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In order to analyze characteristics of Cobot cooperation with a human in a shared workspace, the model of a non-holonormic constraint joint mechanism and its control model were constructed based on double over-running clutches. The simulation analysis was carried out and it validated passive and constraint features of the joint mechanism. In terms of Cobot components, the control model of Cobot following a desired trajectory was built up. The simulation studies illustrate that the Cobot can track a desired trajectory and possess passive and constraint features ; a human supplies operation force that makes Cobot move, and a computer system con- trois its motion trajectory. So it can meet the requirements of Cobot collaboration with an operator. The Cobot model can be used in applications of material moving, parts assembly and some situations requiring man-machine cooperation and so on.  相似文献   

基于双超越离合器和SimMechanics的合作机器人建模及仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了分析合作机器人(Cobot)的动力学性能,根据Cobot的特点和单向超越离合器的特性,建立了基于双超越离合器的不完全约束关节机构的模型和Cobot关节机构的驱动控制模型,并仿真验证了该关节机构的被动约束特性.设计了基于SimMechanics的Cobot轨迹控制的仿真程序,并对Cobot机构的动力学特性进行了仿真研究.仿真结果表明,该Cobot能够跟踪期望轨迹,具有被动的约束特性,满足Cobot与人合作的要求.这种Cobot模型可以应用在外科手术、物料搬运和零件的装配等需要人机合作的场合.  相似文献   

A model was developed to simulate a vehicle diaphragm spring clutch with the evaluation indicators of jerk degree and friction work. First, the pressing load characteristic of the driven plate of the diaphragm spring clutch was analyzed. Then, the clutch dynamic characteristic under each state was studied according to the basic principles of tribology. Finally, the mathematical model of the clutch was developed. Based on the model, the performance of a vehicle was simulated. The simulation results show that the model can predict the dynamic characteristic of the clutch correctly and evaluate the performance of the clutch engagement effectively. The model can be used for theoretical research of automatic clutch control and can be easily applied to simulate vehicle longitudinal dynamics.  相似文献   

为提升重型车辆传动系统中湿式离合器可靠性及使用寿命,建立了考虑界面接触状态的湿式离合器扭矩模型,通过模型研究了不同参数对离合器扭矩特性的影响规律。首先,对湿式离合器进行仿真模拟,增加界面接触状态参数,搭建湿式离合器充油模型与结合模型。其次,基于SAE#2试验台开展湿式离合器扭矩试验,将仿真获得的结果与离合器试验数据进行对比,验证了仿真模型的有效性。最后,结合模型研究了油压、油温和碟形量对湿式离合器扭矩特性的影响规律。结果表明:考虑了界面接触状态的模型相较于传统模型具有更高的准确性,提高了22.30%;随着控制油压的减小,离合器的总扭矩降低,当压力从1.5 MPa减小到1.0 MPa时,扭矩峰值降低了22.38%,同时制动时间延长了46.05%;润滑油温度对离合器的黏性转矩和摩擦扭矩都具有一定程度的影响,温度越高,黏性转矩越小,摩擦扭矩越大,整体制动时间稍有减小;摩擦片碟形量对离合器扭矩的影响主要体现在扭矩产生时间,碟形量的增加会导致离合器制动时间增加。  相似文献   

基于灵敏度分析的离合器膜片弹簧优化设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用灵敏度分析的方法,有目的地选择适当的设计变量,对汽车离合器用膜片弹簧进行优化设计,改进了以往只凭经验选取设计变量进行优化,造成变量过多、计算冗长且结果有偏差的问题。通过对膜片弹簧载荷-变形公式的灵敏度计算,找出对目标函数灵敏度较高的膜片弹簧内锥高h、厚度t、碟簧部分内半径r以及工作状态下膜片弹簧大端变形量λb等4个参数作为设计变量,将七维问题简化为四维,减少了运算量,清除了多余变量对优化过程的干扰作用,使结果更准确可靠。  相似文献   

针对内置弹簧换热管在强化传热过程中产生较大阻力的问题,提出了一种插入分段式弹簧的方法,并通过Fluent软件对内置不同长度的弹簧换热管某一截面处的流动特性进行数值模拟,分别取每段弹簧的长度分别为50 mm、100 mm、150 mm、200 mm,得到了在内置不同长度弹簧的换热管内某一截面处的速度场;然后分别取不同丝径和圈径的分段式弹簧,对换热管内某一截面的流体径向速度场进行数值模拟,研究弹簧的丝径与圈径对强化传热的影响.结果表明:在换热管两端插入分段式弹簧使得管内流体径向速度提高了2~3倍,加快了管内壁区域流体的流动,使得边界层变薄,不仅加强了边界层流体的扰动,而且一定程度上降低了流体流动的阻力,从而提高了换热效率.在雷诺数相同时,内置分段式弹簧换热管相对于光管Nu数提高了2~4倍;随着丝径和圈径的增大,强化传热效率得到提高而流动阻力随着相应增加.  相似文献   

钢板弹簧动态力建模   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为在汽车动态仿真中建立精确的板簧悬架模型,进行了钢板弹簧的变形-动态力试验,分析加载频率及幅值对动态力的影响。将钢板弹簧动态力分解为静态弹力及动态干摩擦力,由此建立基于力控阻尼器干摩擦的一般钢板弹簧动态力模型。通过处理动态加载钢板弹簧动态力试验数据,对比分析本文模型与HSRI模型的表达精度。研究一般模型中动态参数与变形历程的关系,提出汽车动态仿真用钢板弹簧动态力模型并辨识了模型参数。研究表明:本文模型可精确描述钢板弹簧动态力特性,独立表达的钢板弹簧干摩擦模型也可方便地用于整车多体建模。  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to study the vibration transmissibility characteristics of the undamped and damped smart spring systems. The frequency response characteristics of them were analyzed by using the equivalent linearization technique, and the possible types of the system motion were distinguished by using the starting and ending frequencies. The influences of system parameters on the vibration transmissibility characteristics were discussed. The following conclusions may be drawn from the analysis results. The undamped smart spring system may simultaneously have one starting frequency and one ending frequency or only have one starting frequency, and the damped system may simultaneously have two starting frequencies and one ending frequency. There is an optimal control parameter to make the peak value of the vibration transmissibility curve of the system be minimum. When the mass ratio is far away from the stiffness ratio, the vibration transmissibility is small. The effect of the damping ratio on the system vibration transmissibility is significant while the control parameter is less than its optimal value. But the influence of the relative damping ratio on the vibration transmissibility is small.  相似文献   

针对直接影响压力仪表的精度和可靠性的敏感弹性元件C型弹簧管的静态固有频率,用ANSYS8.0软件对LY100-2.5MPa型压力表的C型弹簧管的结构进行了基于有限元法的模型建立,并应用该软件强大的灵敏度分析技术,对该弹簧管进行了模态分析,得出弹簧管短轴、壁厚、曲率半径和毛坯外径等主要结构参数对弹簧管前二阶动静态固有频率的影响,并找到了弹簧管固有频率和这些结构参数之间的关系,其分析结果对进行弹簧管和压力仪表减振设计和优化设计提供了准确的理论依据.  相似文献   

Composite wing static aeroelasticity was analyzed through a loosely coupled method and the effects on composite wing characteristics under different flight attitudes were presented. Structural analysis and aerodynamic analysis were carried out through finite element method (FEM) software NASTRAN and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software FLUENT, respectively. Correlative data transfer and mesh regenerate procedure were applied to couple the results of computational structure dynamics (CSD) and CFD. After static aeroelasticity analysis under different flight attitudes, it can be seen that lift increases with the increase of flight speed and the incremental value enlarges gradually in both rigid and elastic wings. Lift presents a linear increment relationship with the increase of attack angle when the flight speed is 0.4Ma or 0.6Ma, but nonlinear increment in elastic wing when flight speed is 0.8Ma. On the effect of aeroelasticity, the maximum of deformation increases with the increase of flight speed and attack angle, and the incremental value decreases with the increase of flight speed while uniform with different attack angles. The results provide a reference for engineering applications.  相似文献   

气体弹簧的弹性模量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
密闭体积中气体的振动可以看成等温或绝热情况下的振动。根据气体分子运动论和力学理论推导出气体的弹性模量。  相似文献   

缓冲气缸缓冲特性建模与仿真   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在对缓冲气缸运动过程分析的基础上,采用非线性微分方程组形式建立了缓冲气缸的非线性模型,并利用计算机仿真技术,对缓冲气缸在缓冲过程中缓冲腔的压力变化进行了仿真、分析,找到影响其特性的参数.这对了解缓冲气缸的全面性能、缓冲结构改型以及优化设计缓冲气缸系统提供了重要依据.  相似文献   

设计并研究了一种利用双膜片位移进行压力测量的光纤传感器.这种光纤传感器是在通用光纤传感设计实验系统的基础上,利用了三光纤反射调制技术,它可以实现光源强度的变化和光纤中光功率损耗的变化以及反射率的变化自动补偿.理论上,分析了这种传感器的补偿特性,建立并推导了输入输出关系,给出了理论模拟结果.实验上,制作并实现了光纤压力传感器,分别测试了两接收光纤的位移与输出光强度的对应关系曲线,给出了对应两输出光强比值与位移的实验测试结果,验证了理论的正确性.最后,对所设计的光纤压力传感器进行了标定实验,给出了线性输入输出工作特性曲线.  相似文献   

伺服阀主阀芯的建模与仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用流场分析软件,对伺服阀主阀芯在阀口开口大小一定时的内部流场进行模拟仿真。仿真结果表明,阀口处压差是影响阀内部流场的主要因素之一。仿真所得阀口的速度场与压力场数据与伺服阀流量特性的理论计算结果一致,符合液体流动的规律。  相似文献   

针对离合器中的膜片弹簧工作特性,采用遗传算法工具箱,根据汽车离合器中摩擦片和膜片弹簧两部件之间的相互作用,对膜片弹簧进行优化.通过实例验证表明,优化后的膜片弹簧在磨损范围内前后压紧力变化减小,即提高了压紧力的稳定性,本文优化的结果可为汽车离合器的设计提供理论参考.  相似文献   

弹簧隔振支座水平滞回性能试验与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为获得大型设施竖向隔振所需的弹簧支座的抗振性能与抗振设计方法,以盖板水平位移是否被限制以及竖向力的大小为基本参数,完成了100 k N和300 k N两类共计10个试件的弹簧隔振支座水平反复荷载与水平位移关系的拟静力试验,获得了考虑竖向荷载影响的滞回关系曲线.试验发现:滞回关系均呈现为初期小位移下为线弹性关系,竖向压缩对单圈极限侧移影响可忽略;较大位移后由于盖板的限制作用使滞回曲线表现为一定耗能;盖板无位移限制时,竖向压缩与水平变形的累积效应可导致局部弹簧发生不可逆塑性变形,其耗能能力和极限侧移能力较大.基于试验结果,提出了两类弹簧隔振支座弹性刚度、弹性变形限值取值方法,建议了罕遇地震影响下弹簧隔振支座位移弹性变形应组合竖向变形.事实证明,在大型设备以及建筑物中预设弹簧隔振支座可以在地震发生时有效提高设备以及建筑物的抗振性能,该研究结果可为大型消声室或半消声室等布置竖向弹簧隔振支座的大型设施震性能评价与抗震设计提供参考.  相似文献   

Based on theory of variable-mass system thermodynamics, the dynamic mathematic models of each component of the horizontal steam-launch system were established, and by the numerical simulation of the system launching process, the thermodynamics and kinetics characteristics of the system with three valves of different flow characteristics were got. The simulation results show that the values of the peak-to-average ratios of dimensionless acceleration with the equal percentage valve, the linear valve and the quick opening valve are 1.355, 1.614 and 1.722, respectively, and the final values of the dimensionless velocities are 0.843, 0.957 and 1.0, respectively. In conclusion, the value of the dimensionless velocity with the equal percentage valve doesn't reach the set value of 0.90 when the dimensionless displacement is 0.82, while the system with the linear valve can meet the launching requirement, as well as the fluctuation range of dimensionless acceleration is less than that of the quick opening valve. Therefore, the system with the linear valve has the best performance among the three kinds of valves.  相似文献   

通过分析坑道钻机中常见胶筒卡盘和碟簧卡盘的不足之处,设计出一种氮气弹簧液压卡盘.通过理论计算及结构分析,利用ADAMS仿真软件对氮气弹簧液压卡盘进行了运动学及动力学仿真,并对卡瓦和钻杆出现磨损时卡盘夹紧力的变化进行了分析.仿真结果表明此卡盘结构合理,性能良好,工作可靠性高.  相似文献   

六角切圆炉膛气流流动特性的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在试验研究的基础上,采用K-ε双方程湍流模型对六角切圆燃烧锅炉进行冷态数值模拟,研究炉内气流流动特性,突出原始设计工况与各种改进工况的对比,分析原型锅炉受热面结渣的原因,数值模拟研究发现,燃烧器六角布置的锅炉具有不同于四角锅炉的独特的炉内空气动力场,侧墙燃烧器对炉内流场影响较大,上排燃烧器二次风假想切圆加大有利于炉内燃烧,与试验结果吻合较好,适当加大二次风假想切圆直径成为工程改造的有效方案。  相似文献   

氮气弹簧在汽车模具中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了氮气弹簧的基本含义及在国内外发展情况;介绍了氮气弹簧的工作原理和关于制造氮气弹簧的关键技术;重点叙述了氮气弹簧应用在汽车冲压模具中具有的优势和沈阳华晨金杯汽车有限公司在加工汽车车身使用氮气弹簧方面取得的良好效果.最后得出了氮气弹簧这一新技术必然有广阔的发展前景的结论.  相似文献   

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