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The analysis presented in this paper explores the effect of air inertia on the squeeze film air contact operation and assesses the contribution of air inertia to the mechanism of squeeze film formation. Derivation of the Reynolds equation containing inertia term for squeeze film air contact is outlined. An average inertia concept is used in dealing with inertia force across the squeeze film thickness. Numerical iteration is used in solving for the non-linear inertia term in the modified Reynolds equation. Results are compared with the performance of the squeeze film air contact without inertia.  相似文献   

Self-levitating sliding air contact   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A linear sliding contact with self-lifting capability due to squeeze film action was theoretically investigated. It was found that this type of contact can operate under a wide range of frequency and load conditions. Calculations for frequency of up to 4000 Hz and the mass of up to 800 g indicate that a air film with thickness of a few microns can be created.It is the unsymmetrical pressure distribution in a time period or positive mean film force that makes squeeze air film contact able of self-levitation. The mean film force is equal to the weight supported. A physical rationale for the load-carrying capacity of a squeeze air film is that because of the viscous resistance around contact boundary, the air is repeatedly compressed and expanded in the central part of the contact, which results in a positive mean film force.  相似文献   

In this paper, the effect of pressure dependent viscosity on the squeeze film characteristics between convex curved plates of a cosine form is presented. Micropolar fluid theory, which is a possible non-Newtonian model of a suspension of rigid particle additives, is applied to the study of the lubrication of cosine form convex curved plates. The modified Reynolds equation is solved for the fluid film pressure and then the cosine form by considering the exponential relationship in the viscosity variation. For iso-viscous lubricants, the effects of pressure dependent viscosities signify an increase in the values of the squeeze film pressure, the load capacity and the elapsed time. It provides useful information in designing the mechanisms of squeeze film plates for engineering application.  相似文献   

The validity of using the Reynolds equation for compressible squeeze film pressure was tested with computational fluid dynamics (CFD). A squeeze film air bearing was instrumented with pressure sensors and non-contacting displacement probes to provide transient measurements of film thickness and pressure. The film thickness measurements also provided input parameters to the numerical prediction. However, numerical results showed a larger load capacity than those suggested from the experimental results. Furthermore, the nonlinear time averaged positive pressure described by the Reynolds equation was not evident in the experimental study.  相似文献   

The pure squeeze thin film elastohydrodynamic lubrication (thin film EHL) motion of circular contacts with effects of surface forces taken into account is explored under constant load conditions. The difference between thin film EHL model and EHL model is apparent as the film thickness is thinner than 5 nm. The oscillation phenomena in pressure and film thickness come mainly from the action of solvation forces. The effects of surface forces become significant as the film thickness becomes thinner. Moreover, the viscosity is oscillatory due to its dependency on the hydrodynamic pressure which is affected by surface forces.  相似文献   

We study numerically the hydromagnetic squeeze film between two rotating disks using the numerical network simulation method. The external magnetic field, H, generates an induced magnetic field, B, with radial (Br), tangential (Bθ) and axial (Bz) components between the two disks, which rotate with different angular velocities, Ω1 and Ω2, and at time t are separated by a distance D(1−αt)1/2. The applied magnetic field at the lower disk is assumed to be zero. The conservation equations for mass, momentum and induced magnetic field are reduced to a set of ordinary differential equations using a series of transformations, in terms of four dependent variables, f (axial velocity), g (azimuthal velocity), m (axial magnetic field component) and n (azimuthal magnetic field component) and a single independent variable, η (dimensionless disk separation), with appropriate boundary conditions. The transformed ordinary differential equations have collective order of 10 and are shown to be controlled by rotational Reynolds number (R1), squeeze Reynolds number (R2=Rem/Bt), dimensionless parameter based on the magnetic force in the axial direction (R3), dimensionless parameter based on magnetic force strength in the azimuthal (tangential) direction (R4), magnetic Reynolds number (Rem), disk rotational velocity ratio (S) and Batchelor number (Bt). In the present study we examine the flow regime at various Batchelor numbers (for the case of unity value of the squeeze Reynolds number, Rem=Bt). Excellent comparison of NSM solutions is achieved with earlier analytical and shooting solutions. The present study finds applications in hydromagnetic lubrication of braking devices, slider bearings, rotating machinery, etc. Applications also arise in hydraulic shock absorbers employing electrically conducting liquids such as sodium where electro-magnetical braking of streams can be achieved in liquid metal cooled nuclear reactors for arresting control rods. Finally in the context of astronautical vehicles, the present study has applications in electromagnetic braking for potential spacecraft in planetary orbits.  相似文献   

The permanent magnetic bearing and the small-sized hydrodynamic spiral groove bearing are utilized as supports for the rotor of the energy storage flywheel system. The hydrodynamic bearing and the squeeze film damper do not need the oil cycle to remove the heat caused by friction because the friction loss is small. The linear dynamics model with four degrees of freedom is built to describe the vibration of the flywheel rotor-bearing system. The squeeze film dampers show good behavior in suppressing the vibration and improving the stability of the rotor-bearing system. The analytical solution of the dynamic characteristic coefficients of the squeeze film is achieved from Reynolds equation after some simplifications are taken. The numerical computation shows that the moment unbalance excites larger vibration of the rotor than the force unbalance. The upper damper plays an important role in helping the rotor pass its critical speed. The damping coefficient of the squeeze film dampers should be selected carefully. The flywheel arrived at the speed of 39,000 rpm and stored the energy of 308 Wh in the experiment. The calculated unbalance response is compared to the test response of the rotor storing quantities of kinetic energy. The comparison indicates that the dynamics model of the rotor-bearing-damper system is appropriate.  相似文献   

Experimental vibration responses of squeeze film dampers (SFDs) are obtained with four different central groove depths, two types of lubricant and various unbalance levels. Highly non-linear fluid stiffness and damping are observed, the damping being sensitively related to oil viscosity and unbalance. Existing oil film models are applied to predict the SFD behaviour. A special groove-two land model is able to predict the vibration behaviour of a very shallow grooved SFD and the conventional two-land theory is applicable to a SFD with a very deep groove. These observations provide useful guidelines for designing a shallow or deep grooved SFD-rotor assembly.  相似文献   

Direct and cross-coupled damping coefficients are developed for the 2π-film, π-film (Gumbel cavitation condition) and homogeneous two-phase mixture films in a squeeze film damper. The numerical simulation uses the CFD-ACE+ commercial software, which employs a finite volume method for the discretization of the Navier-Stokes equations (NSE). In order to determine the dynamic coefficients, the NSE is combined with a finite perturbation method applied to the ‘equivalent journal’ of the damper. It was found that for the 2π-film and the Gumbel conditions, the damping coefficients exhibit linear characteristics, while the homogeneous cavitation model yields nonlinear coefficients. Using the CFD-ACE+, the inertia/added mass coefficients are derived for the limiting cases of the short and long dampers, respectively. The first set of forces is calculated by setting the fluid density to its actual value. The second set of forces is calculated when the density of the fluid is set close to zero (1E-10 kg/m3), thus practically eliminating the effects of the inertia terms. Subtracting the two sets of forces from each other, allows the determination of the inertia component contribution and the corresponding inertia coefficients. By varying the density, dynamic viscosity and whirling speed, it was found that the inertia coefficients follow a single curve represented by a function dependent on the modified Reynolds number, Re*. The inertia coefficients presented in this study are compared with the ones reported by other researchers that used the modified Reynolds equation. Some differences were found between the NSE based results and the Reynolds equation based outcomes. This is attributed to the three-dimensional effects introduced by the totality of the terms comprised in the full NSE.  相似文献   

The paper describes a large load squeeze film damper (SFD) test rig, details measurements of dynamic loads inducing circular orbits conducted on a large clearance (c=0.250 mm) open ends centrally grooved SFD, and presents the identified experimental SFD force coefficients for operation at three static eccentricities. The rig has a bearing cartridge supported atop four elastic rods and a stationary journal, 0.127 mm in diameter. The damper consists of two parallel film lands, 12.7 mm in length, separated by a central groove, 6.35 mm 9.5 mm in depth. In the journal, three equally spaced holes, 120° apart, supply a light lubricant into the central groove and squeeze film lands. The experimental SFD force coefficients are compared to test results obtained earlier for a damper with the same film land lengths but with a smaller clearance (c=0.140 mm) and against predictions obtained from an advanced physical model that accounts for the flow field in the central groove and the interaction with the adjacent film lands. Dynamic pressures in the film lands and in the central groove are (not) surprisingly of the same order of magnitude. The central groove affects the dynamic forced response of the test damper to generate large direct damping coefficients, ~3.5 times those derived from classical lubrication formulas. Experimental added mass coefficients are ~7.4 times the predictive classical values. Predictions from an advanced model correlate well with the test data when using a shallow groove depth. The measurements and analysis advance knowledge on the dynamic forced performance of SFDs, point out to the limited value of simplistic predictive formulas, and validate the accuracy of a modern predictive tool.  相似文献   

Of recent years, a series of researches have shown that a circumferential feeding groove of squeeze film damper (SFD) has evident effect on fluid film forces in SFD. Therefore, the feeding groove also affects dynamic responses of a rotor in SFD. Present work studies the effect of the feeding groove on unbalance response of a flexible rotor in SFD based on new film force models that include effects of the feeding groove and fluid inertia on dynamic characteristics of the fluid film in SFD. Compared with the published work, unbalance responses predicated under considering effect of the feeding groove on the dynamic characteristics in SFD are small, and rotor speed region for unbalance responses with multiple solutions is different, affecting the stability of a rotor system. And the effect of the feeding groove on the unbalance response is related to action of fluid inertia.  相似文献   

In this paper, a theoretical study of the effect of surface roughness on the hydrodynamic lubrication of couple-stress squeeze film between a sphere and a flat plate is presented on the basis of Christensen's stochastic theory for hydrodynamic lubrication of rough surfaces. The modified Reynolds equation accounting for the couple stresses and the surface roughness is mathematically derived. The modified Reynolds equation is solved for the fluid film pressure and the bearing characteristics, such as the load carrying capacity and the time–height relationship, are obtained. It is found that the surface roughness considerably influences the squeeze film characteristics. The load carrying capacity and squeeze film time are found to increase for an azimuthal roughness pattern as compared to the corresponding smooth case, whereas the reverse trend is observed for a radial roughness pattern.  相似文献   

In this study a numerical method for general applications with non-Newtonian fluids is developed to investigate the pure squeeze motion in an isothermal elastohydrodynamic lubricated spherical conjunction under constant load conditions. The coupled transient modified Reynolds, the elasticity deformation, and the load equilibrium equations are solved simultaneously. Computer simulation is carried out to investigate the effects of flow rheology and operations on the relationship between the pressure and film thickness distributions. The simulation results reveal that the larger the flow index (n), the larger the film thickness and the smaller the maximum central pressure. This results in larger time needed to obtain maximum central pressure. In addition, the elastic deformation is more significant for the lower flow index. Therefore, the smaller the flow index becomes, the greater the difference between the hydrodynamic lubrication (HL) solution and elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) solution becomes.  相似文献   

In this paper, the effect of micropolar fluid on the static and dynamic characteristics of squeeze film lubrication in finite porous journal bearings is studied. The finite modified Reynolds equation is solved numerically using the finite difference technique and the squeeze film characteristics are obtained. According to the results obtained, the micropolar fluid effect significantly increases the squeeze film pressure and the load-carrying capacity as compared to the corresponding Newtonian case. Under cyclic load, the effect of micropolar fluid is to reduce the velocity of the journal centre. Effect of porous matrix is to reduce the film pressure, load-carrying capacity and to increase the journal centre velocity.  相似文献   


The effect of anisotropic permeability on micropolar squeeze film lubrication between poroelastic rectangular plates is studied. The non-Newtonian synovial fluid is modelled by Eringen’s micropolar fluid, and the poroelastic nature of cartilage is taken in to account. The stochastic modified Reynolds equation, which incorporates the elastic as well as randomised surface roughness structure of cartilage with micropolar fluid as lubricant, is derived. Modified equations for the mean fluid film pressure, mean load carrying capacity and squeeze film time are obtained using the Christensen’s stochastic theory for the study of roughness effects. The effects of surface roughness, micropolar fluid and anisotropic permeability on the squeeze film characteristics of synovial joint are discussed. It is found that the surface roughness effects are more pronounced for micropolar fluids as compared to the Newtonian fluids, and the anisotropic nature of permeability of cartilage off-squares the plate size for optimum performance.  相似文献   


In this paper, the effect of non-Newtonian couple stress fluids on the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) squeeze film characteristics between a sphere and a plane surface is analysed. By taking into account the couple stresses due to the presence of microstructure additives in the lubricant and the magnetic effects due to the magnetisation of the couple stress fluid, the non-Newtonian couple stress MHD Reynolds type equation is derived. The numerical solutions for the MHD squeeze film characteristics are presented for various values of couple stress parameter, and magnetic Hartmann number. The results indicate that the influences of couple stresses and the magnetic effects on the squeeze film characteristics are significantly apparent. It is concluded that the MHD couple stress fluids have better lubricating qualities than the corresponding Newtonian case.  相似文献   

根据达朗贝尔原理建立了带挤压液膜阻尼器的内圆磨床砂轮主轴动力学模型,并对其进行了无量纲处理及便于仿真研究和分析。  相似文献   

Liquid crystals (LC) are characterized by its phase, which appears as an intermediate state between crystalline solid and isotropic liquid. This intermediate, phase is caused by orientation of molecules, and it can be controlled by an externally applied electric or magnetic field. Subjected to an electric field, the viscosity of the LC varies according to the applied electric field strength, which is called the electroviscous effect. This paper describes an application study of the electroviscous effect of a LC to a controllable squeeze film damper (SFD) for a rotating machine. A prototype controllable SFD using a LC was constructed and its performance was studied. It should be noted that the present SFD can produce anisotropic damping force for a flexible rotor at the supporting position, which enables us to stabilize a flexible rotor in a wide range of its rotating speed.  相似文献   

This paper represents that an enhanced genetic algorithm (EGA) is applied to optimal design of a squeeze film damper (SFD) to minimize the maximum transmitted load between the bearing and foundation in the operational speed range. A general genetic algorithm (GA) is well known as a useful global optimization technique for complex and nonlinear optimization problems. The EGA consists of the GA to optimize multi-modal functions and the simplex method to search intensively the candidate solutions by the GA for optimal solutions. The performance of the EGA with a benchmark function is compared to them by the IGA (Immune-Genetic Algorithm) and SQP (Sequential Quadratic Programming). The radius, length and radial clearance of the SFD are defined as the design parameters. The objective function is the minimization of a maximum transmitted load of a flexible rotor system with the nonlinear SFDs in the operating speed range. The effectiveness of the EGA for the optimal design of the SFD is discussed from a numerical example.  相似文献   

The optimal design of the squeeze film damper (SFD) for rotor system has been studied in previous researches. However, these researches have not been considering jumping or nonlinear phenomena of a rotor system with SFD. This paper represents an optimization technique for linear and nonlinear response of a simple rotor system with SFDs by using a hybrid GA-SA algorithm which combined enhanced genetic algorithm (GA) with simulated annealing algorithm (SA). The damper design parameters are the radius, length and radial clearance of the damper. The objective function is to minimize the transmitted load between SFD and foundation at the operating and critical speeds of the rotor system with SFD which has linear and nonlinear unbalance responses. The numerical results show that the transmitted load of the SFD is greatly reduced in linear and nonlinear responses for the rotor system.  相似文献   

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