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渗碳钢残余应力场在接触疲劳滚压过程中的行为 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
就汽车齿轮渗碳钢,经不同工艺渗碳与强力喷丸处理后,对试件在接触应力作用下滚压过程中残余压应力场动态变化行为和接触疲劳性能进行了研究,结果表明,喷丸可使接触劳动强度提高,喷丸所引入的残余压应力场在滚压过程前基本不发生变化,是喷丸延长接触疲劳寿命原因之一,喷丸过程和随后的接触疲劳滚压过程同属在赫兹应力作用下的循环弹塑性应变过程。 相似文献
采用Gleeble 3800热模拟机、MTS拉伸实验机、LEO1450携带EBSD系统的扫描电镜与高倍电镜等对TRIP800进行了组织性能考察,并对其形变过程裂纹走向与断裂机理进行了观察分析。结果表明,实验钢退火加热温度为840 ℃,保温120 s后获得最优力学性能。其残余奥氏体晶粒主要分布在晶界处,且尺寸在3 μm以下。原位拉伸时,当试样裂纹尖端遇到残余奥氏体时,应力集中促使马氏体转变,裂纹尖端被钝化,产生TRIP效应。最后,试样断口中部为剪切断裂,边部为塑性断裂。 相似文献
为了开发适合980 ℃高温渗碳的齿轮钢,利用伪渗碳方法,研究了铌质量分数为0、0.036%、0.060%和0.100%的18Cr2Ni2Mo渗碳齿轮钢在930和980 ℃的晶粒粗化行为。结果表明,由于析出NbC钉扎晶界,铌微合金化可以显著细化试验钢在930和980 ℃奥氏体化后的晶粒尺寸,且随着铌质量分数增加,铌微合金化明显抑制试验钢在980 ℃长时间奥氏体化晶粒粗化倾向。添加0.100%Nb的18Cr2Ni2Mo齿轮钢在980 ℃奥氏体化20 h后,平均晶粒尺寸仍然在26 μm左右,适合于980 ℃高温长时间渗碳。 相似文献
对3种不同锰含量的高锰奥氏体钢进行了低温冲击实验,分析了其冲击变形行为.实验结果表明:在-196~20℃温度区间冲击时,w(Mn)=14.8%(1号)的高锰钢均为脆性断裂,冲击过程中发生了形变诱发塑性(TRIP效应);w(Mn)=33.0%(3号)的高锰钢,即使在-196℃冲击时,仍呈现出韧性断裂,冲击过程中出现了形变诱导孪晶(TWIP效应);w(Mn)=18.8%(2号)的高锰钢有韧脆转变区间,韧脆转变温度约为-80℃,在冲击过程中同时存在TRIP和TWIP效应.随冲击温度降低,TRIP和TWIP效应更显著. 相似文献
用扫描电镜分析了烧结钢在小能量多次冲击条件下的断口形貌。结果表明,晶粒间断裂和韧性断裂为两种主要断裂方式;韧性断裂所占的份额取决于烧桔钢中的碳含量、冷却速度及退火温度,即烧结钢中的珠光体数量决定统形韧窝的数量,在高碳时(如0.76%C),还出现解理断裂。 相似文献
用Gleeble-3800热模拟试验机模拟了09MnNiDR低温压力容器钢焊接临界粗晶区(intercritically reheated coarse-grained heat-affected zone),并对其进行了焊后热处理(post-welding heat treatment)工艺研究。采用力学性能检测及结构表征方法研究了热处理前后焊接临界粗晶区的力学性能及影响机制。试验分析表明,尺寸较大的MA岛(martensite-austenite island)是材料受力时裂纹的启裂源,是引起试验钢焊接临界粗晶区冲击韧性较差的主要原因。经过焊后热处理,临界粗晶区的冲击韧性明显改善,并且热处理温度工艺窗口(560~640℃)较宽。热处理后M-A岛的分解、碳化物的球化及大角度晶界对裂纹扩展的阻碍作用是韧性提高的主要原因。 相似文献
The effects of sulfur content and calcium addition on smooth axisymmetric tensile fracture ductility of case hardening steel DIN 18CrNiMo7-6 have been investigated. The quantitative metallographic analysis of sulfide inclusions and the correlations between sulfide inclusions and fracture ductility were examined. Sulfide inclusions were found to have deleterious effect on fracture ductility, whereas the effect can be offset to some extent by calcium-treatment due to less easily deforming of sulfides during hot-working. The product (AA·λAW) of sulfide inclusion area fraction (AA) and its area-weighted aspect ratio (λAW) can be used as a parameter to describe the effect of sulfide inclusions on fracture true strain. 相似文献
FEROQUENCH2000水基淬火液在钢管热处理的实践 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
天津钢管公司2001年以前在热处理工艺中使用的淬火介质是油和水,根据生产需要,热处理线工艺采用了水基淬火液,解决了环保问题,消除了火灾隐患,并根据实践对其应用范围进行了扩展,取得了显著的效果。 相似文献
Samples of three ultra-low carbon bake hardening (ULC-BH) steels (BH-0, BH-Mn, and BH-P) were prepared by two annealing processes followed by water quenching and overaging. The texture evolution in the as-treated steels was explored via EBSD and ODF, and the roles of Mn and P elements as well as heat treatment processes in the texture orientation and intensity were investigated. It is found that overaging significantly increases texture in- tensity of BH-0 and BH-Mn steel, while markedly hinders the texture development in BH-P steel. Based on the mi- crostructure analysis, it can be deduced that the texture variations in BH-0 and BH-Mn steels mainly contribute to carbide (in BH-0 and BH-Mn steels) and manganese containing compound (in BH-Mn steel) or partially to C segre- gation to dislocation, while the texture variation in BH-P steel is mainly caused by the P and C co-segregation formed during quenching. 相似文献
Xue Chunyang Yang Mengmeng Liu Peng Cheng Yuan Shang Xinchun Ren Xuechong 《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A》2022,53(10):3588-3603
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A - The objective of this work was to investigate the effect of temperature on the fracture behavior of EH47 high-strength steel, which is one of the... 相似文献
《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2013,52(4):437-447
AbstractTwo types of alloy steels (En 24 and En 52 steels) have been electro slag refined and the improvement in their mechanical properties has been assessed. ESR has improved the tensile ductility, plane strain fracture toughness, room temperature CVN energy, fatigue strength and has decreased fatigue crack growth rates. The K lc values for the ESR steel are nearly twice those estimated in the unrefined steel. Fatigue crack growth rates in region I and region III are found to be decreased considerably in the ESR steel while they are unaffected in region II. The improvement in the mechanical properties has been explained in terms of the removal of large sized nonmetallic inclusions and reduction in sulfur content in the ESR steel. Résumé Deux types d'aciers alliés (En 24 et En 52) ont été affinés par refusion sous laitier (ESR) et l'amélioration de leurs propriétés mécaniques a été évaluée. Le procédé ESR a amélioré la ductilité en traction, la ténacité en déformation plane, l' énergie CEV à température ambiante, la résistance à la fatigue et a diminué les taux de croissance des fissures de fatigue. Les valeurs de Klc des aciers ESR sont presque le double de celles estimees pour les aciers non affinés. Les taux de propagation des fissures de fatigue dans les domaines I et III sont considérablement moins élevés dans les aciers ESR alors qu'ils ne sont pas affectés dans la région II. L'amélioration des propriétés mécaniques a été expliquée en termes de l'enlèvement des inclusions non métalliques de taille importante et de la réduction de la teneur en soufre des aciers ESR. 相似文献
Two previous papers by the writers described the buckling and finite-displacement behavior of curved I-girder web panels subjected to pure bending, presented a theoretically pure analytical model, and presented equations that describe the reduction in strength due to curvature. This paper describes the buckling and finite-displacement behavior of curved web panels under combined bending and shear. Unlike straight girder web panels, the addition of shear in curved panels is shown to increase the transverse “bulging” displacement of the web prior to buckling. The accompanying decrease in moment carrying capacity is analyzed in a manner similar to that used for the combined bending and shear nominal strength interaction for straight girder design. Preliminary recommendations are made toward forming design criteria for curved webs. 相似文献