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以NREL 5 MW近海风力机为研究对象,基于Kaimal平稳随机风速谱模型建立风力机全域湍流风,同时采用Matlock模型计算动态冰力,模拟风力机所受冰激振动,研究在风-冰联合环境载荷作用下近海风力机动力学响应。结果表明:冰激振动极大地加剧塔顶各向振动;频域上,冰激振动影响主要集中于塔架1阶固有频率和叶片1阶摆振频率,且相应峰值与冰厚呈正相关关系;受冰激振动作用,塔架各向剪切力明显增加,且塔顶和塔基附近增幅大于塔身中部。  相似文献   

高纬度低温海域海平面存在大量运动状态的海冰,位于此处的近海桩柱式风力机容易受到不规则的海冰载荷作用,风力机平台、塔架和叶片等结构部件的动力学响应均受其影响.为定性及定量分析海冰载荷对叶片和塔架的结构动力学响应的影响程度,以NREL5 MW近海4桩柱式风力机为研究对象,耦合风载荷、波浪载荷及海冰载荷,通过Kane方法建立风力机动力学模型,其中海冰载荷通过冰力函数定义.对比分析了在IEC Lock in冰力函数、Mttnen海冰模型和无海冰作用三种工况下叶片和塔架的结构动力学响应,结果表明:海冰载荷使塔顶位移增加,在Mttnen海冰模型作用下塔顶位移增加了24.1%,在IEC Lock in模型作用下则增加了16%;两种海冰模型均不同程度地使叶片挥舞振动的频率增大,其中在Mttnen海冰模型中变化更加剧烈,这极大地增加了叶片的疲劳载荷.  相似文献   

以近海DTU 10 MW大型单桩式风力机为研究对象,利用Kaimal风谱模型与P-M谱分别建立湍流风场并定义波浪分布,基于绕射理论计算波浪载荷。选用东海某风电场土壤参数建立桩-土耦合效应模型,对比分析风浪载荷下基于不同桩-土耦合效应的风力机动力学响应、疲劳寿命及稳定性。结果表明:桩-土耦合效应对风浪载荷下风力机动力学响应起阻尼作用,将大幅降低其动力学响应,在抗风浪研究中,桩-土耦合效应不可忽略,否则将过度估计动力学响应;基于线性桩-土耦合效应与非线性桩-土耦合效应的风力机动力学响应、疲劳损伤及1阶屈曲因子相差较小,而较之于非线性桩-土耦合效应,风浪联合作用下多土层桩-土耦合效应风力机动力学响应略剧烈,疲劳寿命及1阶屈曲因子略小。  相似文献   

以近海DTU 10 MW单桩式大型风力机为研究对象,采用Kaimal风谱模型模拟湍流风场,根据P-M谱建立波浪模型,选取实测地震位移数据为地震载荷,基于非线性弹簧单元和p-y曲线构建土-结构耦合效应模型,并对不同环境载荷下风力机进行动力学响应及屈曲分析。结果表明:风浪和地震载荷分别为引发风力机塔顶前后向及侧向位移的主要载荷;塔架一阶模态为不同环境载荷下风力机动力学响应主要参与模态;环境载荷联合作用下塔顶更易发生局部屈曲,结构设计时应重点关注此处;必须考虑风浪震重力载荷联合作用,否则难以准确预估风力机结构动力学响应及判断结构稳定性。  相似文献   

为研究地震强度与小型风力机塔架动力学响应之间的关系,以AOC 50 kW风力机为研究对象,采用Wolf理论建立土-构耦合模型,基于FAST(多体动力学仿真软件)预留数据接口,开发地震载荷计算模块,建立了湍流风与地震实时耦合的动力学仿真模型。通过比例缩放ASCE(美国土木工程师协会)标准地震反应谱,得到了20种不同强度的PSA(设计加速度),从而计算不同地震与湍流风联合作用下的风力机结构动力学响应。结果表明:PSA为0.6 g(g为9.806 65 m/s~2)时,塔基弯矩增大133.3%,但地震强度对塔顶弯矩影响较小。随着地震强度的增大,塔架不同高度处的最大弯矩与高度之间的关系逐渐由线性转变为非线性,塔架不同高度处的最大剪切力与高度之间的关系维持线性。此外,在地震载荷与风载荷共同作用下,IEC(国际电工委员会)和AWEA/ASCE(美国风能协会/美国土木工程师协会)载荷预估模型结果偏大。本文提出了一种新的高精度预估模型,可为小型风力机地震载荷预估和预防地震风险提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

针对水深70 m海域提出一种新型浅吃水浮式风力机的概念设计,并进行动力特性分析.建立浮式风力机系统的气动-水动-系泊耦合的非线性动力学分析模型,基于叶素-动量理论计算气动载荷,采用势流理论计算水动力载荷,采用三维有限元动力分析模型计算系泊缆张力,利用Matlab开发相应的数值计算工具,研究新型浅吃水浮式风力机的运动性能...  相似文献   

为研究与结构接触表面不平整浮冰导致的冰激振动对风力机影响,建立风力机Kane多体动力学模型,采用异步Matlock模型模拟冰激振动,由Kaimal风速谱、指数风廓线模型和空间相干模型模拟来流风场,结合叶素动力学计算风力机非定常气动载荷,分析湍流风载荷和异步冰激振动模型作用下塔架动力学响应。研究结果表明:异步Matlock模型冰载荷峰值低于同步模型;塔顶前后位移受冰激振动影响较侧向更为显著,幅值和标准差均大幅提高;冰激振动导致塔顶前后位置破碎频率及其靠近叶片2阶挥舞频率倍频处幅值大幅提高,且异步Matlock增幅小于同步模型;异步Matlock模型对塔顶侧向位移影响较小。  相似文献   

为研究主余震序列作用下近海单桩式风力机动力响应特性,以DTU 10 MW风力机为研究对象,构建地震-湍流风-波浪多物理场计算模型,并通过重复法及衰减法构造主余震序列,研究主余震序列对风力机动力特性的影响。结果表明:当地震正向冲击时,环境载荷主要影响塔顶前后向振动,地震载荷为塔顶侧向振动的决定载荷,可在一定程度上缓解环境载荷所造成的塔顶振动。主余震序列作用时相较仅主震或余震序列作用,风力机塔顶振动明显增强,塔架最大等效应力变大,应变能集聚现象更为明显。余震较强时,风力机余震阶段塔顶振动、最大等效应力及应变能集聚现象强于主震阶段。  相似文献   

为探究单桩及三桩式海上风力机在不同风载荷及地震载荷作用下动力学响应的差异,以DTU 10 MW风力机为研究对象,考虑湍流风及地震载荷作用,基于p-y曲线法及Winkler土-构相互作用理论,构建土-构耦合模型,开展单桩及三桩式海上风力机动力学响应比较研究。结果表明:在湍流风作用下,三桩式风力机较单桩式塔顶位移峰值响应较小,结构更稳定;单桩式风力机呈局部小应力、整体大应力现象;而三桩式风力机呈局部大应力,整体小应力现象。在湍流风与地震载荷联合作用下,三桩式风力机相较于单桩式位移峰值受地震载荷影响波动较大,但其在不同风速及不同强度地震作用下峰值节点位移总体仍小于单桩式。  相似文献   

为探究极端环境下地震诱导大型单桩式近海风力机的非线性结构动力特性,以DTU 10 MW风力机为研究对象,构建地震-湍流风-波浪多物理场模型,研究其动力响应特性,根据混沌理论,采用相空间重构法和最大Lyapunov指数法,从定性和定量角度分析了单桩式近海风力机动力响应的混沌特性。结果表明:地震与环境载荷联合作用下,塔底位移最大值相比仅有环境载荷时明显增大,地震载荷主要影响塔架中部及底部动力响应,其诱导塔顶振动幅值较小;随地震强度的增加,塔顶流向及侧向加速度响应最大Lyapunov指数变大,混沌特性增强,塔顶稳定性减弱。  相似文献   

Offshore wind turbines (OWTs) are subjected to both quasi‐static loads originating from variations in the thrust force and dynamic loads linked to turbulence, waves and turbine dynamics. Both types of loads contribute to fatigue life progression and thus define the turbine's age. As a structural health monitoring solution, one could thus directly measure the stress history at fatigue critical locations. However, for OWTs on monopile foundations some fatigue critical locations are located below the seabed. Installing strain sensors at these hotspots is therefore impossible for existing wind turbines. This measurement restriction is overcome by reconstructing the full‐field response of the structure based on the limited number of accelerometers and strain sensors (installed at a few easily accessible locations) and a calibrated finite element model of the system. The system model uses a multi‐band modal expansion approach constituted of the quasi‐static and dynamic contributions. These contributions are superimposed to reconstruct the stress history at all degrees of freedom of the finite element model, and the subsequent assess fatigue life consumption at all fatigue hot spots of the OWT. In this paper, the proposed virtual sensing technique is validated by predicting the stresses in the transition piece with 12 days of consecutive measurements from an operational OWT. The data set contains both variations in environmental and operating conditions as well as extreme events. Finally, a full‐field strain assessment in the tower and foundation system of the OWT is demonstrated. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Gunner C. Larsen 《风能》2001,4(3):107-120
Fatigue damage on wind turbines is mainly caused by stochastic loading originating from turbulence. While onshore sites display large differences in terrain topology, and thereby also in turbulence conditions, offshore sites are far more homogeneous, as the majority of them are likely to be associated with shallow water areas. However, despite this fact, specific recommendations on offshore turbulence intensities, applicable for fatigue design purposes, are lacking in the present IEC code. This article presents specific guidelines for such loading. These guidelines are based on the statistical analysis of a large number of wind data originating from two Danish shallow water offshore sites. The turbulence standard deviation depends on the mean wind speed, upstream conditions, measuring height and thermal convection. Defining a population of turbulence standard deviations, at a given measuring position, uniquely by the mean wind speed, variations in upstream conditions and atmospheric stability will appear as variability of the turbulence standard deviation. Distributions of such turbulence standard deviations, conditioned on the mean wind speed, are quantified by fitting the measured data to logarithmic Gaussian distributions. By combining a simple heuristic load model with the parametrized conditional probability density functions of the turbulence standard deviations, an empirical offshore design turbulence intensity is determined. For pure stochastic loading (as associated with standstill situations), the design turbulence intensity yields a fatigue damage equal to the average fatigue damage caused by the distributed turbulence intensity. If the stochastic loading is combined with a periodic deterministic loading (as in the normal operating situation), the proposed design turbulence intensity is shown to be conservative. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  目的  单桩式基础是目前近海海上风电场应用最广泛的支撑结构。中国海洋环境多为浅水和中等水深,受到非线性波浪影响较为明显。与行进波相比,聚焦波可以在短时间内形成一个作用在桩柱上、比常规波浪力大的冲击力,从而影响海上风机的运行性能和疲劳寿命。文章旨在探究强非线性波浪作用下海上风机单桩基础荷载特性,掌握聚焦波与基础相互作用规律,为工程设计提供参考。  方法  文章采用水池模型试验的方法对NREL 5 MW单桩海上风机开展研究,缩尺比例为1∶80。结合我国东部沿海风电场的海洋环境条件,选取了三种典型聚焦波模型,通过浪高仪器和测力天平分别记录了不同工况下单桩周围波浪爬高和底部受力变化情况。  结果  结果表明:桩基所受的水平波浪力具有很强的瞬态性;单桩基础所受水平波浪力在聚焦波的作用下会突然增大,在波谷会受到反向冲击力。  结论  文章揭示了聚焦波引起的海上风机单桩基础荷载变化规律,证实了非线性波浪对于风机基础动力特性的重要影响,相关成果具有较高的理论和工程应用价值。  相似文献   

腐蚀影响海上风电机组动态响应特性,为评估和预测多腐蚀期龄海上风电机组动态力学行为及疲劳寿命,基于Lagrange方程以及均匀腐蚀模型,建立腐蚀-浮式风电机组参数模型,采用数值分析方法分析多腐蚀期龄海上风电机组动态响应特征。结果表明,随着腐蚀期龄的逐渐累积,塔筒弯曲频率响应幅值成为影响塔顶位移运动的主要因素,塔基弯曲应力呈指数型增长,塔筒疲劳寿命将急剧降低。  相似文献   

Daniel Zwick  Michael Muskulus 《风能》2015,18(8):1421-1432
Stochastic representations of turbulent wind and irregular waves are used in time domain simulations of offshore wind turbines. The variability due to finite sampling of this input loading is an important source of simulation error. For the OC4 reference jacket structure with a 5 MW wind turbine, an error of 12–34% for ultimate loads and 6–12% for fatigue loads can occur with a probability of 1%, for simulations with a total simulation length of 60 min and various load cases. In terms of fatigue life, in the worst case, the lifetime of a joint was thereby overestimated by 29%. The size of this error can be critical, i.e., ultimate or fatigue limits can be exceeded, with probability depending on the choice of number of random seeds and simulation length. The analysis is based on a large simulation study with about 30,000 time domain simulations. Probability density functions of response variables are estimated and analyzed in terms of confidence intervals; i.e., how probable it is to obtain results significantly different from the expected value when using a finite number of simulations. This simulation error can be reduced to the same extent, either using several short simulations with different stochastic representations of the wind field or one long simulation with corresponding total length of the wind field. When using several short‐term simulations, it is important that ultimate and fatigue loads are calculated based on the complete, properly combined set of results, in order to prevent a systematic bias in the estimated loads. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为实现海上风电机组支撑结构抗疲劳设计,提出基于整体-局部方式建模的疲劳分析方法。利用该方法对热点局部区域进行详细有限元建模,基于IIW规范采用高精度六面体实体单元离散,其余非重点区域采用梁单元离散,可克服以往运用应力影响矩阵研究中忽略整体结构位移、边界条件不易施加等缺点。基于IEC 61400规范进行整机动力学和载荷计算,对某海上风电机组三脚架支撑结构进行疲劳分析。对比分析不同载荷工况、波高和水深下的累积损伤值,结果验证了所提出的整体-局部建模方法在海上风电机组三脚架支撑结构疲劳分析中的可行性和优越性。  相似文献   

陈宇  祝磊  吴松熊 《太阳能学报》2024,45(8):581-586
提出适用于南海200 m水域的新型漂浮式风电基础概念设计,并基于NREL 5 MW风力涡轮机对新型基础进行性能分析。采用莫里森方程和势流理论计算水动力载荷,并利用ANSYS/AQWA软件建立风力机结构与水动力数值模型,探究其在频域范围内的水动力性能,计算分析漂浮式风力机在不同波况下的时域动力响应。结果显示,该基础的固有周期能较好地避开常见波浪的周期范围,避免引起共振,水动力性能良好,在南海某海域1年、20年和50年一遇的3种波况下基础的运动响应均满足规范要求,能保证漂浮式风力机在极端海况下的安全性和稳定性。  相似文献   

The estimation of fatigue lifetime for an offshore wind turbine support structure requires a large number of time‐domain simulations. It is an important question whether it is possible to reduce the number of load cases while retaining a high level of accuracy of the results. We present a novel method for simplified fatigue load assessments based on statistical regression models that estimate fatigue damage during power production. The main idea is to predict the total fatigue damage only and not also the individual damage values for each load case. We demonstrate the method for a jacket‐type support structure. Reducing the number of simulated load cases from 21 to 3, the total fatigue damage estimate exhibited a maximum error of about 6% compared with the complete assessment. As a consequence, a significant amount of simulation time can be saved, in the order of a factor of seven. This quick fatigue assessment is especially interesting in the application of structural optimization, with a large number of iterations. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为准确评估浮式海上风电机组结构服役安全性,提出一种基于多失效模式的可靠性评估方法。以美国国家可再生能源实验室(NREL)研制的5 MW浮式风力发电机组OC3 Hywind为目标模型,根据不同海况下浮式风电机组结构耦合动力响应分析结果,分析关键结构的不同失效模式,最后基于多失效模式的可靠性评估方法计算整体系统可靠性。结果表明,考虑串联系统,基于多失效模式可靠性分析方法得到的海上浮式风电机组结构整体的失效概率远高于单一模式失效概率,采用此方式评估结构可靠度更加安全准确。  相似文献   

考虑风荷载与冰荷载联合作用对大型单桩海上风电机组的影响,基于IEA 15 MW超大型单桩海上风电机组,采用一体化分析软件Openfast建立风冰联合作用下大型单桩耦合数值模型,开展超大型单桩海上风电机组在风冰联合作用下的动力响应分析。探究不同加载时长、冰激振动模型以及疲劳损伤组合方法对大型单桩海上风电机组的动力响应规律。计算结果显示:不同冰载数值计算模型塔基与泥面线载荷的计算结果差别较大,泥面线受冰荷载影响较大,同时泥面线位置较塔基位置承受更大的疲劳损伤,应重点关注。采用不同的荷载组合方向进行泥面线与塔基位置的疲劳损伤估计时,计算结果较风冰联合作用下疲劳损伤相对误差较大。因此,宜采用风冰联合加载的方法进行大型单桩海上风电机组的动力响应模拟,进而开展超大型单桩海上风电机组的疲劳损伤估计。  相似文献   

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