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The deterioration of the landscape in downtown Seoul has resulted mainly from the cumulative effects of large-scale developments. This article presents the Visual Threshold Carrying Capacity (VTCC) approach for maintaining and enhancing the landscape quality of the area. VTCC can be generally defined as the visual standard by which the value and significance of landscapes can be maintained. Using GIS and computer graphics techniques, VTCCs in this study are analyzed in two main respects: (1) the visibility of landscape resources, and (2) street scale. Subsequently, areas for intensive landscape management can be identified based upon the VTCCs established. The VTCC approach presented in this article integrates visual considerations with the process of developmental decision-making and thereby establishes a visually sound framework for the formulation of development proposals. Further research however, should be conducted to test the transferability and applicability of this approach to other urban landscapes and their related problems.  相似文献   

The aim of improving the quality and quantities of public open spaces used by each group of people who are in different ages, genders and occupations, is upgrading the users’ life quality by equipping these places with various functions and to make the urban life more attractive and meaningful by creating livable environments.  相似文献   

An example of an integrated approach to assess air pollution threats to cultural heritage in a semi-confined environment is presented in this work, where the monitoring campaign carried out at the Michelozzo's Courtyard (in Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, Italy) is used as a case study. A wide research project was carried out, with the main aim of obtaining the first quantitative data on air quality and microclimate conditions inside the Courtyard, and, if possible, identifying the main causes of degradation and suggesting appropriate conservation strategies. The investigation adopted a holistic approach involving thermographic measurements on the wall paintings, microclimatic analysis, gaseous pollutant monitoring, atmospheric particles characterisation and dry deposition compositional analysis. Attention was focused on the wall painting depicting the city of Hall because of its anomalous and critical conservation conditions, which are visible at a glance, due to the contrast between a wide darker zone around the central subject of the painting and external lighter areas.  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(6):434-446
Untreated sewage can contribute a significant proportion of urban groundwater recharge, via on-site sanitation facilities and sewer exfiltration. In the West Bank of the Palestinian Territories 94% of sewage is discharged untreated to the ground or surface waters. This has contributed to increasing nitrate concentrations in groundwater, which is the critical water source. In this case study of a drainage catchment from the city of Nablus, a water balance indicates that sewage as a source of groundwater recharge is as much as 50% of total recharge from precipitation, and nitrogen pollutant loads by area are up to 60% as much as those from agriculture. Results suggest that 22% of total wastewater flow directly infiltrates the ground via cesspits and sewer exfiltration.  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(2):156-162

Singapore has adopted a low impact development equivalent of stormwater management philosophy under a national program called ‘Active, Beautiful and Clean’ (ABC) employing soft-engineering techniques to manage rainfall runoff in the face of climate change and rapid urbanisation. This study makes use of the MIKE URBAN modelling tool to evaluate the performance of ABC units in a new residential precinct based on flow data collected. Calibration results show an overall good fit between the measured data and simulated results based on three goodness-of-fit stats. The runoff factors computed for scenarios with and without the presence of ABC units show an improvement in the range of 21–72%. This study demonstrates the usefulness of using a calibrated model to evaluate the performance of constructed units using measurements. It is recommended that this modelling tool be also used for evaluating water quality performance of the units as well as applying it for use in the planning and implementation process.  相似文献   

Starting in July 2000, treated wastewater of urban origin has been used for the "Serres de Pals" golf course irrigation (Girona, Spain). To evaluate if the soil and the aquifer underneath are affected by the utilization of this type of water, samples have been taken along a period of several months from the wastewater treatment plant, the stabilization lagoon, groundwater and soil profiles. Analyses have been performed for total coliforms and aerobic bacteria, soil water pressure and soil water content as well as chemical analyses of the irrigation water, aquifer and water of the vadose zone. Soil profiles taken at several times during the study indicate the absence of coliforms except for a short period during summer. In the vadose zone an increase of more than 1000 mg kg(-1) of NaO(2) in the top 60 cm of soil was observed while Cl(-) concentration in the aquifer reached up to 1200 mg l(-1) ten months after starting the irrigation.  相似文献   

Contents of total and extractable heavy metals, carbonates, MnO and Fe2O3, organic matter, and matrix components such as SiO2, Al2O3, CaO, Na2O, MgO, TiO2, K2O and P2O5 are used along with principal component analysis (PCA) for studying distribution, mobility and binding behaviour of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni and Pb in the Louro River (Galicia, Spain). Eleven surficial sediment samples were taken along the beds of the river course. Total metal concentrations were obtained after microwave-assisted digestion whilst extractable metal contents were obtained following a three-stage sequential extraction scheme (i.e. soluble, reducible and oxidisable fractions). Loading plots of heavy metals bound to carbonates, Fe–Mn oxides, organic matter and aluminosilicates allowed determination of binding behaviour. Correlations found indicate that Pb and Cu are mainly discharged from urban wastes, whereas Cr and Ni are from electroplating and galvanizing industries. The occurrence of diffuse pollution sources along the river can account for the binding behaviour of Cd. Metal mobility decreased in the order: Cd>Pb>Cu>Ni>Cr. Despite total contents indicating moderate-to-high heavy metal pollution in this river, metals are mostly distributed in the residual fraction, hence showing a low risk of mobility.  相似文献   

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