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本科生创新能力的培养的是十分重要和必要的,通过对本科生毕业设计特点的分析,论证毕业设计是实现本科生创新能力培养的有效途径,并围绕人才培养的创新机制,探索本科生毕业设计创新能力培养工作实践中的一些思路和举措。 相似文献
文章介绍了我校工业工程专业的本科生到企业进行毕业设计的尝试以及所取得的成功,同时也指出了要注意的问题。 相似文献
随着就业形势的日趋严峻,越来越多的本科生选择了考研来谋求个人的发展。文章采用调查问卷的方式,对地方工科院校本科生的考研意向进行了详细的了解,并在此基础上进行了多项目的详尽分析。 相似文献
毕业设计是本科教学过程中重的实践教学环节,对本科生的实践能力培养起着重的作用。本文结合我院在本科毕业设计中的一些实践,分别从毕业设计的选题、毕业设计过程控制、毕业设计规范化管理等方面进行了讨论。 相似文献
当今科学技术飞速发展.技术应用领域中各学科互相交叉渗透,纯单一学科知识已不能适应现今技术工作需要。例如:现今的机械产品设计,不仅需要机械设计的专业知识.而且需要电子技术、自动控制、检测技术等类别的技术知识。据产品的应用领域,还经常涉及材料、化工、建筑、冶金等方面的一般知识。甚至,企业经营与产品开发决策、产品设计的技 相似文献
毕业设计是艺术设计专业整个教学体系中的最后一个实践环节,对于三本院校而言,更是衡量其专业教学质量和学生就业竞争力的重要指标。但是,现在三本院校毕业设计的现状着实令人担忧。因此,如何根据三本院校学生的特点,抓住社会需求,对毕业设计实践教学进行改革,实现教学成果的拓展与深化,值得我们探讨与思考。 相似文献
“大学生科技创新能力是高素质人才的核心和灵魂,是奠定以后人生的重要基石。”着重培养大学生科技创新的能力对自身、社会、国家有着重要作用,不仅能增强自身生存能力,更能增强社会、国家的科技竞争力。而现代高校本科教育存在很大程度上重知识传授、轻能力的培养,文章就如何培养大学生创新意识和创新能力、高校应当采取的有效提高措施进行探讨。 相似文献
本文分析了高职软件专业在毕业设计的过程中的情况,并洋细论述了毕业设计问题的解决,综合职业院校教学和学生的特点,探讨把灵活时间制的做法,为职业教育软件实践教学提供了一种新的思路。 相似文献
毕业实习是土木工程专业重要的教学实习环节,文章阐述了土木工程专业毕业实习的意义、存在的问题及改进的若干设想。 相似文献
文章通过探讨自动化专业教学当前面临的机遇和挑战,阐述了自动化专业毕业设计教学实践中的一些研究思路和实践方法,以适应新形势下对自动化专业毕业生的要求。 相似文献
文章分析了毕业设计中进行创新能力培养的必要性和可行性,指出了毕业设计过程缺乏创新精神和动力的原因,探索了在毕业设计中以就业为导向的创新能力培养方式。 相似文献
毕业设计是本科教育的一个重要环节,也是成教毕业生获得毕业资格和学位资格的重要依据。文章分析了成人高等教育毕业设计中存在的主要问题和原因,同时提出了解决方法。 相似文献
Background The authors partnered with the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) to examine how persistence within the engineering major and engagement of undergraduate students in engineering compare to other majors. Purpose (Hypothesis ) We explored three research questions: How do engineering students rate their college engagement compared to students in other majors? How do engineering persisters, non‐persisters, and migrators compare in terms of collegiate engagement, time on task, and enriching educational experiences? What college engagement factors predict persistence in engineering? Design /Method Data are from nearly 12,000 students who completed the NSSE survey in their first and senior years as undergraduates. Surveys were analyzed using ANOVA and Chi‐square calculations to determine whether differences emerged in three dimensions of student engagement based on students' self‐reported major. Due to the large sample, effect size was used to determine statistical significance. Binary logistic regression was used to identify factors that predict persistence among first year students and seniors in engineering. Results Results show that engineering majors are similar to non‐engineering majors on most variables. However, engineering majors reported significantly higher gains in practical competence and higher order thinking, but the lowest means on reflective learning and gains in general education. Engineering majors reported significantly more time preparing for class and less time participating in educationally enriching experiences. Conclusions We conclude that different educational outcomes between majors are the result of programmatic differences. The packed engineering curriculum requires students to make trade‐offs between gaining practical/marketable skills and participating in educationally enriching activities. We question this trade‐off and suggest alternative approaches. 相似文献
工业工程专业毕业设计(论文)工作的探索 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文讨论自学考试本科工业工程专业毕业设计(论文)试点工作的若干经验,以及在全国实施工业工程毕业设计中采取的举措,以保证我国第一次工业工程毕业设计的质量和全面胜利完成。 相似文献
毕业设计是培养学生应用能力和创新能力的重要环节,本文从环境专业毕业设计流程角度出发,剖析了在各个环节中应该重视的问题,从教师和学生两方面分析了改进措施,且通过包装设计举例说明,运用到毕业设计的各个阶段。 相似文献
Fazal Qudus Khan Saim Rasheed Maged Alsheshtawi Tarig Mohamed Ahmed Sadeeq Jan 《计算机、材料和连续体(英文)》2020,64(2):777-796
Computing students face the problem with time and quality of the work while
managing their graduation/senior projects. Rapid Application Development (RAD) model
is based on continual user involvement for the process of requirement gathering via
prototyping. After each iteration, the developers can validate the requirements that are
completed in the iteration. Managing a project with RAD is easier but not flexible. On the
other hand, Agile project management techniques focus on flexibility, agility, teamwork
and quality based on user stories. Continual user involvement is avoided, which requires
extensive maintenance time for fixing iteration and release of the story points. This also
makes it necessary to provide onsite training to the users of the application. This research
provides the pros and cons of RAD and Agile project management techniques, to help
students in deciding the best approach for managing their graduation projects. For the
evaluation of these techniques, similar case studies were given to the senior project
students (having similar CGPAs) for building similar functionality-based applications.
The two projects “Life Organizer” developed and managed using RAD and “Smart
Patient Assistant (SPA)” developed and managed through Agile methodology were
evaluated against the quality assurance criteria for senior projects. The study found that
the project developed with RAD methodology performed 13.33% better in providing
extensive and elaborated documentation than the students following the Agile technique.
On the other hand, SPA-Agile based project, due to teamwork had 2.5% better
implementation than Life Organizer-RAD based project. 相似文献