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对骨碎补相关研究进行文献计量、可视化分析,探讨并综述其研究热点及发展趋势。在中国知网检索2000—2022年骨碎补相关文献,应用CiteSpace对文献中的作者、机构、关键词和主题词进行共现分析,绘制对应知识图谱、时间线视图及关键词突现等可视化图谱。共获得中国知网相关文献969篇。发文量最多的作者团队为谢雁鸣团队(15篇),该领域最具生产力的机构为山东中医药大学、山东中医药大学附属医院、广州中医药大学(均为18篇),前20关键词主要与骨碎补功效、活性物质及机理研究相关,包括骨质疏松、骨密度、柚皮苷、总黄酮、信号通路和作用机制。聚类分析得到17类,大致可分为3类:第1类是骨碎补有效成分相关包括聚类2柚皮苷、聚类5总黄酮、聚类8质量标准和聚类14鉴别;第2类是骨碎补药理作用相关包括聚类1网络药理学、聚类12数据挖掘、聚类3大鼠、聚类4中药治疗、聚类6成骨细胞、聚类11药理作用、聚类13氧化应激和聚类16维管束;第3类主要是与骨碎补一同使用的其他药物,相关包括聚类7鸡血藤、聚类9土鳖虫、聚类10淫羊藿和聚类15大血藤。骨碎补的研究作者和研究机构间的合作度有待进一步提高,骨碎补改善骨密度的作用...  相似文献   

目的:检索国内外文献,综合分析家庭食物环境与儿童肥胖的关系,为儿童肥胖的预防和治疗提供依据。方法:维普数据库、万方数据库、中国期刊网、Pubmed、Medline、Cochrane Library检索1998—2020年国内外公开发表的(国内限核心期刊)的相关研究文献,语种限定为中文和英文。结果:共检索出文献144篇,共纳入8篇文献作为本研究的主要证据,综合评价家庭食物环境与儿童肥胖的关系。家庭食物环境包括家庭食物可及性、家庭共餐情况、家庭成员营养素养等。塑造健康的家庭食物环境有益于儿童青少年形成健康的饮食习惯、维系合理体重。结论:良好的家庭食物环境有利于塑造儿童健康的饮食行为,但对儿童体重和肥胖发生率的影响尚缺乏足够的证据。  相似文献   

抑郁症正在成为仅次于癌症的人类第二大杀手,全球预计有3.4亿 人患病。研究报道表明通过饮食可以干预抑郁。本文综述了高蛋白饮食、素食饮食、高脂饮食和生酮饮食等饮食结构对抑郁症的影响作用,讨论了食物中叶酸、膳食纤维、多酚化合物、维生素和多不饱和脂肪酸等营养成分对抑郁症状的改善作用,并总结了饮食结构与营养成分通过调节单胺类神经递质代谢、消化道与肠道菌群、神经内分泌系统等3 种作用机制进而影响抑郁。本文可为从饮食上预防和干涉抑郁症提供新的思路。  相似文献   

目的:分析2013—2022年生酮饮食与超重/肥胖研究的文献,明确该领域研究的热点与趋势。方法:通过对Web of Science核心数据库进行主题词字段检索,于2023年3月6日完成检索,应用文献计量学方法及CiteSpace.6.1.R6软件,对国家/地区、作者、机构、期刊及关键词等文献特征进行统计分析。结果:共获取414篇文献数据,其中论文264篇、综述论文150篇。年发文量整体呈现出逐步增长的趋势;发文量多及影响力高的国家主要为美国与意大利;该领域的核心研究人员为Paoli, Antonio,热门期刊为《NUTRIENTS》杂志。研究热点关键词为“体重减轻”“胰岛素抵抗”“低碳水化合物”“身体成分”“新陈代谢”等;热门主题为“β-羟基丁酸”“生酮饮食”“极低能量饮食”“干预”“营养”等。研究趋势为“血脂分析”“生活质量”“减重饮食”。结论:过去10年间生酮饮食与超重/肥胖研究的关注度持续在提升。  相似文献   

本文以“伟大斗争”为检索词,以2012至2022年为检索时间,在中国知网数据库(CNKI)进行文献检索,运用文献计量工具Bicomb2.04和可视化工具CiteSpace6.1R5,对419篇样本文献进行计量分析。研究结果表明,目前学者们的研究热点主要聚焦在伟大斗争的本质、生成、主体与功能研究等方面;研究前沿主要聚焦在伟大斗争的实践路径、时代特色与理论创新研究等方面;未来的研究可以从进一步深化对伟大斗争的时代解读、进一步深化伟大斗争与党的自我革命的互动机制的研究、进一步创新伟大斗争的研究方法等方面展开。  相似文献   

顾依然  潘力  姚彤  祖玮琳  孙红  王军 《丝绸》2022,(7):64-70
胸部形态特征研究是服装人体体型与形态研究的重要内容,本文研究东北地区青年女性穿着文胸状态下的胸部形态特征,构建胸部特征尺寸回归模型,为该地区女性上装合体性与胸部参数化建模研究提供基础。随机选取东北地区328位18~25岁女性为研究对象,运用主成分分析、K均值聚类、逐步回归等方法,提取能够表征样本胸型特征的5个主成分因子,分别为围度因子、距离因子、高度因子、胸围差因子和形态因子。以特征因子作为分类指标将胸部形态分为4类,选择胸围、乳间距为自变量构建回归模型。研究结果表明,东北地区青年女性胸部形态聚类特征明显,通过显著性检验与残差分析证明各类别胸部特征回归模型有效。  相似文献   

为揭示全球纺织服装行业的研究现状、研究热点及发展趋势,以Web of Science数据库中2009—2018年24 597篇纺织服装行业英文文献为研究对象,使用科学文献分析工具CiteSpace绘制科学知识图谱,通过网络修剪算法、聚类算法、突发性检测算法和中介中心性算法等,发现纺织服装领域核心作者与核心机构;根据关键词聚类、时区视图分析全球纺织服装研究热点及其变化;根据热点动态演化、突现节点等探讨今后研究趋势。结果表明:2009—2018年全球纺织服装领域的研究文献量稳步增长,纺织废水的处理是该领域一直以来的研究热点,功能纺织品和智能纺织是今后的研究趋势。  相似文献   

目的:通过文献检索、现场调查和食谱查阅等方法对常见所谓相克食物的相克情况进行调查分析,为正确认识相克食物组合风险,保证人民群众的饮食安全提供依据。方法:选择中国学术期刊全文数据库(CNKI)作为文献统计数据源,查阅1994--2010年之间文献;随机抽取部队炊事人员进行问卷调查,问卷内容包括对食物相克的一般认知和常见30对所谓相克食物搭配情况的回顾调查;对20个单位100份连队周食谱和20份部队重大活动食谱进行逐一检索,查看有无所谓的相克食物组合。结果:(1)查阅174篇文献,仅有38篇属于反对食物相克的,支持“相克”的文献与质疑“相克”的文献比例约为4:1。(2)328名调查对象中有325人听说过食物相克,206人认为食物相克有科学根据,17人表示遇见过因食物相克而使食用者出现不适症状。(3)炊事人员对相克食物相互搭配的回顾性调查表明,搭配比例较高的食物组合有黄瓜和花生、黄瓜和西红柿、猪肉和黄豆、菠菜和豆腐、葱和豆腐、虾和西红胡萝l、和白萝1、.搭配比例依次为57.93%、37.50%、35.06%、32.93%、31.71%、30.18%、26.83%。(4)120份食谱中出现的食物组合有:黄瓜和西红柿、葱和豆腐、黄瓜和花生、豆浆和鸡蛋、菠菜和豆腐、黄豆和猪肉、牛奶和菜花、虾和西红柿、牛肉和韭菜、牛肉和栗子等。结论:调查对象对食物相克认知与普通人群存在一定差异;所调查的相克食物在部队食谱和膳食中经常出现,多数不会引起人体不良反应,相互搭配风险较低。  相似文献   

食物不仅关乎生存,同样还影响着我们的情绪和行为.你所吃的食物为大脑提供化学物质,影响着你的心情、行为、思维过程和情绪反应.如果你注重饮食--比如摄入足量的增进脑健康的omega-3脂肪酸,就能在每一天都令自己的情绪和行为人为不同. omega-3脂肪酸:理想终生脑健康的关键 科学证据表明.足量的omega-3脂肪酸饮食摄入,对达到最佳的心理健康和大脑机能至关重要,而且甚至可以提高智力水平.科学家相信,饮食中长期匮乏omega-3脂肪酸会对情绪产生消极影响,而且是抑郁症类心理疾病的主要诱因.与那些不习惯吃鱼的国家相比,有经常吃鱼习惯国家的抑郁症发病率相对较低.omega-3脂肪酸还被证实对治疗其他一些病症同样有效,比如无法处理压力、失忆以及认如衰退.  相似文献   

正美媒称,作为许多可怕疾病的病因,炎症是医学圈里的流行语。但最新研究表明,炎症和精神健康尤其是抑郁症之间,有着不可否认的联系。据报道,波士顿的精神病专家詹姆斯·M·格林布拉特说:"很多年前我们就知道,像碳水化合物等特定食物会给人带来好心情。许多研究告诉我们,饮食不合理会引起多种精神疾病,包括抑郁症。"格林布拉特说,美国疾病控制和预防中心最近的  相似文献   

The use of expenditure surveys to measure food insecurity is widely discussed. In this study, we investigate food insecurity in terms of monetary poverty. Using a Malian survey that incorporates exceptionally detailed information on food consumption, we estimate that 35 % of the households are in a paradoxical situation, some poor households managing to cover their caloric requirements by eating cheap calories and some non-poor households not doing so because they consume expensive calories and/or face constraints such as the obligation to share meals with visitors and high expenditure on health care or transportation. These findings highlight precautions that need to be taken when measuring food insecurity through monetary income or expenditure indicators.  相似文献   

Much of the contemporary literature on food security has focused on the rural sector. However, within the current context of high demographic growth, rapid urbanization and rising urban poverty which characterizes much of Sub-Saharan Africa, urban food insecurity cannot continue to be ignored. This study therefore examines the vulnerability of poor households to food insecurity in the challenging urban environment of Harare in Zimbabwe, an acute example of a city (and country) ‘in crisis’. Findings from qualitative and quantitative research demonstrate severe food insecurity characterized by critical food shortages and the consumption of narrower diets among poor households in the city. Household vulnerability to food insecurity stemmed from a range of factors, including: high levels of unemployment and poverty; high dependency ratios; low levels of house ownership; hyperinflation; skyrocketing food prices; and the general collapse of the formal food system. Vulnerability to food insecurity was further exacerbated by a prolonged adverse socio-political climate that undermined national economic recovery and reduced the livelihood opportunities available to the urban poor. The paper concludes that in Harare, as in most urban areas of the developing world, the urban poor have become highly vulnerable to food insecurity.  相似文献   

Purpose: The prevalence of adult-level household food insecurity was examined among clients receiving outpatient diabetes health care services. Methods: Participants were adults diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, who attended individual counselling sessions at Calgary's main clinic from January to April 2010. Clinicians were trained to administer the Household Food Security Survey Module (HFSSM), and did so with clients' assent during their scheduled sessions. Results: The prevalence of adult-level household food insecurity among 314 respondents was 15.0% (95% confidence interval [CI], 11.2 to 19.4); 6.7% (95% CI, 4.2 to 10.0) of clinic attendees were categorized as severely food insecure. The comparable rates obtained in Alberta in 2007 using the same instrument (HFSSM) were 5.6% and 1.2%, respectively. Conclusions: Household food insecurity rates among individuals with diabetes in active care are higher than rates reported in Canadian population surveys. Severe food insecurity, indicating reduced food intake and disrupted eating patterns, may affect this population's ability to follow a pattern of healthy eating necessary for effective diabetes management. This study reinforces the importance of assessing clients' inability to access food because of financial constraints, and indicates that screening with a validated measure may facilitate identification of clients at risk.  相似文献   

Although several empirical methodologies as to how best assess vulnerability to food insecurity have been proposed in the literature, none of these has evolved into a unanimously accepted approach. This article contributes to this literature by adapting the Vulnerability as Expected Poverty approach from poverty analysis methodology with the aim of scrutinizing factors determining household level vulnerability to food insecurity based on cross-section data collected from 277 randomly selected households in eastern Ethiopia. Vulnerability to food insecurity was strongly associated with several factors which included family size, size of cultivated landholding, soil fertility status of plots, access to irrigation, number of extension visits, use of fertilizer and improved seed. The probability that any given household??s food consumption expenditure would fall below a specified cut-off level has also been computed and vulnerable households identified. The total number of vulnerable households (111) was found to be greater than those who are currently food insecure (103). This implies that design and implementation of food security policies and strategies need to focus not only on those who are observed to be currently food insecure, but also on setting up social protection mechanisms to help prevent households from falling more deeply into food insecurity in the future.  相似文献   

BackgroundFood oral processing is a simultaneous process of food destruction and sensory perception. How a food breaks down its structure inside the mouth and what mechanisms control this process are hugely important to our eating experience and sensory perception. A proper understanding of this process is urgently needed by the food industry for better design and manufacturing of quality tasty food.Scope and approachThis review article analyses research findings from literature and from author's own laboratory in order to identify main controlling mechanisms of food oral destruction. Appropriate experimental evidences are given wherever available to demonstrate the important implications of different destruction mechanisms to sensory perception.Key findings and conclusionsThree major controlling mechanisms of food oral destruction are identified: the mechanical size reduction, the colloidal destabilisation, and the enzymatic interactions. These mechanisms may be applicable to different food materials either independently or collectively. They could also be applicable through the whole eating process or just at a certain stage of an eating process.  相似文献   

Increasing obesity levels portend a challenging societal healthcare issue, while the current economic crisis may foster food insecurity, characterized by limited or uncertain access to adequate food. This study examines associations among food insecurity, meeting recommendations for dietary and physical activity patterns, and body mass index (BMI) among baby boomers and older adults completing the 2010 Brazos Valley Health Survey. Subjects included 2,985 respondents (1,589 baby boomers and 1,396 older adults). Thirty-six percent of participants were obese while 15 % of participants were food insecure. Approximately 8 % of baby boomers and older adults were both food insecure and obese. Among all study participants, an increased BMI was more common among those who were ethnic minorities and had depression. An increased BMI was less common among those who met fruit/vegetable intake and physical activity recommendations. There was a positive association between food insecurity and BMI only among baby boomer and older adult females. A combined emphasis on availability of healthy foods and increased opportunities for meeting physical activity guidelines can help to counter the food insecurity-obesity connection among both baby boomer and older adult females.  相似文献   

Food insecurity and coping strategies in Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State in the south-western part of Nigeria were studied by means of a multistage sampling technique. Data were collected from 80 households, consisting of 321 members, with the aid of a well-structured questionnaire, and were analysed using a Food Insecurity Index. The overall incidence of food insecurity was 58.8 % while the depth of food insecurity, expressed as the average percent increase in calories required to meet the recommended daily requirement, was 19.5 %. Thus, the study confirmed the widespread existence of household food insecurity but with mild severity. Food insecurity indices declined with higher levels of income and educational attainment but increased with household size and number of dependants. Incidence of food insecurity was slightly higher among female headed than male headed households but the depth and severity were lower. Eating less expensive and less preferred food and reducing portion sizes were the three most common coping strategies for combating short-term food shortages. Policies that would enhance income earning capacity of household members and their access to higher education, well-focused gender specific interventions and promotion of backyard farming are advocated.  相似文献   

D-塔格糖是一种重要的稀有己酮糖,其甜度是蔗糖的92%,热量只有蔗糖的三分之一;D-塔格糖分别于2001年和2014年被美国食品药品监督管理局和我国卫生和计划生育委员会批准为食品新原料。D-塔格糖具有降低血糖、减少肥胖、改善肠道菌群、抗龋齿、抗氧化等功能。D-塔格糖作为一种理想功能性甜味剂,具有广泛的应用价值,然而塔格糖的生产成本以及产量一直是限制塔格糖发展和应用的重要原因。D-塔格糖的合成方法主要有化学合成法和生物转化法。化学合成法生产D-塔格糖虽然是一种经济有效的方法,但是在生产过程中需要高温高压的条件,并且容易生成山梨糖、甘露糖等杂糖,不利于分离纯化。为了克服这些缺点,生物转化法生产D-塔格糖得到了广泛的关注和研究,因此,系统阐述了以不同底物,如己糖(半乳糖醇、D-半乳糖和D-果糖)、乳糖、多糖(麦芽糊精和淀粉)转化成D-塔格糖的研究进展和优缺点,并对其未来研究趋势进行了展望,以期为D-塔格糖的研发与生产提供借鉴。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The degree of food insecurity and dietary intake was examined in adult Colombians who are new immigrants to Canada and use a food bank. METHODS: In-person surveys were conducted on a convenience sample of 77 adult Colombian immigrant food bank users in London, Ontario. Degree of food insecurity was measured by the Radimer/Cornell questionnaire, food intakes by 24-hour recall, sociodemographics, and questionnaires about changes in dietary patterns before and after immigration. RESULTS: Thirty-six men and 41 women participated in the study. Despite being highly educated, all respondents had experienced some form of food insecurity within the previous 30 days. The degree of food insecurity seems to be inversely associated with income and length of residency in Canada. Total daily energy intake was low, with a mean value of 1,568.3 +/- 606.0 kcal (6,217.5 +/- 2,336.4 kJ). In particular, a large proportion of participants consumed a diet low in fruits and vegetables (73%) and milk and dairy products (58%). CONCLUSIONS: Colombian immigrant food bank users new to Canada experience various degrees of food insecurity, which is associated with inadequate food intake. Interventions are needed to assist this population with adapting to society while concurrently sustaining healthy eating patterns.  相似文献   

The objectives of this paper are: 1) to examine the socio-demographic characteristics and prevalence of food insecurity in three groups of refugees resettled in the U.S.; 2) to describe themes that arose as potential determinants of food insecurity for refugees; and 3) to posit a conceptual model of the potential determinants of food insecurity for refugees and how they interrelate. This is a case study based on the analysis of three nutritional assessment studies conducted with Asian and African refugees (n = 97 combined). A mixed methods approach was adopted with a semi-structured interview questionnaire, containing both quantitative and open-ended qualitative questions. Interviews were conducted in-home by community interviewers. Seventy percent (n = 69) of the sample, which represented a group that has been resettled in the U.S. for an average of 8 years, experienced some level of food insecurity. Themes related to previous food shortage in refugee camps, health care costs, and remittance of resources to relatives back home emerged as factors impacting food security and demonstrating its lack for those who have been resettled for even as many as 8 years. Pre-resettlement factors and transnational remittance have been understudied as they relate to the food security status of resettled refugees. With greater investigation, the knowledge acquired of these factors could impact the way resettlement programs design education, training and counseling for refugees.  相似文献   

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