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Dispenser allocation to hydrogen refueling stations aims at minimizing the number of dispensers while ensuring satisfactory performance of vehicle queues during the peak hour of a peak day. A queuing model is developed in this study to evaluate the queuing performance at such stations by incorporating the statistical and thermodynamic characteristics of refueling. An optimization framework is proposed to determine the minimal number of dispensers required to meet the upper limits imposed on two important performance measures: mean waiting time and mean queue length. Reasonable upper limits are provided for 70 MPa stations according to the effects of dispenser allocation and station capacity on queuing performance. Server (dispenser nozzle) utilization under the optimal dispenser allocation generally increases with an increase in station size and tends to exceed 50% for large stations. The proposed approach can offer significant performance improvements for small stations and considerable savings in the number of dispensers for large ones.  相似文献   

Clean energy resources will be used more for sustainability improvement and durable development. Efficient technologies of energy production, storage, and usage results in reduction of gas emissions and improvement of the world economy. Despite 30% of electricity being produced from wind energy, the connection of wind farms to medium and large-scale grid power systems is still leading to instability and intermittency problems. Therefore, the conversion of electrical energy generated from wind parks into green hydrogen consists of an exciting solution for advancing the development of green hydrogen production, and the clean transportation sector. This paper presents a techno-economic optimization of hydrogen production for refueling fuel cell vehicles, using wind energy resources. The paper analyses three configurations, standalone Wind-Park Hydrogen Refueling Station (WP-HRS) with backup batteries, WP-HRS with backup fuel cells, and grid-connected WP-HRS. The analysis of different configurations is based on the wind potential at the site, costs of different equipment, and hydrogen load. Therefore, the study aims to find the optimized capacity of wind turbines, electrolyzers, power converters, and storage tanks. The optimization results show that the WP-HRS connected to the grid has the lowest Present Worth Cost (PWC) of 6,500,000 €. Moreover, the Levelized Hydrogen Cost (LHC) of this solution was found to be 6.24 €/kg. This renewable energy system produces 80,000 kg of green hydrogen yearly.  相似文献   

The rollout of hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) requires the initial deployment of an adequate network of hydrogen refueling stations (HRSs). Such deployment has proven to be challenging because of the high initial capital investment, the risk associated with such an investment, and the underutilization of HRSs in early FCEV markets. Because the compression system at an HRS represents about half of the station's initial capital cost, novel concepts that would reduce the cost of compression are needed. Argonne National Laboratory with support from the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Fuel Cell Technologies Office (FCTO) has evaluated the potential for delivering hydrogen in high-pressure tube-trailers as a way of reducing HRS compression and capital costs. This paper describes a consolidation strategy for a high-pressure (250-bar) tube-trailer capable of reducing the compression cost at an HRS by about 60% and the station's initial capital investment by about 40%. The consolidation of tube-trailers at pressures higher than 250 bar (e.g., 500 bar) can offer even greater HRS cost-reduction benefits. For a typical hourly fueling-demand profile and for a given compression capacity, consolidating hydrogen within the pressure vessels of a tube-trailer can triple the station's capacity for fueling FCEVs. The high-pressure tube-trailer consolidation concept could play a major role in enabling the early, widespread deployment of HRSs because it lowers the required HRS capital investment and distributes the investment risk among the market segments of hydrogen production, delivery, and refueling.  相似文献   

Hydrogen-energy expressway system planning involves load prediction, hydrogen source planning and hydrogen station planning. Exemplary construction of a run-for-profit hydrogen-energy expressway must attach importance to comprehensive evaluation of the effect of investment. The paper analyzes current situation of hydrogen-energy expressway construction, points out that adequate consideration should be given in all aspects of hydrogen energy's life cycle cost, such as hydrogen production, transport, storage, usage, CO2 disposal, carbon tax, hydrogen station's annual construction investment and annual operating expenses. The paper suggests that hydrogen made from discarded electricity of clean energies and hydrogen produced as byproduct during chemical plant production should be utilized to reduce production cost. On the basis of hydrogen energy's life cycle cost analysis, the paper creates a hydrogen station siting optimization model, with the constraints of hydrogen station's supply radius, hydrogen source's productivity and geographic information factor, so as to increase the applicability and level of hydrogen-energy expressway planning effectively.  相似文献   

A low flow rate and short diaphragm life are the two disadvantages of diaphragm compressors when applied in hydrogen refueling stations. A new generatrix of the cavity profile of a diaphragm compressor was developed in this study to increase the cavity volume and decrease the diaphragm radial stress. A reduction in the diaphragm radial stress that resulted from the new design was validated by experiment and numerical simulation. The volumes of the cavities with different generatrices and the radial stress distribution of the diaphragm were investigated under various design conditions. The results indicated that the volume of the cavity with the new generatrix was approximately 10% larger than that with a traditional generatrix at the same allowable stress and cavity radius. At a similar cavity volume and radius, the radial stress values of the diaphragm in the cavity with the new generatrix were low. The decrease rate of the maximal radial stress of the diaphragm in the cavity with the new generatrix reached 13.8%. In the diaphragm centric region, where additional stress was induced by discharge holes, the maximal radial stress decrease rate reached 19.6%.  相似文献   

Ambient condition, especially the wind condition, is an important factor to determine the behavior of hydrogen diffusion during hydrogen release. However, only few studies aim at the quantitative study of the hydrogen diffusion in a wind-exist condition. And very little researches aiming at the variable wind condition have been done. In this paper, the hydrogen diffusion in different wind condition which including the constant wind velocity and the variable wind velocity is investigated numerically. When considering the variable wind velocity, the UDF (user defined function) is compiled. Characteristics of the FGC (flammable gas cloud) and the HMF (hydrogen mass fraction) are analyzed in different wind condition and comparisons are made with the no-wind condition. Results indicate that the constant wind velocity and the variable wind velocity have totally different effect for the determination of hydrogen diffusion. Comparisons between the constant wind velocity and the variable wind velocity indicate that the variable wind velocity may cause a more dangerous situation since there has a larger FGC volume. More importantly, the wind condition has a non-negligible effect when considering the HMF along the radial direction. As the wind velocity increases, the distribution of the HMF along the radial direction is not Gaussian anymore when the distance between the release hole and the observation line exceeds to a critical value. This work can be a supplement of the research on the hydrogen release and diffusion and a valuable reference for the researchers.  相似文献   

Although hydrogen refueling stations (HRSs) are becoming widespread across Japan and are essential for the operation of fuel cell vehicles, they present potential hazards. A large number of accidents such as explosions or fires have been reported, rendering it necessary to conduct a number of qualitative and quantitative risk assessments for HRSs. Current safety codes and technical standards related to Japanese HRSs have been established based on the results of a qualitative risk assessment and quantitative effectiveness validation of safety measures over ten years ago. In the last decade, there has been much development in the technologies of the components or facilities used in domestic HRSs and much operational experience as well as knowledge to use hydrogen in HRSs safely have been gained through years of commercial operation. The purpose of the present study is to conduct a quantitative risk assessment (QRA) of the latest HRS model representing Japanese HRSs with the most current information and to identify the most significant scenarios that pose the greatest risks to the physical surroundings in the HRS model. The results of the QRA show that the risk contours of 10?3 and 10?4 per year were confined within the HRS boundaries, whereas the risk contours of 10?5 and 10?6 per year are still present outside the HRS. Comparing the breakdown of the individual risks (IRs) at the risk ranking points, we conclude that the risk of jet fire demonstrates the highest contribution to the risks at all of the risk ranking points and outside the station. To reduce these risks and confine the risk contour of 10?6 per year within the HRS boundaries, it is necessary to consider risk mitigation measures for jet fires.  相似文献   

An operation strategy known as two-tier “pressure consolidation” of delivered tube-trailers (or equivalent supply storage) has been developed to maximize the throughput at gaseous hydrogen refueling stations (HRSs) for fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs). The high capital costs of HRSs and the consequent high investment risk are deterring growth of the infrastructure needed to promote the deployment of FCEVs. Stations supplied by gaseous hydrogen will be necessary for FCEV deployment in both the near and long term. The two-tier pressure consolidation method enhances gaseous HRSs in the following ways: (1) reduces the capital cost compared with conventional stations, as well as those operating according to the original pressure consolidation approach described by Elgowainy et al. (2014) [1], (2) minimizes pressure cycling of HRS supply storage relative to the original pressure consolidation approach; and (3) increases use of the station's supply storage (or delivered tube-trailers) while maintaining higher state-of-charge vehicle fills.  相似文献   

A dynamic simulation approach to investigate an optimal hydrogen refueling method is proposed. The proposed approach simulates a transient temperature, pressure and mass flow rate of hydrogen flowing inside filling equipment in an actual station during the refueling process to an Fuel Cell Vehicle (FCV) tank. The simulation model is the same as in an actual hydrogen refueling station (HRS), and consists of a Break-Away, a hose, a nozzle, pipes and an FCV tank. Therefore, we can set actual configurations and thermal properties to the simulation model, and then simulate the temperature, pressure and mass flow rate of hydrogen passing through each position based on the supply conditions (temperature and pressure) at the Break-Away. In this study, the simulated temperature, pressure and mass flow rate are compared with the corresponding experimental data. Therefore, we show that the dynamic simulation approach can accurately obtain those values at each position during the refueling process and is an effective step in proposing the optimal refueling method.  相似文献   

As the popularity of fuel cell vehicles continues to rise in the global market, production and supply of low-carbon hydrogen are important to mitigate CO2 emissions. We propose a design for a hydrogen refueling station with a proton exchange membrane electrolyzer (PEM-EL)-based electrolysis system (EL-System) and photovoltaic generation (PV) to supply low-carbon hydrogen. Hydrogen is produced by the EL-System using electricity from PV and the power grid. The system was formulated as a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model to allow analysis of optimal operational strategies. Case studies with different objective functions, CO2 emission targets, and capacity utilization of the EL-System were evaluated. Efficiency characteristics of the EL-System were obtained through measurements. The optimized operational strategies were evaluated with reference to three evaluation indices: CO2 emissions, capacity utilization, and operational cost of the system. The results were as follows: 1) Regardless of the objective function, the EL-System generally operated in highest efficiency state, and optimal operation depended on the efficiency characteristics of the EL-System; 2) mitigation of CO2 emissions and increase in capacity utilization of the EL-System required trade-offs; and 3) increased capacity utilization of the EL-System showed two opposing effects on hydrogen retail price.  相似文献   

Hydrogen refueling infrastructures with on-site production from renewable sources are an interesting solution for assuring green hydrogen with zero CO2 emissions. The main problem of these stations development is the hydrogen cost that depends on both the plant size (hydrogen production capacity) and on the renewable source.In this study, a techno-economic assessment of on-site hydrogen refueling stations (HRS), based on grid-connected PV plants integrated with electrolysis units, has been performed. Different plant configurations, in terms of hydrogen production capacity (50 kg/day, 100 kg/day, 200 kg/day) and the electricity mix (different sharing of electricity supply between the grid and the PV plant), have been analyzed in terms of electric energy demands and costs.The study has been performed by considering the Italian scenario in terms of economic streams (i.e. electricity prices) and solar irradiation conditions.The levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH), that is the more important indicator among the economic evaluation indexes, has been calculated for all configurations by estimating the investment costs, the operational and maintenance costs and the replacement costs.Results highlighted that the investment costs increase proportionally as the electricity mix changes from Full Grid operation (100% Grid) to Low Grid supply (25% Grid) and as the hydrogen production capacity grows, because of the increasing in the sizes of the PV plant and the HRS units. The operational and maintenance costs are the main contributor to the LCOH due to the annual cost of the electricity purchased from the grid.The calculated LCOH values range from 9.29 €/kg (200 kg/day, 50% Grid) to 12.48 €/kg (50 kg/day, 100% Grid).  相似文献   

Hydrogen vehicles are already a reality, However, consumers will be reluctant to purchase hydrogen vehicles (or any other alternative fuel vehicle) if they do not perceive the existence of adequate refueling infrastructure that reduces the risk of running out of fuel regularly while commuting to acceptable levels. This fact leads to the need to study the minimum requirements in terms of fuel availability required by drivers to achieve a demand for hydrogen vehicles beyond potential early-adopters.This paper studies consumer preferences in relation to the design of urban hydrogen refueling infrastructure. To this end, the paper analyzes the results of a survey carried out in Andalusia, a region in southern Spain, on drivers' current refueling tendencies, their willingness to use hydrogen vehicles and their minimum requirements (maximum distance to be traveled to refuel and number of stations in the city) when establishing a network of hydrogen refueling stations in a city. The results show that consumers consider the existence in cities of an infrastructure with a number of refueling stations ranging from approximately 10 to 20% of the total number of conventional service stations as a requisite to trigger the switch to the use of hydrogen vehicles. In addition, these stations should be distributed in response to the drivers’ preferences to refuel close to home.  相似文献   

The final temperature and mass of compressed hydrogen in a tank after a refueling process can be estimated using the analytical solutions of a lumped parameter thermodynamic model of high pressure compressed hydrogen storage system. The effects of three single refueling parameters (ambient temperature, initial pressure and mass flow rate) and three pairs of the refueling parameters on the final hydrogen temperature are studied, for both 35 MPa and 70 MPa tanks. Overall expressions for the final hydrogen temperature, expressed as a function of the three factors, are obtained. The formulae for the final hydrogen temperature provide an excellent representation of the reference data. The effects of the refueling parameters (mass flow rate, initial pressure and inflow temperature) on the final hydrogen mass are determined from the physical model. An overall expression of the final hydrogen mass is also obtained. The final hydrogen temperature can be controlled by reducing the ambient temperature or the mass flow rate, or increasing the initial pressure. The final hydrogen mass can be maximized by reducing the mass flow rate or the inflow temperature, or increasing the initial pressure. This study provides simple engineering formulae to assist in establishing refueling protocols for gaseous hydrogen vehicles.  相似文献   

Compressed hydrogen storage is currently widely used in fuel cell vehicles due to its simplicity in tank structure and refueling process. For safety reason, the final gas temperature in the hydrogen tank during vehicle refueling must be maintained under a certain limit, e.g., 85 °C. Many experiments have been performed to find the relations between the final gas temperature in the hydrogen tank and refueling conditions. The analytical solution of the hydrogen temperature in the tank can be obtained from the simplified thermodynamic model of a compressed hydrogen storage tank, and it serves as function formula to fit experimental temperatures. From the analytical solution, the final hydrogen temperature can be expressed as a weighted average form of initial temperature, inflow temperature and ambient temperature inspired by the rule of mixtures. The weighted factors are related to other refueling parameters, such as initial mass, initial pressure, refueling time, refueling mass rate, average pressure ramp rate (APRR), final mass, final pressure, etc. The function formula coming from the analytical solution of the thermodynamic model is more meaningful physically and more efficient mathematically in fitting experimental temperatures. The simple uniform formula, inspired by the concept of the rule of mixture and its weighted factors obtained from the analytical solution of lumped parameter thermodynamics model, is representatively used to fit the experimental and simulated results in publication. Estimation of final hydrogen temperature from refueling parameters based on the rule of mixtures is simple and practical for controlling the maximum temperature and for ensuring hydrogen safety during fast filling process.  相似文献   

Fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) are expected to be commercially available on the world market in 2015, therefore, introducing hydrogen-refueling stations is an urgent issue to be addressed. This paper proposes deployment plan of hydrogen infrastructure for the success of their market penetration in the Northeastern United States. The plan consists of three-timeline stages from 2013 to 2025 and divides the designated region into urban area, suburban area and area adjacent to expressway, so that easy to access to hydrogen stations can be realized. Station is chosen from four types of stations: off-site station, urban-type on-site station, suburban-type on-site station and portable station, associated with growing demand. In addition, on-site station is used as hydrogen production factory for off-site station to save total investment. This deployment plan shows that 83% of urban residents can reach station within 10 min in 2025, and that more than 90% people especially in four major cities: Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C. can get to station within 10 min by Geographic Information System (GIS) calculation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the deviation of refueling a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle with limited opportunity provided by the 68 proposed stations in California. A refueling trip is inserted to reported travel patterns in early hydrogen adoption community clusters and the best and worst case insertions are analyzed. Based on these results, the 68 refueling stations provide an average of 2.5 and 9.6 min deviation for the best and the worst cases. These numbers are comparable to currently observed gasoline station deviation, and we conclude that these stations provide sufficient accessibility to residents in the target areas.  相似文献   

Hydrogen, as a future energy carrier, is receiving a significant amount of attention in Japan. From the viewpoint of safety, risk evaluation is required in order to increase the number of hydrogen refueling stations (HRSs) implemented in Japan. Collecting data about accidents in the past will provide a hint to understand the trend in the possibility of accidents occurrence by identifying its operation time However, in new technology; accident rate estimation can have a high degree of uncertainty due to absence of major accident direct data in the late operational period. The uncertainty in the estimation is proportional to the data unavailability, which increases over long operation period due to decrease in number of stations. In this paper, a suitable time correlation model is adopted in the estimation to reflect lack (due to the limited operation period of HRS) or abundance of accident data, which is not well supported by conventional approaches. The model adopted in this paper shows that the uncertainty in the estimation increases when the operation time is long owing to the decreasing data.  相似文献   

This paper presents the economic assessment of novel refueling stations, in which through advanced and high efficiency technologies, the polygeneration of more energy services like hydrogen, electricity and heat is carried out on-site.The architecture of these polygeneration plants is realized with a modular structure, organized in more sections.The primary energy source is ammonia that represents an interesting fuel for producing more energy streams. The ammonia feeds directly the SOFC that is able to co-generate simultaneously electricity and hydrogen by coupling a high efficiency energy system with hydrogen chemical storage.Two system configurations have been proposed considering different design concepts: in the first case (Concept_1) the plant is sized for producing 100 kg/day of hydrogen and the power section is sized also for self-sustaining the plant electric power consumption, while in the second one (Concept_2) the plant is sized for producing 100 kg/day of hydrogen and the power section is sized for self-sustaining the plant electric power consumption and for generating 50 kW for the DC fast charging.The economic analysis has been carried out in the current and target scenarios, by evaluating, the levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH), the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE), the Profitability Index (PI), Internal rate of Return (IRR) and the Discounted Payback Period (DPP).Results have highlighted that the values of the LCOH, for the proposed configurations and economic scenarios, are in the range 6–10 €/kg and the values of the LCOE range from 0.447 €/kWh to 0.242 €/kWh.In terms of PI and IRR, the best performance is achieved in the Concept_1 for the current scenario (1.89 and 8.0%, respectively). On the contrary, in the target scenario, thanks to a drastic costs reduction the co-production of hydrogen and electricity as useful outputs, becomes the best choice from all economic indexes and parameters considered.  相似文献   

Hydrogen fuel cell vehicle (HFCV) is one of the key contributors to sustainable development of the society. For commercial deployment and market acceptability of fuel cell vehicles, efficient storage of hydrogen with an optimum refueling is one of the important challenge. Compressed hydrogen storage in Type IV tanks is a mature and promising technology for on-board application. The fast refueling of the storage tank without overheating and overfilling is an essential requirement defined by SAE J2601. In this regard, station parameters such as hydrogen supply temperature, filling rate and vehicle tank parameters such as filling time strongly influences the storage capacity of the tank, affecting driving range of the fuel cell vehicle. This paper investigates the impact of these parameters on storage density of the tank defined in terms of state of charge. For this, refueling simulation based on SAE J2601 protocol has been performed using computational fluid dynamic approach to investigate the influence of station parameters on storage density of the tank. Further, the root cause analysis was carried out to investigate the contribution of station and vehicle tank parameters for enhancing the storage density of the tank. Finally, the regression model based on these refueling parameters was developed to predict the density attained at different filling conditions. The results confirmed the strong contribution of pressure, filling time, supply temperature and least contribution of temperature, filling rates in enhancing the storage density of the tank. The results can provide new insight into refueling behavior of the Type IV tank for fuel cell vehicle.  相似文献   

Reliable hydrogen fueling stations will be required for the successful commercialization of fuel cell vehicles. An evolving hydrogen fueling station has been in operation in Irvine, California since 2003, with nearly five years of operation in its current form. The usage of the station has increased from just 1000 kg dispensed in 2007 to over 8000 kg dispensed in 2011 due to greater numbers of fuel cell vehicles in the area. The station regularly operates beyond its design capacity of 25 kg/day and enables fuel cell vehicles to exceed future carbon reduction goals today. Current limitations include a cost of hydrogen of $15 per kg, net electrical consumption of 5 kWh per kg dispensed, and a need for faster back-to-back vehicle refueling.  相似文献   

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