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郑威  康亚君 《建筑与文化》2016,(11):106-107
感性工学是一种将感性分析与工学相结合的技术,其主要对用户的心理感性倾向进行分析,并且依据用户的喜好来设计产品、制造产品,隶属于工学学科的一个新的分支。本文以感性工学在住宅设计中的实践应用为例,简述关于感性工学在建筑设计中的应用。  相似文献   

Urban reforestation is advocated as an efficient countermeasure to the intensification of urban heat islands. The greening and beautification of residential quarters is one of the main concerns of residents, while lighting and ventilation are two main energy-consuming building services. Hence, the tree layout in green space between buildings is important, and it is necessary to determine the relationships between trees and buildings. This study takes Shanghai as a case study to optimize tree design between residential buildings and meet good daylighting requirements. Models were made using software such as AutoCAD and SketchUp. The relationships between maximum tree height and building separation were determined. For the same building layout, there were different tree height limits according to crown shape; the order of decreasing height limits was cylindrical, conical, spherical, and inverted conical crowns. Three cases having different green space between building layouts were studied. Their maximum tree heights differed. Overall, our model helps us realize good daylighting of a building environment. The formula allows us to determine which trees to plant between buildings in that we can predict the effects of future tree growth on building daylighting.  相似文献   

This study explores architectural design by examining air, fluid mechanics, and the natural ventilation of buildings. In this context, this research introduces a new way of dealing with the process of architectural synthesis. The proposed way can be used either to create new architectural projects or to rethink existing ones. This study is supported by previous investigation into the natural ventilation of buildings via computational and laboratory simulation (Stavridou, 2011; Stavridou and Prinos, 2013). The investigation into the natural ventilation of buildings provides information and data that affect architectural design through various parameters. The parameters of architectural synthesis that are influenced and discussed in this paper are the following: (i) inspiration and analogical transfer, (ii) initial conception of the main idea using computational fluid dynamics (digital design), (iii) development of the main idea through an investigatory process toward building form optimization, and (iv) form configuration, shape investigation, and other morphogenetic prospects. This study illustrates the effect of natural ventilation research on architectural design and thus produces a new approach to the architectural design process. This approach leads to an innovative kind of architecture called “breathing architecture.”  相似文献   

Unlike research methods for social and positivist sciences, those for architectural design lack a discipline-specific conceptual framework. Performative science aims at producing outcomes for future use and therefore needs a robust methodological approach that encompasses different techniques and methods supporting an evidence-based architectural design development. This study suggests that design science can be successfully applied to architectural design development and provides architects and designers with a powerful tool bridging the gap between research and design. In so doing, this study explores the application of design science to implement a user-centered design approach. A design challenge is reframed within the robust framework of design science by referring to a case study on refugee shelters. The traditional method by which shelter optimization is pursued by designers is questioned by involving the final users through an ethnographic approach within the framework of design science. The design outcome produced through this process is a list of specifications allowing designers to create different architectural solutions and matching the requirements expressed by future users. The authors argue that a user-centered design outcome can be achieved and validated through design science.  相似文献   

目前居住建筑设计教学相对滞后,课程内容、教学方法、考核策略都需要与时俱进,紧跟住宅建设的发展需求。文章以苏州科技学院建筑与城市规划学院居住建筑设计原理课程为例,以理清逻辑、突出重点、紧跟前沿、激发自主的思路,对原教学大纲和教材进行改革,合并、删减、增补了教学内容,重新分配了课程授课时间,并调整了考核方式。改革后,居住建筑设计教学逻辑更加清晰,教学重点更加突出,教学内容更加生动,考核方式更加灵活,从而更好与设计市场对接。  相似文献   

住宅建筑的一些细部设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为使居住空间更加优美、舒适,在实际工作中,应当重视细部设计。从门窗、厨房和卫生间、太阳能热水器管井、空调机搁板等方面进行了阐述,满足了住宅的节能与舒适性要求,保持了室内良好的环境,节约了面积和空间,提高了居住区的环境质量,给居民创造了更方便的条件。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to identify cost-optimal efficiency packages at several levels of building energy savings. A two-story residential building located in Jordan is selected as a case study. DesignBuilder software is used to predict the annual energy usage of a two-story residence in Irbid, Jordan. Real-time experimental data from a single isolated controlled room was used to verify the proposed model. In addition to energy analysis, the economic, environmental, and social benefits of the proposed design have been investigated. The sequential search optimization approach is used to estimate the minimum cost of the building while considering various design scenarios. In addition, the impact of various energy conservation techniques on residential buildings is assessed, and the payback period for each program is calculated. Ultimately, the optimal combination of design to achieve energy efficiency measures has been identified in several climate regions. The simulations results predict that the annual electricity consumption can be reduced up to 50% if the proper combinations of energy conservation measures are selected at the lowest cost. The payback period is 9.3 years. Finally, energy efficiency measures can lead to a total of 9470 jobs/year job opportunities.The study provide practical framework to link between energy performance criteria and economic goals of building. Linking the energy performance requirements to economic targets provides guidelines for homeowners, contractors, and policymakers for making a suitable decision regarding the retrofitting of existing residential buildings. The study focuses on developing new methodologies that support minimizing costs during a building's lifecycle while maximizing environmental benefits which can not be identified by a series of parametric analyses using individual energy-efficient measures.  相似文献   

住宅建筑节能优化设计   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
从屋顶保温隔热的节能设计、外墙节能设计、门窗节能设计、户型空间节能设计四个方面探讨了住宅建筑设计技巧,指出建筑节能是缓解能源紧缺矛盾,减轻环境污染,促进经济持续发展的最直接最廉价的措施,有利于推广建筑节能技术在工程设计中的应用。  相似文献   

田化 《福建建筑》2011,(9):34-36
近几年来,各地频发地震甚至超过设防烈度的强烈地震,为此我们付出了沉痛的代价。政府也高度重视这个问题:如何做好城乡抗震防灾建设,把震害带来的各种损失降到最低,2010年5月政府发布了新修订的《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB50011-2010)。通过对华侨大学音乐舞蹈学院教学楼的结构设计,探讨了修订后的新规范与旧规范的部分区别...  相似文献   

狄军  于江 《福建建材》2010,(5):40-42
钢结构在多层住宅中的推广应用是非常有意义的,其设计问题是发展中的薄弱环节之一。文章对多层钢结构住宅结构设计特点和过程进行介绍,针对多层钢结构住宅结构设计中应注意的若干问题进行讨论和分析,得出了一些对设计有实用价值的结论,以供设计及施工人员参考。  相似文献   

The paper concerns thermal energy consumption in residential buildings. Heat consumption data of 2280 buildings are compared. Special attention is given to compare heat consumption in identical buildings. Heat consumption variability analysis enables to evaluate inherent heat consumption for space heating dissipation which exists even if design and construction requirements are met. The attempt is made to find the numeral value of heat consumption dissipation caused by design and construction allowances. The analysis of multiflat panel sister-buildings annual heat consumption reveals that minimal value of maximal and minimal heat consumption ratio in identical panel buildings reaches 1.22 (95% confidence level). Data scatter testify erratic quality of construction works, in other words, maximal and minimal heat consumption ratio trend reflects quality of construction works as a whole. On the other hand awareness of inherent unavoidable heat consumption difference in similar houses may strengthen residents’ and policy makers’ confidence in energy saving tools and enhance thermal renovation of residential buildings.  相似文献   

文章结合漳州台商投资区某居住小区的建筑设计为例,重点介绍该小区在建筑造型风格方面的特点,通过对建筑的新古典主义造型风格的介绍与总结,探讨性指出新古典主义建筑风格之所以会成为目前住宅建筑外观设计普遍采用的主要原因是易于解读和推广。  相似文献   

(目的)目前,锦州市大量存在20世纪80 ~ 90年代建造的落后、陈旧、老化旧住宅,已不能满足居民日益提高的现代物质和精神生活的需求,为了探讨适宜的旧住宅改造技术,(方法)通过实态调查(案例分析、访谈、实地调查),(结果)在分析旧住宅与居住需求矛盾的基础上,提出了有针对性的改造设计方法,并结合典型旧住宅实例进行了改造设计探索与研究.(结论)希望能够抛砖引玉,使越来越多的人关注和深入地进行此项研究,为锦州市旧住宅的改造设计工作提供一些理论依据.  相似文献   

Recent earthquakes in Turkey have shown the poor seismic performance of reinforced concrete residential buildings. This led to widespread utilization of several strengthening methods, each of which is convenient in different aspects. However, what is required to apply any of these methods is to evacuate the building in question, since the interruptions are mostly within the building and to the structural members. In this article, a method is introduced for external strengthening of typical reinforced concrete buildings that represent the majority of the built environment in Turkey. The method suggests addition of shear walls, which are connected to each other by means of reinforced concrete diaphragms on two separate floor levels and to the existing external columns and floor system at corners of the building. The advantage of shear walls in seismic performance is already known; however, this article discusses the feasibility of the proposed method in terms of architectural viewpoint, since the method unavoidably covers great modifications on the architectural form of the building. As a whole, this external strengthening method provides a typical facade resemblance by means of additional structural members without emptying the building.  相似文献   

建筑结构抗震设计教学改革探索   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对建筑结构抗震设计课程的特点,论述了在教学方式、教学方法、教学内容、考试方法等方面进行的改革探索,提出在教学改革中要坚持理论与实际相结合,坚持教学、科研一体化,强化师资队伍建设,注重互动、启发的教学方法,建立长效考核机制的建议,供同行参考。  相似文献   

王国雄 《山西建筑》2010,36(32):17-18
介绍了城市高层住宅室内外公共环境设计技巧,从平面功能设计、环境设计等几个方面加以论述,并给出一些常用的设计手法,以期为城市高层住宅环境与空间设计提供指导。  相似文献   

居住建筑设计中风环境利用及其意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从居住建筑对风环境的适应、利用角度入手,阐述了大连地区风环境的利用现状及可行性,探讨了居住建筑设计中风环境的利用及其意义,从而创造出舒适的生活环境.  相似文献   

郭宗斌 《山西建筑》2009,35(33):65-66
详细阐述了高层建筑结构抗震概念设计原则,并就一些具体设计方法进行了探讨,通过探讨,可为工程设计人员就高层建筑结构的抗震设计积累经验,从而完善高层建筑结构设计。  相似文献   

住宅建筑设计的常见问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
指出住宅设计应当贯彻“适用、经济、安全、美观”的建设方针和“以人为本”的指导思想,分析了住宅建筑设计中的常见问题,以更新住宅设计观念,提高住宅设计水平,设计出更适合消费者的住宅;  相似文献   

杨剑章 《今日消防》2021,6(7):85-86
中国城镇化发展进程加快,居民楼火灾事故发生率增加,严重威胁了人们的生命安全,而且产生了极大的社会负面影响.居民楼有火灾事故发生的时候,一定会有引发火灾的因素,这是判定火灾发生原因的重要依据.对火灾实发原因进行研究的过程中,需要将火灾现场的各种信息进行整理,形成一个脉络,明确火灾发生的原因,以此为鉴做好火灾预防工作.同时还要做好居民楼火灾应急准备工作,以对居民楼火灾有较高的应对能力,维护社会稳定有序运行.文章着重于研究居民楼火灾发生原因分析及预防工作.  相似文献   

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