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The aim of this study was to elucidate electrophysiologically the actions of dopamine and SKF38393, a D1-like dopamine receptor agonist, on the membrane excitability of striatal large aspiny neurons (cholinergic interneurons). Whole-cell and perforated patch-clamp recordings were made of striatal cholinergic neurons in rat brain slice preparations. Bath application of dopamine (1-100 microM) evoked a depolarization/inward current with an increase, a decrease, or no change in membrane conductance in a dose-dependent manner. This effect was antagonized by SCH23390, a D1-like dopamine receptor antagonist. The current-voltage relationships of the dopamine-induced current determined in 23 cells suggested two conductances. In 10 cells the current reversed at -94 mV, approximately equal to the K+ equilibrium potential (EK); in three cells the I-V curves remained parallel, whereas in 10 cells the current reversed at -42 mV, which suggested an involvement of a cation permeable channel. Change in external K+ concentration shifted the reversal potential as expected for Ek in low Na+ solution. The current observed in 2 mM Ba2+-containing solution reversed at -28 mV. These actions of dopamine were mimicked by application of SKF38393 (1-50 microM) or forskolin (10 microM), an adenylyl cyclase activator, and were blocked by SCH23390 (10 microM) or SQ22536 (300 microM), an inhibitor of adenylyl cyclase. These data indicate, first, that dopamine depolarizes the striatal large aspiny neurons by a D1-mediated suppression of resting K+ conductance and an opening of a nonselective cation channel and, second, that both mechanisms are mediated by an adenylyl cyclase-dependent pathway.  相似文献   

To assess the possible involvement of NMDA receptors in mediating the expression of striatal c-fos by cocaine injection, we investigated the effects of the noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonists, ketamine and (+)-5-methyl-10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenzo[a,d]cyclohepten-5,10-imine hydrogen maleate (MK-801), as well as the competitive NMDA receptor antagonist, 3-(2-carboxypiperazin-4-yl)-propyl-1-phosphonic acid (CPP), in the perikarya of cocaine-treated rat brains. As previously shown by our group, administration of 20 mg/kg cocaine (IP) resulted in the immunocytochemical expression of the protooncogene in numerous cells of the caudate putamen (dorsal/sensorimotor striatum). A ketamine mixture anesthetic (2 mg/kg), however, administered 30 min prior to cocaine exposure completely blocked such genomic expression. Pretreatment with MK-801 (1 mg/kg) or CPP (5 mg/kg) also interfered, albeit to a lesser extent, with the expression of c-fos by cocaine in awake animals. These results indicate that cocaine induction of cellular c-fos in the caudate putamen is mediated at least in part by NMDA-sensitive receptors.  相似文献   

The effects of cocaine administration on isolation-induced vocalizations and activity levels in 10-day-old rat pups were examined. Day 10 pups given cocaine (1.25, 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 mg/kg ip) vocalized significantly less than their caffeine- (10 mg/kg) and saline-administered siblings during a 5-min isolation period. Cocaine- and caffeine-administered pups also demonstrated a significant increase in overall activity compared with controls. In addition, ip administration of the dopamine antagonist haloperidol (0.5 and 1.0 mg/kg) before 1.25 and 2.5 mg/kg cocaine produced a significant elevation in vocalizations compared with saline pretreatment, which indicates a blocking of cocaine's effect on calling behavior. These results suggest that the endogenous dopamine system involved with reinforcement and reward may quell the stress of isolation in the infant rat. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In ambulant rats, iontophoresis of low concentrations of dopamine (DA) enhances the response of neurons in striatum and nucleus accumbens to iontophoretic glutamate. In an extension of this line of investigation, we tested the effects of acetylcholine (ACh), a presumed modulator of neuronal function in these same brain regions, and assessed possible DA-ACh interactions. Data were obtained from spontaneously active neurons known to respond to ACh (5-30 nA) when the animals rested quietly with no overt movement. ACh iontophoresis either excited or inhibited striatal and accumbal activity but excitatory effects predominated in both areas. With multiple applications of ACh, especially at the lowest currents tested, either response often was interspersed with instances of no change in firing rate. Responsiveness to ACh also diminished during periods of spontaneous movement when basal firing showed phasic increases in activity. In fact, neurons with the highest rates of basal activity showed the smallest magnitude response to ACh. Prolonged applications (120-180 s) of DA attenuated basal firing as well as the iontophoretic effects of ACh both during the DA application itself and for up to 1 min after DA ejection offset. The result of these inhibitory effects was no net change in the relative magnitude of the ACh response. Thus, although ACh can modulate striatal and accumbal neuronal activity, DA does not regulate this effect in the same way that it regulates the neuronal responsiveness to glutamate.  相似文献   

1. The influence of age on striatal neuron Ca2+ physiology was studied through an analysis of intracellularly recorded Ca(2+)-mediated plateau potentials. In vitro brain slices from young and aged rats were treated with the K+ channel blocker tetraethylammonium (30 mM) to facilitate the expression of plateau potentials. A sample of neurons was also filled with biocytin and post hoc correlations were performed between morphology and physiology. 2. Testing of sampling parameters in neurons from young rats revealed that tetrodotoxin did not affect the amplitude or duration of plateau potentials. The membrane potential induced during plateau testing and the rate of plateau potential generation, however, had to be held constant because these variables affected plateau potential duration. 3. A significant age-related decrease was found in the duration of Ca(2+)-mediated plateau potentials that could not be explained by alterations in the activation or inactivation properties of the plateau potential. Investigation into relationships between cell morphology and plateau potential duration revealed a number of correlations. Soma size and dendritic length were correlated with plateau potential duration, independent of age (hierarchical regression), and an age-related decrease in dendritic length but not in soma size was found. Spine density and plateau potential duration were also correlated, but the significance depended on the variance associated with age. These data indicate that the extent of somadendritic membrane (including spines) affects plateau potential duration in striatal neurons and that dendrite and spine loss in aged animals may contribute to age-related decreases in plateau potential duration. 4. The response to replacement of Ca2+ with Ba2+ was age dependent, with Ba2+ causing a greater increase in the duration of plateau potentials in young neurons. These data rule out an increase in Ca(2+)-mediated inactivation of Ca2+ channels as a primary cause for the shortening of plateau potentials in aged neurons. Our morphological findings suggest that dendritic regression in aged neurons may have reduced the number of Ca2+ channels participating in plateau potential generation, but other mechanisms related to changes in the type of Ca2+ channel expressed and possible differences in their inactivation kinetics may also contribute to the age-related change in plateau potential duration.  相似文献   

Expression of p75 neurotrophin receptor and survival of medium-sized spiny projection neurons and cholinergic interneurons in the rat striatum were studied using immunocytochemistry at different times after transient, unilateral middle cerebral artery occlusion. Thirty minutes of middle cerebral artery occlusion caused a major loss of projection neurons, identified by their immunoreactivity to dopamine- and adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate-regulated phosphoprotein with a molecular weight of 32,000, in the lateral part of the striatum, as observed at 48 h following the insult with no further change at one week. In contrast, no reduction of the number of choline acetyltransferase-positive, cholinergic interneurons, which also expressed TrkA, was detected at either time-point. At 48 h following middle cerebral artery occlusion, expression of p75 neurotrophin receptor was observed in striatal cells which, by the use of double-label immunostaining, were identified as the cholinergic interneurons. No p75 neurotrophin receptor immunoreactivity remained in cholinergic cells after one week of reperfusion. Based on current hypotheses regarding the function of the p75 neurotrophin receptor, the transient expression of this receptor in striatal cholinergic interneurons might contribute to their high resistance to ischemic neuronal death. However, the expression of p75 neurotrophin receptor could also be a first step in a pathway leading to apoptosis, which is inhibited after the present insult due to concomitant activation of TrkA.  相似文献   

To assess the role of ascorbate (AA), an antioxidant vitamin, in modulating striatal activity, single-unit recording was combined with iontophoresis in awake, unrestrained rats. Brief applications of AA (20 s, 5-80 nA) elicited few changes in either basal activity or activity evoked by continuous application of glutamate (GLU), but relatively high AA ejection currents (>40 nA) often inhibited fast-firing units. Comparable results were obtained with the antioxidant isomer, iso-AA, suggesting the AA-induced inhibition represents a high-dose, antioxidant effect. When applied for prolonged periods (2-4 min) at doses that failed to alter basal activity, AA either enhanced or attenuated the excitatory response to test pulses of GLU. The AA-induced enhancement occurred more frequently (16 vs. 6 applications) and was characterized by a more rapid (shorter onset and peak latencies) and more pronounced (greater peak magnitude) excitation to GLU without an evident change in offset latency. In most cases, further increases in AA ejection current attenuated the GLU response. Iso-AA, in contrast, had only inhibitory effects, which occurred at moderate- to high-dose applications. Collectively, these results suggest that AA, apart from its antioxidant effects, modulates phasic changes in striatal excitability induced by GLU. Because extracellular levels of striatal AA fluctuate in relation to behavioral activation, this neuromodulatory action of AA may contribute to behaviorally relevant changes in sensorimotor responsivity.  相似文献   

Aging differentially affects receptor function. In the present electrophysiological study we compared neuronal responsiveness to locally applied dopamine D1 and D2 receptor agonist in the striatum of female Fischer 344 rats aged 3 and 26-27 months. In a subgroup of the old rats, the nigrostriatal dopamine bundle was destroyed unilaterally with 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) to assess receptor plasticity in response to denervation. Spontaneous firing rate of striatal neurons was higher in aged compared to young rats. Higher doses of the D1 agonist SKF 38393 or the D2 agonist quinpirole were required to elicit a 50% change in firing rate in aged compared to young rats. No difference with SKF 38393 or quinpirole was detected between 6-OHDA denervated and control (nonlesioned) striatum in aged rats. Supersensitivity to D2 agonists has been reported following 6-OHDA lesions in young rats. These observations suggest that D2 receptors in aged rat striatum might not be as plastic as in younger rats.  相似文献   

The progressive increase in cocaine-induced stereotyped behavior that accompanies repeated cocaine injections (sensitization) was examined in rats consuming different diets. Adult female Sprague-Dawley rats were fed one of three diets: low protein (6% casein), adequate protein (25% casein), or a standard chow diet. Following 1 week of adaptation to the diets, the rats were injected every 3-4 days with either cocaine (30 mg/kg, IP) or saline, and the total amount of stereotypy was measured over a 90-min interval following each of four injections. Cocaine-induced stereotypy peaked at 40-50 min following each injection, after which it declined for all diet groups. With repeated injections, the total amount of stereotypy increased in all diet groups. By the fourth injection, the low protein diet group (6% casein) exhibited a slower onset and a possibly prolonged duration of cocaine-induced stereotypy when compared with the two adequate protein diet groups (25% casein and chow). Interestingly, the rats in the two purified diet groups (6% casein and 25% casein) exhibited significantly more stereotypy across injections than those in the chow diet group. Weight differences did not explain the differences in stereotypy present among the diet groups. This study concludes that diet significantly alters the pattern of cocaine-induced stereotypy in female rats, especially after repeated exposure.  相似文献   

The basal ganglia are an interconnected set of subcortical regions whose established role in cognition and motor control remains poorly understood. An important nucleus within the basal ganglia, the striatum, receives cortical afferents that convey sensorimotor, limbic and cognitive information. The activity of medium-sized spiny neurons in the striatum seems to depend on convergent input within these information channels. To determine the degree of correlated input, both below and at threshold for the generation of action potentials, we recorded intracellularly from pairs of spiny neurons in vivo. Here we report that the transitions between depolarized and hyperpolarized states were highly correlated among neurons. Within individual depolarized states, some significant synchronous fluctuations in membrane potential occurred, but action potentials were not synchronized. Therefore, although the mean afferent signal across fibres is highly correlated among striatal neurons, the moment-to-moment variations around the mean, which determine the timing of action potentials, are not. We propose that the precisely timed, synchronous component of the membrane potential signals activation of cell assemblies and enables firing to occur. The asynchronous component, with low redundancy, determines the fine temporal pattern of spikes.  相似文献   

To quantitatively assess the orolingual dysfunctions produced by unilateral striatal dopamine depletions, rats first received 6-hydroxydopamine injections into the nigrostriatal bundle and were then trained to lap water from a force-sensing disk in 2-min sessions. Compared with controls and rats with moderate (75%) dopamine depletions showed decreases in number of licks, lick rhythm, and lick peak force. Rats with substantial lesions were also impaired in making initial, within-session adjustments in lick peak force but not in lick rhythm. The results confirm the presence of Parkinson-like deficits in tongue dynamics during consummatory licking behavior in rats. The methods used here should prove useful in providing quantitative measures of the efficacy of experimental therapies in this rodent model of Parkinson's disease. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Striatal spiny neurons are selectively vulnerable in Huntington's disease (HD). No effective treatment is available to limit neuronal death in this pathological condition. In an experimental model of HD, a beneficial effect has recently been reported by the neuroprotective agent riluzole. We performed intracellular recordings in order to characterize the electrophysiological effects of this compound on striatal spiny neurons. Riluzole (0.1-100 microM) affected neither the resting membrane potential nor the input resistance/membrane conductance of the recorded cells. Bath application of this pharmacological agent produced a dose-dependent reduction of the number of spikes evoked by long-lasting depolarizing pulses. The EC50 value for this effect was 0.5 microM. Low doses of riluzole selectively reduced the firing frequency in the last part of the depolarizing pulse suggesting a use-dependent action at low concentrations of this compound. Riluzole produced a dose-dependent reduction of the amplitude of the corticostriatal glutamatergic excitatory post-synaptic potentials (EPSPs) with an extrapolated EC50 value of 6 microM. This effect was reversible and maximal at a concentration of 100 microM. Paired-pulse facilitation (PPF) was not affected by riluzole suggesting that the reduction of excitatory transmission was not only caused by a decrease of presynaptic release. Accordingly, riluzole also reduced the amplitude of membrane depolarization induced by exogenous glutamate. The modulatory action of riluzole on the activity of striatal spiny neurons might support the use of this drug in experimental models of excitotoxicity and in the neurodegenerative disorders involving the striatum.  相似文献   

Huntingtin, the protein product of the Huntington's disease (HD) gene, is expressed with an expanded polyglutamine domain in the brain and in nonneuronal tissues in patients with HD. Huntingtin-associated protein 1 (HAP-1), a brain-enriched protein, interacts preferentially with mutant huntingtin and thus may be important in HD pathogenesis. The function of HAP-1 is unknown, but recent evidence supports a role in microtubule-dependent organelle transport. We examined the subcellular localization of HAP-1 with an antibody made against the NH2-terminus of the protein. In immunoblot assays of mouse brain and immortalized striatal neurons, HAP-1 subtypes A and B migrated together at about 68 kD and separately at 95 kD and 110 kD, respectively. In dividing clonal striatal cells, HAP-1 localized to the mitotic spindle apparatus, especially at spindle poles and on vesicles and microtubules of the spindle body. Postmitotic striatal neurons had punctate HAP-1 labeling throughout the cytoplasm. Western blot analysis of protein extracts obtained after subcellular fractionation and differential centrifugation of the clonal striatal cells showed that HAP-1B was preferentially enriched in membrane fractions. Electron microscopic study of adult mouse basal forebrain and striatum showed HAP-1 localized to membrane-bound organelles including large endosomes, tubulovesicular structures, and budding vesicles in neurons. HAP-1 was also strongly associated with an unusual large "dense" organelle. Microtubules were labeled in dendrites and axonal fibers. Results support a role for HAP-1 in vesicle trafficking and organelle movement in mitotic cells and differentiated neurons and implicate HAP-1B as the predominant molecular subtype associated with vesicle membranes in striatal neurons.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological data from the rodent whisker/barrel cortex indicate that GABAergic, presumed inhibitory, neurons respond more vigorously to stimulation than glutamatergic, presumed excitatory, cells. However, these data represent very small neuronal samples in restrained, anesthetized, or narcotized animals or in cortical slices. Histochemical data from primate visual cortex, stained for the mitochondrial enzyme cytochrome oxidase (CO) and for GABA, show that GABAergic neurons are more highly reactive for CO than glutamatergic cells, indicating that inhibitory neurons are chronically more active than excitatory neurons but leaving doubt about the short-term stimulus dependence of this activation. Taken together, these results suggest that highly active inhibitory neurons powerfully influence relatively inactive excitatory cells but do not demonstrate directly the relative activities of excitatory and inhibitory neurons in the cortex during normal behavior. We used a novel double-labeling technique to approach the issue of excitatory and inhibitory neuronal activation during behavior. Our technique combines high-resolution 2-deoxyglucose (2DG), immunohistochemical staining for neurotransmitter-specific antibodies, and automated image analysis to collect the data. We find that putative inhibitory neurons in barrel cortex of behaving animals are, on average, much more heavily 2DG-labeled than presumed excitatory cells, a pattern not seen in animals anesthetized at the time of 2DG injection. This metabolic activation is dependent specifically on sensory inputs from the whiskers, because acute trimming of most whiskers greatly reduces 2DG labeling in both cell classes in columns corresponding to trimmed whiskers. Our results provide confirmation of the active GABAergic cell hypothesis suggested by CO and single-unit data. We conclude that strong activation of inhibitory cortical neurons must confer selective advantages that compensate for its inherent energy inefficiency.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the in vivo effects of melatonin, as an antioxidant, on striatal dopaminergic function in rats with a unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) lesion of the striatum. Compared with sham-operated controls and expressed as a ratio relative to the contralateral side, there was an increase in the lipid peroxidation product malondialdehyde (MDA, 142%) and a significant reduction in tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) enzyme activity (28%) and dopamine (DA, 32%) and its metabolite dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC, 50%) 2 weeks after 6-OHDA injection. Melatonin treatment almost completely restored MDA levels to normal, suggesting the in vivo action of melatonin as an antioxidant. In parallel, partial, but statistically significant recovery of striatal dopaminergic function, including TH enzyme activity and DA levels, also occurred following melatonin treatment. Taken together with our previous reports showing behavioral and histochemical effects of melatonin on the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system, the present results strongly support the hypothesis that melatonin, as an antioxidant, may have beneficial effects on therapeutic approaches for the treatment of oxidative stress-induced neurodegenerative disease such as Parkinson's disease (PD).  相似文献   

To evaluate the relative ability of those striatal neuron types containing calbindin or parvalbumin to withstand a Ca(2+)-mediated excitotoxic insult, we injected the NMDA receptor-specific excitotoxin quinolinic acid (QA) into the striatum in mature adult rats and 2 months later examined the relative survival of striatal interneurons rich in parvalbumin and striatal projection neurons rich in calbindin. To provide standardization to the survival of striatal neuron types thought to be poor in Ca2+ buffering proteins, the survival was compared to that of somatostatin-neuropeptide Y (SS/NPY)-containing interneurons and enkephalinergic projection neurons, which are devoid of or relatively poorer in such proteins. The various neuron types were identified by immunohistochemical labeling for these type-specific markers and their relative survival was compared at each of a series of increasing distances from the injection center. In brief, we found that parvalbuminergic, calbindinergic, and enkephalinergic neurons all showed a generally comparable gradient of neuronal loss, except just outside the lesion center, where calbindin-rich neurons showed significantly enhanced survival. In contrast, striatal SS/NPY interneurons were more vulnerable to QA than any of these three other types. These observed patterns of survival following intrastriatal QA injection suggest that calbindin and parvalbumin content does not by itself determine the vulnerability of striatal neurons to QA-mediated excitotoxicity in mature adult rats. For example, parvalbuminergic striatal interneurons were not impervious to QA, while cholinergic striatal interneurons are highly resistant and SS/NPY+ striatal interneurons are highly vulnerable. Both cholinergic and SS/NPY+ interneurons are devoid of any known calcium buffering protein. Similarly, calbindin does not prevent striatal projection neuron vulnerability to QA excitotoxicity. Nonetheless, our data do suggest that calbindin may offer striatal neurons some protection against moderate excitotoxic insults, and this may explain the reportedly slightly greater vulnerability of striatal neurons that are poor in calbindin to ischemia and Huntington's disease.  相似文献   

To understand the mechanisms by which basal ganglia neurons express acquired activities during and after behavioral learning, selective dopamine (DA) receptor antagonists were applied while recording the activity of striatal neurons in monkeys performing behavioral tasks. In experiment 1, a monkey was trained to associate a click sound with a drop of reward water. DA receptor antagonists were administered by micropressure using a stainless steel injection cannula (300 microm ID) through which a Teflon-coated tungsten wire for recording neuronal activity had been threaded. Responses to sound by tonically active neurons (TANs), a class of neurons in the primate striatum, were recorded through a tungsten wire electrode during the application of either D1- or D2-class DA receptor antagonists (total volume <1 microl, at a rate of 1 microl/5-10 min). Application of the D2-class antagonist, (-)-sulpiride (20 micrograms/microl, 58 mM, pH 6.8), abolished the responses of four of five TANs examined. In another five TANs, neither the D2-class antagonist nor the D1-class antagonists, SCH23390 (10 micrograms/microl, 31 mM, pH 5.7) or cis-flupenthixol (30 micrograms/microl, 59 mM, pH 6.6) significantly suppressed responses. In experiment 2, four- or five-barreled glass microelectrodes were inserted into the striatum. The central barrel was used for extracellular recording of activity of TANs. Each DA receptor antagonist was iontophoretically applied through one of the surrounding barrels. SCH23390 (10 mM, pH 4.5) and (-)-sulpiride (10 mM, pH 4.5) were used. The effects of iontophoresis of both D1- and D2-class antagonists were examined in 40 TANs. Of 40 TANs from which recordings were made, responses were suppressed exclusively by the D2-class antagonist in 19 TANs, exclusively by the D1-class antagonist in 3 TANs, and by both D1- and D2-class antagonists in 7 TANs. When 0.9% NaCl, saline, was applied by pressure (<1 microl) or by iontophoresis (<30 nA) as a control, neither the background discharge rates nor the responses of TANs were significantly influenced. Background discharge rate of TANs was also not affected by D1- or D2-class antagonists applied by either micropressure injection or iontophoresis. It was concluded that the nigrostriatal DA system enables TANs to express learned activity primarily through D2-class and partly through D1-class receptor-mediated mechanisms in the striatum.  相似文献   

Although stereotyped behavior in adult rats is partly regulated by dopamine (DA) D2 autoreceptors, previous attempts to demonstrate D2 autoreceptor regulation of stereotypy in developing rats have been unsuccessful. In the present study, two highly selective D2 autoreceptor agonists were used to demonstrate D2 autoreceptor regulation of spontaneous stereotyped behavior in developing rats. Both SND 919 and PD 128483 produced significant dose-dependent decreases in the stereotypy counts of 21-day-old, 35-day-old, and adult rats. There was a 51% decrease in the stereotypy counts of 21-day-old rats injected with SND 919, 0.05 mg/kg, compared to a 36% decrease in the counts of rats pretreated with haloperidol. Similarly, PD 128483 significantly decreased the stereotypy counts of 21-, 35-day-old, and adult rats in a dose-dependent fashion. There was a 58% decrease in the stereotypy counts of 21-day-old rats injected with PD 128483, 0.1 mg/kg, compared to a 17% decrease in counts when the rats were first treated with haloperidol. The effect of haloperidol plus PD 128483 was significantly different from the effect of PD 128483 alone. Injection of SND 919 or PD 128483 had no significant effects on the stereotypy counts of 10-day-old rats. The results suggest that DA D2 autoreceptor-mediated regulation of spontaneous stereotyped behavior is functional at 21, but not 10, days of age.  相似文献   

In neuropathological studies of schizophrenia, alterations of the basal ganglia are one main topic. Using the optical dissector, we performed an unbiased estimation of neurons and glia cells in the human striatum. To rule out an influence of age and gender, the brains of 9 male schizophrenic patients younger than 65 were closely matched in age with the brains of 9 male control persons. Absolute neuron numbers of the striatum and its subdivisions putamen and nucleus caudatus/nucleus accumbens of both hemispheres were compared between both groups, as were absolute glia cell numbers and the calculated glia index. We found a significant increase in absolute striatal neuron numbers in the schizophrenic group on the right side (P = 0.008**) and only a trend to higher absolute striatal neuron numbers on the left side. In a further analysis, the significant increase of absolute striatal neuron numbers in the right striatum of the schizophrenic group was only discernible for the nucleus caudatus/nucleus accumbens complex (P = 0.01*) and not for the putamen. Absolute striatal glia cell numbers did not differ significantly between both groups, neither on the right nor on the left side. There was only a trend towards a smaller glia index on both sides. Cortical development disturbances with a consecutive reduction of naturally occurring cell death during development could be responsible for this increase in absolute striatal neuron numbers in schizophrenics.  相似文献   

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