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This paper presents a set of regression models which incorporates concrete and steel types in modeling the costs of office buildings. To these ends, three typical office buildings with seven and 15 stories have been designed by the help of a commercial software taking into account the Turkish practice. In each project C-16, C-20, C-25, C-30 and C-35 concrete classes and S-220 and S-420 steel types were used for dimensioning purposes. Rough construction costs were then calculated for different combinations of concrete classes and steel types. The findings of the study revealed that column dimensions decrease following an increase in a particular concrete class. However, this decrease stops after C-30. Furthermore, an average cost difference of 16% was observed between the steel types S-220 and S-420.  相似文献   

Principal component analysis was conducted on five major climatic variables—dry-bulb temperature, wet-bulb temperature, global solar radiation, clearness index and wind speed. Twenty-eight year (1996–2000) long-term measured weather data were considered. A two-component solution was obtained, which could explain 80% of the variance in the original weather data. Monthly electricity consumption data recorded during a 5-year period (1979–2006) were gathered from 20 fully air-conditioned office buildings with centralised HVAC systems in subtropical Hong Kong. Electricity use per unit gross floor area ranged from 163 to 389 kWh/m2. These consumption data were correlated with the corresponding principal components using linear multiple regression techniques. The coefficient of determination (R2) varied from 0.76 to 0.95 indicating reasonably strong correlation. It was found that the regression models developed could give a reasonably good indication (mostly within 3%) of the annual electricity use, but the monthly estimates might differ from the actual consumption by up to 9%. Attempt was also made to develop a general regression model for the 20 buildings, which had an R2 of 0.84 with a maximum mean-biased error of 18.6% and a maximum root-mean-square error of 21.4%.  相似文献   

A study of energy efficiency of private office buildings in Hong Kong   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A benchmark study of the energy efficiency of private office buildings in Hong Kong was conducted in 2002 because energy efficiency was declining. In the study, private office buildings were divided into five user groups. For each group, a multiple regression model was developed to find the relationship between Energy Use Intensities (EUIs) and other factors, such as operating hours, for normalization and benchmarking purposes. In this paper we make use of the regression results to study the energy efficiency of private office buildings by different grades. In Hong Kong, office buildings are divided into three grades (A, B, and C) based on the quality of the facility, which is reflected in rental values; a Grade A office building denotes expensive luxury. We found that the EUI of Grade A office buildings is the highest, consuming over 50% of the total energy used in office buildings. Recently, the annual EUI of office buildings has improved even though Grade A floor space is increasing. This may be due to the promotion of the energy efficiency program launched in the last decade.  相似文献   

Daylighting has often been recognized as a useful source of energy savings and visual comforts in buildings. Occupants expect good daylight in their working spaces. The quality and quantity of natural light entering a building depend on both internal and external factors. In Hong Kong, commercial building accounts for the major building energy use and electric lighting is one of the major electricity-consuming items. This paper studies the daylighting performance and energy implications for office buildings. A total of 35 commercial buildings have been selected in the survey. Key building parameters affecting daylighting designs are presented. Two typical office blocks were further analysed based on a lighting simulation program. The daylighting performance was evaluated in terms of daylight factor, room depth and glare index. It has been found that the daylighting performance for office buildings is quite effective. About one-third of the office areas that are near the perimeter regions have an average daylight factor of 5%. For inner region of deep plan offices, some innovative daylighting systems such as light redirecting panels and light pipe could be used to improve the daylighting performance. In general, the office building envelop designs are conducive to effective daylighting and proper daylight linked lighting controls could save over 25% of the total electric lighting use.  相似文献   

With the actual environmental issues of energy savings in buildings, there are more efforts to prevent any increase in energy use associated with installing air-conditioning systems. The actual standard of thermal comfort in buildings ISO 7730 is based on static model that is acceptable in air-conditioned buildings, but unreliable for the case of naturally ventilated buildings. The different field studies have shown that occupants of naturally ventilated buildings accept and prefer a significantly wider range of temperatures compared to occupants of air-conditioned buildings. The results of these field studies have contributed to develop the adaptive approach. Adaptive comfort algorithms have been integrated in EN15251 and ASHRAE standards to take into account the adaptive approach in naturally ventilated buildings. These adaptive algorithms seem to be more efficient for naturally ventilated buildings, but need to be assessed in field studies. This paper evaluates different algorithms from both static and adaptive approach in naturally ventilated buildings across a field survey that has been conducted in France in five naturally ventilated office buildings. The paper presents the methodology guidelines, and the thermal comfort algorithms considered. The results of application of different algorithms are provided with a comparative analysis to assess the applied algorithms.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that building, social and personal factors can influence one’s perceived health and comfort. The aim of the underlying study was to get a better understanding of the relationships between these factors and perceived comfort. Self-administered questionnaires from 5732 respondents in 59 office buildings and building-specific data from the European Health Optimisation Protocol for Energy-efficient buildings (HOPE) study were used. Principal Component Analysis (PCA), reliability analyses, and linear regression analysis were performed. The outcome showed that perceived comfort is strongly influenced by several personal, social and building factors and that their relationships are complex. Results showed that perceived comfort is much more than the average of perceived indoor air quality, noise, lighting and thermal comfort responses. Perceived comfort is a phenomenon that deserves more research.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to evaluate the impact of cleaning on indoor environment quality. Surface dust contamination and occupants' perception of the work environment factors and symptoms were the parameters studied. Six multi-floor office buildings were selected. Dust contamination on surfaces was sampled with gelatine foils and quantified using a BM-Dustdetector. Occupants' perceptions of the environment were assessed with modified MM-40 questionnaires. The results indicated that each building had its own surface dust contamination profile. Weekly cleaning maintained the surface dust contamination at the highest acceptable level for indoor environments. The occupants and their activities have a major effect on the level of dust particle contamination on desks. The correlation between the perceived surface dust contamination and the level of satisfaction with cleaning was as expected. Furthermore, surface dust contamination appeared not to be associated with work-related symptoms. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The results provide information about current program for contractors and clients, e.g. appropriate cleaning intervals of different surfaces, and the influence of disorder on result. After the evaluation of surface dust contamination levels, it will be possible for cleaning companies to focus on the most important surfaces to clean in order to enhance the quality of the indoor environment in office buildings. This should lead to future development work, which will require cooperation between contractors, clients, and research scientists. In office environments where high cleanliness is required, objective measurements (with instruments) are needed in addition to subjective measurements (the perceptions of occupants). It is essential to evaluate the efficiency of cleaning programs regularly with effective and appropriate quality-monitoring methods.  相似文献   

A great amount of world energy demand is connected to the built environment. Electricity use in the commercial buildings, accounts for about one-third of the total energy consumption in Turkey and fully air-conditioned office buildings are important commercial electricity end-users since the mid-1990s. In the presented paper, the interactions between different conditions, control strategies and heating/cooling loads in office buildings in the four major climatic zones in Turkey – hot summer and cold winter, mild, hot summer and warm winter, hot and humid summer and warm winter – through building energy simulation program has been evaluated. The simulation results are compared with the values obtained from site measurements done in an office building located in Istanbul. The site-recorded data and simulation results are compared and analyzed. This verified model was used as a means to examine some energy conservation opportunities on annual cooling, heating and total building load at four major cities which were selected as a representative of the four climatic regions in Turkey. The effect of the parameters like the climatic conditions (location), insulation and thermal mass, aspect ratio, color of external surfaces, shading, window systems including window area and glazing system, ventilation rates and different outdoor air control strategies on annual building energy requirements is examined and the results are presented for each city.  相似文献   

Energy performance of non-residential buildings and in particular of office buildings used as bank branches is very limited. This paper presents new data from 39 representative bank branches and results from a more in-depth analysis of information from energy audits in 11 typical bank branches throughout Greece. The data was used to derive practical energy benchmarks and assess various energy conservation measures. Accordingly, the average annual total energy consumption is 345 kWh/m2. The breakdown of the different end-uses reveals that HVAC averages 48% of the final energy consumption, lighting averages 35% and other office and electronic equipment average 17%. The most effective energy conservation measures reach annual energy savings of 56 kWh/m2 by regulating the indoor set point temperature, while the use of HF electronic ballasts and CFL lamps may save about 22 kWh/m2 and 29 kWh/m2 with and without the use of the external marquee sign, respectively.  相似文献   

To conserve energy, office buildings with air-conditioning systems in Thailand are operated with a tight thermal envelope. This leads to low fresh-air ventilation rates and is thought to be partly responsible for the sick building syndrome symptoms reported by occupants. The objectives of this study are to measure concentrations and to determine sources of 13 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in office buildings with air-conditioning systems in the business area of Bangkok. Indoor and outdoor air samples from 17 buildings were collected on Tenax-TA sorbent tubes and analyzed for individual VOCs by thermal desorption-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (TD–GC/MS). Building ventilation was measured with a constant injection technique using hexafluorobenzene as a tracer gas. The results show that the VOC concentrations varied significantly among the studied buildings. The two most dominant VOCs were toluene and limonene with average concentrations of 110 and 60.5 μg m−3, respectively. A Wilcoxon sum rank test indicated that the indoor concentrations of aromatic compounds and limonene were statistically higher than outdoor concentrations at the 0.05 level, while the indoor concentrations of chlorinated compounds were not. Indoor emission factors of toluene and limonene were found to be highest with the average values of 80.9 and 18.9 μg m−2 h−1, respectively. Principal component analysis was applied to the emission factors of 13 VOCs, producing three components based on source similarities. Furthermore, a questionnaire survey investigation and field measurements of building air exchange pointed to indoor air complaints related to inadequate ventilation.  相似文献   

Artificial neural networks (ANN) were constructed to predict prevalence of building-related symptoms (BRS) of office building occupants. Six indoor air pollutants and four indoor comfort variables were used as input variables to the networks. A symptom metric was used as the measure of BRS prevalence, and employed as the output variable. Pollutant concentration, comfort variable, and occupant symptom data were obtained from the Building Assessment and Survey Evaluation study conducted by the US Environmental Protection Agency, in which all were measured concurrently. Feed-forward networks that employ back-propagation algorithm with momentum term and variable learning rate were used in ANN modeling. Root mean square error and R2R2 value of the simple linear regression between observed and predicted output were used as performance measures. Among the constructed networks, the best prediction performance was observed in a one-hidden-layered network with an R2R2 value of 0.56 for the test set. All constructed networks except one showed a better performance than the multiple linear regression analysis.  相似文献   

Steel space framed hall buildings are dedicated as shelters for people suffering from earthquakes. In general construction, steel space frames are built on reinforced concrete (R/C) frames or wall structures above the bottom side. For this reason, the bottom side has higher rigidity comparing with the upper side. In Turkey, where there is a very high earthquake risk, earthquake‐resistant steel space framed structures is an important issue. In this current research, hall buildings in Turkey, involving two different rigidity parts as R/C and steel, are taken into consideration regarding earthquake effect. In this study, three different hall structures were modeled with different elastic moduli for the analysis part. Nonlinear time history analyses were applied with 25 different earthquake data for performance estimation. After the time history analyses, probabilistic seismic assessment was carried out for the model buildings through fragility analyses. For each model, analysis results were evaluated and compared. As a result, the hall buildings were found to be vulnerable to damage during expected future earthquakes. Moreover, elastic moduli have significant effect on the structural response. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Today, a great deal of effort is ongoing all over the world to find methods for optimising the energy performance of buildings. Such efforts can be seen in the European Energy Performance of Building Directive (EPBD). This directive aims to ensure energy saving and CO2 emission reduction without compromising the local conditions and people's comfort. In the Gulf States, however, there is a need for such methods due to their economic and environmental benefits. This study introduces a simple but reliable methodology for optimising building energy performance in Bahrain. The methodology is based on building management systems (monitoring, analysing and targeting future performance), simulation tools and other technologies. This methodology was implemented using Visual DOE and was directly related to collectively gathered data gained form experimental works and practical applications. By means of the introduced methodology, energy consumption was obtained together with energy cost and CO2 emissions. The applicability of this methodology was demonstrated through optimising a case office building in Bahrain.  相似文献   

刘斌 《山西建筑》2010,36(36):22-23
从近年来监狱建设实际情况出发,分析了监狱建筑应当具备的场所精神和类型特征,探讨了监狱建设的人文含义,并提出体现监狱场所精神的若干原则和见解,以期为监狱建筑设计提供指导。  相似文献   

Building-related symptoms in office workers worldwide are common, but of uncertain etiology. One cause may be contaminants related to characteristics of heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems. We analyzed data from 97 representative air-conditioned US office buildings in the Building Assessment and Survey Evaluation (BASE) study. Using logistic regression models with generalized estimating equations, we estimated odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals for associations between building-related symptom outcomes and HVAC characteristics. Outdoor air intakes less than 60 m above ground level were associated with significant increases in most symptoms: e.g. for upper respiratory symptoms, OR for intake heights 30 to 60 m, 0 to <30 m, and below ground level were 2.7, 2.0, and 2.1. Humidification systems with poor condition/maintenance were associated with significantly increased upper respiratory symptoms, eye symptoms, fatigue/difficulty concentrating, and skin symptoms, with OR = 1.5, 1.5, 1.7, and 1.6. Less frequent cleaning of cooling coils and drain pans was associated with significantly increased eye symptoms and headache, with OR = 1.7 and 1.6. Symptoms may be due to microbial exposures from poorly maintained ventilation systems and to greater levels of vehicular pollutants at air intakes nearer the ground level. Replication and explanation of these findings is needed. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: These findings support current beliefs that moisture-related HVAC components such as cooling coils and humidification systems, when poorly maintained, may be sources of contaminants that cause adverse health effects in occupants, even if we cannot yet identify or measure the causal exposures. While finding substantially elevated risks for poorly maintained humidification systems, relative to no humidification systems, the findings do not identify important (symptom) benefits from well-maintained humidification systems. Findings also provide an initial suggestion, needing corroboration, that outdoor air intakes lower than 18 stories in office buildings may be associated with substantial increases in many symptoms. If this is corroborated and linked to ground-level vehicle emissions, urban ventilation air intakes may need to be located as far above ground level as possible or to incorporate air cleaners that remove gaseous pollutants.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that the effect of the internal wall coating on an indoor thermal environment can be seen for short periods of time [Hameury S. Moisture buffering capacity of heavy timber structures directly exposed to an indoor climate: a numerical study. Building and Environment 2005;40(10):1400–12]. However, for long periods of time this effect is hidden by the air renovation and vapour release. These passive methods are gaining popularity because they are energy conscious and environmentally friendly. However, there is little published data on mass transfer between building envelopes and indoor air [Simonson CJ, Salonvaara MH. Mass transfer between indoor air and a porous building envelope: part I—field measurements. In: Proceedings of healthy buildings, vol. 3, 2000; Simonson CJ, Tuomo O. Moisture performance of buildings envelopes with no plastic vapour retarders in cold climates. In: Proceedings of healthy buildings, vol. 3, 2000]. The main objective of this study is to show the internal wall coating effect on indoor air conditions by means of the indoor air parameters. These measurements were taken in 25 office buildings during different seasons. Our results will allow us to understand the internal coating effect for long and short periods of time and, therefore, the thermal comfort and indoor air quality conditions.  相似文献   

夏卜敬  盛建龙  姚尧 《山西建筑》2007,33(31):123-124
为了能有效利用软土地基的承载力,节约工程造价,通过原位测试、直剪试验等方法确定地基承载力,并进行了比较和分析,分别建立了本地区承载力的理论值、原位测试值与力学指标确定值之间的线性回归关系。  相似文献   

Considerable life and property losses have occurred because of the devastation due to the earthquakes happened in Turkey during the last 10 years. Especially, the damages that occurred on the public buildings were more serious and irrevocable when compared with the damages that took place on private buildings. In Turkey, primary school buildings constitute a large portion of the public buildings. Unfortunately, these buildings faced with heavy damages during the last earthquakes. The strengthening of existing primary school buildings in accordance with new contract specifications, thereby reducing losses of life and property to a minimum in case of an earthquake, has become one of the important issues on the agenda of the Turkish government. However, the strengthening of the primary school buildings by using the available methods is so difficult, because the strengthening works take a long time, the user of these buildings are obliged to evacuate the buildings and also there occurs extra costs caused by the additional repairs and renovations within the buildings when these methods are used. In this study, a new strengthening type of reinforced concrete buildings namely “external reinforced concrete shear wall” application method is discussed. For this purpose, three typical projects, which have been built commonly, are mentioned. The structural deficiencies observed in these buildings are given. In the experimental stage of this study, an experimental programme is formed in order to evaluate the performance of the external shear wall application. In the experimental schedule, four reinforced concrete test specimens are produced by using the design and detailing data of the considered school buildings. According to these tests, the strengthening and system improvement performed through adding external reinforced concrete shear wall to the reinforced concrete buildings will add improved behaviour, strength and rigidity to the system with its low cost besides the ease of construction and application. Since these buildings are detached and located in a multi-purpose garden, constructed as typical projects and have special architectural layout, developing this method for the existing primary school buildings will be able to be implemented in most of the primary school buildings without any problems.  相似文献   

Growth in peak period electricity demand has driven the requirement for a significant expansion of Sydney's electricity network. Energy efficiency and demand management activities in office buildings may be an alternative to electricity network augmentation, with significant economic and environmental benefits. This paper identifies and characterises trends in electricity peak demand in Sydney's office buildings, comparing a range of high and low energy consuming buildings. The paper assesses the potential for energy efficiency and demand management strategies in office buildings to reduce peak loads and hence defer electricity network augmentation. Base building electricity load data was analysed for a sample of 25 Sydney office buildings, along with Sydney electricity substation and temperature data. Peak loads for buildings with best practice energy performance were found to be 26% lower than for buildings with average energy performance, while annual electricity consumption was 57% lower. With these findings, this paper has assessed the effectiveness of current energy efficiency policy for peak demand management and has recommended strengthening energy efficiency policies in order to capture coincidental peak load reductions, as well as new policies specifically targeting peak demand management. It was found that these measures could offer significant potential to defer network investment.  相似文献   

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