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电力建设工程关系到我国能源运输的基础,是我国基础设施建设的重要组成部分。电力企业如何在电力建设工程中加强监察管理,解决影响企业监管的问题,保障企业内部控制的质量和效果,是目前电力企业应当重点思考的问题。本文从电力建设工程中存在的问题入手,分析改善监察管理工作的措施,旨在提高电力企业管理水平。  相似文献   

我国电力监管长期处于垂直一体化管理的体制下,监管效率低下,远远不能满足电力发展的需求。随着电力市场化改革的推进,我国电力监管也进行了"政监分离"的改革探索,成立了独立于政府的电力监管委员会。然而当下市场化时机并不成熟,电监会陷入了"身份困境"。2013年在新一轮大部制改革的背景下撤销电监会,将其职能并入了国家能源局,探索重组后能源局的电力监管在新的改革环境下的定位,不仅能够缓解电力监管现存的困境,而且能够促进电力监管长效机制的构建。  相似文献   

我国新一轮电力体制改革提出了建立相对独立的电力交易机构和规范运行的实施意见,各省相继成立了电力交易中心以及电力市场管理委员会,并探索其运营模式以更好的发挥作用。为了更加科学合理的设计管委会组织结构、运营模式以及工作机制,需要参考国外典型电力市场相关机构运营模式,为我国电力市场管理委员会建设提供借鉴。美国作为世界上最早进行电力市场化改革的国家之一,在法律法规、电力机构建设、电力市场运行以及电力主体监督等方面取得了诸多成就。首先从电力监管机构和电力市场法律法规两个方面出发,梳理了美国电力市场监管体系的现状。其次,对美国PJM市场中的独立运营商进行分析,对运行比较成功的PJM成员委员会的组织结构、运行模式等进行分析。最后,结合我国新一轮电力体制改革和各省电力市场建设现状,提出电力市场管委会建设的相关启示,为电力市场管理委员会的规则制定、组织结构建设以及评价体系等方面提供借鉴。  相似文献   

近年来,我国电力行业市场正在积极的进行改革发展,虽然,已经取得了明显成效,但是,在整体改革发展过程中,仍旧存在诸多问题,如电力市场体系结构简单、行业交易规则不合理等,所以,为了实现自身的良好发展,要对这些问题进行全面分析,结合实际情况来采取有效监管机制。  相似文献   

彭贵宏 《门窗》2013,(6):360
我国经济改革正在逐步深化,电力施工企业的传统模式被抛弃,出现了新的改革。现在,许多电力施工企业正在朝市场经济方向转变,市场竞争将会变得越来越激烈。在激烈的市场环境中,电力施工企业如何通过自身的努力,转变经营方式,在提高效率和保正质量的同时做好成本控制是关系到企业能否健康发展的问题。  相似文献   

农村资金互助社是合作金融机构,对其监管的法律制度依然存在着监管主体不明、市场准入条件过高等问题,建议从明确监管主体、降低市场准入条件、适当放松运营监管、强化内控制度建设和健全市场退出机制等五个方面进行完善。  相似文献   

省级电力交易中心属于一种独立的电力机构,在电力行业中有着调配市场资源的重要作用,因此对于省级电力交易中心而言,需要明确自身的职能定位,并且不断强化服务属性,提高自身的服务水平。而随着我国新电改政策的实施,对电力交易中心的服务质量有着更高的要求,因此需要通过构建服务蓝图的方式来推进电力交易中心的服务改革,找出当前服务工作中存在的问题,并提出相应的改进建议。  相似文献   

电力市场不断推进;政府监管力度不断加强,社会对供电服务的要求也越来越高。这对电力工作者的市场营销工作的开展提出了更高的要求,和监督氛围。根剧现实问题和困难做出见解,依据国际上的电力改革经验,说明向开放,是电力市场建设的一个普遍规律。结合我  相似文献   

当今电力市场竞争激烈,各电力施工企业加大改革力度,内抓管理,外抓市场,增强企业的竞争能力。为了适应电力建设市场技术性、系统性、规范性越来越强的需要,加强成本管理,提高经济效益,明确施工经营管理者的责、权、利关系,为此,实施项目经理承包制势在必行。电力施工企业的管理.关键在于项目管理,项目管理的好坏直接影响企业的信誉、效益。现就项目管理阐述一下自己的观点。  相似文献   

目前,我国电力需求侧管理进入了一个发展较快的时期。国家有关部门也出台了很多关于电力需求侧管理的政策,对实施有序用电、缓解电力供需矛盾发挥了积极的作用,但是在实施的过程中,还是存在着一些问题。基于此,分析了当前电力需求侧管理工作中存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

The Djoser funerary complex was meant to be a house for a god and a metaphor for the sky. Today, it is usually understood that this original work of classical architecture is a vacant house of stone “from which the gods have fled.”

This difference does not have to be understood as a further sign of an irrecoverable loss of meaning. It is a historical doubling of meaning, or a duplicity. This article explores the duplicity of meaning of the Djoser complex by comparing references to architecture in the Pyramid Texts with texts of contemporary criticism, in particular, “The Pit and the Pyramid” by Jacques Derrida.  相似文献   

This paper presents the theoretical context and results of an advanced research seminar, Visualizing Information in Space, Time, and Motion , that explores the production of space with respect to the spatial inhabitation of our built environment, strategies of representation, and the research, analysis, synthesis, and construction of notation communicating perceived aspects of space, time, and motion.  相似文献   

仲德崐:《中外建渤杂志每一期围绕一个城市做一个主题,以座谈的形式谈论城市、谈论建筑、谈论文化,我是受杂志社的委托来召开这次关于我们南京城市的论坛。今天我们论坛的主题是“山水城林,南京论建”,“建”非宝剑的“剑”,而是建设的“建”,如果是宝剑的“剑”,那么就有武林大会的意思了。我们请了南京各领域的专家,有规划方面、建筑方面、风景园林方面,还有一些不可缺少的文化人。我始终有一个观点,认为一个城市的建设绝对不仅仅是建设一个物质环境,而是一个文化的氛围。我记得沙里宁曾经讲过一句话,“让我看看你的城市,我就知道这个城市的人民在追求着什么”。  相似文献   


This article reconsiders a joint seminar and studio that studied how an expanded vision of site and culture influences architectural production. The Barnes Foundation controversy provided a vehicle for this study. The Barnes is a private, world-renowned collection of art situated in an unlikely suburban Philadelphia neighborhood. Arguing that its current home was untenable, in 2002 the foundation announced plans to relocate—a move that runs counter to its founding charter, which bars any change to the collection, its content, or its location. Against a background of continued public protest and legal appeals, the Barnes decision prompts myriad vexing questions that are valuable for consideration in architectural education. Chief among these: is replication a valid, meaningful, or sufficient way to preserve cultural value, and if so, how?  相似文献   

<正>1入口:山与墙那日下午,在微园的对谈,李兴钢议及微园的入口山面,语多赞誉,立面两幅山墙,在几组卧石之后,一高一低,一黑一白,李兴钢以为,卧石虽巨,尚不足以形成山势,背景中的黑白两幅坡顶山面,为微园的建筑外观,勾勒出城市视角的山形背景。沿着这条山墙如山的如画观法,我大致还能接续—葛明以青砖履面的山墙,高耸而色深,以粉壁而白的山面,低缓而色浅,葛明利用砖墙包裹的空腔,使得南部高深的山面,稍凸于北部的远白山面,若按从城市进入微园的常规视  相似文献   

Landscapes, tourism, and conservation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One key aspect of global change is a decrease in ecological integrity as more and more landscapes are developed, leaving a mosaic of intact refuges and degraded patches that may not be sufficient for conserving biodiversity. While increases in human population and shifts in the distribution of people affect land use, the temporary movement of people can have major implications for conservation and biodiversity. Three examples are presented where recreation/tourism can enhance the conservation of land on a landscape scale, leading to habitat protection and biodiversity preservation: (1) Shorebirds often require a matrix of different habitat types during migratory stopovers, and ecotourism can serve as a catalyst for landscape scale protection of habitat. (2) Riparian habitats can serve as corridors to link diverse habitat patches, as well as serving as biodiversity hotspots. (3) Remediation and rehabilitation of contaminated lands, such as those of the US Department of Energy, aimed at developing recreational activities on the uncontaminated portions, can be the most economical form of re-development with no increase in human or ecological risk. Since large areas on many DOE sites have been undisturbed since the Second World War, when they were acquired, they contain unique or valuable ecosystems that serve an important role within their regional landscapes. In all three cases the judicious development of recreational/tourist interests can encourage both the conservation of habitats and the wise management of habitats on a landscape scale. While some species or habitats are too fragile for sustained tourism, many can be managed so that species, ecosystems and ecotourists flourish. By contributing to the economic base of regions, ecotourists/recreationists can influence the protection of land and biodiversity on a landscape scale, contributing to ecosystem management. The human dimensions of land preservation and biodiversity protection are key to long-term sustainability, and ecotourists/recreationists can be one management option.  相似文献   

郑曦 《风景园林》2020,27(3):4-5
半年前带学生苏州实习,有机会再次到城西北的虎丘,据说在远古时代原本是海湾中时隐时现的孤丘,称海涌山,经历代持久地营建而成名胜。过山门海涌流晖、大吴胜壤,经拥翠山庄、憨憨泉,过流纹岩的千人坐和白莲池,沿剑池风壑云泉上双井桥,到隐喻海浪如雪的雪浪亭后登顶见云岩寺塔,30 m高的小山竟迂回曲折,气象磅礴,穿越了春秋至今2000年的时光,让人由衷赞叹人工之美入天然的风景魅力。  相似文献   

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