食品工业科技》2014,(8):202-205,209
研究了热激处理和柠檬酸发芽介质对糙米的内源植酸酶活性的影响,并采用响应面设计优化了热激处理条件。结果表明,随着热激时间的延长,糙米中植酸酶的活性逐渐升高,达到峰值后下降。利用中心组合响应面设计实验,预测并验证的优化的热激和浸泡条件为,热激温度50℃,热激时间30min,浸泡时间6h。以2mmol/L柠檬酸缓冲液(pH5.2)作为发芽介质,植酸酶活性随着发芽时间的延长,先升高后下降;发芽3d,植酸酶活性达到最高值(241.27U/kg),高于原料糙米(115.57U/kg)。本工艺提高了发芽糙米的内源植酸酶活性,为开发糙米食品中降低植酸和保持营养价值的提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

研究了酸性低氧胁迫和非胁迫条件下,蚕豆发芽过程中主要营养成分的变化,以及γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)的富集情况。结果表明:随着发芽时间的延长,胁迫和非胁迫条件下发芽5.5 d后,蚕豆蛋白含量分别提高了18%和3%,淀粉含量降低了19%和22%,还原糖分别比发芽前提高了157%和63%。胁迫条件下蚕豆GABA含量是原料的49.26倍,非胁迫条件下没有显著差异。因此,可以将酸性低氧胁迫下发芽的蚕豆用于生产富含GABA保健食品,可以显著蚕豆的经济价值。  相似文献   

大麦发芽过程中,发芽温度、浸麦水pH值及浸麦水中金属离子的种类和含量是影响大麦中植酸含量及植酸酶活力的重要因素。实验发现,当发芽温度为16℃时,植酸酶较高温和低温发芽更早的被激活,其活力达到4.032 8U/g(绝干),更加有利于植酸的分解;在浸麦水为中性条件下浸麦,植酸酶活力上升较快,植酸含量迅速下降;在浸麦期间添加Ca2+、Mg2和Fe3+等金属离子对植酸酶的活力有较大抑制作用。  相似文献   

主要研究了发芽对小麦淀粉的结构和性质的影响.从未发芽和发芽6、12、18、24、30 h的小麦中提取淀粉,用扫描电子显微镜来观察未发芽和发芽后的小麦淀粉的结构变化,并分析淀粉糊的透明度、凝沉性质、冻融稳定性以及淀粉颗粒的溶解度和膨胀度等变化.结果表明,发芽小麦淀粉中的B型淀粉的数量比发芽前有所增加,且部分A型淀粉的结构随发芽时间的增加结构遭到破坏.未发芽的小麦淀粉的黏度和透明度都高于发芽后的,而发芽后的小麦淀粉的水分、吸水率、溶解率、膨胀势和冻融稳定性都高于未发芽的.酸水解过程的前5d,发芽处理淀粉水解率比原淀粉小,之后水解率大于原小麦淀粉.  相似文献   

在不同储藏条件下,对小麦粉中植酸酶活性变化规律进行研究。采用储藏条件为:相对湿度分别是55%和70%,温度分别为10℃、15℃、20℃、25℃、30℃、35℃,以此进行小麦粉模拟储藏试验。结果表明,小麦粉植酸酶活性为先快速上升,而后趋于平稳,继而下降;温度、时间对酶活性影响极其显著;小麦粉中植酸酶作用有限,大多数磷都以有机磷形式存在。  相似文献   

4种不同品种蚕豆淀粉理化性质分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选取河北崇礼、青海马牙、云南白皮豆、云南透心绿4种高产优质蚕豆品种,对其淀粉的理化性质进行分析研究。结果表明:蚕豆淀粉颗粒呈(椭)圆或不规则球形、表面光滑,粒径在12~32μm,24h沉降积为30~32mL,透明度高于谷物淀粉、低于马铃薯淀粉,蚕豆淀粉一次冻融循环后即开始失水,持水力高于小扁豆和豌豆淀粉。蚕豆淀粉中直链淀粉含量(28%~34%)高于小扁豆和鹰嘴豆淀粉。  相似文献   

挤压膨化对发芽糙米理化性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
以发芽糙米为原料,分析了发芽糙米经过挤压膨化前后的淀粉、蛋白质和氨基酸组成等营养成分含量的变化,研究了挤压膨化对发芽糙米理化性质的影响。结果表明:挤压膨化后发芽糙米中的淀粉、蛋白质和脂肪含量弱有减少,还原糖含量增加,氨基酸含量和组成变化不明显。挤压膨化后,发芽糙米的吸水性和水溶性都分别比未膨化的高出1.28和0.78倍;容重明显降低,糊化度大幅提高;挤压膨化发芽糙米的RVA谱特征值中,热浆黏度、最终黏度和峰值时间较发芽糙米的升高,其他特征值均有所下降;发芽糙米经挤压膨化后变为网状多孔的结构。  相似文献   

研究发芽糙米生产过程中糙米所含抗营养因子植酸的变化规律,以发芽温度、发芽时间、浸泡时间、赤霉素浓度等工艺参数对产品植酸含量的影响进行了正交试验,试验结果表明:发芽温度和发芽时间对植酸含量的影响显著,发芽温度的提高和发芽时间的持续使糙米中植酸的含量逐步下降;通过发芽降低糙米植酸含量的最佳工艺参数组合为:发芽温度36℃、发芽时间34 h、浸泡时间12 h、赤霉素(GA3)浓度0.30 mg/L,此条件下发芽糙米产品中的植酸含量为3.22 mg/g.  相似文献   

发芽处理对蚕豆主要营养成分与抗营养因子的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究发芽处理对启豆2号蚕豆主要营养成分与抗营养因子含量的影响。对蚕豆发芽前后蛋白质、脂肪、淀粉、VC、氨基酸、植酸和单宁含量测定。结果表明:蚕豆在发芽1d时可溶性蛋白质含量显著增加,随后逐渐下降;粗脂肪和淀粉含量均呈下降趋势;发芽2d时VC含量显著增加,达到最大58.65mg/100g,随后逐渐下降,5d后VC含量仍高于未发芽的;发芽后1~2d蚕豆的氨基酸含量略有增加;发芽1d抗营养因子植酸含量下降了33.55%,随后平缓;发芽1d蚕豆的单宁含量增加到462.70mg/100g,2~3d增加比较平稳,5d急剧增加至1306.10mg/100g。可推知,将启豆2号蚕豆发芽1~2d的作为食用及加工的较佳时期。  相似文献   

Abstract: Two assays were conducted to investigate the changes of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) and azuki bean (Vigna angularis L.) phosphatases (phytase [Phy] and acid phosphatase [AcPh]) and the degradation of its substrates (inositol phosphate esters) during seed germination. The 1st assay was to establish the optimal germination conditions of faba bean and azuki bean to improve the endogenous phosphatases and increase the hydrolysis of phytate and, in the second assay, to determine the different lower phosphate esters of myo‐inositol produced during the germination process. In the 1st assay, seeds were soaked for 12 and 24 h and germinated for 3 and 5 d with and without the addition of gibberellic acid (GA3). In the second assay, seeds were soaked for 12 h and germinated for 1, 3, and 5 d with GA3. Phy (up to 3625 and 1340 U/kg) and AcPh (up to 9456 and 2740 U/g) activities, and inositol hexaphosphate (IP6) (8.23 and 7.46 mg/g), inositol pentaphosphate (IP5) (0.55 and 0.82 mg/g), and inositol tetraphosphate (IP4) (0.26 and 0.01 mg/g) were detected in ungerminated faba bean and azuki bean, respectively. The germination process caused a significant increase of Phy and AcPh activities in faba bean (up to 147% and 210%) and azuki bean (up to 211% and 596%) and a reduction in the phytate phosphorus content (up to 81% and 63%, respectively). Phytate phosphorus content was affected only by soaking time in the case of faba bean. Finally, during the course of germination, IP6 and IP5 were rapidly degraded in faba bean (88% and 39%) and azuki bean (55% and 56%), and IP4 was only a short‐living intermediate, which was increased during hydrolysis and degraded to inositol triphosphate. In this manner we could obtain a low‐phytate, endogenous phosphatase‐rich ingredient for enhancing human nutrition.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In vitro digestions were performed on faba bean flours with decreased phytate contents and on 2 dephytinized or nondephytinized faba bean fractions, a dehulled faba bean fraction, and a hull fraction with low and high fiber and tannin contents, respectively. In vitro bioavailability iron and zinc was defined as the relative amount of iron and zinc that became soluble after enzymatic treatment. Faba bean samples were sequentially digested with enzymes, including amylase, pepsin, pancreatin, and bile, under certain conditions following the enzymatic degradation procedure. Iron and zinc in vitro bioavailability of whole faba bean flours were significantly improved by phytate degradation, even if the phytate were not all degraded. Total dephytinization of dehulled faba bean led to an obvious increase in iron and zinc in vitro bioavailability, but that of hulls had no effect on either iron or zinc in vitro bioavailability. Fibers and tannins other than phytate are more important in chelating a high proportion of iron and zinc in faba bean hulls.  相似文献   

In Far East faba bean starch is always present in several food applications. But often the starch quality is low and knowledge of characteristic attributes do not exist. Therefore, we tried to isolate a faba bean starch with few impurities, and to analyse the starch quality with different types of techniques. Furthermore, a comparison between three cultivars (two Chinese and one German) should point to possible differences. The crude protein content of all isolated starches was lower than 0.3% dry matter. Particle size distribution of the starch granules was mainly between 20 and 40 μm diameter. Gelatinization range was between 56 and 81°C. Brabender viscograms showed very stable hot gels with no viscosity reduction during the hot phase. A gel filtration analysis of the starch molecules gave relevance to molecular weights of amylose between 100 and 200 × 103 MW. In spite of quite different genetic backgrounds and agricultural conditions the quality of the starches was not very different between the two Chinese and one German cultivars.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Faba bean is one of the important legumes in Asian countries. It is also a major source of micronutrients in many rural areas. Unfortunately, the bioavailability of iron from faba bean is low because it is present as an insoluble complex with food components such as phytic acid. The influence of soaking, germination and fermentation with the expectation of increasing the bioavailability of iron was investigated. RESULTS: Fermentation treatments were most effective in decreasing phytic acid (48–84%), followed by soaking at 10 °C after preheating (36–51%). Steeping faba beans for 24 h at 25 °C had the least effect on the removal of phytic acid (9–24%). With increased germination time at 30 °C, phytic acid progressively decreased from 9 to 69%. Most wet processing procedures, except soaking after wet preheating, caused losses of dry matter and iron (8–15%). In vitro iron solubility, as a percentage of total iron in soaked faba bean after dry preheating, was significantly higher than in raw faba bean (P < 0.05). Fermentation and germination did not have significant effects on the solubility of iron. CONCLUSION: The expected improvement of iron bioavailability levels due to lower phytic acid was not confirmed by increasing levels of in vitro soluble iron. Soaking, germination and fermentation can decrease phytic acid in faba bean. However, results from in vitro solubility measurement of iron showed little improvement of iron bioavailability in fermented and germinated faba beans over untreated raw faba beans (P < 0.05). It seems that componets of dietary fibre other than phytic acid are more important in binding iron. Probably, a complex association between dietary fibre and iron is the reason for the poor bioavailability of iron in faba bean. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Fresh and sun‐dried faba beans (Vicia faba L.) were cooked, stored for various times at 4 °C and analysed for available starch (AS), resistant starch (RS) and fibre‐associated resistant starch (FARS) contents as well as α‐amylolysis. Fresh beans required a shorter cooking time (25 min) than dried beans (158 min). Cooked fresh faba beans had a higher AS content than cooked dried faba beans. The AS content in both decreased during cold storage, with fresh beans showing a smaller decrease than dried beans with increasing storage time. Cooked fresh faba beans also had a higher total RS content than cooked dried faba beans, although a greater increase in RS content was recorded in the latter upon storage. Starch retrogradation was more prominent in cooked dried faba beans than in cooked fresh faba beans, as indicated by the consistently higher FARS content. The α‐amylolysis rate decreased with increasing storage time, i.e. long‐stored (72 h) cooked faba beans exhibited slower starch digestion, and differences were recorded between fresh and dried beans. The predicted glycaemic index ranged between 60.9 and 58.0% for cooked fresh faba beans and between 57.9 and 55.8% for cooked dried faba beans, which is suggestive of slow glucose release from starch in faba beans. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

黑豆发芽条件及其异黄酮提取物特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对黑豆发芽条件及其中异黄酮提取物特性进行了探讨。结果表明:黑豆最佳发芽条件为浸泡温度38℃、浸泡时间15h、发芽温度32℃、发芽时间50h;发芽黑豆中的异黄酮具有较高的清除羟自由基能力、清除超氧阴离子自由基能力和很好的抗油脂氧化能力;通过对异黄酮组分的测定可知,发芽后以葡糖苷(IFG)形式存在的异黄酮含量降低,以甙元(IFA)形式存在的异黄酮含量增加。  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to establish a suitable procedure by which favism‐inducing glycosides vicine and convicine could be completely removed from whole seeds of faba beans without distorting their shape or reducing their nutritive value. Detoxification procedures carried out were extraction by water or, 10 g l?1 acid solutions (acetic, citric and phosphoric acid) using stepwise or continuous soaking procedures. Three cultivars of the beans were used in the study. In the stepwise soaking procedures, the seeds were soaked in either water or acid solution at 40 °C for different periods while in the continuous flow techniques, the solutions were constantly passed through a seed reservoir under different time–temperature–flow rate conditions. Extraction of vicine and convicine increased with increasing temperature and period of soaking and/or continuous flow of soaking solutions. Neither stepwise soaking nor autoclaving could effectively remove the favism factors from the whole seeds. The best results were obtained with continuous flow soaking in tap water, giving vicine‐ and convicine‐free seeds. The protein contents of treated seeds were only slightly affected and their physical structure remained intact. Thus, it was concluded that the latter procedure was the method of choice for detoxification of dry whole seeds. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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