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The idea of reliability analysis in building physics design is presented. Reliability of building performance is described in terms of the probability of exceeding the critical values by the physical measures as a result of the changes of physical state of a building due to variations of climatic, structural or serviceability parameters.  相似文献   

Sernikaki is a Greek vernacular settlement that can be imagined as a living organism is the outcome of centuries of optimization of material use, construction techniques and climate considerations. Being mountainous and isolated, this small vernacular settlement has preserved old types of dwellings longer than other areas in Phokida, in mainland Greece, and it can, thus, provide rich material for the understanding of architectural continuity and evolution. In this study, various types of adobe dwellings are surveyed and their response to climate, in terms of site and building design, is evaluated. In addition, the techniques of creating microclimatic conditions by incorporating the existing environmental parameters into the design are considered. Bioclimatic design employs appropriate technologies and design principles based on a thoughtful approach to climate and environment. It is concerned with the layout of the buildings (orientation in relation to sun and wind, aspect ratio), the spacing (site planning), the air movement, the openings (size–position, protection), and the building envelope (walls: construction materials-thickness, roof construction detailing). This paper evaluates specific vernacular dwelling types and their response to climate, based on passive design principles that could be adapted to current architectural practice in the area, in order to optimize the relationship between site, building and climate.  相似文献   

This study, as part of the Low Carbon Futures project, proposes a methodology to incorporate probabilistic climate projections into dynamic building simulation analyses of overheating in dwellings. Using a large climate projection database, suitable building software and statistical techniques (focussing on principal component analysis), output is presented that demonstrates the future overheating risk of a building in the form of a probability curve. Such output could be used by building engineers and architects to design a building to an acceptable future overheating risk level, i.e. providing evidence that the building, with specific adaptation measures to prevent overheating, should achieve thermal comfort for the majority of future climate projections. This methodology is overviewed and the use of the algorithm proposed in relation to existing building practices. While the methodology is being applied to a range of buildings and scenarios, this study concentrates on night-time overheating in UK dwellings with simple and achievable adaptation measures investigated.  相似文献   

The author argues that the government's role could change from being the provider to becoming a facilitator. Progress in the Building Centre Programme in India has been slow and a three pronged policy is advocated - examining archaic rules, disseminating technical information, and training in updated technologies whilst continuing with those technologies that are cost-effective. D'apres l'auteur, le gouvernement pourrait passer du role de prestataire a celui de catalyseur. L'avancement du programme de 'Centres de construction' en Inde a marque certains retards. On preconise, pour en accelerer la mise en oeuvre, une action sur trois fronts - l'analyse critique de regles archaiques, la diffusion d'informations techniques, la formation aux technologies recentesainsi que la preservation des techniques s'etant revelees les plus rentables.  相似文献   

孙峤 《高等建筑教育》2011,20(3):144-146
文章介绍采用多媒体教学手段讲授建筑物理课程的实践,并以建筑物理课程为例介绍多媒体教学的定义,多媒体教学课件制作的原则、形式与技巧,以及多媒体教学的思考与建议。  相似文献   

Last century witnessed the tragic results of ethnic separations between Turkish and Greek Cypriots, which were the two main communities of Cyprus Island. Both communities; that used to live mixed together on the same geography, shared the same history, culture, lifestyle and moreover the future. Nowadays, the bi-communal efforts on the Island, encouraged by the international society, provide the opportunity to union and heal the traces of the traumatic division. The new century promises a rapid increase in the welfare of Cypriots parallel to the solution of the political dispute. The sudden change in economical structure can increase the threat on the unique traditional environment as a result of unplanned and inevitable developments for fulfilling the rising demands. For the sake of having a contemporary living milieu, the traditional environment as the common architectural heritage of the Island can be revitalized, besides developing new appropriate architectural solutions in the light of the natural and cultural context. The Island's housing tradition bears the opportunity to be learned from the tried and evolved architectural solutions. Evaluating these values parallel to today's discourse, sustainable identity can be achieved by emphasizing especially the locality. In brief, this study tries to define the appropriate design principles for the contemporary housing developments and finds the ways of sustaining existing unique traditional patterns.  相似文献   

赵衡宇 《华中建筑》2008,26(7):119-121
在面对当前城市化背景下,处于主流的封闭住区缺乏与城市的互动而封闭经营逐渐显现出诸多的严重问题。同时,若干全开放的老住区却在开放与封闭的变化中形成一定程度的适应性与可持续性。通过分析老住区的变化成因、空间状态和影响评价,该文从新的侧面论述其内在动力,探讨设计的导向机制。  相似文献   

Research and development of a new sophisticated software environment to support building design decisions are presented. This new software, the Building Design Advisor (BDA), is intended as a research tool, teaching aid and, eventually, as a practical professional tool to facilitate both strategic and detailed decision-making throughout the design process from the early schematic phases of building design through to the detailed specification of building components and systems. BDA supports the integrated, concurrent use of multiple simulation tools and databases, while allowing output to support multicriterion judgement. BDA's ultimate aims are to address the data needs of whole building life cycle analysis: design, construction, commissioning, operation, performance and demolition. Cette communication presente les travaux de recherche et de developpement portant sur un nouvel environnement logiciel sophistique destine a faciliter la prise de decisions en matiere de concepts de construction. Ce nouveau ligiciel, denomme Building Design Advisor (BDA), est a la fois un outil de recherche, une aide pedagogique et, finalement, un outil professionnel pratique qui facilite le processus decisionnel strategique et detaille tout au long de la procedure de conception, des la premiere phase d'esquisse de conception d'un batiment jusqu'a la specification detaillee des composants et des systemes de ce batiment. Le BDA est compatible avec l'utilisation integree et simultanee de multiples outils de simulation et de bases de donnees et ses resultats sont compatibles avec des jugements multi-criteres. Les objectifs ultimes du BDA sont d'etudier les besoins en donnees du processus d'analyse du cycle de vie complet d'un batiment: conception, construction, mise en service, exploitation/performances et demolition.  相似文献   

This study explores the uncertainties and sensitivities in the prediction of the thermal performance of buildings under climate change. This type of analysis is key to the assessment of the adaptability and resilience of buildings to changing climate conditions. The paper presents a comprehensive overview of the key methodological steps needed for a probabilistic prediction of building performance in the long term future (50 to 80 years). The approach propagates uncertainties in climate change predictions as well as the uncertainties related to interventions in building fabric and systems.A case study focussing on an air-conditioned university building at the campus of the authors is presented in order to demonstrate the methodology. This employs the most recent probabilistic climate change projections for the United Kingdom (UKCP09 dataset) and takes into account facility management uncertainties when exploring uncertainties in the prediction of heating energy, cooling energy, and carbon emissions.  相似文献   

殷新  洪杰  肖德源 《华中建筑》2011,29(7):53-57
该文回顾了吉林省南湖宾馆扩建工程的创作设计过程,提出了扩建工程设计应遵循场地属性的设计观点,阐述了建筑设计初期就应从宏观到微观方面控制好总体架构、空间组织、建筑品质和室外环境的创造的设计方法.  相似文献   

This paper treats rational expressions of building performance in order to better support dialogues between stakeholders. These expressions are based on the notion of objectively quantifiable performance measures, which are introduced through a set of “performance indicators”. The indicators can be used to quantify expectations and fulfillments in structured dialogues between different stakeholders. The focus of the paper is on the introduction of two types of indicators: (1) based on normative models in biophysics and physiology and (2) based on empiricist models of Environment–Behavior studies. The treatment is positioned to support rational decision making during different stages of building delivery and use. The focus of this paper is specifically on informing decisions during design evolution, and facility and portfolio management phases of a building's lifecycle.  相似文献   

The concern on climate change leads to growing demand for minimization of energy use. As building is one of the largest energy consuming sectors, it is essential to study the impact of climate change on building energy performance. In this regard, building energy simulation software is a useful tool. A set of appropriate typical weather files is one of the key factors towards successful building energy simulation. This paper reports the work of developing a set of weather data files for subtropical Hong Kong, taking into the effect of future climate change. Projected monthly mean climate changes from a selected General Circulation Model for three future periods under two emission scenarios were integrated into an existing typical meteorological year weather file by a morphing method. Through this work, six sets of future weather files for subtropical Hong Kong were produced. A typical office building and a residential flat were modeled using building simulation program EnergyPlus. Hourly building energy simulations were carried out. The simulated results indicate that there will be substantial increase in A/C energy consumption under the impact of future climate change, ranging from 2.6% to 14.3% and from 3.7% to 24% for office building and residential flat, respectively.  相似文献   

李婷婷 《山西建筑》2005,31(20):25-26
探讨了建筑三要素随社会发展程度不同,对建筑产生的作用也是不同的,从拓扑学几何原理出发,以广东省梅州市客家民居为例,分析了适用、经济、美观对建筑的影响与作用.  相似文献   

This article deals with both an experimental study and a numerical model of the thermal behaviour of a building whose roof is equipped with photovoltaic panels (PV panels). The aim of this study is to show the impact of the PV panels in terms of level of insulation or solar protection for the building. Contrary to existing models, the one presented here will allow us to determine both the temperature field of the building and the electric production of the PV array. Moreover, an experimental study has been conducted in La Reunion Island, where the climate is tropical and humid, with a strong solar radiation. In such conditions, it is important to minimise the thermal load through the roof of the building. The thermal model is integrated in a building simulation code and is able to predict the thermal impact of PV panels installed on buildings in several configurations and also their production of electricity. Basically, the PV panel is considered as a complex wall within which coupled heat transfer occurs. Conduction, convection and radiation heat transfer equations are solved simultaneously to simulate the global thermal behaviour of the building envelope including the PV panels; this is an approach we call ‘integrated modelling’ of PV panels. The experimental study is used to give elements of validation for the numerical model and a sensitivity analysis has been run to put in evidence the governing parameters. It has been shown that the radiative properties of the PV panel have a great impact on the temperature field of the tested building and the determination of these parameters has to be taken with care.  相似文献   

This article's subject is the cooperation process between organizations that develop and implement innovations in sustainable building. Its main research question is how governmental and commercial organizations organize and structure their joint activities to develop innovations in sustainability. In the search for answers to this question the cooperative activities of innovating organizations are modelled as an interorganizational innovation process. The case study research method is used to investigate the development of interorganizational innovation patterns in sustainability in seven house-building projects in the Dutch residential building sector. The empirical research findings are discussed by means of a comparison with the theoretical framework that includes five complementary stage models of interorganizational innovation processes. The main conclusions of the research are that (1) governmental and commercial organizations that successfully innovate in sustainability go through eight consecutive stages of interorganizational innovation, and (2) perform twenty-two interaction patterns that are part of these stages.  相似文献   

当今国际国内社会的巨大变化,带来东西方文化观念的再一次碰撞,新时期的中国正孕育着中华文明的再次崛起,中国古典建筑史教学迎来新一轮的发展契机。中国古典建筑史作为史学知识的重要课程,对学生建立中国建筑史学观念、价值观念有着重要作用。从传统建筑教学到营造传统的传承,文章以思维观念的转变为起点,结合国际工程教育的先进手段和方法,在原有模型课程设置的基础上,探讨新时期中国古典建筑史教学优化的途径与方法,目的在于提升学生建筑国学素养,培养真正具有中国性的建筑师。  相似文献   

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