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To fundamentally elucidate the requirement for an inherently safe technique of rapidly mixed type tubular flame combustion, experiments have been made to investigate (1) the mixing process of fuel and oxidizer, and (2) the appearances of methane flames under various oxygen mole fractions. Three optically accessible quartz burners of different slit widths were made for measuring the mixing layer thickness with a PIV system. Under various rates of flow of the oxidizer to the fuel, a boundary layer type flow is recognized to dominate the mixing of fuel and oxidizer around the exit of the injection slit, namely the mixing layer thickness is inversely proportional to the square root of mean injection velocity. Using two stainless steel burners, combustion tests were conducted with the oxidizers of oxygen/air mixtures. To quantitatively investigate the requirement for tubular flame establishment, the Damköhler number, which is the ratio of characteristic mixing time to characteristic chemical reaction time, has been discussed in detail. The mixing time was calculated according to estimated mixing layer thickness, while the chemical reaction time was computed with the Chemkin code. The Damköhler number has proved to be a useful measure for success/failure of tubular flame combustion. When the Damköhler number is larger than unity, chemical reaction starts before complete fuel/air mixing and the tubular flame fails to be established; when the Damköhler number is much smaller than unity, the fuel and the oxidizer are completely mixed before the onset of reaction, resulting in successful tubular flame combustion. The results confirm our hypothesis in a previous study. Furthermore, based on the concept of Damköhler number, the minimum flow rate to achieve the tubular flame combustion could be estimated.  相似文献   

Numerical analysis on flame structure in a counterflow diffusion flame has been conducted for understanding the effects of CO2 addition to fuel, systematically varying initial concentration of CO2 and axial velocity gradient. The effects of CO2 addition to fuel side in a counterflow diffusion flame are globally divided into two categories: diluent effects due to the relative reduction in the concentrations of the reactive species, and direct chemical effects caused by the breakdown of CO2 through the reactions of third‐body collision and thermal dissociation. The deflection of CO2 mole fraction profile with mixture fraction clarifies that the converted CO quantity from CO2 is not negligible at low axial velocity gradients. It is also known that the addition of CO2 does not alter the basic skeleton of the H2–O2 reaction mechanism, but contributes to the formation and destruction of hydrocarbon products such as HCO. At high axial velocity gradients the CO converted reaction is suppressed and then CO2 plays the role of a diluent at these conditions. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To determine the mechanism of interaction between a pressure wave and a propagating flame during knock, normal combustion and knock are numerically modeled in a simplified one-dimensional hydrogen-fueled spark ignition engine. The heat release rate of the flame front during knock abruptly increases when the pressure wave propagates through the reaction zone. The pressure wave in the diffusion zone perturbs temperature and thus causes thermal runaway at positions with low temperature and high reactant concentrations. Analysis of the Damköhler number (the ratio of gas dynamic time to chemical reaction time) and the estimated overpressure revealed that abruptly raised heat release rate during knock facilitates the amplification of the pressure wave and reinforces the interaction between pressure wave and chemical heat release.  相似文献   

Lean blowoff of bluff body stabilized flames: Scaling and dynamics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper overviews the dynamics of bluff body stabilized flames and describes the phenomenology of the blowoff process. The first section of the paper provides an overview of the fluid mechanics of the non-reacting and reacting bluff body wake flow. It highlights the key features of the flow (the boundary layer, separated shear layer, and wake), the flow instabilities that influence each of these features, and the influences of the flame on these instabilities. A key point from these studies is the large differences between the non-reacting wake (dominated by an absolutely unstable, sinuous instability associated with vortex shedding from the bluff body) and the reacting wake of high dilatation ratio flames. The latter are dominated by the lower intensity, convective instability of the shear layer. Very low dilatation ratio flames begin to approach the behavior of the non-reacting wake, as might be expected.  相似文献   

The structure of a time-dependent methane/enriched-air flame established in an axisymmetric, laminar counterflow configuration is investigated, as the flame interacts with two counterpropagating toroidal vortices. Computationally, the time-dependent equations are written using a modified vorticity–velocity formulation, with detailed chemistry and transport, and are solved implicitly on a nonstaggered, nonuniform grid. Boundary conditions are chosen to create local extinction and reignition in the vicinity of the axis of symmetry. Experimentally, CO planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF), OH PLIF, and an observable proportional to the forward reaction rate (RR) of the reaction CO+OH→CO2+H are measured. Particle image velocimetry (PIV) is used to characterize the velocity field of the vortical structures and to provide detailed boundary conditions for the simulations. Excellent agreement is found between model and experiments to the minutest morphological details throughout the interaction. The validated model is then used to probe the dynamics of the two-dimensional extinction process with high temporal resolution. During the initial phase of the interaction, the flame is locally extinguished by the two vortices. The resulting edge flame propagates outward as an extinction front, with a structure that does not depart significantly from that of a diffusion flame. The front recedes from the axis of symmetry with a negative propagation speed that reaches a value as large as six times that of the freely propagating laminar flame with the same reactant concentrations found at the stoichiometric surface. As the front propagates outward, it transitions to an ignition front, and it reaches a positive propagation speed comparable to that of the freely propagating laminar flame. During this transition, it develops a characteristic premixed “hook,” with a lean premixed branch, a stoichiometric segment that evolves into the remnant of the original primary diffusion flame, and a much weaker secondary diffusion flame resulting from a secondary peak in heat release in the original unperturbed diffusion flame. No evidence of a distinct rich premixed flame is found. The edge flame stabilizes at a radial location where the local gaseous speed equals the propagation speed of the front. When the local perturbation has decayed below the flame propagation speed, the flame edge starts reigniting the mixing layer as an ignition wave that propagates with an essentially frozen structure along the stoichiometric surface until the original diffusion flame structure is fully recovered. Implications for flamelet modeling of turbulent flames with local extinction are discussed.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional (2-D) DNS investigations of extinction and reignition dynamics during interactions of laminar nonpremixed flames with counterrotating vortex pairs are performed. The length and velocity scales chosen for the vortices are representative of those in the near fields of high-Reynolds-number jets such as those occurring in Diesel engines. The governing equations are solved with sixth-order spatial discretization and fourth-order time integration. Chemistry is modeled as an irreversible single-step reaction. Local extinction along the symmetry axis, followed by reignition, is observed. The extinction is characterized by strong unsteady effects, which are captured well by 1-D transient diffusion flamelet libraries, provided the time-history of the instantaneous scalar dissipation rate is taken into account. On the other hand, reignition is essentially a 2-D phenomenon involving flame–flame interactions, which are favored for smaller vortices and increasing flame curvature. The effects of unsteadiness and curvature on extinction and reignition are carefully assessed through parametric studies involving a range of vortex and flame characteristics. The interaction outcomes are summarized on Reynolds–Damköhler number (Re–Da) diagrams, which show the combined effects of unsteadiness and curvature on extinction and reignition. The implications of the observed interaction outcomes for turbulent combustion modeling in the near fields of jet diffusion flames are discussed.  相似文献   

Unsteady flame propagation in a tube is examined by introducing a mean velocity variation larger than the burning velocity to a stabilized flame for a period longer than the reaction time scale. In our previous work, stabilized propane-air flames were classified as either one-dimensional or two-dimensional flames. The eventual extinction during the velocity increase was categorized as either acoustic extinction or boundary layer extinction. In this work, the effects of a nonunity Lewis number were estimated through experiments with a methane-air flame; the eventual extinction during the velocity decrease was investigated in more detail; and the growth of the extinction boundary layer was analyzed with a transient one-dimensional model of the flame stretch. In our experiments, the Lewis number did not affect the existence or characteristics of the critical velocity and the characteristic time for boundary layer extinction. An additional critical velocity was found, however, for acoustic extinction when the Lewis number was smaller than unity. In the transient one-dimensional model, the velocity transition along the flame was calculated with a continuity equation and an axial momentum equation. The spatial gradient of the burning velocity and the extinction criterion were simplified with the experimental results and some theoretical studies. The analysis shows that the unsteady flame stretch at the flame edge during a large axial velocity variation is the prevailing cause of the growth of the extinction boundary layer. These results provide some evidence that flame stretch affects the behavior of the flame edge; they also suggest the cause of the finger flame. The findings help explain the unsteady behavior of premixed flames near a flammability limit.  相似文献   

The effects of the hole size and perforated plate position on the propagation of flame and flow and pressure oscillation were explored in a constant volume combustion chamber (CVCB) with a single-hole perforated plate. Stoichiometric hydrogen-air mixture was used in the experiments, and the propagation of the flame and jet flow were recorded by high-speed schlieren photography. The results demonstrated that the flame velocity firstly increases and then decreases with the increasing hole size. With the hole size of 13 mm, the flame velocity, peak pressure, and pressure oscillation reached the maximum under the current experimental conditions. Moreover, the influence of the position of the perforated plate was investigated. It was found that the jet flow before the flame front is prominently distinct when the perforated plate is in positions A and B, resulting in an apparent difference in the flame shape behind the perforated plate, which means that the movement of the jet flow plays a leading role in the development of the flame. In Position B, the flame front overlapped with the jet flow and has the same shape. Besides, an interesting phenomenon was captured: with perforated plate in Position B, a secondary flame front was generated with higher flame tip velocity before the primary flame front under the effect of the flame-vortex interaction.  相似文献   

In recent years, research efforts have been channeled to explore the use of environmentally-friendly clean fuel in lean-premixed combustion so that it is vital to understand fundamental knowledge of combustion and emissions characteristics for an advanced gas turbine combustor design. The current study investigates the extinction limits and emission formations of dry syngas (50% H2-50% CO), moist syngas (40% H2-40% CO-20% H2O), and impure syngas containing 5% CH4. A counterflow flame configuration was numerically investigated to understand extinction and emission characteristics at the lean-premixed combustion condition by varying dilution levels (N2, CO2 and H2O) at different pressures and syngas compositions. By increasing dilution and varying syngas composition and maintaining a constant strain rate in the flame, numerical simulation showed among diluents considered: CO2 diluted flame has the same extinction limit in moist syngas as in dry syngas but a higher extinction temperature; H2O presence in the fuel mixture decreases the extinction limit of N2 diluted flame but still increases the flame extinction temperature; impure syngas with CH4 extends the flame extinction limit but has no effect on flame temperature in CO2 diluted flame; for diluted moist syngas, extinction limit is increased at higher pressure with the larger extinction temperature; for different compositions of syngas, higher CO concentration leads to higher NO emission. This study enables to provide insight into reaction mechanisms involved in flame extinction and emission through the addition of diluents at ambient and high pressure.  相似文献   

A simplified analysis and data acquired in the 4.5 s drop tower in MGLAB, Japan in a quiescent oxygen/nitrogen environment are presented for the prediction of the flammability limit in a quiescent microgravity environment. In the experimental matrix the oxygen level and thickness of PMMA are treated as control parameters. Published data from quiescent microgravity experiments on thin ashless filter paper and thick PMMA are also compared with the prediction of the analysis. Based on scale analysis, it is hypothesized that all fuels—from PMMA to cellulose—behave as thermally thin fuels during steady spread of flames in a quiescent environment. An expression for the spread rate that includes radiative effects is proposed for the first time: η0 ∼ 1/2 + 1/2 , where η0 is the spread rate non-dimensionalized by its thermal limit and 0 is the non-dimensional radiation number. For 0 > 1/4, which in dimensional terms translates to a critical thickness criterion τ > (F2/4)(ρgcgscs)(λg/εσ)[(TvT)/(Tv4 − T4)], flame extinction occurs irrespective of all other environmental conditions. Based on this prediction, an extinction thickness can be calculated even at 100% oxygen level. The experimental data from the MGLAB agree reasonably well with this prediction. Flammability maps with fuel half-thickness and oxygen level as coordinates are developed for PMMA and cellulosic fuels, which are shown to be consistent with the current and published data.  相似文献   

Downstream interactions between lean premixed flames with mutually different fuels of (50% H2 + 50% CO) and CH4 are numerically investigated particularly on and near lean extinction limits in order to provide fundamental database for the design of cofiring burners with hydrocarbon and syngas under a retrofit concept. In the current study the anomalous combination of lean premixed flames is provided such that even a weaker CH4-air flame temperature is higher than a stronger syngas-air flame temperature, and, based on a deficient reactant concept, the effective Lewis numbers Leeff ≈ 1 for lean premixed (50% H2 + 50% CO)-air mixture and LeD < 1 for CH4-air mixture. It is found that the interaction characteristics between lean premixed (50% H2 + 50% CO)-air and CH4-air flames are quite different from those between the same hydrocarbon flames. The lean extinction boundaries are of slanted shape, thereby indicating strong interactions. The upper extinction boundaries have negative flame speeds while the lower extinction boundaries have both negative and positive flame speeds. The results also show that the flame interaction characteristics do not follow the general tendency of Lewis number, which has been well described in interactions between the same hydrocarbon flames, but have the strong dependency of direct interaction factors such as flame temperature, the distance between two flames, and radical-sharing. Importance of chain carrier radicals such as H is also addressed in the downstream interactions between lean premixed (50% H2 + 50% CO)-air and CH4-air flames.  相似文献   

During hypothetical severe accidents in nuclear power plants, a large amount of hydrogen is generated rapidly as a result of zirconium-water reaction and released into local compartments. Deflagration or detonation risk is probably caused by the uneven hydrogen distribution. Generally, buoyancy drives light combustible gas up to establish gas stratification. On the other hand, stratification may be destroyed by convection flow from steam injection due to coolant's discharge from the primary loop. The mechanism of erosion of stratification can be divided into buoyancy dominated and momentum dominated regimes, the priority of which depends on a nondimensional parameter, named of interaction Froude number. However, jet velocity and the diameter on the interface between steam and stratification are difficult to measure in experiments. Therefore, CFD method is adopted to capture a detailed velocity profile to solve this problem. In this article, a CFD model of single local compartment facility is built and helium distribution behavior within the local compartment is fully investigated, as a substitute of hydrogen, which is usually used in experiments. Prior to determining the interaction Froude number, four flow models, including laminar flow model, algebraic model, k-ε turbulence model and shear stress transport (SST) k-ω model are evaluated under three typical experimental stages, including light gas injection, the formation of stratification, and the erosion of stratification. Results show that SST k-ω model can predict much better under these specific conditions in the small-scaled configuration, compared to the experimental results. Next, with the setup of a helium stratification structure with homogeneous layer and gradient layer, the interaction between steam and gradient layer is analyzed in detail. The mechanisms of erosion of stratification can be divided into complete penetration, destruction from the bottom level to the top and soft dissolution without penetration, corresponding to the interaction Froude numbers of being greater than 1, close to 1, and far less than 1. The simulation results are consistent with relevant literature findings. The present work can help studying the complex hydrogen distribution process in local compartment and provide data for evaluation of postinerting strategy in severe accident management.  相似文献   

Important role of chemical interaction in flame extinction is numerically investigated in downstream interaction among lean (rich) and lean (rich) premixed as well as partially premixed H2- and CO-air flames. The strain rate varies from 30 to 5917 s−1 until interacting flames cannot be sustained anymore. Flame stability diagrams mapping lower and upper limit fuel concentrations for flame extinction as a function of strain rate are presented. Highly stretched interacting flames are survived only within two islands in the flame stability map where partially premixed mixture consists of rich H2-air flame, extremely lean CO-air flame, and a diffusion flame. Further increase in strain rate finally converges to two points. It is found that hydrogen penetrated from H2-air flame (even at lean flame condition) participates in CO oxidation vigorously due to the high diffusivity such that it modifies the slow main reaction route CO + O2 → CO2 + O into the fast cyclic reaction route involving CO + OH → CO2 + H. These chemical interactions force even rich extinction boundaries with deficient reactant Lewis numbers larger than unity to be slanted at high strain rate. Appreciable amount of hydrogen in the side of lean H2-air flame also oxidizes the CO penetrated from CO-air flame, and this reduces flame speed of the H2-air flame, leading to flame extinction. At extremely high strain rates, interacting flames are survived only by a partially premixed flame such that it consists of a very rich H2-air flame, an extremely lean CO-air flame, and a diffusion flame. In such a situation, both the weaker H2- and CO-air flames are parasite on the stronger diffusion flame such that it can lead to flame extinction in the situation of weakening the stronger diffusion flame. Important role of chemical interaction in flame extinction is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The effect of strain rate in downstream interactions between lean (rich) and lean (rich) premixed syngas flames with the fuel composition of 50% H2 and 50% CO is numerically investigated by varying the strain rate in the range of 5∼500 s−1. The flame stability maps for several strain rates are presented and main concerns are focused on the downstream interactions on the lean and rich extinction boundaries. The fuel composition of 50% H2 and 50% CO with effective Lewis numbers larger than unity for both lean and rich extinction boundaries is chosen for grasping the important role of hydrogen with the deficient reactant Lewis numbers much smaller than unity. The results show that the lean extinction boundaries have the slanted shape, thereby leading to strong interactions; meanwhile the rich extinction boundaries at appropriately low strain rates are of square, indicating weak interactions. However, at highly strained interacting rich flames, the rich extinction boundaries show a slanted shape, thereby leading to strong interactions even for Lewis numbers much larger than unity. In such situations, thermal and chemical interactions are explained in detail. It is found that, in interacting flames, the excessive heat loss of the stronger flame partly to the weaker flame and mostly to the ambience is the mechanism of flame extinction.  相似文献   

Numerical study with detailed chemistry has been conducted to investigate the effect of CO2 addition on flame structure and NOx formation in CH4–air counterflow diffusion flame. Radiation effect is found to be dominant especially at low strain rates. The addition of CO2 makes radiation effect more remarkable even at high‐strain rates. It is, as a result, seen that flame structure is determined by the competition between the radiation and strain rate effects. The important role of CO2 addition is addressed to thermal and chemical reaction effects, which can be precisely specified through the introduction of an imaginary species. Thermal effect contributes to the changes in flame structure and NO formation mainly, but the effect of chemical reaction cannot be neglected. It is noted that flame structure is changed considerably due to the addition of CO2, in such a manner, that the path of methane oxidation prefers to take CH4→CH3→C2H6→C2H5 instead of CH4→CH3→CH2→CH. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A transient stagnation point numerical model was developed that includes gas-phase and solid-phase radiation and solid-phase coupling to describe the dynamic transition from a flame at higher stretch to a flame at lower stretch. To validate the model, low-stretch experiments using PMMA samples were performed in NASA Glenn's Zero Gravity Facility. When the final stretch rate is sufficiently low, the flame transitions to extinction. Above the critical stretch rate, the flame reaches a new steady state with larger flame standoff distance. But the transient process is very dynamic. The model captures the transient behavior of the experimental flame. A parametric study of the surface temperature and standoff distance demonstrates that the flame standoff overshoot at the beginning of the drop is the result of the faster response of the gas phase and the slower response of the solid layer immediate beneath the surface sample. The predicted surface energy balance shows that as the feedback from the flame decreases, the importance of the ongoing heat losses becomes greater, and extinction is observed when these losses represent 80% or more of the flame feedback. Extinction is attributable to insufficient heat feedback to the surface to compensate for existing heat losses under these low-stretch conditions. There is good agreement between the model and both the drop tower and previous buoyant low-stretch experiments in terms of a limiting stretch rate. This work supports the hypothesis that buoyant experiments with large burners can be used to evaluate the low-gravity, low-stretch flammability limits of a material.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study is to numerically investigate the Prandtl number effect on mixed convection in a horizontal channel heated from below using the thermal lattice Boltzmann method (TLBM). The double-population model with two different lattices is used, in particular, the D2Q9 for the velocity field and D2Q5 for the thermal field. The developed lattice Boltzmann method code to simulate the fluid flow and heat transfer in the channel was validated with available literature results based on classical numerical methods, especially the finite volume method for Pr = 6.4 and the finite difference method for Pr = 0.667. The results obtained with the TLBM have shown good agreement with the conventional methods cited. The dynamic and thermal characteristics of the fluid flow were examined in the field of low Prandtl number, such that 0.05 ≤ Pr ≤ 0.667, and also compared to Pr = 6.4; for Ra = 2420 and 7400, the Reynolds number was fixed at 1. The results showed that the influence is relatively significant for the dynamic structure of flow convection for Pr ≤ 0.3 and is little influential beyond this value.  相似文献   

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