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BACKGROUND/AIMS: Increased morbidity and mortality from a number of infectious diseases have been associated with vitamin A deficiency. Trachoma and vitamin A deficiency are both important causes of blindness in Nepal. The purpose of this study was to determine the association between the diagnosis of vitamin A deficiency by conjunctival impression cytology and the diagnosis of infectious trachoma by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the Lumbini zone of Nepal. METHODS: 70 children under the age of 11 in a rural village in the Lumbini zone were examined for clinical evidence of active trachoma. The conjunctiva of each child was tested for ocular Chlamydia trachomatis infection using PCR, and for loss of goblet cells (a sign of subclinical vitamin A deficiency) using conjunctival impression cytology. RESULTS: The presence of infectious trachoma was associated with the loss of goblet cells on conjunctival impression cytology (p = 0.02). This relation was present and significant even when adjusted for age (p = 0.05) and degree of inflammation (p = 0.02). In fact, even subclinical infection with chlamydia was associated with an abnormal conjunctival impression cytology (p = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: Children with infectious trachoma are significantly more likely to have an abnormal conjunctival impression cytology, even if the infection is subclinical. Thus, the diagnosis of vitamin A deficiency from conjunctival impression cytology alone should be made with some caution in areas with endemic trachoma. Further studies will be needed to determine the cause of this association.  相似文献   

We report an apparently protective effect of vitamin A in infants who received iron supplements (15 mg/d) for 3 mo. Those receiving iron showed increases in hemoglobin (8 g/L), ferritin (3.7 micrograms/L), and the acute-phase protein alpha 1-antichymotrypsin (ACT; 0.06 g/L). In both the placebo and iron-supplemented groups there were increases in plasma retinol, lutein, alpha-tocopherol, immunoglobulin A, and immunoglobulin G. The improvement in vitamin A status could only have been from a seasonal increase in dietary sources of vitamin A, eg, breast milk and early weaning foods, and there were no obvious effects on iron utilization (hemoglobin concentrations). However, in the infants receiving iron, those whose retinol concentrations increased also showed reductions in ACT, ferritin, immunoglobulin A, and immunoglobulin M. Vitamin A is well known for its antiinfective properties and we suggest that these observations illustrate the importance of even small increases in dietary vitamin A or differences in vitamin A status in reducing the potentially toxic effects of iron supplements in persons in developing countries. These conclusions should now be confirmed with an intervention study to show that the benefits of vitamin A on iron status are due to reduced levels of infection.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study assessed the effect of vitamin A supplementation at 6-month intervals on child growth. METHODS: Sudanese children (n = 28,740) 6 to 72 months of age were weighed and measured at baseline and at each of three follow-up visits. RESULTS: Periodic vitamin A supplementation had no effect on the rate of weight or height gain in the total population or on the incidence of wasting, stunting, or wasting and stunting among children who were normally nourished at baseline. CONCLUSIONS: Reducing poverty and improving access to adequate diets should remain the goals of programs designed to improve the nutritional status of malnourished populations.  相似文献   

Plasma retinol is reduced during numerous infections, and inflammation alters the hepatic synthesis of retinol-binding protein (RBP). In this study, we have investigated the effects of endotoxin-induced inflammation on vitamin A (VA) supplementation in a rat model of marginal VA deficiency. Marginally VA-deficient rats received an intraperitoneal dose of lipopolysaccharide (LPS, n = 14) or saline (n = 10); 6 h later, six LPS + VA and six saline + VA rats received 7.1 micromol VA orally. Twenty-four hours after endotoxin administration, rats with inflammation (LPS) had lower plasma retinol, RBP, and hepatic RBP than saline rats (37, 31 and 44%, respectively, P < 0.05). Inflammation did not affect VA concentrations in liver and perirenal adipose tissue, although kidney VA was reduced relative to saline rats. However, urinary VA was not detected. Eighteen hours after VA supplementation, inflammation reduced the plasma unesterified retinol response (P < 0. 05) in LPS + VA relative to saline + VA rats, although total VA increased as a result of the presence of retinyl esters in LPS + VA rats. Hepatic esterified retinol concentration was reduced (P < 0. 01) in LPS + VA compared with saline + VA rats; however, hepatic unesterified retinol did not differ. Renal total retinol increased in VA-supplemented rats, but urinary retinol excretion, when observed, was low, independently of inflammation. These findings indicate that inflammation-induced hyporetinemia does not necessarily imply a loss of VA, but rather represents a redistribution of tissue VA brought about by a reduced hepatic synthesis of RBP. Practical implications from these collective results are to recommend the determination of both unesterified and esterified retinol to fully assess the plasma response to VA supplementation and to caution the use of VA assessment methodologies that depend on the hepatic synthesis of RBP during acute inflammation.  相似文献   

A total of 3,318 men and women from a region in rural China were randomized to receive daily either a multiple vitamin/mineral supplement or a placebo. Deaths that occurred in the participants were ascertained and classified according to cause over the 6-year period from 1985 to 1991. At the end of supplementation, blood pressure readings were taken, and the prevalence of hypertension was determined. There was a slight reduction in overall mortality in the supplement group (relative risk (RR) = 0.93, 95 percent confidence interval (CI) 0.75-1.16), with the decreased relative risk most pronounced for cerebrovascular disease deaths (RR = 0.63, 95 percent CI 0.37-1.07). This benefit was greater for men (RR = 0.42, 95 percent CI 0.19-0.93) than for women (RR = 0.93, 95 percent CI 0.44-1.98). Among the survivors, the presence of elevations in both systolic and diastolic blood pressures was less common in those who received the supplement (RR for men = 0.43, 95% CI 0.28-0.65; RR for women = 0.92, 95 percent CI 0.68-1.24). This study indicates that supplementation with a multivitamin/mineral combination may have reduced mortality from cerebrovascular disease and the prevalence of hypertension in this rural population with a micronutrient-poor diet.  相似文献   

We present reference intervals for total homocysteine and methylmalonic acid in plasma based on samples from 126 women (ages 20-85 years, median 49 years) and 109 men (ages 20-84 years, median 50 years). The central 0.95 interval for methylmalonic acid was 0.08-0.28 micromol/L. Supplementation with cyanocobalamin caused a nonsignificant decrease in methylmalonic acid. Supplementation with folic acid caused a decrease in homocysteine concentrations, with data analysis identifying two significantly different clusters: 182 subjects with the lowest initial concentrations (7.76 +/- 1.54 micromol/L, mean +/- SD) and the smallest decrease (1.26 +/- 0.96 micromol/L), and 53 subjects with the highest initial concentrations (12.33 +/- 2.04 micromol/L) and greatest decrease (4.14 +/- 1.32 micromol/L). We argue in favor of the age- and gender-specific central 0.95 intervals obtained for the 182 subjects before being supplemented with folic acid: 4.6-8.1 micromol/L for subjects at <30 years; 4.5-7.9 micromol/L for women, ages 30-59 years; 6.3-11.2 micromol/L for men, ages 30-59 years; and 5.8-11.9 micromol/L for subjects at >60 years.  相似文献   

Levels of vitamin B-6 in milk from pyridoxine deficient dams were used as an indicator of the ability of pyridoxine to protect offspring against the effects of the deficiency. Sprague Dawley rats were fed a basal diet containing 30.0 (control) or 1.2 (deficient) mg pyridoxine-HC1/kg diet from weaning throughout growth, gestation and until 5 days postpartum. At this time, deficient dams were supplemented by a single intraperitoneal injection of 600 mug pyridoxine-HC1, or by adding 30 or 60 mg pyridoxine-HC1/kg to the diet. The vitamin B-6 content in milk form the group supplemented by injection exceeded the control level of 38.8 mug/100 ml milk 30 minutes after the injection, and reached a peak level of 110.7 mug/100 ml at 4 hours with a subsequent decline to 27mug/100 ml at 20 hours. In rats supplemented orally with 30 or 60 mg pyridoxine-HC1/kg diet, the vitamin B-6 level in the milk reached the control value in 24 and 6 hours, respectively. At 120 hours, orally supplemented dams had significantly higher levels of vitamin B-6 in the milk than control animals. Vitamin supplementation of dams by a single injection of pyridoxine-HC1 was sufficient to overcome the pyridoxine deficiency syndrome in the pups, but was not adequate for optimum growth.  相似文献   

A beneficial effect of periodic vitamin A supplementation on childhood mortality has been demonstrated, but the effect on morbidity is less clear. We investigated the effect of vitamin A supplementation on diarrhoea and acute lower-respiratory-tract infections (ALRI) in children from northeastern Brazil in a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled community trial. 1240 children aged 6-48 months were assigned vitamin A or placebo every 4 months for 1 year. They were followed up at home three times a week, and data about the occurrence and severity of diarrhoea and ALRI were collected. Any child with cough and respiratory rate above 40 breaths per min was visited by a paediatrician. The overall incidence of diarrhoea episodes was significantly lower in the vitamin-A-supplemented group than in the placebo group (18.42 vs 19.58 x 10(-3) child-days; rate ratio 0.94 [95% Cl 0.90-0.98]). The benefit of supplementation was greater as regards severe episodes of diarrhoea; the incidence was 20% lower in the vitamin A group than in the placebo group (rate ratio 0.80 [0.65-0.98]). With the standard definition of diarrhoea (> or = 3 liquid or semi-liquid stools in 24 h) the effect of vitamin A on mean daily prevalence did not reach significance, but as the definition of diarrhoea was made more stringent (increasing number of stools per day), a significant benefit became apparent, reaching for diarrhoea with 6 or more liquid or semi-liquid stools in 24 h a 23% lower prevalence. We found no effect of vitamin A supplementation on the incidence of ALRI. The reduction in severity of diarrhoea may be the most important factor in the lowering of mortality by vitamin A supplementation.  相似文献   

The influence of deficient and adequate maternal intakes of pyridoxine on lipid profiles in brains of progeny at 5, 10, 15, 25 and 50 days of age was studied. The effects of supplementing deficient dams at two different times with pyridoxine on the brain development of progeny were also examined. Three groups of weanling, female rats were fed diets deficient in pyridoxine (1.2 mg pyridoxine-HC1/kg diet) and another group received a control diet (30.0 mg pyridoxine-HC1/kg diet). One deficient group and the control group were fed their diets throughout growth, gestation and lactation. Two groups of dams were fed the deficient diet through growth, gestation and until 5 or 10 days postpartum when pyridoxine was supplemented by feeding the control diet. Body and brain weights were significantly lower in 15, 25 and 50 day-old progeny of deficient dams and deficient dams supplemented at 10 days postpartum. Cerebroside content at 15 days and ganglioside content at 15 and 25 days were significantly lower in brains of pups from unsupplemented deficient dams and deficient dams supplemented at 10 days postpartum. The postnatal development of cerebroside and ganglioside levels in brain was delayed or retarded in brain of pups from unsupplemented deficient dams. Supplementation of dams fed a low level of pyridoxine (1.2 mg/kg diet) with the vitamin beginning at 5 days postpartum reversed all observed effects of the low vitamin intake on brain lipids in progeny.  相似文献   

Dietary deficiency in the retinoid precursors of the visual pigment chromophore 11-cis retinal results in the synthesis of photoreceptor outer segments containing opsin in excess of the vitamin A available for rhodopsin regeneration. This suggests that vitamin A-free opsin may be incorporated into newly synthesized outer segment disc membranes. If this opsin is functionally intact, it should be possible convert it to rhodopsin in vivo by providing the appropriate retinoids, and the resulting rhodopsin should should be able to mediate visual transduction. Experiments were conducted to evaluate this possibility and to identify the rate-limiting steps in photoreceptor recovery from retinoid depletion. Rates were maintained on diets either containing or lacking retinoid precursors of 11-cis retinal for 23 weeks, at which time outer segment opsin content greatly exceeded the availability of visual cycle retinoids in the retina. The retinoid-deprived animals were then each given a single intramuscular injection of all-trans retinol. At various time intervals after retinol administration, electroretinograms (ERGs) were recorded on some rats, and retinal rhodopsin contents were determined in others. At similar time intervals, blood and retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) retinoid levels and photoreceptor outer segment size were also determined. No significant increase in retinal rhodopsin content was observed up to 8 hr after injection, despite the fact that by 3 hr, blood retinol levels had recovered to more than 30% of normal. By 1 day after injection, however, rhodopsin levels had recovered to 30% of normal and ERG responses showed increases in visual sensitivity commensurate with the recovery of rhodopsin. The lag in rhodopsin recovery was apparently due to delayed uptake of retinol from the blood by the RPE. Photoreceptor outer segment size was reduced by over 50% in the retinoid- deprived rats and did not begin to recover by 1 day. By 1 week, however, outer segment size had returned to an average of 65% of normal. Commensurate with this regrowth of the outer segments, both rhodopsin levels and visual sensitivity increased between 1 and 7 days after vitamin A administration. Because the rates of recovery in rhodopsin levels and visual sensitivity greatly exceeded the normal rate of new opsin synthesis at short time intervals after vitamin A repletion, it appears that the opsin incorporated into the disc membranes of retinoid-deprived rats is able to form functional rhodopsin in vivo when the chromophore is supplied. Regrowth of the outer segments back to their normal size is required for full recovery of visual sensitivity.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the effect of dietary linoleic to linolenic acid (LO:LN) ratio and dl-alpha-tocopheryl acetate (TA) supplementation on selected characteristics of the liver and cerebellum and on vitamin E status of turkey poults from hatch through 22 d of age. In Experiment 1, 1-d-old poults were fed diets containing no supplemental TA (0E) or 150 IU TA/kg diet (150E). Poults fed the 150E diet had greater (P < 0.001) concentrations of alpha-tocopherol (TOC) in the liver and plasma than those fed the 0E diet from 7 to 22 d of age. The 150E diet, however, did not completely overcome the decrease in liver and plasma TOC concentrations observed at these ages. The 150E diet had no effect on poult BW, feed efficiency, or on the weight, protein, lipid, or fatty acid concentrations of the liver. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances assay of liver and hemolysis assay of red blood cells (RBC) showed that the 150E diet decreased the susceptibility of liver and RBC to in vitro peroxidation at 13 and 22 d of age. In Experiment 2, 1-d-old poults were fed the 0E and 150E diets in a complete factorial arrangement with decreasing ratios of LO:LN (10, 5, and 1). Dietary LO:LN ratio had no effect on RBC hemolysis or cerebellum TOC concentration. As the ratio of LO:LN decreased, the arachidonic acid content of liver and cerebellum lipids decreased. Ratios of n-6 to n-3 fatty acids in liver and cerebellum were directly related to dietary LO:LN at 13 and 22 d of age.  相似文献   

Women who had experienced an infant or fetal death responded to an open-ended question on the 1988 National Maternal and Infant Health Survey about their perinatal experience. A qualitative analysis of the 413 responses identified six major themes, including need for further information, problems with the mourning process, and unresolved questions about the cause of the death. Implications of the findings for health care practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This study aimed at assessing the effects of midazolam (MDZ) sedation on auditory brainstem (BAEP) and middle latency (MLAEP) evoked potentials in intensive care conditions. Ten ventilated comatose patients were receiving an intravenous MDZ bolus dose (0.2 mg/kg) followed by a 2 h continuous infusion (0.1 mg/kg/h). MLAEPs and BAEPs elicited by clicks (90 dB HL + masking) were simultaneously and continuously monitored during the first 6 h and for 30 min the next morning. We found no effect of MDZ sedation on BAEPs. Only MLAEP components were modified. However, none of the patients presented any total abolition of the MLAEPs. Bolus injection led to very early alteration of cortical responses, beginning after 5 min and lasting almost 1 h (maximum Pa latency increase, 3.1 ms; maximum Pa-Nb amplitude decrease, 46%). During continuous infusion, MLAEPs remained slightly, although significantly, altered (Pa latency, +1.3 ms; Pa-Nb amplitude, 27%). The Nb wave seemed to be modified earlier and to return to normality later than the Pa wave. These findings incite a careful interpretation of MLAEP tracings acquired during the first hour following MDZ bolus injection. If possible, MDZ should be administered as continuous infusion for reliable interpretation of evoked potential changes in intensive care unit, or during surgery.  相似文献   

Two issues were explored: (a) which impression management (IM) tactics applicants use during actual interviews and (b) whether there is a relationship between applicants' IM tactics and their interview outcomes. The study also examined convergence across different methods and raters when measuring IM. Postinterview survey measures were obtained from applicants and interviewers regarding applicant IM behavior during a specific interview; in addition, a subset (n?=?24) of interviews was audiotaped and analyzed for the presence of IM. Analyses revealed low to moderate convergence across methods and raters, suggesting that IM tactics may be multidimensional constructs. Across methods and raters, there was consistent evidence of greater applicant self-promotion than ingratiation. Similarly, IM tactics significantly predicted interviewers' evaluations and whether applicants later obtained site visits. Implications for future research are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The study comprised 60 lower left rat incisors subjected to 2 weeks of loading (19.7 +/- 1.6 gm) and 5 control teeth. After the loading period, 10 rats were killed with the springs in situ, and the remainder were killed in groups of 5 at intervals of 1 through 10 weeks after the springs were removed. The teeth were cross-sectioned serially (2 microns). The distance of each section from the apex and the time of its tissue formation in relation to load removal were calculated. Bone remodeling and dental and periodontal trauma were plotted according to their location on the tooth axis and circumference. Vigorous bone remodeling continued throughout the observation period, apposition and resorption sites intermingling around the tooth. Directionality, as expressed by the resorption/apposition ratio, for the formerly tensed and stressed areas was 0.61 +/- 0.07 and 1.79 +/- 0.52, respectively. However, in some of the groups directionality was negligible or reversed. New lesions of dentin (folding and resorption) were formed for 6 weeks after loading, whereas new damage to the enamel organ and enamel matrix appeared until week 9. The integrity of the PDL deteriorated for the first 8 weeks, as evidenced by edema, cell loss, scarring, and collagen fiber disorientation. Necrosis occurred throughout the recovery period. Fiber to bone attachment was disrupted by formation of big sinusoids adjacent to the bone. The frequency of most lesions decreased toward the end of the observation period. It is suggested that tissue recovery proceeds in subsiding cycles of tissue injury/tissue repair, a process that is much more prolonged than is generally believed.  相似文献   

Morphological and histochemical skin properties were studied in male rats in single and successive peroral injections of Zinc sulphate and vitamin A. Long term (25 d) peroral administration of vitamin A 2 mg/100 g in dose was shown to cause hypozincaemia. Zinc sulphate and vitamin A are capable of influencing proliferation and protein metabolism of epidermal cells and number of lymphocytes and mast cells in dermis. With the aim of the drugs named thickness of epidermis, ratio of its layers thickness as well as the rate of protein synthesis in germinal layer of epidermis can be changed purposefully. These parameters depend both on the drug injection technique (single, separated or successive injections) and time periods. Perspective of obtaining a complexed biocoordinative compound on the base of vitamin A and microtrace element of Zinc is discussed.  相似文献   

Antigenic peptides derived from several differentiation antigens of the melanocyte lineage were recently identified in human melanomas as targets for HLA-A2.1-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). To examine their potential role in tumour-directed immune responses in vivo, we determined CTL reactivity against seven antigenic peptides derived from the Melan A/MART-1, tyrosinase and gp100/Pmel17 antigens in the peripheral blood of 10 HLA-A2+ healthy controls and 26 HLA-A2+ melanoma patients. The influenza matrix peptide (GILGFVFTL) presented by HLA-A2.1 was used as a control peptide. CTL reactivity was assessed in a mixed lymphocyte 'peptide' culture assay. Reactivity against Melan A/MART-1-derived peptide antigens was readily detectable in both melanoma patients and controls. Reactivity directed against tyrosinase-derived peptide antigens was also detected in both melanoma patients and healthy individuals, but less frequently. A measurable response against gp100/Pmel17-derived antigens was found in 1/10 controls and in 1/26 of the melanoma patients. Reactivity against the influenza matrix peptide was common in both melanoma patients and controls. Our findings show that precursor CTLs against melanocyte differentiation antigens can be detected in peripheral blood of melanoma patients and healthy individuals. The pattern of CTL reactivity directed against melanoma-associated antigens does not seem to be altered in melanoma patients. Despite antigen-specific CTL reactivity, tumour growth was not prevented in melanoma patients and autoimmune phenomena were not detected in healthy individuals. It remains to be determined whether precursor CTLs recognizing melanocyte differentiation antigens can be activated by immunization and lead to effective tumour rejection in vivo.  相似文献   

A patient-blind study into the effect of a 10-week cessation of long-term vitamin B6 supplementation on B6 status and performance in McArdle's disease is reported. Muscle performance was assessed both subjectively and objectively by an ischaemic fatiguing protocol of the adductor pollicis muscle. Nine weeks after withdrawal of supplementation, vitamin B6 status had changed from adequacy to inadequacy and the force loss during the ischaemic fatiguing protocol had increased at all frequencies studied. The patient reported decreased exercise tolerance after 7 weeks and by the tenth week was experiencing an increase in muscle cramps. Vitamin B6 status and muscle performance may be linked in McArdle's disease and there is potential for enhancement of performance by B6 supplementation.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that variations of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene are related to bone mineral density (BMD). In this study, we examined the effect of vitamin D3 supplementation on BMD at the femoral neck in relation to VDR genotype. We analyzed 81 women, age 70 years and over, who participated in a placebo-controlled clinical trial on the effect of vitamin D3 supplementation (400 IU daily for at least 2 years) on BMD and fracture incidence. VDR genotype was based on the presence (b) or absence (B) of the BsmI restriction site. Mean BMD of the right and left femoral neck was measured at baseline and after 1 and 2 years. Dietary calcium, body mass index, and years since menopause were assessed at baseline while biochemical markers were measured at baseline and after 1 year. There was no difference among the BB, Bb, and bb genotype for baseline measurements of BMD at the femoral neck (mean and SD, g/cm2: 0.70 (0.10), 0.71 (0.12), and 0.69 (0.10), respectively), nor for any of the biochemical indices. The mean increase of BMD in the vitamin D group relative to the placebo group, expressed as percentage of baseline BMD, was significantly higher (p = 0.03) in the BB (delta BMD: 4.4%, p = 0.04) and Bb genotype (delta BMD: 4.2%, p = 0.007) compared with the bb genotype (delta BMD: -0.3%, p = 0.61). No significant changes were found for any of the other measured parameters. The VDR genotype-dependent effect of vitamin D supplementation in these elderly subjects suggest a functional involvement of VDR gene variants in determining BMD.  相似文献   

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