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郭嘉 《山西建筑》2016,(5):199-201
以金鸡山隧道拓宽施工为例,介绍了上下台阶法、预留核心土法及CRD法三种隧道的施工工艺,并对不同施工方法的技术要求进行了总结,从而保证工程的施工质量与效益。  相似文献   

利用海相沉积软土地基处理原位测试数据,按回归分析法研究了不同软基厚度与不同加载条件下软基的固结变形特性变化规律并进行实证。分析表明:软土层厚度与沉降之间可用线性函数拟合,软土层厚度与单位填土高度沉降之间可用对数曲线加以拟合;地质历史、软土层厚度及填土高度类似的区域,填土高度与沉降之间可用线性函数拟合,填土高度与单位软土厚度沉降之间呈现一定的相关性,且呈带宽延伸。将研究结果运用于类似工程进行实证,该成果具有较好的规律性,可以为滨海地区古海塘等的软基加固工程提供指导和借鉴。  相似文献   

考虑地铁车窗受高温破碎的因素,利用FDS研究不同车门开闭状态下车厢火灾发展,对比热释放速率、温度、车窗破碎时间等.结果显示:车门开启数量对车厢火灾热释放速率的影响较大,最大热释放速率可达14.4 MW.在400℃和600℃的破碎温度下,当车门开启数量大于3扇和4扇时,车厢火灾最大热释放速率下降.火灾发展初期,车门开启数...  相似文献   

为了研究不同截面形式下钢桁架结构的动力特性差异,根据重力相等原则,运用有限元计算软件ANSYS对空心矩形、空心圆形以及工字形三种不同截面形式的钢桁架结构建立了三维有限元计算模型,并通过模态分析得到了结构的动力特性参数,分析结果表明,相同模态阶数下,工字形截面的钢桁架结构频率较其他截面高。  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2014,54(4):687-698
The shear strength of cement-treated soil can be changed by both cementation and consolidation during the early stages of hardening because of cement hydration. Based on the results of triaxial and unconfined compression tests, this paper describes the effects of isotropic and one-dimensional consolidation stress, applied during the curing period, on the undrained peak and residual shear strengths of cement-treated soil. The sample used was a mixture of fine-grained sand and ordinary Portland cement. A consolidated undrained triaxial compression test (ICU) was conducted on the specimens immediately after the cement treatment. Each test was conducted under different consolidation pressures, curing times and delayed loading times. The following conclusions were developed from the results and discussions: (1) the undrained peak shear strength of cement-treated soil, cured under different consolidation conditions, increases with an increase in either the consolidation pressure or the curing time, whereas it gradually decreases with an increase in the delayed loading time. (2) The rate of undrained strength increase resulting from consolidation differs significantly between isotropic and one-dimensional consolidations. (3) For a curing time of between one and seven days, the rate of strength increase by isotropic consolidation exceeds that by one-dimensional consolidation. The simultaneous volumetric change of cement-treated soil during consolidation depends on the stress conditions of the specimen, that is, the difference between isotropic and one-dimensional consolidations. (4) When the test is not conducted under nearly in-situ conditions, the undrained shear strength may be underestimated, depending on the time interval between the cement treatment and the start of consolidation. (5) The shear strength in the residual state is influenced by the consolidation pressure during curing. (6) As the consolidation pressure during curing increases, the specimens exhibit a higher residual strength.  相似文献   

Fong ML  Lin Z  Fong KF  Chow TT  Yao T 《Indoor air》2011,21(3):231-239
Thermal sensation is studied experimentally under mixing ventilation, displacement ventilation, and stratum ventilation in an environmental chamber. Forty-eight subjects participated in all tests under the same boundary conditions but different ventilation methods in the classroom. Thermal comfort analysis was carried out according to the designated supply airflow rate, room temperature, and relative humidity for the three ventilation methods. The thermal neutral temperature under stratum ventilation is approximately 2.5 °C higher than that under mixing ventilation and 2.0 °C higher than that under displacement ventilation. This result indicates that stratum ventilation could provide satisfactory thermal comfort level to rooms of temperature up to 27 °C. The energy saving attributable to less ventilation load alone is around 12% compared with mixing ventilation and 9% compared with displacement ventilation. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The confirmation of the significantly elevated thermal neutral temperature can have a number of implications for both thermal comfort in an air-conditioned room and energy consumption of the associate air-conditioning system. With respect to the former, it provides scientific basis for the feasibility of elevated room temperatures, and with respect to the latter, it reveals considerable potentials for energy saving.  相似文献   

不同含水率粘土在不同试验条件下的应力-应变特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
采用单轴固结试验和三轴剪切试验对饱和、湿润、风干以及烘干的藤森粘土进行了应力-应变特性研究。在试验过程中,进行了不同轴向应力水平下的恒应变率加载试验、蠕变试验以及卸载与重复加载试验。局部变形测量传感器(LDT)被用于三轴剪切试验中的轴向变形测量以提高小应变测量的精度。试验结果表明,不同含水率与饱和度的藤森粘土在单轴固结试验与三轴剪切试验条件下都表现出明显的粘塑性。它们的加载速率效应、蠕变效应都相似;而且在蠕变结束后的一小段邻域内藤森粘土的强度有明显的提高。笔者提出用参数β来描述藤森粘土的粘性。对试验结果的计算分析表明,在单轴和三轴试验条件下不同含水率与饱和度的藤森粘土的β值介于0.034到0.064之间;而且,含水率高的藤森粘土的β值大于含水率低的藤森粘土的β值,单轴试验条件下的β值大于三轴试验条件下的β值。  相似文献   

利用MTS815 Flex Test GT岩石力学试验系统及声发射(AE)三维定位实时监测系统,对两种不同含水状态的深部细粒英云闪长岩进行了三点弯曲试验,得到烘干状态及饱水状态下花岗岩的载荷–LPD曲线、声发射振铃计数率、AE撞击数曲线。试验结果表明,在水的影响下花岗岩的断裂力学特性和声发射特征都有较大变化。饱水状态岩样的平均断裂韧度为干燥状态下的87.5%,且在试验过程中整体的变形变大,其刚度变小,脆性减弱,强度变低。在岩样三点弯曲的各个阶段,饱水岩样的声发射振铃计数率远小于干燥状态岩样;在试验过程中出现了明显的Kaiser效应。岩样以V型截面拉断破坏为主;饱和岩样声发射事件数远大于干燥岩样。研究结果对于受含水层影响的深部花岗岩岩土工程设计及施工具有重要的理论及实际指导意义。  相似文献   

地铁隧道下卧土层由于施工扰动通常存在不同固结度,列车荷载下土体应变规律也有所差异,进而产生不均匀沉降。通过室内动三轴试验系统对杭州饱和软黏土进行动力测试,研究了排水条件、固结度、振动次数对软黏土动孔压和应变的影响,在试验和现有研究成果的基础上建立了考虑初始固结度、振动次数、排水条件的应变软化模型。结果表明:固结度愈高的土体,孔压发展愈缓慢,并且随振动次数增加,在较低的孔压水平就可达到稳定,排水条件下的孔压发展规律可由不排水试验获取。土体应变随循环次数的增加而增加,随固结度的增加而降低;提出的应变模型考虑了荷载循环过程中土体的排水,可以较好地模拟不同固结度下饱和软黏土的应变发展规律。  相似文献   

针对天津滨海地区盾构隧道衬砌结构,采用大型有限元软件ABAQUS建立三维地层-结构模型,考虑隧道管片材料非线性特征,利用混凝土材料的塑性损伤本构模型,研究地层和隧道结构相互作用后隧道管片结构内力分布与变形特征,以及隧道管片受拉和受压损伤情况。最后,研究不同地质条件和超载作用对隧道管片结构的影响。数值分析结果表明:隧道管环横截面变形表现为水平向外扩张、竖向压缩的特点,呈现“横鸭蛋”形状;隧道管环拱顶轴压力最小,拱腰轴压力最大;管片外侧受拉时最大弯矩位于拱腰,内侧受拉时最大弯矩位于拱顶;受拉和受压损伤分布均集中在拱底附近,其中管环受压损伤面积比受拉损伤面积大;地质条件越好,变形随轴线方向变化越均匀,轴力和弯矩、隧道结构竖向位移、横截面收敛变形,以及管环损伤面积与损伤程度越小。研究结果以期为进一步探讨隧道衬砌结构的变形性能与损伤分布提供参考。  相似文献   

以两款商用的、不同容量、不同封装形式的钛酸锂电池为研究对象,利用过充、针刺、加热的方式进行了热失控触发的实验研究.通过对实验结果的归纳与总结,发现对于钛酸锂电池,同样的电流激励下,其在过充期间的产热更为明显;针刺方向与电池封装形式对热失控触发存在较大影响;过充电池在相同功率下的加热热失控所需时间远远小于满电态电池.  相似文献   

钢-混凝土组合肋壳是一种新型大跨度空间结构,边界约束对结构的极限承载力和稳定性具有很大影响.基于非线性有限元理论,建立了考虑几何非线性和物理非线性的数值计算模型,以40m跨、三种不同截面尺寸、不同矢高下的钢-混凝土组合肋壳为例,分析了包括周边固定、周边铰支、点固定和点铰支在内的四种边界约束对结构极限承载力和结构破坏形态的影响.结果表明,截面尺寸和矢高相同时,边界约束越接近刚性,极限承载力越大;随着截面尺寸增大,不同边界约束下承载力比值增大,但随矢高增大,反而减低;不同边界条件对结构失稳形态影响很小,结构均为极值点失稳,荷载-位移曲线的走势大致相同;随着组合肋截面尺寸增大,组合肋壳在不同约束条件下均表现出越来越高的屈曲后强度.  相似文献   

雷小宏 《山西建筑》2006,32(10):72-73
通过不同地质条件下采用后压浆工艺的钻孔灌注桩试桩结果的分析,探讨了钻孔灌注桩桩端压力灌浆及桩侧压力灌浆对提高承载力的影响,提出了不同地质条件下呆用后压浆技术的条件。  相似文献   

地质雷达探测方法是通过识别高频电磁波在媒质中的反射渡(即回波信号)特征来推断目标体的类型及空间赋存状态.文章以金属板、混凝土钢筋、地下含水层、破碎岩体、断层带及岩溶洞穴等目标体为例,分别对其反射信号的图像特征进行振幅特征、相位特征及时频特征分析,总结不同媒质对高频电磁波的反射特征,提高地质雷达探测方面对异常的判断能力和...  相似文献   

The initial fouling characteristics of aerobic submerged membrane bioreactors (MBRs) were analysed under different flux conditions. Physico-chemical analyses of the mixed liquor hinted that carbohydrates were more important to membrane fouling than proteins. However, this contrasted with the characterisation of foulants on the membrane surfaces. Micro-structural analyses of the foulants on the membrane surfaces showed that the dominant foulants were different under different flux conditions. Membrane fouling occurred through a biofilm-dominated process under lower flux conditions, but the mechanism shifted towards a non-biofilm, organic fouling process as the flux was increased. In spite of the differences in fouling mechanisms, it was found that the protein fraction on the membrane surfaces, in the initial stages of MBR operations, had the greatest impact in the rise of transmembrane pressure.  相似文献   

砂土液化是地震主要次生地质灾害之一,其是否发生及液化程度如何与地层结构、地下水、土层类型及特征等工程地质条件密切相关,通常饱和砂土和饱和粉土容易发生液化。5.12汶川地震中,在以砾石为主要地层的德阳等地发生了严重的砂土液化现象,这在以往地震中少见。胜利—果园村液化带是德阳地区诸多典型液化带之一,通过现场钻探和试验表明:液化带主要土层为砾石和粘土,发生液化的土层为全新统砾石层;液化砾石层结构松散,颗粒大小分布曲线较平缓,平均粒径和不均匀系数较大,曲率系数较小;地面喷出物是粗砂,其颗粒组成与液化砾石层相差很大。  相似文献   

华南地区风灾频繁,农村民居建筑和公共设施受到破坏较多,产生的灾害较为严重,本文通过调查总结归纳农村建筑目前的风灾影响和破坏情况,以及总结防风减灾存在的主要问题和影响因素,为华南地区农村建筑防风减灾以及应急处理措施的采取和新农村建设提供科学指导。  相似文献   

The present paper describes changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) and extractable humic acids (HAs) in a long-term field experiment with different tillage treatments (minimum tillage (MT), reduced tillage (RT) and conventional tillage (CT)). This field experiment is located in the east of Vienna in a Pannonian climate and it was started in 1988. The methodological approach included elemental analyses, FT-IR, 13C NMR and fluorimetric measurements. Both MT and RT revealed significant depth gradients of yields of extractable HAs. In CT no depth gradient was observable, neither for HA yields nor for observed molecular characteristics. This indicated a destruction of the gradient by mixing of the soil in CT. Especially MT showed an increase of aromatic moieties with depth, suggesting an increased humification of HAs in the lower soil layers. Gradients with similar trends were indicated for the carbonylic, the amidic and probably the hydroxylic groups in HAs extracted from MT and RT samples. The data revealed with FT-IR and solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy were convincing, plausible and meaningful, the highly sensitive fluorescence spectroscopy was limited because of strong quenching by inner filter effects, compromising data reliability. However, the fluorescence results based on a defined HAs concentration (and comparing soils from the same site) were in line with results from the other methods (13C NMR and FT-IR). As a consequence, the influence of tillage treatments can be followed by absence or presence of depth gradients of the according molecular characteristics in extracted HAs.  相似文献   

谢建成 《砖瓦》2009,(9):14-17
了解陶粒不同状态下的吸水特性,特别是在工作压力作用下的吸水规律是改善陶粒混凝土泵送性和工作性的技术基础。通过陶粒的常温常压吸水率以及工作压力吸水率试验。研究了陶粒吸水率与陶粒外壳结构、饱水时间、最大粒径、压力大小以及筒压强度等影响因素的关系,得出了普通海泥陶粒和粘土陶粒在常压以及工作压力状态下的吸水规律,并分析了陶粒在混凝土中的吸水特性。  相似文献   

第二次全国土地调查工作已经接近尾声,对土地调查成果进行逐级检查验收,是确保数据真实、准确的有效途径。笔者全程参与了湖南省土地调查的省级预检工作,分析了疑问图斑的影像特征、主要类型及分布特点,总结了查找疑问图斑的体会,认为查找疑问图斑是提高调查成果质量的关键。  相似文献   

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