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~~C Builder下实现计算机的关机操作$北方自动控制技术研究所@孙春玲~~  相似文献   

C Builder是Builder公司推出的可视的、面向对象的C 集成开发系统.它使用了Miemsoft Windsws图形用户界面的许多先进特性和设计思想,采用了弹性的、可重用的和完整的面向对象的程序语言,把Windows编程的回调、句柄处理等复杂过程放在一个不可见的覆盖物下,它提供的可视化的窗体设计、对象观察器.组件板和代码编辑器,可以方催地选定所需要的对象组件,而对象的认定、  相似文献   

C++逆编译中库函数识别研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
逆编译系统中库函数识别是最基本的功能之一,而针对C++语言的逆编译研究相当少见。文章在库函数识别方面分析了C++语言与C语言的异同之处,归纳了C++库函数识别的要点,提出并实现了一个基于特征识别的算法,在部分库函数上进行实验并取得了成功。  相似文献   

褚诚云 《程序员》2008,(9):105-108
在C/C++程序中禁用危险的API,可以有效降低在代码中引入安全漏洞的可能。本文探讨了有关的机理和原则。  相似文献   

本文详细介绍了如何在Java中用C语言实现类的本地方法,以及如何在本地方法中访问对象的动态、静态域和调用对象的方法。  相似文献   

针对编译原理教学过程中存在的课程理论性强、理论与实际结合不紧密、学生初学困难等突出问题,结合C++这种面向过程与对象的高级程序设计语言,以"中间代码生成"为例,研究并提出一种适合编译原理课程的实例化教学模式,同时结合实例设计这种教学模式的实施方案,最后分析方案的适用性并说明教学效果。  相似文献   

介绍了C++Builder中超文本的制作方法,分析了编程难点,并针对难点给出解决办法。  相似文献   

在C++Builder中,通常我们都是事先创建好窗体,并在窗体上创建需要的控件.然而在一些软件编制过程中,我们有时却需要在程序执行过程中动态创建窗体,并在窗体上动态创建控件,同时为控件写函数。如何实现这项技术呢?我们可以采用这样的方法来实现:创建窗体时,只需要创建一个TForm类的实例就行了,如程序中frmNew=new TFrom(Application);动态创建窗体上的控件只要创建一个该控件类的一个实例对象,不过特别要注意的是,其父体应为该窗体对象,如创建按钮时,应这样创立btnOK=new TButton(frmNew),其中frmNew就是该控件所属窗…  相似文献   

在使用C++开发数据库相关的应用程序时,SQL语句的产生在程序编译期间并不会进行必要的检查。本文研究在编译期间使用C++编译器对关系代数运算作检查,由关系代数生成正确的SQL查询,将运行期SQL查询的部分检查工作提前到程序的编译期间处理。  相似文献   

介绍了VC++中使用MatlabC++数学函数库的方法,将VC++与Matlab结合用户发挥这两大软件的优势。  相似文献   

PARC++ is a system that supports object-oriented parallel programming in C++. PARC++ provides the user with a set of predefined C++ classes that can easily be used for the construction of parallel C++ programs. With the help of PARC++ objects, the programmer is able to create and start new processes (threads), to synchronize their activities (Blocklock, Monitor) and to manage communication via message passing (Mailbox). PARC++ is written in C++ and currently runs on top of the EMEX operating system on a FORCE machine with 11 processing elements and an EDS (European Declarative System) with 28 processing elements. The paper also contains information about the run-time system model, the implementation and some performance measurements.  相似文献   

H. J. MESSERSCHMIDT 《Software》1996,26(11):1197-1203
There are several problems associated with lists and list iterators in C++. Among these is the problem of iterator integrity. This paper analyses several popular texts and exposes these problems. It concludes with an example of a list and list iterator class in which these problems have been solved.  相似文献   

There is a strong prejudice against the friendship access control mechanism in C++. People claim that friendship breaks the encapsulation, reflects bad design, and creates too strong coupling. However, friends appear even in the most carefully designed systems, and if it is used judiciously (like using the attorney‐client idiom), they may be better choice than widening the public interface of the class. In this paper, we investigate how the friendship mechanism is used in C++ programs. We have made measurements on several open source projects to understand the current use of friends. Our results show various holes and errors in friend usage, like friend functions accessing only public members or not accessing members at all or the class, which declare friends has no private members at all. The results also show that friend functions actually use only a low percentage of the private members they were granted to access, which is a source of errors. These results have motivated us to propose a selective friend language construct for C++, which can restrict friendship only to well‐defined members. Such a new language element may decrease the degradation of encapsulation and significantly increase the diagnostic capacity of the compiler. We have created a proof‐of‐concept implementation based on the LLVM/Clang compiler infrastructure to show that such constructs can be established with a minimal syntactical and compilation overhead.  相似文献   

程序优化是提高程序运行效率的重要步骤,程序剖析是程序优化的第一步。对于串行语言,程序剖析代码是由编译器通过一个命令行开关自动插入。但是,大部分并行语言编译器都不具有这个功能。该文以并行C++语言的可移植的动态剖析程序(profiler)为例,从两方面对问题进行了论述:首先给出实现可移植动态剖析程序的一般方法;然后分析一个用于pC++插桩(Instrumentation)工具。  相似文献   

In my last column (see ibid., January/February 2001), I talked about a notational device for matrix algebra called tensor diagrams. This time I write some C++ code to symbolically evaluate these quantities. This gives me a chance to play with some as yet untried features in the C++ standard library, such as strings and standard template library (STL) container classes  相似文献   

Double dispatch is the ability to dynamically select a method not only according to the run‐time type of the receiver (single dispatch), but also according to the run‐time type of the argument. This mechanism unleashes the power of dynamic binding in object‐oriented languages, so enhancing re‐usability and separation of responsibilities. However, many mainstream languages, such as, e.g., C++ and Java, do not provide it, resorting only to single dispatch. In this paper we propose an extension of C++ (also applicable to other object‐oriented languages) that enables double dispatch as a language feature. This yields dynamic overloading and covariant specialization of methods. We define a translation from the new constructs to standard C++ and we present the preprocessor implementing this translation, called doublecpp . The translated code enjoys static type safety and implements the semantics of double dispatch by using only standard mechanisms of static overloading and dynamic binding, with minimal impact on the performance of the program. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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