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微波技术在种子干燥方面的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
干燥是种子加工的重要环节,微波干燥技术具有独特的优点和特点。近十几年来,国内外在种子微波干燥方面的研究取得了不少成果,而有关这方面的综述却未见报道。本文在阐述微波干燥机理和特点基础上,就近年来国内外微波技术在种子干燥方面的研究进展作一综述,并探讨微波技术在种子干燥方面的应用前景。  相似文献   

本文论述了微波真空组合干燥的基本原理及干燥特点,剖析了国内外微波真空组合干燥果蔬的研究进展情况,探讨了影响微波真空干燥果蔬品质的主要因素及应用前景。  相似文献   

我国微波干燥技术应用研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
阐述了微波干燥技术的特点,对我国微波干燥技术在食品工业、材料化工、医药工业、矿产开采业、陶瓷工业、实验室分析、湿天然橡胶加工等方面的应用研究现状进行了综述:特别是对我国微波干燥技术在取代传统的燃烧柴油、燃烧煤、燃烧木材等方式为手段产生的热空气为介质,干燥湿天然橡胶的研究进展进行了详细阐述;同时对我国微波干燥技术的应用前景尤其在湿天然橡胶干燥加工中的应用前景进行了展望,并对我国微波干燥技术目前存在的问题及究方向作了预测分析。  相似文献   

湿化学法是制备纳米材料的一种重要方法,但采用湿化学法制备的纳米粉体均存在干燥的过程,干燥方法的选择将对材料最终性能将产生明显的影响。微波干燥技术是最近发展而来的一种新型干燥技术,作者对几种微波干燥的模型以及微波干燥制备纳米粉体的进展作了说明。  相似文献   

阐述了联合干燥的定义和技术特点,介绍了各种联合干燥方式国内外的研究和应用现状,探讨了该技术在果蔬干燥加工中存在的问题和应用前景。  相似文献   

微波真空干燥技术现状   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
阐述了国内外微波真空于燥的研究现状,重点分析了脉冲微波真空干燥(间歇式微波干燥)的主要参数脉冲比、真空度、微波功率和能量效率。对微波真空于燥技术的发展提出了个人的看法。  相似文献   

湿化学法是制备纳米材料的一种重要方法,但采用湿化学法制备的纳米粉体均存在干燥的过程,干燥方法的选择将对材料最终性能将产生明显的影响。微波干燥技术是最近发展而来的一种新型干燥技术,作者对几种微波干燥的模型以及微波干燥制备纳米粉体的进展作了说明。  相似文献   

微波辅助干燥技术的应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微波辅助干燥是一种比微波干燥更有优势、应用前景更广阔的干燥技术,它结合了微波干燥和传统干燥技术的诸多优点。主要阐述了微波辅助干燥的原理、特点以及在国内外的研究和应用现状,同时对该技术在陶瓷坯体干燥过程中的应用进行了分析。  相似文献   

微波辅助干燥技术的应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微波辅助干燥是一种比微波干燥更有优势、应用前景更广的干燥技术,它结合了微波干燥和传统干燥技术的优点。本文主要阐述了微波辅助干燥的原理、特点以及在国内外的研究和应用现状。同时对该技术在陶瓷坯体干燥中的应用进行了分析。  相似文献   


Modern physical field technologies mainly include microwave, radio frequency, infrared radiation, ultrasound, pulsed electric field, and so on. Nowadays, the application of physical field technology on conventional drying is one of the recent strategies to solve some problems in traditional drying. In this article, physical field-based drying techniques refer to hybrid drying methods consisting of the conventional heating combined with different physical field technologies, in which physical field technologies provide various heat sources differ from conventional ones. A review is presented of recent five-year literature in the development of selected physical field-based drying technologies (microwave, radio frequency, infrared radiation, and ultrasound) for fruits and vegetables. As shown by examples from the literature, these physical field-based drying techniques provide faster drying kinetics and better thermal efficiency and obtain dried products of improved quality (e.g. color, aroma, texture, and nutrition retention) relative to conventional hot air drying. The combination of these techniques and conventional hot air drying showed enhanced cost-effectiveness as well. Furthermore, recommendations are made for further research and development needs and opportunities in this area.  相似文献   

Osmotic dehydration (OD) is one of the conventional methods to increase the shelf-life of vegetables and fruits. However, the operating conditions can adversely affect the organoleptic and nutritional quality of fresh products due to the high sugar uptake during processing and the loss of water-soluble constituents to the osmotic medium. The application of edible films has attracted interest due to their ability to reduce the entry of solutes and simultaneously increase the removal of water during OD treatments. Microwave (MW) is one of the most effective emerging technologies to accelerate dehydration processes in vegetable matrices. This aspect is particularly relevant in strawberries, given its high content in bioactive and nutritional compounds. Thus, the aim of this paper was to assess the influence of edible film application (alginate–lactate) in strawberry slabs during combined OD-microwaves dehydration processes. Samples of 1?cm thickness were treated with sucrose solution (60°Bx, 40?°C, 4?h) and then were dehydrated in a microwave oven (1.2?W/g). The application of alginate–lactate edible films resulted in similar weight and water losses but lower solids gain compared to uncoated samples during OD treatment. OD pre-treated MW-dried strawberry slabs with moisture contents up to 0.15?kg dry basis were obtained after 100?min of MW drying. Besides, the effective diffusional coefficient (De) was estimated for MW drying process, values ranged from 4.5 to 8.8 10?10 m2/s when shrinkage effect was considered, and from 1.1 to 2.3 10?9 m2/s for constant thickness assumption.  相似文献   

茁霉多糖在果蔬保鲜应用的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
茁霉多糖是出芽短梗霉产生的细胞外多糖,一般都一蓝黑色素伴随着茁霉多糖一起产生,因此,出芽短梗霉俗称黑酵母。茁霉多糖一种无色无味的中性多糖,极易溶于水。具有安全性,无毒性,耐热性,耐酸碱性,耐盐性,粘性,可塑性,成膜性质等特性,具有广泛的应用前景。本实验将茁霉多糖制成茁霉多糖膜溶液,进行果蔬保鲜的研究。  相似文献   

Intermittent microwave convective drying (IMCD) is an advanced technology that improves both energy efficiency and food quality in drying. Modeling of IMCD is essential to understand the physics of this advanced drying process and to optimize the microwave power level and intermittency during drying. However, there is still a lack of modeling studies dedicated to IMCD. In this study, a mathematical model for IMCD was developed and validated with experimental data. The model showed that the interior temperature of the material was higher than the surface in IMCD, and that the temperatures fluctuated and redistributed due to the intermittency of the microwave power. This redistribution of temperature could significantly contribute to the improvement of product quality during IMCD. Limitations when using Lambert’s law for microwave heat generation were identified and discussed.  相似文献   

本实验发明了一种化合物组合:新型乳化剂、天然植物碱、纳米降解剂、助溶剂、天然香型和水等组成。通过试验筛选出最佳配方,并且测定了该清洁剂的去污能力、杀菌能力、对残留农药降解效果、泡沫性能、表面张力和稳定性。结果表明,该产品制备简便、综合洗洁性能好,具有较大市场前景。  相似文献   

介绍了微波加热的基本原理、特点以及影响微波加热的因素,与蒸汽烘干、射频烘干相比,微波加热比蒸汽烘干节能40%,比射频烘干节能20%,仅每年运营维护费用比射频烘干节省4.5万元。提出应重点加强微波与物料间相互作用理论、微波场中物料的传热、传质机制,微波加热工艺与设备、微波加热技术与其它技术的有机结合等方面的研究。  相似文献   

阐述了微波干燥复肥的可行性,进行了微波干燥复肥的实验,得到微波干燥尿基复肥的失水曲线、温度曲线及养分曲线。同时作了60℃常规干燥的对比实验,表明微波干燥复肥能够达到有关标准,并远优于常规干燥。  相似文献   

介绍了应用微波加热烘干毛条的基本原理,研究了微波干燥设备的烘干效率、节能效果及烘干效果,结果表明,微波加热可以应用于纺织印染行业,为微波加热在纺织印染行业的推广应用提供了研究基础。通过生产应用,在计算微波加热毛条烘干工艺参数时,微波烘干机的干燥效率可取1.1kg/kW﹒h,微波干燥后,毛条含水率均匀,颜色前后色差无变化,纤维的强度和手感得到改善,微波干燥节能效果,比射频烘干节能约20%。  相似文献   

微波干燥和热风干燥对金萱茶叶品质影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
茹赛红  曾晖  方岩雄  纪红兵 《化工进展》2012,31(10):2183-2186
将微波干燥和热风干燥应用于新鲜金萱茶叶的干燥,在3个不同的微波功率(350 W,470 W,800 W)和4个不同的空气温度(70 ℃,80 ℃,90 ℃,100 ℃)下,研究了干燥参数即微波功率或温度对干燥时间、失水量的影响,同时还考察了茶叶中茶多酚总量和儿茶素含量的变化、干茶叶的复水性。实验得出,与热风干燥相比,微波干燥的时间缩短了76%~95%,而且干燥后的茶叶有很好的复水性,但干燥后茶多酚总量少于热风干燥;同时随着功率增加,微波干燥时间由11 min降为6 min,随着温度升高,热风干燥时间由127 min缩短为45 min。这两种方法的茶叶干燥动力学模型均满足Page’s半经验公式。  相似文献   

A new hybrid drying technique by combining microwave and forced convection drying within a rotary drum, i.e., microwave rotary drying, was developed with the purpose to improve the uniformity of microwave drying. In a laboratory microwave rotary dryer, rewetted soybean was utilized as experimental material to study the effects of drum rotating speed, ventilation flow rate, and specific microwave power on the drying kinetics and cracking ratio of soybean. It was found that, with rotation, the cracking ratio can be lowered but without distinct improvement in the drying rate. Increasing ventilation flow rate and specific microwave power can improve the drying rate, but the cracking ratio also increases as a negative result. The cracking ratio lower than 10% can be attained for ventilation flow rate lower than 2.0 m3·h−1 or specific microwave energy lower than 0.4 kW·kg−1 in the present experiments.  相似文献   

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